
Chapter 81 Flag

Zhou Cheng saw that the doorkeeper of the Yanyu Gate fled, because he was afraid that he would suffer losses if he chased him, he returned to the water wave hole.

The water wave cave is dark, but the darkness has no effect on Zhou Cheng. His split can still see things even in a completely dark space, not to mention that monks can also explore the environment with divine thoughts.

After Zhou Cheng entered the cave, he took out the black flag. In a vague way, Zhou Cheng felt that the opportunity to practice this strange flag sacrifice into a magic weapon might be on that soul bead.

It is also strange that this flag and the soul bead are two completely different properties. This flag is like a line or channel connecting the past, present and future time and space, or it is a strange phenomenon in time and space, and this flag is just an external manifestation.

Therefore, it is impossible for monks to add this flag with their heart, so they can't practice this flag as a magic weapon, because when their minds touch the flag surface, they will fall into endless time and space, and they can't touch any substance at all.

In other words, the monk's mind can't stop at all in the present time and space. Everything you explore with your heart is not the present, nor the past, let alone the future. A strange state seems to contain the past, the present and the future, but it seems to be free from all time and space.

And the soul bead is exactly the opposite. Although this bead does not essentially involve the law of time and space, it can set the monk's soul, mind, etc. at a specific moment, some like a static state of time and space.

And this state is also an opportunity to sacrifice the flag face, because Zhou Cheng can combine this bead with the flag face, so that when his mind touches the flag face, he can fix his mind with the magic of the soul beads, so as to prevent his mind from falling into endless time and space.

In this way, Zhou Cheng believes that his mind should be able to touch the essence or origin of the flag. As long as he integrates his spirit, will and mind into the origin of this flag, the following things will be easy to do, and he can practice the flag like an ordinary magic weapon.

Of course, this is only Zhou Cheng's guess. In fact, what will happen will not be known until after the experiment. But since there is hope, Zhou Cheng will not be moved. You should know that this flag is a treasure that can communicate with time and space. Its special use can be imagined by any monk who has not really felt it.

The monk's practice was originally to pursue the existence of Dharma and Tao. However, the laws and Taos that monks can feel can be observed in the world, such as the rise and fall of the sun, wind, thunder and lightning, etc., while the way of time and space is illusory. Although time and space directly affect all people or things, there is no way to directly touch their mysteries.

Now that he has got this black strange flag, Zhou Cheng can use this flag to feel the time and space. Let alone say what wonderful use or great power this flag will have after becoming a magic weapon, the way of space in it alone is enough to make any monk crazy.

Time and space, the most original and fundamental law of the whole universe. The disillusionment of the life and death of planets and creatures is related to time and space. If you really understand the mystery of some time and space, I'm afraid that this creature may really prove eternity, not the immortality of the light god.

The immortality of the yuan god is only living for tens of thousands of years, which is too far from eternity. The gap is like the gap between the glory of the pearl and the sun and the moon, which is immeasurable.

Zhou Cheng reluctantly suppressed his inner excitement, and then stretched out two tentacles to roll up the flag and beads respectively and quickly considered how to make these two things one. This integration does not mean that the beads can be smashed and embedded in the flag surface, but that the two are completely different properties are blended without conflicting with each other. Only in this way can Zhou Cheng use the magic of the beads to practice the flag face.

However, after thinking for a long time, Zhou Cheng did not think of a suitable solution. These two things can be said to be treasures, but their nature is too strange, and they are both of the kind that cannot be sacrificed by conventional means. That's right, so these two things can still be passed down and obtained by Zhou Cheng, otherwise they would have become magic weapons in other people's hands.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel a little irritable, and he was about to force it. He released two thoughts and explored the two objects at the same time.

This exploration is like throwing a little lit torch into the explosive pile. The nature of the two objects is completely different, or even the opposite. The mind penturing into the flag flows all the time, just like the movement of time. But the mind of touching the beads was fixed in an instant.

Although the mind is divided into two parts, it is actually one, and now it is forcibly brought into two completely opposite and even mutually restrained states at the same time.

"Ah——————————! It hurts!!!"

At this moment, a sharp pain suddenly came from Zhou Cheng's soul, like a steel knife suddenly inserted into his soul and spirit, to divide him alive into two halves. The pain in this is far more than the delay of an ordinary man to death, because it is the pain that comes directly from the spirit and soul.

Just like being electrocuted, Zhou Cheng's mind was detached from the two objects in an instant. Even his body couldn't help trembling violently. It turned into an octopus state, a jellyfish shape, and sometimes turned into a human shape, or shrinking into a ball, or directly into an irregular shape.

Although it is only a moment, the speed of thinking is unimaginable, so for Zhou Cheng, it is like experiencing a long time. The taste of pain is like a nail deeply imprinted in his spirit and soul. Every thought arises, and every thought flashes like a century, so in At that moment, he suffered endless pain.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Cheng finally managed to calm himself down, but when he saw the flag and soul beads that fell on the bottom of the water, he instinctively flashed back in horror and avoided it far away. At this time, in Zhou Cheng's view, those two things are the most terrible things in the world, and that kind of pain is by no creature can bear.

Perhaps because he was over frightened, Zhou Cheng had unconsciously turned into a human form. He covered his chest with one hand, drooped weakly with the other, and gasped.

"Huh? How could this happen!"

At this time, Zhou Cheng, the split, and Zhou Cheng, who is far away in space, said in surprise at the same time. Zhou Cheng's ontology was surprised because he found that his yuan god jumped slightly after the split suffered the inhuman severe pain, and then the connection with the satellite was weaker.

After a careful induction, he found that he didn't know why his yuan spirit gradually became detached from the satellite. Originally, this satellite was the body of the yuan god, so there is an invisible connection between the yuan god and the satellite, as if there is a power to bind the yuan god to death in the satellite. Even if it can temporarily leave the body, it cannot last long.

And after the severe pain, the invisible power was weaker, and the Yuanshen and the satellite began to show signs of real division.

The reason why the split is surprised is that he has more mana. In fact, it can't be said to be more, and he feels that he seems to have resonated with a strange space or space-time or mysterious existence. The result of this resonance is that as long as he feels the resonance wholeheartedly after his mana is exhausted, some power will enter his physical strength and will eventually be transformed. For your own mana.