
Chapter 99 Void Creation

In fact, a monk wants to create a new life out of thin air by sacrificing magic weapons. A real life only exists in theory, but in fact, no monk can really do it.

The method of monks refining magic weapons is really amazing. It can change the nature of matter, combine different materials into new things, and also give it many strange properties.

In fact, this is a means of creation. There are many means of creation in the world, and even ordinary people can create things. For example, chemistry, biology, metallurgy, etc. in science now are turning different things into another through specific means.

And the essence of life is just a perfect whole composed of extremely complex substances in magical form.

In theory, not only monks, but also ordinary people can create a life out of thin air, as long as you can solve the mystery between the countless substances of the biological body.

And the monk is even better, because when the monk looks at matter at a deeper and higher level, he directly observes the origin of everything: vitality. Vitality can be understood as all kinds of substances we usually see, but we are not prepared. Vitality should be a kind of energy, which is the energy contained in various substances.

The energy in each substance is different, and the vitality is also different. In fact, matter is energy, which is the most specific form of energy under the action of the law. Because ordinary people can't feel deeper things, they see all kinds of substances, such as trees, stones and water. And monks can directly feel their vitality.

You can learn more about the characteristics of this substance by directly sensing the vitality, and the information revealed by the vitality is absolutely not comparable at the quality level. It is because of this that monks have the means to sacrifice magic weapons and can refine materials into various magical mana.

A monk with this magical ability can theoretically create another creature out of thin air by analyzing the changes and forms of vitality in organisms, which is a theory that is inferred from principle.

In fact, this is not the case. There are too many changes in the vitality in the organism, and the vitality is too complicated. It is impossible for any monk to reach such a level to be able to make all the changes and all forms clear in mind.

And even if this step can really be achieved, the creation of emptiness still needs to be extremely powerful mana and massive vitality. But these are the simplest, and it is really rare to give spirituality to this creature created out of thin air.

This spirituality is different from the spirituality of the magic weapon. Although the spirituality of the magic weapon is complex, it is not worth mentioning compared with the spirituality of creatures. Even animals without thinking ability, logic ability and wisdom are extremely complex in their spirituality.

Because all creatures have instincts and can evolve, even if they are very weak now, but as long as the time is reached, there is enough time and the right conditions, they will evolve into countless magical species.

This is exactly what the monk can't give. Therefore, even if any strong monk can create a body out of thin air, this body is just a dead thing, like a machine. But even if light creates a body without spirituality, no monk can do it.

And if this body is not spiritual, it will die in a short time, lose vitality, and then quickly decay, disappear, and return to vitality.

The reason why Zhou Cheng came up with the idea of transforming his body into a real creature is not because he is so arrogant that he thinks he is strong enough to create things out of thin air, but because his body is already very magical and can be regarded as a semi-finished product.

Moreover, he doesn't have to give spirituality to the body, because this is the body he prepares for himself. In fact, he just needs to regulate the vitality of the body.

Although he is not strong enough to create things out of thin air and create creatures, it is still okay to just regulate the vitality in the body. Otherwise, he would not have come up with this idea at all.

But then again, Zhou Cheng's ambition is indeed not small. He is not to create an ordinary creature, but to transform himself into a legendary dragon, a creature that does not exist in reality, but is only conceived by people.

Although the difficulty is not as great as creating something out of thin air, it is not small. Because the dragon does not exist, it is impossible to know how the vitality in the dragon's body should work. Zhou Cheng can only rely on his own guess to keep trying.

If he wants to transform into an ordinary creature, then as long as he finds the creature and understands the operation mode of vitality in his body, then with the foundation that his body already exists, he dares to say 100% success, but it is also 99% chance.

But how could Zhou Cheng be willing to become an ordinary beast or something, either become a real person or a legendary dragon?

Although Zhou Cheng also wants to become a human, but now that there is a chance to turn into a dragon, how can he give up, and it is not a small difficulty in turning this body from human form to real human.

Because the human race is extremely special, although the human body is weak, the complexity of the human body even exceeds that of any race. Moreover, Zhou Cheng is already a peerless master of the Yuanshen period. If he wants to have a human body, it is extremely simple. As long as he attach the Yuansheng to a newly formed baby or a newly deceased adult, he can easily get the human body.

Zhou Cheng wants to become a real dragon, but he doesn't know how to operate and regulate the vitality in his body. Just like if you want to draw a portrait of a tiger, you must have a deep understanding of the tiger, otherwise you may not become a dog.

Just as Zhou Cheng kept trying, he suddenly had an idea and thought to himself:

"The dragon is a legendary thing, which is actually a kind of spirit. I can't know how the vitality in the dragon's body works, and I can't know what organs the dragon will have. So why not be like when the Haotian Mirror was conceived? As long as I keep the spirit of the dragon and use this spirit to assimilate the vitality in the body, the vitality should operate independently and eventually turn into a dragon. I'm not afraid that this dragon is not exactly the same as the legendary one, but it is indeed a real dragon!"

With the idea, Zhou Cheng no longer forcibly controlled the vitality in his body, but gathered the central god to feel the spirit of the dragon.

When he integrated into the purple gas, Zhou Cheng once realized the mystery of the dragon and experienced the existence of the dragon. And he also has a purple gas. Although his purple gas is weak, it is essentially no different.

At this time, he concentrated all his mind into this purple gas and wholeheartedly realized what is a dragon and what is a dragon? What will happen to the dragon? How to become a dragon?

I don't know where countless information came from, all of which are gathered in Zhou Cheng's mind and spirit. Gradually, Zhou Cheng seemed to feel that he had really become a dragon.

You can go straight to the green clouds with a gentle tail swing, and you can swallow countless smoke and rain fog with one mouth, and countless lightning and thunder will come out with one eye. With one movement, you can travel the world of the heavens and travel through time and space. When the idea moves, it shrinks into a dust, hidden between heaven and earth, or turns into an incredible huge, which can move the stars and pinch the sun and the moon.

Of course, Zhou Cheng knows that this is just an illusion. There may be creatures in the world that can take the stars in their hands as toys. Even the monks of Yuanshen can't achieve this level no matter how strong they are.

Although it is an illusion, it is indeed a spirit, even a Taoist existence. Perhaps this can also be called the source of life of the dragon. It is precisely because this seemingly omnipotent origin that makes the dragon higher than all creatures in the world that the dragon is the most noble existence.

Gradually, Zhou Cheng felt that the spirit that came from the dark was actually from countless ordinary people, which was a belief, a kind of belief, a kind of pursuit and a kind of yearning emanating from the spirits of countless ordinary people.

This spirit comes from ordinary people, but this spirit contains a real and powerful force, a spiritual power.

Zhou Cheng connected his mind with this spirit through the purple gas, and used this incredible power to assimilate the vitality of the body, so that the vitality of the body automatically runs, transforms and combines in a magical way.

Gradually, Zhou Cheng's dragon shape exudes an inexplicable breath and momentum. This momentum is not formed by releasing its own mana, nor is it formed by opening teeth and claws, but naturally, even if it is motionless, even if the body is divided into countless pieces, each piece naturally exudes this breath.

This breath is extremely noble and mysterious, with a kind of feeling that makes all creatures have to look up, but it is extremely elegant and unprespeakable.

No matter what, this breath gives people a strong majesty and a strong pressure comes to the face. This is the dignity that dragons are born with.