
Chapter 10 Strange

In fact, Master Liu's real name is Liu Haitao, but because of his power, people respectfully call him 'Master Liu'. However, Master Liu is a Taoist. With the means, he gradually developed from a small gangster to the head of a gang. In the past decade, due to the increasing wealth in his hands and higher status, he has gradually begun to fade out of the way.

After completing the original accumulation, Liu Ye began to transform. It seemed that he was no longer involved in the events on the road. Instead, he opened a real estate company openly. The real estate industry is a well-known extremely profitable industry, but in the past few years, Master Liu's property has been snowballing bigger and bigger. Therefore, he gradually became the famous Mr. Liu in Hefei, a successful businessman and a shrewd private entrepreneur with many titles.

Of course, all this is just an appearance, an image for the public to see. In fact, Master Liu is a man of both black and white. As a Taoist, how can he forget his old capital, so he has a large number of security guards in Liu's enterprises.

These security guards are not real security guards, but some old guys who followed Master Liu to fight the world, and there are also many new gangsters. These security guards usually do nothing and can only work on certain special occasions.

Master Liu is always inexplicably shocked these days, as if something invisible is approaching him.

Although no abnormality was found after careful observation, Master Liu was convinced of his feelings. In the past, when I personally worked on the road, this strange feeling had saved Liu Shusen.

But somehow it made him feel extremely bad this time. In the past, there was always an accurate induction every time the danger came, and even through this hidden induction, we could judge where the danger came from and whether it could be avoided. This time, Master Liu found that his almost supernatural sensing ability could not tell where the danger came from, let alone the magnitude of the danger. It's just that there is a kind of faint uneasiness that is always like nothing, but it makes people feel afraid.

At first, Master Liu thought he was too**, but after a few days, this invisible but lingering feeling made Master Liu no longer suppress his inner boredom and fear.

Like an injured beast, even a trace of wind and grass can make Master Liu doubt, and even Master Liu has no longer dared to walk out of his nest. Even if he calls a large group of younger brothers to guard the villa day and night, it has not made him feel any peace of mind.

Hiding in the secret room in the villa, Master Liu muttered to himself, "Is there any other right that wants to harm me?"

But on second thought, Master Liu will definitely never offend thousands of people since his debut at the age of 20, and no opponent can give himself this feeling. Besides, with his current status, which blind bastard dares to reach out to him.

"Is it possible that the country wants to move itself?"

Master Liu immediately destroyed this idea again. Although I came from a Taoist and have done countless bad things, which rich person in the world is really so innocent. Although Master Liu is famous in this city, it is nothing to look at the whole country, so even if the country wants to take action, it will not find such an incomprehensible person first. Moreover, in this city, not only do I have a strong relationship, but even government officials are not fed by themselves. From the leaders of the city to some small public servants, they are not regular guests.

"Since people who are neither opponents nor countries have to touch themselves, is it possible that the people around me are wrong?"

Master Liu was shocked when he thought of this. He knows that the most difficult thing to guard against since ancient times is the closest people around him, and countless heroes have lost their lives as a result.

After realizing that the problem may be around him, Master Liu couldn't help but breathe a deep sigh of relief. Although he didn't know which blind person dared to put an idea on himself, he finally found the direction of the problem. As long as you know the direction of the problem, are you still afraid of anyone with your own ability?

After observing quietly for a few days, Master Liu couldn't help wondering, and his brothers were not abnormal at all. Because I paid attention to the things around me, I found other strange things. Master Liu vaguely found that what caused his uneasiness did not seem to come from the individuals around him, but from some dead objects around him.

Although this idea is extremely ridiculous, some dead objects can threaten the safety of Master Liu! This is simply a big deal. But after laughing, Master Liu found that it was these dead things that caused his panic.

Master Liu has deliberately tried again and again these days. He found that whenever he appeared in front of some camera devices, those cameras would always quietly point the camera at him when he didn't care, whether on the road or in his villa, as long as there is a surveillance system, those cameras Always quietly aim at yourself.

When he discovered this strange phenomenon, Master Liu instinctively thought that someone was using a camera to monitor his whereabouts, but then he found that things did not seem to be so simple. Because first of all, no matter where you go, you will find this phenomenon. Monitors on the road, cameras inside the company, cameras in any shopping mall, and even cameras in your own villa will quietly stare at you. If someone is monitoring themselves, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

And Master Liu was also shocked to learn that these cameras were not controlled by anyone when they quietly stared at him, as if these machines had come to life.

This day, in the villa. All cameras inside and outside the villa have been demolished. With the TV on, Master Liu was sitting in a daze. Although the sound of the TV was very loud, Master Liu did not hear it at all. All his thoughts had fallen into thinking.

Suddenly, Master Liu felt that the villa was unconsciously quiet. As soon as I instinctively looked up, there was no change in the villa, but somehow the TV became quiet. There is no picture on TV, and there is no sound.

Picking up the remote control, Master Liu wanted to turn off the TV.

At this moment, the TV suddenly made some "crustling" sounds, and the screen began to shake constantly. A moment later, some extremely blurred pictures began to appear on the screen, but these pictures were constantly flashing, and there were many snowflakes on the screen.

The picture gradually began to clear: on the street where people came and went, many pedestrians hurried by. As the picture kept approaching, I saw a young policeman suddenly appear in the camera. The policeman is young and looks only in his twenties. He is very tall and strong, and he also has a strong face, so even at first glance, he can give people a calm and vigorous feeling.

At this moment, the picture suddenly turned, and a black car suddenly appeared in the camera. I saw this black car walking on the road at a crooked high speed. With the transformation of the lens, you can see the flashing picture outside the car.

At this moment, the picture in the camera changed again, and the black car suddenly broke away from the normal lane and plunged into the sidewalk.

The people closest to the roadside on the sidewalk shouted to avoid the high-speed car. However, because the car was too fast and rushed in without warning, a figure was hit by the car in an instant.

The figure that was knocked out flew out a few meters in the air, and then fell to the ground and rolled ten meters from the ground before stopping. This figure is the young policeman just now. His face, which has just given people a sense of perseverance, has obviously changed, and half of his face has obviously sunk deep, and bright red blood mixed with white brain flowing all over the ground. His clothes have already been rubbed and broken, and even his body is like a puppet that has been broken at will. One leg has been twisted into a twist, one arm has obviously broken, and even the bones have pierced the skin and appeared in the air.

There are countless blood spilled from the young policeman's body in the lens, and the blood is slowly flowing, reflecting the whole picture red and dazzlingly.

Master Liu stared at this dazzling picture on TV. What kind of TV series is this? How can there be such a bloody and realistic scene on the mainland?