
Chapter 76 Kill

Director Wang and Dean Fang drove fast in the city and finally stopped in a villa area. The two got out of the car and went straight to the villa.

This villa has ten atmospheres, a three-story building, a small garden, and an open-air swimming pool. There are hundreds of flowers in the garden, and the small buildings are half hidden among the trees.

The two came outside the villa to dress up, and then rang the doorbell. But for a moment, a middle-aged woman dressed up opened the door and said, "Please go upstairs. Mr. Zheng is waiting for them upstairs!"

The two carefully came to the study on the second floor under the leadership of the woman, and saw an old man sitting in the study. The old man is about 70 years old, and his hair is mostly pale, but his face is very red, and he looks very good. At a glance, he knows how to take care of him.

At this time, the old man was sitting behind a wooden table in the study with glasses that occupied half of his face and was reading a newspaper attentively, as if he did not notice the arrival of three people.

It was not until about a few minutes later that the old man finally slowly raised his head and casually glanced at Wang and Fang, and then said lightly, "Sit down!"

"Yes, Mr. Zheng!" Wang and Fang sat down with some restraint. The woman turned back and served a cup of tea for each of them, turned around and went out, and casually closed the door of the book room.

"Have you brought anything?" Mr. Zheng asked casually, but he could faintly hear some tension and excitement from his voice, so that his voice trembled slightly.

"Bring it. Mr. Zheng, there are a total of five elixirs." Dean Fang carefully took out the vessel with the pill from the bag he brought with him and bent down slightly to put the vessel on the wooden table.

Zheng Laoyi reached out and took the vessel in his hand and opened it. He stretched out two fingers and twisted a blood-red pill from the small vessel and put it in the palm of his heart and watched carefully.

After looking at it for a moment, he took out a delicate magnifying glass and pointed it at the pill and looked at it again. After about ten minutes, Mr. Zheng finally stopped. He carefully put the pills back

"Is this the elixir that can rejuvenate or even revive children?"

After Mr. Zheng put down the pill, he thought to himself. In his opinion, this pill is simply like a strange red gem, and this pill is so small that it is hard to believe that such a grain of rice can make people rejuvenate and come back to life.

This old man Zheng is not an ordinary person. He is a businessman himself. Even in the whole country, he is a huge rich man, and he is unparalleled in Suzhou. It is not an excessive to say that he is the richest man in the local area. But what's more important is that Mr. Zheng and two brothers used to have public office and can be regarded as feudal officials. Although his two brothers have retired, their descendants have not fallen at all, or even reached a higher level.

Therefore, the Zheng family is not only rich, but also powerful. Its power is far from what ordinary people can imagine. Even the head of the city dares not come out when they see him. However, Mr. Zheng was too indulgent when he was young, so he had various problems when he was a little older.

Now in his 70s, although he has countless money, his body has completely collapsed, and he has been relying on various precious drugs to maintain it for many years. Nowadays, the older he is, the smaller the effect of those drugs is. If there is no accident, in less than a year or two, Mr. Zheng will die and return to the west.

That's why he was really moved when he heard that there was a drug that can rejuvenate children. Although he himself feels that the possibility of the existence of that drug is extremely small, he will never give up as long as it is possible.

"Even if this thing is really a elixir that can make people rejuvenate, there are only five in total. It's too few, and since the Zhou family can take out five, there are definitely more people! Whether it's a real elixir or not, you must get it all!"

Although Mr. Zheng did not participate personally, he was always concerned about the progress of the whole incident, so how could he not know the means of this elixir? However, instead of being unhappy, Mr. Zheng appreciated this method very much. Because only the elixir obtained by this method is most likely to be true. After all, this medicine was originally used to save lives.

You should know that although Suzhou is not a super city, there are many famous people in the city, and there are more people secretly thinking about the elixir. Although Mr. Zheng is very powerful, he can't be dominant. There are several other families in this city that are not weaker than the Zheng family at all.

Therefore, although this medicine was first obtained by Mr. Zheng, if there are only five, the Zheng family can only keep two or three at most. If one or two are not given to the other families, only those families will unceremoniously unite to swallow Zheng's bones and meat.

"Absolutely find all the elixirs! Even if the Zhou family will be destroyed, they will not hesitate to die. How can such a divine thing be owned by the little Zhou family!" Zheng Lao muttered.

At this time, no one knew that Zhou Cheng was floating in this room, and he saw all Zheng Lao's thoughts. Therefore, Zhou Cheng's anger was about to condense into a physical object and burn the whole world to ashes.

But Zhou Cheng is not in a hurry to kill this old immortal thing at this time, because in addition to the Zheng family, there are several other families who are fighting his demon blood. He would be equal to all of them jumping out automatically and then coming to the door to kill them one by one.

The reason why he did not take the initiative to come to the door was that Zhou Cheng wanted to wait until the pills made of demon blood were really dispersed to the families that had their ideas before coming to kill those people one by one. Finally, let those people realize that although this pill is good, it is a life-threatening charm. Whoever touches it will die!

In fact, Zhou Cheng didn't wait long, just half an hour. Half an hour later, some people kept coming to Zheng's villa. These are famous families in Suzhou, who came to get medicine!

These families have been trying their own ways to force the Zhou family to hand over the so-called elixir, so how can the news of the Zheng family be hidden from them? A total of five groups of people came, namely the Zhu, Qin, Xu, He and Lu family. Together with the Zheng family, these five families are the largest family in Suzhou City and have great power in the south of the Yangtze River.

The people in front of these five families are actually some old men. At a glance, they know that they have been in high positions for many years, and their bodies naturally emit a power, and ordinary people will be frightened at first sight.

Mr. Zheng personally went downstairs to welcome the five people to the study. After serving tea one by one, the woman gently retreated. As soon as the five old men saw that the idle people had retreated, they were not in the mood to drink and immediately asked about the elixir.

"Brother Zheng is still excellent and skill! Our five families have been grinding for so long and have not gained anything. Brother Zheng's action is really extraordinary! Admiration! I admire it!"

The speaker is a thin old man, not tall. Although he is about 70 years old, he still looks a little tough. He is an elder of the Zhu family. He once served in the army, but now he returns to his hometown to cultivate after retirement.

The old man surnamed Zhu seemed to speak bluntly. He wanted to think about it secretly and found that his words vaguely provoked the relationship between the Zheng family and the other five families, and wanted to push the Zheng family directly to the forefront of the storm, and then the other five families could unite to suppress it.

Everyone sitting knows that there are only five elixirs that have been obtained. Although they are guessing that there should be more than so many elixirs, no one dares to take risks, because it means that there will always be a family that will not get elixirs, and no one is willing to give up any chance to get elixirs.

"Where, where! Brother Zhu's words are wrong! Zheng's ability to get the elixir is also a fluke, which is really embarrassing! Besides, although this elixir was obtained by my Zheng family, I, Zheng, never thought of swallowing it alone. You must also know that there are a total of five elixirs. Our Zheng family will take two, and the other three will discuss how to divide the other three.