
Chapter 20 Unbearable

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Cheng understood what was going on. The reason for such a big change is not that there is something wrong with the machinery itself, but that although the original control system has strong computing power, no matter how advanced the computer is, it is impossible to control a machine as flexibly as a human using its own body, because computers control machinery. However, it calculates the possibilities through data, then derives the final instructions and reaches the instructions to each program, and then executes the instructions to control the machinery. This is an extremely inefficient model, just like a baby with billions of money. Although he has countless money, he can't use it. Come and do something. However, human beings use their own bodies as an instinct. As long as they move their mind, they can make any action or action. The gap between the two is too far to be compared.

After becoming a split, the robot is another body for Zhou Cheng, so the robot is no longer a rigid machine, but an alternative life: mechanical life. After having the real life characteristics, robots can certainly exert more of their abilities, which is the characteristic of all life: for the release and application of their own abilities, this is the instinct generated subconsciously.

Don't ignore and underestimate this instinct. It is precisely because of these instincts that robots can use more power lurking in their bodies and have the ability to better adapt to the world. And the benefits of this instinct are far more than the increase of light and power.

While having strong power, the robot as Zhou Cheng's split can also use its body and ability at will and flexibly, instead of the powerful power in the air like the original robot but as stiff as a puppet. The combination of the two produces a qualitative change, which is no longer a simple change that is stronger or faster. This change is like a gun without bullets that can only be used as a fire stick. If the gun is filled with ammunition, the lethality it can produce is an explosive increase.

In other words, two identical robots, one is operated by the light brain system and the other is Zhou Cheng's split, so the two are not comparable at all. Not to mention the rest of the capabilities, the comparison of combat effectiveness alone will make people have a clear understanding. The robot split has 10 to 20 times more powerful power, so its power and speed will increase by 10 to 20 times, and its flexibility is incomparable, and it is also incomparable to the judgment ability of the outside world. In this way, it may be able to make several robots before the original robot react. A dozen or even dozens or hundreds of actions or behaviors. If the two really fight, the robot split can defeat the ordinary robot ten times or hundreds of times when it does not react at all.

After such a delay, when Zhou Cheng woke up from excitement, he suddenly learned from the information scanned by the satellite that the troops sent by the research institute were very close to his location. However, Zhou Chengzheng, who has just been happy to score, feels that he can't help but want to find someone to try his split ability. Now the pursuers are just the best choice!

In excitement, Zhou Cheng gently stamped his feet and only heard the huge roar, and the ground was stepped out by him.

About a few minutes later, Zhou Cheng heard a faint roar from a distance through the recording device in the robot's split. A total of five helicopter airports flew rapidly from the sky in the roar.

After flying over the robot, the five helicopters stayed in the sky very carefully and began to carefully observe the situation on the ground. The robot stood quietly on the ground, but the mecha was nowhere to be found. There was nothing else.

Maybe there was no threat on the ground, so the plane began to descend slowly. When the plane landed on the ground, more than 20 heavily armed soldiers were immediately alert and slowly walking towards the robot. Behind the soldiers, two researchers were following them with some strange instruments.

When they walked less than ten meters in front of the robot, the soldiers finally stopped, while the two researchers went straight to the robot. They seemed to want to do some simple checks on the machine. However, at this time, the robot suddenly moved, and it stretched out two huge palms to gently lift the two researchers in their hands and then casually threw them away, just like garbage thrown away by people.

The soldiers did not expect that the robot would suddenly attack their group, but they instinctively launched a counterattack and heard a dense gunfire, and a bullet storm swept over the robot.

Zhou Cheng was not in a hurry to destroy those soldiers, because although he learned something about the performance of the robot through the original system information, he was not seen with his own eyes, and he did not stay here to kill people, but to test the performance of the robot. So Zhou Cheng stood quietly in place to withstand the attack of those bullets.

