
Chapter 26 Crazy Decision

As a well-deserved king in this sea, there is no creature that can threaten the safety of the giant chapter, and no human can do it, because it is not only powerful, but also lives more than 8,000 meters underwater. Except for occasional eating, Juzhang will always fall asleep in the rest of the time, because it has lived for too long. Even beyond the scope of ordinary life, it can't resist the passage of time. After more than a thousand years of survival, it can only prolong its life with deep sleep. Moreover, Juzhang slept once and woke up again after at least counting.

However, Juzhang didn't know that some changes were taking place under its huge body. A haze actually devoured its collection for more than a thousand years in silence. After devouring those things, the fog expanded many times and seemed to float quietly in the water.

Through the wonderful feeling with the micro-robot, Zhou Cheng certainly knows what has just happened. At this moment, Zhou Cheng is constantly struggling in his heart, and two different ideas are conflicting and intertwined.

"Kill the giant chapter to get its body!"

"Escape from here immediately after repairing the original robot body!"

These two completely different ideas make Zhou Cheng extremely entangled. It turns out that those miniature robots have a strange ability: they can identify and analyze various substances to find materials and substances that are useful to themselves or robots. This ability will gradually improve as the more materials the micro-robot comes into contact with. The original micro-robots can only identify and analyze extremely simple substances, such as weight, density, strength, toughness, elasticity and other basic attributes, but with the improvement of micro-robots and the integrity of data and data, their discrimination ability is also getting stronger and stronger.

It is the improvement of this ability that put Zhou Cheng in a dilemma, because those micro robots actually sent some information to Zhou Cheng after completing their own evolution. This information is their identification and analysis report of the giant chapter's body. The report points out that the giant chapter's body contains some extremely precious substances, and the content is extremely high. Although it is not determined what those substances are in the report, these substances are a magical and rare material that has never been heard of.

If all the substances in the giant chapter are extracted to repair the robot, the robot will produce earth-shaking changes, and even upgrade the robot to a very high level, even close to perfection.

What really attracted Zhou Cheng's attention is not because of this, but an idea put forward at the end of the report: if the giant chapter is killed to get all its body, then the extracted substance is enough to create a perfect and magical solit body, a machine that will be completely detached from the mechanical in some sense. The split, because although the miniature robot cannot analyze the nature of the substances in the body of the giant chapter, it can be confirmed that those substances have some wonderful characteristics after many aspects of identification. It is precisely because of these characteristics that micromechanics will come up with such a solution. If you really want to complete this scheme, the new split will become a strange thing with both mechanical and biological characteristics. For example, this split can breathe or even eat like a creature, and even if it is injured, it will repair it, etc., and it can also be like a machine without life limit, as long as it does not If it is completely damaged, it can survive forever. More importantly, this new split can get rid of some restrictions of mechanical pairs. For example, its energy will change, that is, it can be replenished by food or directly by various energy like a living organism, and this substance has the ability to evolve, just like a creature. The master evolved instead of updating and upgrading by replacing components like machinery.

If the original robot wants to evolve, there is only one way, that is, the micro robot can find more advanced materials to make new components to replace the original components. But in this way, it is necessary for micro-machines to find enough materials or obtain methods to manufacture materials, but this is obviously extremely difficult, because micro-robians do not have the wisdom, and they cannot invent and create a new material out of thin air, so they can only obtain materials from the outside world or make materials. But this will impose great restrictions on robots. However, the new sogregation in the scheme does not have these restrictions. This sogregation has biological characteristics. They have things similar to genes, or the composition of those substances is extremely special. They will produce different changes due to different environments, just like the adjustment of genes in biological evolution, those substances The composition will also be constantly self-adjusted. This is the most critical and also makes Zhou Cheng the most moved. Because this nature will represent infinite possibilities as long as there is enough time,

But Zhou Cheng is well aware of the horror of this giant chapter. It not only has a strong body, but also vaguely can sense that the giant chapter emits an energy reaction very similar to his own mind. This energy reaction is even thousands of times his own mind, just like a huge volcano. Once it erupts, it can be destroyed. What. Compared with the occasional wave of mind power emitted by the giant chapter, it is as weak as an ant standing at the feet of human beings.

"What should I do? Shall we sneak away or make a gamble? Don't people often say 'bold, starve to death'? Since God has given me such a good opportunity, how can I give up? If not, I will only lose a split, a little piece of consciousness, or even let these miniature robots be destroyed. But if it succeeds, the benefits are simply incalculable, which is equivalent to changing my life form and transforming me from machinery into a life form that transcends machinery and biology in some aspects! And with this split, I may have the opportunity to integrate the split with the satellite in the future, so that I can really develop!"

Comparing risks and interests, Zhou Cheng immediately put aside all his hesitation, so he immediately controlled countless miniature robots to drill into the body of the giant. The light fog floating quietly in the underwater cave suddenly changed, and the light fog enveloped the giant chapter, but it completely sank into the giant chapter's body in a moment.

When the light fog entered the body of the giant chapter, it immediately began to carry out wanton destruction, which devours the flesh and bones of the giant chapter and transformed it into that strange substance. Although the giant chapter's body is strong, these miniature robots are just small things calculated in nanometers, and they have the ability to decompose substances, so even the robot split can't damage the giant chapter's body at all, but it can't withstand the swallowing of these light and fog.

The body is decomposed little by little from the inside, and the pain of the giant chapter can be imagined. It didn't expect that it would suddenly suffer such a disaster after a good sleep, and the severe pain from its body made Juzhang suddenly wake up. It rolled crazily and smashed more than a dozen huge tentacles on the stone wall of the cave.


Juzhang roared in pain. The power of this roar was like a deep-sea bomb being detonated in the cave. The sea water in the cave was suddenly stirred up, and a powerful water wave spread far away from the cave. Even the cave trembled violently, and some rubble fell one after another. And there were huge deep marks on the stone wall of the cave with the tentacles of the giant chapter, which was shocking.

However, these have not alleviated any pain, and those micro robots have not been affected in the slightest, because the power of the giant chapter is useless for the damage from inside the body.


The cave finally couldn't withstand the huge destruction and collapsed. In a loud noise, the giant Zhang suddenly rushed out of the ruins and continued to vent crazily.

Time has passed, but it is just a huge chapter of more than an hour. Although there is no change in appearance, it has completely changed in its body. Nearly one-tenth of the meat-like body of the giant chapter has been decomposed from the inside by the micro-robot, which is still extremely difficult to decompose because of its extremely powerful body. Otherwise, countless micro-robots would have decomposed it without even a piece of scum.

If an ordinary creature had been decomposed from the body, one-tenth of the body would have died for a long time, but although the giant chapter was painful, it was still full of vitality, because it was not only a horrible monster beyond ordinary life, but also a mollusc that was not afraid of being hurt. Therefore, more than an hour later, Juzhang did not even weaken at all.

But Zhou Cheng still dares not relax, because he found that so far, Juzhang has not used any power of mind at all.

"Is it because of excessive pain that Juzhang can't use his mind? That's really great. As long as you don't use thinking power, this giant chapter is just a big hard bone.

Just when Zhou Cheng thought so, some dark blue light gradually appeared on the body of the giant chapter. When the light first appeared, it was just a faint layer of halo. The halo became more and more prosperous. Finally, the body of the giant chapter burst out a strong light to the extreme