
Chapter 14 Zhou Wen's disappearance

"I'm not dead, haha, I'm not dead! You can't kill me. I have a spiritual charm. How can you stand me!"

After Master Liu walked out of the fire, he first looked at his unharmed body, and then laughed nervously loudly.

Replay the camera, just as the car crashed violently and caused the explosion, Master Liu instinctively thought, "It's over!" But at this time, the spiritual charm pinched in Master Liu's hand suddenly changed. The spiritual charm stretched out like a living creature and turned into a square yellow paper, and then the golden Sanskrit dense yellow paper suddenly lit up. When the Sanskrit written in gold paint was instantly lit up, the yellow paper suddenly stuck to the surface of Mr. Liu's body. Those golden Sanskrit quickly came out of the paper and soon distributed every inch of Mr. Liu's body. For a moment, Master Liu seemed to wear a golden armor, shining golden all over his body, and those flames could not get close at all.

When Master Liu completely came out of the encirclement of the flames, those golden Sanskrit finally faded, and Master Liu's body returned to normal.

Although the car was destroyed and several of his men died, Master Liu didn't care at all. At this moment, he only felt extremely excited. Touching his whole body with his hand, Master Liu once again confirmed that he had not been hurt at all.

However, at this moment, a car that had been parked near the scene of the accident suddenly crashed straight over with a "bang". Master Liu looked up and saw that there was no one in the car, but the car strangely started itself and was hitting him.

"Ah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," Master Liu screamed and was about to jump aside, but there was no time. At the moment he just jumped, the car had hit him.

With a "p>, Master Liu suddenly flew a few meters away, and then fell to the ground heavily. Blood began to flow from Master Liu's mouth, nose and ears. He struggled desperately to stand up, but found that no matter how hard he tried, his body did not respond.

Gradually, Master Liu finally had no reaction. He lay on the ground covered with blood, and his eyes were still round. He seemed to be looking at the sky unwillingly, but there was no color in his eyes.

At this time, Hui Neng, who was sitting quietly in the temple, suddenly opened his eyes. After a moment, he only heard a gentle sigh and said, " natural disasters are inevitable, and man-made disasters are difficult to go. They are disturbed one after another, and only people move themselves! Nan Wu Amitabha."

In space, a satellite is quietly floating in it and rotating with the earth. Zhou Cheng watched everything on the ground through the high-definition real-time camera of the satellite.

"Killing for your life, you can't escape this kind of karma anyway!" Zhou Cheng thought quietly, "I didn't expect that there were really a master of practitioners in the world, and there was a very strong spiritual reaction in the temple. It seems that the master must have been a living monk who has achieved the right result."

Since Zhou Cheng got rid of the danger of being discovered by people on the ground, he has constantly tested his ability. In addition to being able to invade the earth through various networks, Zhou Cheng found that he also has the ability to control some machines, but not all machines can be controlled, but some advanced machines equipped with automatic control programs can be controlled, because this control is controlled by invading those mechanical programs. And it is realized, so some primitive machines are not listed here.

However, Zhou Cheng found that the satellite he possessed had exceeded the limits of ordinary satellites in some places. Ordinary satellites can only transmit signals through some specific networks and ways, but because this satellite is assimilated by its own mind, there are some variations. For example, this satellite can transmit signals to anywhere, and the transmission methods are unlimited, which can not only transport all networks, but also You can send the signal force letter to the designated place, the designated machinery, which does not even need any media and special equipment, or even some networks that are not connected to the outside world at all, or machines that have no signal receiving devices at all. As long as you want, you can force your own Satellite signals are transmitted to it.

Moreover, Zhou Cheng found that he could not only take images to the ground through high-altitude reconnaissance equipment, but also directly observe the energy response on the ground. This is also because of the mind power. Although Zhou Cheng's mind power cannot cross such a long distance from space to the ground to enter the earth, the mind force can cause some mutations in all the equipment of the satellite, and the signal sent by this mutant device is similar to the mind power but different.

