
Chapter 18 Saving and Robbery

Zhou Wen, who was carried upside down, Xiren who was carrying Zhou Wen, or anyone who didn't expect everything that happened on the ground was stared at by a pair of invisible eyes.

Since the discovery of the research institute code-named 'Pearn Man', Zhou Cheng has never interrupted its reconnaissance and monitoring. As time goes by, more than ten days have passed in a blink of an eye. Occasionally, some soldiers went underground to transport some supplies, but no one has ever gone out, except those soldiers.

Zhou Cheng did not lose patience because of waiting, but he was a little worried about his brother Zhou Wen. I don't know if he is really in this Difeng Research Institute. If he is really here, he doesn't know how life is. However, Zhou Cheng was not worried about the safety of his younger brother Zhou Wen. Because no matter where they are, a useful person will not worry about security. As long as it is useful, I believe that the United States will not let their property suffer any damage, and Zhou Wen has now become their useful property.

Zhou Wen was lifted up by a huge robot and rushed to the research institute. When he was feeling desperate, Zhou Wen found that the mecha suddenly changed. It suddenly took the initiative to adjust the power to the largest level five, and the mecha seemed to have an autonomous consciousness, and it broke free from the control of the tin man.

When the mecha broke free, the tin man seemed to jump up again, but at this time, it seemed that there was an invisible force to kill it in place. Zhou Wen saw that Xiren was trying to lift its heavy footsteps, which should have been an extremely easy thing, but looking at the performance of Xiren, he slowly raised his feet and was forced to struggle to put them down.

"Is it the tin man's control system?" Zhou Wen saw the performance of the robot, and he jumped out of this idea.

No matter what causes this situation, it is an extremely favorable change for Zhou Wen. As soon as he saw the chaos in the behavior of the tin man, Zhou Wen didn't think about it. He had to operate the mecha to destroy the tin man to get rid of the real danger. However, Zhou Wen was stunned to find that not only the tin man's system had problems, but also the mecha he drove seemed to be out of control.

"Bad! How could the mecha suddenly have a problem? This is broken. Isn't the mecha that can't be controlled the strongest coffin? Now I can't even open the driver's compartment. I'm actually sealed inside the mecha!"

When Zhou Wen was shocked, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear, which was made through the speaker on the mecha.

"Mr. Zhou, don't be afraid. I was entrusted to rescue you. Your mecha has been taken over by my remote control, but I am now fighting for control of the robot, so I will let go of the control of the mecha. But please don't destroy the robot. It has a great effect on me.

After this sentence fell, Zhou Wen found that he could really control the mecha again. However, Zhou Wen's inner horror did not feel relieved at all because of this reason, but became stronger and stronger. You should know that this is a mecha, not a computer on the Internet, so there can be no such thing as hacking.

But what has just been experienced has told people that there are still people in the world who can completely deprive the control of mecha. What's more horrible is that the man directly controlled the mecha through a remote way, and he could even directly control the mecha to move. You should know that this mecha has no remote control function, and it is impossible to act autonomously like the robot tin man. If you want to control it, you need a driver to enter the mecha to operate directly, because it is only a powerful armor made with the current high technology, so it can only be driven by people, not like a tin man.

But it is such an armor that has now experienced a bizarre situation of being deprived of authority, and the mecha seems to have become a robot and acted autonomously. This is completely beyond Zhou Wen's cognitive scope, because these are unreasonable at all. This shock is like when we return home and see the TV at home suddenly grow two legs running around on the ground.

In fact, it goes without saying that it is Zhou Cheng who caused those just now. Just when Zhou Wen first appeared on the ground, Zhou Cheng already knew that the man in strange armor was his brother Zhou Wen. Looking at Zhou Wen's desperate escape, Zhou Cheng roughly guessed what had happened, but the robot that appeared later cheered him up.

Through the strange scanning ability of the mutant satellite, Zhou Cheng learned that this robot is a real robot, a special machine that can move autonomously and has powerful performance. As soon as his heart moved, Zhou Cheng thought of a possibility: if he invaded the robot and obtained its control rights, wouldn't it be equivalent to a powerful split, a split that can move freely on the ground?

As soon as this thought moved, Zhou Cheng couldn't stand it. He couldn't wait to control the robot immediately. But on second thought, he wanted to see how the robot's performance was, so Zhou Cheng did not immediately launch an invasion operation.

Until Zhou Wen was arrested, Zhou Cheng knew that he had to take action. So he forcibly sent the mutation signal of the satellite to the mecha and the robot. The mecha system was not complicated, so it was controlled by Zhou Cheng in a moment, but the complexity of the robot operating system was much higher than that of the mecha, and Zhou Cheng did not dare to destroy these systems, so it was impossible for a while. To achieve results.

After letting go of the control of the mecha, Zhou Cheng began to concentrate on cracking the robot system. With the continuous enhancement of satellite signals, these signals forcibly enter the simplified version of the light brain inside the robot. After the signal enters, it is immediately converted into computer code. These codes are normal computer primitive codes. After these codes consisting of '1' and '0' enter the light brain system, they immediately conflict with the original code of the system.

For systems that have been installed in the optical brain, the code converted into these intrusion signals is like errors caused by viruses or internal program confusion of system programs, which is useless, harmful and needs to be removed. So the system immediately launched a special deletion program to delete the code sent by Zhou Cheng from the system.

However, with the enhancement of satellite signals, there are more and more abnormal codes appearing in the system, far exceeding the number that the deletion program can clean up. With the increase of abnormal code in the system, the system runs slower and slower, just like a strong man who is pressed on the ground. With more and more objects pressing him, his ability to resist becomes weaker and weaker until he can no longer move.

As the light brain in the robot becomes slower and slower, it gradually stops all movements and stays still there as if it is closed, just like a sculpture. However, under its still appearance, its core is that the operating system is having a fierce and silent battle.

The performance of the light brain has been run to the extreme, and all the various programs of the system have been turned on, but under the suppression of abnormal codes, the system has been broken into defense, so it has given up the operation of robots and turned wholeheartedly to deal with those abnormal codes.

In this battle, with the continuous contact between system programs and abnormal codes, Zhou Cheng constantly receives data and information about the robot system. The programs in the system are copied and transmitted back to the satellite. Whenever a program is transmitted back, Zhou Cheng's intelligent program awareness will begin to automatically Cracking these programs will lead to a program specially designed to target and replace those programs in just a moment.

With more and more programs transmitted back, alternative programs derived from intelligent programs gradually formed. When the last program in the robot system was copied and transmitted to the satellite, a new and completely mastered system was finally formed. As long as these programs and files are sent to the robot's light brain, they will actively delete the original program and replace the function of the deleted program. As long as these are completed, the robot will fall under Zhou Cheng's control.

"Finally finished! After the people in the research institute find that the robot system has mutated, they will definitely send someone to inspect it. The time is almost time. They will arrive in a while, but you don't have time to stop me. As long as you send this new system, the robot will belong to me in just a few minutes!" Zhou He said to himself with satisfaction.

"Send!" Zhou Cheng gave the final order excitedly and excitedly.

After receiving the order, the satellite was about to execute it immediately, but at this time, Zhou Cheng's intelligent program suddenly mutated.