
Chapter 38

If Zhou Cheng is still a human, then he must have been shocked and sweated coldly at this moment. He only remembered the act like looking for death just now. Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel cold and piercing in his heart.

"It's really lucky. If it hadn't been for the change of the ancient mirror, how could I get out of the spirit of the universe? I'm afraid that the fate will only dissipate in the universe in the end!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but secretly celebrate and be very grateful to the ancient mirror. With a movement in his heart, the ancient mirror really escaped from the gend and hung quietly on the genshin.

"How can this ancient mirror absorb that cosmic spirit? And it can actually appear directly in my yuan god. In other words, this ancient mirror should be a physical object, and the physical object actually appeared in the yuan god! And it was originally in the split. How did it cross the distance from the earth to space?

Looking at this bronze mirror quietly hanging among the yuanshen, Zhou Cheng was puzzled. At this time, he suddenly thought of the information left by the octopus monster, so he began to look for information about similar objects from the huge amount of information.

After a while, Zhou Cheng stopped and said softly, "So it is!" It seems that my luck is really good. Sure enough, wealth is sought in danger, and blessings and misfortunes depend on each other.

Through the information left by the octopus monster, Zhou Cheng knows that this ancient mirror is the thing of the practitioner, the instrument transported by the practitioner to assist practice or improve his magical power, which is often called the magic weapon.

magic weapons are instruments specially made by practitioners to achieve certain purposes, just like tools used by humans, but these tools have instruments that ordinary people can't understand.

Magic weapons are often divided into five categories: charms, charms, magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and magic weapons. But the charm is not a real magic weapon, so the magic weapon is really divided into four levels, just like the division of the realm of practice.

Among the four-class and five types of magic weapons, the charm is not a real/faqi. The charm is the lowest, followed by the magic weapon, and the spiritual weapon is expensive, and the magic weapon cannot be sought.

The charm means that the practitioner uses his mind to add to the rune and become an object with special functions. For example, the wisdom mentioned earlier in this article once wrote a magic spell for Master Liu. These charms have some abilities that ordinary people can't understand, but charms are very common for practitioners and are a basic means and method of using mindfulness, so they are not precious to practitioners. However, a small part of the best spells have the power close to the spell, which is also called rune treasures, which means the treasures formed by the spell.

rune refers to the use of spells to add special instruments, so that these appliances are initially psychic and have some functions to defeat demons and eliminate demons. Symbols have begun to transform from ordinary mortals to spiritual instruments, just like aliens opening their minds to become elementary practitioners. For example, some peach earth swords often used by some Taoists in life are first-class instruments of runes, which have been supported by practitioners to form charms.

The magic weapon is transformed from a symbol, which is a higher-level instrument. When the rune has a little spiritual after being added by the practitioner, if you use your own essence and mind to nourish and bless it to sacrifice, after a long time, the quality of the rune itself will completely change its attributes and be truly psychic, transforming from mortal things into spiritual substances, when this After Cheng is complete, when the rune is fully psychic, it is called a magic weapon, which means a device with magic power.

In the practice world, the instruments used by practitioners are generally magic weapons. And the symbols are basically used by some elementary practitioners.

The spiritual weapon is also transformed from the magic weapon. In fact, the spiritual weapon itself is a kind of magic weapon, but the spiritual weapon refers to some powerful magic weapons.

What is a powerful magic weapon? That is, some properties have undergone qualitative changes, beyond the limitations of matter, can change their shape, and can be integrated with the soul, which can be used to entrust the soul. Although ordinary magic weapons have incredible functions, they are just dead objects and cannot be taken into the soul.

Spiritual weapons are extremely rare in the practice world. Not to mention ordinary practitioners, even a thousand-year-old monster and soul-trained master can't take out a spiritual weapon at will. It is difficult to find a good magic weapon in the world of practice, and it is even more difficult to find a spiritual weapon. Because once a spiritual weapon is obtained, after integrating this spiritual weapon into its own soul, the practitioner's soul is generally not harmed, and can even entrust the spiritual weapon to travel in the void, allowing the soul to walk freely thousands of miles away from the world.

Therefore, the most important thing for practitioners is not the size of its power, but because it can be used in the soul and can be transported to rely on the benefits of the soul. Under normal circumstances, there is no spiritual weapon to entrust the soul, so although the practitioner can take the soul out of the body, it cannot be too far away from the body, and there are many taboos for the soul out of the body, which is easy to be hurt. Once you get a spiritual weapon, there will be no such concerns at all.

As for magic weapons, they are just some rumors. People in the practice world have heard of it, but no one has really seen it. Speaking of this, I want to talk about the practitioner's magic weapon. If you want to make magic weapons, you must find some special materials, such as the most common mahogany, or some treasures. After finding these materials, nourish them with charms, essence and mind power, so that these materials begin to have spirituality so that the objects can have some wonderful uses and mana.