Through these similar and different things, Zhou Cheng can not only invade the signal anywhere on the earth, but also get a three-dimensional image of the ground, ignore the barrier of most substances, directly observe the energy reaction, and even scan the structure of the material. For example, the structure of scanning the interior of the formation is large, and the molecular structure of the material is small.

These abilities are directly related to Zhou Cheng's strength and weakness. He found that as his mind strength increases slightly every day, these abilities are also slowly improving. Zhou Cheng believes that with the increase of his ability, perhaps one day the satellite he possessed will change more wonderfully. Maybe one day he will no longer be limited to just wandering in space, but will be able to enter and exit the earth and space as he wants. Perhaps when that day comes, the satellite you possess will evolve into the world's first real mechanical life.

Although so many words have been said, these must be things in the future, so Zhou Cheng didn't care too much. During this period, Zhou Cheng has silently paid attention to his family while retaliating against Master Liu who killed him.

Both parents and sister lived in peace, but what puzzled Zhou Cheng was that his younger brother Zhou Wen disappeared. During these days, Zhou Cheng scanned the Massachusetts Institute of Technology countless times, but he did not find Zhou Wen at all.

Zhou Cheng even doubted whether his brother had told a big lie to his family, and whether Zhou Wen did not study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology at all. However, through the intrusion into the college's file system, Zhou Cheng learned that Zhou Wen was indeed studying in this college.

After checking all the information, Zhou Cheng finally found a clue: because Zhou Wen performed extremely well in the college, he was recommended by the college to an American scientific research institution more than half a year ago. Zhou Wen has not left any news in the outside world for seven months since he joined that institution, as if he had been evaporated by the world.

"Is it true that you have been held hostage by the U.S. government? Or can't contact the outside world because he participated in some secret project!" Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be a little worried.

In Zhou Cheng's opinion, his younger brother Zhou Wen is the most important person in his old Zhou family. He is young but full of experience. With almost evil wisdom, he is destined to become a great scientist. Even if he can become an Einstein-like figure in the future, Zhou Cheng is not too big. Doubt. Therefore, although Zhou Cheng is a few years older than Zhou Wenxu, he usually respects his younger brother Zhou Wen.

And now Zhou Cheng has found that his brother can be at ease without any news in a foreign country. However, Zhou Cheng tried his best to find any trace of his younger brother Zhou Wen. The file that recorded Zhou Wen's information only said that Zhou Wen participated in an institution, but he did not say what institution it was, not even the name of that institution it was. The United States is so huge that Zhou Cheng can't find where Zhou Wen is, so he is just secretly anxious while trying to keep looking for it.

After a clueless search some time ago, Zhou Cheng found that it was not a way to continue to work like this, so he settled down and thought about it carefully. Zhou Wen is proficient in computers and biology, and also has a deep knowledge of machinery, so the institution he joined must be closely related to these three aspects.

After determining the direction, Zhou Cheng began to collect U.S. institutions on these aspects, first removing those institutions with small institutions, then removing those institutions with relatively transparent systems, and then removing those institutions with less confidentiality, so that there are no more than a dozen institutions left. After layers of screening, Zhou Cheng finally turned his eyes to a research institute that was not famous at all but full of mystery. The reason why this institute says it is mysterious is that there is no information about the institute in the outside world. If it hadn't been for the intrusion into an information center of the U.S. military, Zhou Cheng would not have known that such an institution existed at all.

The reason why this research institute code-named "Pearl Man" was locked by Zhou Cheng is that in the archives of the information center, he found that this unfamous scientific research institution has a huge back, not only with the participation of the government and the military, but also several world-renowned enterprises, as many as a dozen research Co-operation.

There is no detailed information about the "Tin Man" research institute in that file, only some general introductions. According to the description in the military archives, the project of this "tin man" research institute is engaged in auxiliary combat machinery armor and individual combat robots.