
Chapter 88 The birth of magic weapon

Zhou Cheng's feeling is not wrong. Intentionally or unintentionally, he personally triggered a catastrophe, a catastrophe that will push today's practice world to extinction. At the same time, he also released a terrible devil and implicated the secular world. This catastrophe will bring civilization on the earth into the real era of law.

As a fuse, all the spearheads will slowly point to Zhou Cheng in this catastrophe. Therefore, Zhou Cheng will face a desperate situation that will be extremely dangerous, or even lifeless.

But Zhou Cheng didn't know this at this time. He just vaguely felt a little uneasy, so he couldn't help but want to enhance his mana and magic power.

However, Zhou Cheng did not start the sacrifice immediately, because he knew that there would be great movement when the magic weapon was born, and there was no room for any distraction during the sacrifice. But this Chenghu Lake is obviously not a very safe and hidden place. If you want to practice ancient mirrors, it is not appropriate here at all.

After thinking about it, Zhou Cheng finally decided to return to the endless ocean and choose a secluded and deep undersea canyon as the place to sacrifice the ancient mirror. Only in this way can we avoid external disturbances.

You can do it wherever you think of it. With the idea, Zhou Cheng immediately disappeared into a streamer and went to the Pacific Ocean in the east.

After flying for a long time, I gradually came to the center of the ocean. The central creatures of this ocean are relatively rare, and there are many undersea abyss. Zhou Cheng sneaked into the seabed to search for it and chose a seabed abyss as deep as * kilometers.

There is no breath of life in this abyss under the sea, just like a desert in the ocean, that is, there is no light or any trace of biological activity. Zhou Cheng swam around, found a small cave, and then gently collapsed the mouth of the cave and completely sealed the cave.

Although the cave is dark and not even a trace of light, it has no impact on Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng sat quietly on the ground of the cave, and he was adjusting his spirit and mana. It is absolutely not easy to promote the ancient mirror to a magic weapon. This does not mean that a magic weapon can be piled up with natural materials and earth treasures. The magic weapons are like the yuan gods of monks, which can be immortal.

If the spiritual weapon wants to be promoted to a magic weapon, in addition to integrating countless natural materials, earth treasures and precious materials, the most important thing is to use this spiritual weapon to absorb a way, turn the spirituality and wonderful use of this spiritual weapon into this way, and finally entrust the Tao contained in this artifact to the universe of heaven and earth. In this way, the spiritual weapon can be promoted to a magic weapon.

The ancient mirror once absorbed a kind of Tao: the spirit of the universe and stars, which is a vast and complex Tao. Although the flag is not a magic weapon, let alone a spiritual weapon, it is naturally contained in the way of time and space. Even the breath in the soul beads is a way of silence.

Zhou Cheng wants to refine the flag surface and soul beads into the ancient mirror. This is not only to melt the body materials of the flag and beads into the ancient mirror, but also to integrate the properties of their own materials without conflict with each other.

If you want to integrate their properties, you must combine the Taos contained in them into a connected, coordinated and non-conflicting whole. Of course, it would be better to condense these different Taos into one, but Zhou Cheng obviously can't do it, and no one in the world can do this.

Even if it is extremely difficult to combine several different paths together, Zhou Cheng is only six or seven points sure. Because if you want to touch that Tao, Zhou Cheng must have some understanding of them, find out the commonalities between them, take these commonalities as a guide, and turn them into a whole.

Therefore, this sacrifice of the ancient mirror is also a kind of closed practice. If Zhou Chengzhen can successfully promote the ancient mirror as a magic weapon, his own cultivation will also be greatly improved, and he can even complete his yuan god. From then on, he can really change his weight at will, and even his Taoist fruit will be extremely Great enhancement.

Sitting all day and night, Zhou Cheng finally adjusted his mana and spirit to the most perfect state. It was not until then that he suddenly opened his eyes and saw a trace of mysterious light slowly emerging from his head, and the ancient mirror gradually rose from above his head.

At this time, Zhou Cheng suddenly ran his mana and released a strong mind to form Nanming Lihuo. The Nanming fire was invisible and colorless, and it instantly wrapped the dark flag.

Although the fire is invisible and colorless, it has a very strong power, so the sea water in the cave is constantly twisted, and the cave becomes blurred for a while.

Although the flag is magical, Zhou Cheng's mind can directly touch its body, so he can slowly refine it with his mind. He can only see it constantly shrinking and slowly changing from the form of a piece of black cloth into a dark substance between ** and solid.

Although Nanming Lihuo can produce extreme high temperatures, it does not rely on high temperature when practicing magic weapons, but on the strange power contained in the mind. Using this power to change the shape of materials without destroying the properties and wonderful use of materials, so that different materials can be completely integrated. If someone really takes a high-temperature flame to barbecue the materials of those refiners, I'm afraid that instead of refining the magic weapons, they will turn the materials into a ball of waste or directly turn into flying ash.

After the flag surface melted into a mass, the ancient mirror fell straight from the top of Zhou Cheng's head and sank into the mass of fluid. However, although the ancient mirror sinks into the fluid, the two are not as harmonious as water and oil. Not to mention integrating the fluid into the ancient mirror, it is impossible to attach a trace of fluid to the ancient mirror.

Zhou Cheng knows that this is because the properties of the two are different, so even if they are placed in the same container, they will automatically separate. If you want to truly combine them into one thing, you can only convert their properties and turn the contents into a whole.

In fact, Zhou Cheng is also trying to do this. Just as he began to refine the flag surface, he was trying to adjust its nature and try to find out what it had in common with the ancient mirror.

The nature and wonderful use of this ancient mirror lies in the vastness of the stars and the universe. The nature and wonderful use of the flag lies in the mystery, nowhere and immortality of time and space. The two are different, but they are very related.

Time and space are different from the universe and stars, but the universe and stars are all part of time and space. Time and space are not visible, but they exist everywhere at any time. Nothing, time and nowhere are affected by it. It can be said that the universe is an aspect of space-time, and the universe is built from space-time.

At this thought, Zhou Cheng immediately turned around, so he gradually melted the ancient mirror with fire, and incorporated the melted matter of the ancient mirror into the fluid.

Sure enough, the two are completely integrated without any hindrance, turning into a ball of bronze fluid.

At this time, Zhou Cheng immediately took out the soul bead and put it into the bronze flow, and then released all his thoughts and mana to destroy the fire to the most violent state to push the frozen mana, vitality and spirit in the soul bead.

Although this soul bead has condensed to the extreme, it can't withstand Zhou Cheng's sudden burning, and Zhou Cheng's mana carries the spirit of the sun, so the soul bead gradually began to soften, and the internal mana and vitality also began to circulate. The treasure soul bead emits a trace of light. With time In the past, the light became stronger and stronger, and the size of the soul bead became larger and larger, from the size of a little finger to the size of a thumb, and later to the size of a longan, and finally expanded into an egg-sized jewel.

This pearl emits a strong light, illuminating the whole cave. When it returns to the form of Yuanshen, the breath of silence in it will immediately emanate everywhere.

How dare Zhou Cheng let this breath really emanate? If it really emanates, I'm afraid that Zhou Cheng will suffer from it immediately. If it is light, the primordial spirit will be damaged, and if it falls directly on the spot. After all, he has now directly triggered this breath, so the impact will be incredible.