The quality of these materials is related to the level of magic weapons. Some ordinary materials can only be practiced into magic weapons, and even become magic weapons. Only those utensils that are originally made of heaven and earth may turn into the best magic weapons, and even form spiritual weapons after coincidence.

However, if you want to form the best magic weapons and spiritual weapons, even if it is a common magic weapon, there is one more important thing in addition to materials. Then nourish and sacrifice them for a long time, so that the material of the artifact itself changes slowly, so as to eventually become a magic weapon and spiritual weapon. Some of this is impossible. All in one word.

In fact, practicing magic weapons is also a method of practice. Practicing some materials into magic weapons is a process of practice, which is equivalent to practicing yourself as that artifact. Otherwise, why does the magic weapon become supernatural?

Therefore, the formation of a good magic weapon is not only related to the deterioration of materials, but also has a direct relationship with the practitioners of sacrifice. The material is the foundation of the magic weapon. The foundation is not good. Of course, it cannot be repaired to achieve positive results. This is the leading factor. And if the practice does not have great perseverance and perseverance, and if there is no profound cultivation, then no matter how good the foundation is, it cannot achieve positive results.

That's why the magic weapon is divided into four categories and five categories, but these four levels are closely related to the realm and level of the practitioner. A spiritual weapon is equivalent to the artifact itself practicing the soul. If it is the practice of living spirits, although the level of soul practice is also very rare, there are not a few practitioners in the world who have become thousands of old monsters and soul practitioners, but the practice of artifacts is far more difficult than that of creatures, so the spiritual weapons in this practice world will be extremely precious and rare.

The reason why magic weapons have become legends are that magic weapons are the real positive results for practitioners. Just like aliens become demons and human beings become immortals, they are a supreme positive result of immortality.

Even for practitioners, achieving immortality is just a legend and an almost impossible state. For artifacts, promotion to a magic weapon is even more difficult. Because the magic weapon is indeed an immortal existence.

The magic weapon refers to the transformation of the spiritual weapon into a kind between reality, with a real body, tangible and color, but without quality. Therefore, the magic weapon can be seen and touched, but their body is not damaged in any way, just like the genhen of a practitioner. Of course, the magic weapon is not so simple. If the artifact wants to become a magic god, then it also needs to absorb and integrate the spirit of the universe into its spirituality.

It is precisely because of this that the magic weapon is infinitely powerful and can be immortal. Because their ontology is indestructible between reality, as long as their spirituality can be integrated with the universe of heaven and earth, it can entrust itself in the universe of heaven and earth, and with the help of the spiritual power of the universe of heaven and earth, so as to achieve immortality.

The ancient mirror obtained by Zhou Cheng is indeed unusual. This ancient mirror was originally a rare spiritual weapon, but somehow this spiritual weapon was greatly damaged, so it was knocked down and became a mortal object. The ancient mirror is the most seriously damaged. Although there is no major obstacle to the mirror body, its spirituality has been completely lost, so it has lost all its wonderful uses and supernatural. If it weren't for this, how could this ancient mirror produce copper rust and dust?

However, although the ancient mirror has lost its spirituality and become a mortal, the essence of the spiritual weapon is still extraordinary. Because when Zhou Cheng felt the spirit of the universe, it may have touched the wonderful use of the ancient mirror, or something else, but no matter what, it began to absorb the spirit of the universe.

After these spirits are absorbed by the ancient mirror, they are integrated into it and transformed into its spirituality and wonderful use. And therefore, its body was originally a spiritual weapon, so when he absorbed a spirit of the universe, the ancient mirror became a spiritual weapon that was almost turned into a magic weapon. Under normal circumstances, when the ancient mirror regains its spirituality, it will fly away by itself and escape between heaven and earth, so that no one can find its trace.

If this ancient mirror really flies away, perhaps when it lurks for hundreds of thousands or thousands of years, the ontology of this ancient mirror will slowly transform into an existence between reality, so as to truly promote it as a magic weapon and achieve immortality with the body of objects.

But when it absorbed those cosmic spirits, the ancient mirror actually absorbed in together with Zhou Cheng's spirit, thoughts and yuan gods. In this way, the newly generated spirituality of the ancient mirror has been imprinted on Zhou Cheng, which is equivalent to the ancient mirror's active recognition of the Lord.

In fact, it is not accurate to say so. The real situation should be that the newly generated spirituality of the ancient mirror is part of Zhou Chengyuan. Therefore, when the ancient mirror regains its spirituality, it will take the initiative to fly back to the gend.