In a tinkling sound, all the bullets that hit the robot were bounced away from afar. The robot looked down at its body and saw that the shell was as clean as new, leaving no slightest trace, let alone any damage.

In the frightened expressions of the soldiers, the robot strode towards them.


At the speed of the robot, the soldiers could not escape at all. They saw the robot keep waving their arms, and every time they waved, one person flew out far away. But in just one minute, the ground was full of soldiers who were moaning in pain.

The robot did not kill them, because it was meaningless to the robot. Instead, it deliberately restrained its strength when it just hit them away, for fear that it would accidentally pat the fragile body of human beings into meat pie.

"It seems that this robot's split is really good, and the control of power has reached a very subtle level!" Zhou Cheng looked at the wounded soldiers who did not die, and he praised with satisfaction. The reason why he attacked just now is that he wants to test the robot's control of power. It is very simple to destroy human beings with the terrible power of the robot, but it is extremely difficult to be able to be injured but not die, because the power of the robot is so great that you can only control the power. The extremely subtle degree can achieve such an effect.

At this moment, the five helicopters, which saw a bad situation, had already taken flight and shot at the robot crazily. The firepower of the plane far exceeded that of the guns equipped by the soldiers. Looking down, the robot found that there were countless faint white marks on its body, so it raised its hand to protect its eyes, because the thick alloy armor of the body was not afraid of the shooting of those machine guns, but the camera device on its head But it may not be able to withstand the power of machine guns.

Looking at the planes flying in the sky, Zhou Cheng was helpless and angry, because he was afraid of using hot weapons to damage the mecha too much when chasing Zhou Wen, so the robots did not carry any weapons, and the guns scattered on the ground and brought by soldiers were too small for the robots to use. , so Zhou Cheng found that he had nothing to do about the plane flying in mid-air.

Maybe the people on the plane also know this, so the helicopter keeps shooting dozens of meters in the air. Although this does not cause any substantial damage to the robot, it can also delay the robot's action slightly.

However, no matter how bold they are, they can't imagine that the robot has become Zhou Cheng's split, so the robot is no longer a dead thing, but an alien life with real wisdom. So watching the plane hover in the air and shoot at itself arrogantly, the robot suddenly stamped heavily, and the hard ground immediately became fragmented.

grabbed a huge piece of soil from the ground, and the robot threw the soil into the sky. The thrown pieces of soil hit a helicopter like a huge shell with a huge wind.

With a loud bang, the hit plane was immediately severely deformed by the huge force and then fell from the air and began to burn.

After throwing a piece, the robot did not stop at all, but threw out several huge pieces of soil one after another, and the process was only a few seconds in total, so it had all crashed when the helicopter did not react at all.

Clap your hands like a real person and pat the dust off your hands, and then the robot stopped. Looking at the messy environment around, the robot attracted Zhou Wen, who was far away, and then two strange machines fled the scene at a lightning speed.

Zhou Cheng knows that it will be really troublesome if the robot split and his brother Zhou Wen don't escape, because everything that just happened here must have been known by the U.S. government. And the attention of the U.S. government at this time must have been completely attracted by this individual fighter, because they can't know the truth. Analyzing from the information they can get will only lead to a conclusion that makes the United States restless: robot mutiny.

As a newly developed robot that is still in the experimental stage, its cost is not only unthinkable, but also the research capital invested over the years is an astronomical figure, and it is precisely because this huge amount of money that makes the robot extremely powerful, the United States has a great idea of this robot. I hope that because of its emergence, the whole country will make greater progress.

But now once they come to the conclusion that this witty man has rebelled for unknown reasons, the United States will definitely be shocked, and there will definitely be a large number of pursuers coming for a moment. Just thinking about countless soldiers, a large number of tanks, dense fighters, countless * all attacking themselves, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but speed up his pace again. Because he knows that once the United States can't bring its robot split back to the research institute intact, they will never mind destroying their robot split directly.