
Chapter 105 Equivalent Exchange

Although the realm of this blind man's soul is extremely high, and even Zhou Cheng can't compare with it, he is always a mortal, and he can't see the vein of the operation of heaven and humanity, just like watching flowers in the fog and exploring the moon in the water.

Coupled with the fans of the authorities, he lost his peace of mind for a while after meeting Zhou Cheng by chance, so he did not figure out the real opportunity for him to become a Taoist.

Now that he received a little hint from Zhou Cheng, the blind man immediately realized it. What a surprise he is! Just like we have worked hard for decades and got the admission notices from Beijing and Tsinghua, this is simply an ecstasy, because when many years of long-cherished wishes are realized, we can't suppress the feeling from the bottom of our hearts.

"Thank you for your guidance, so that the old blind man suddenly realized the opportunity to become a Taoist! The blind man can't get a drop of his brother's painstaking efforts!"

After a long time, the blind man finally regained his composure, and he said to Zhou Cheng politely.

"Bight man, you're welcome. Since we can meet today, this is your fate. But you're right. Treasures can't be given to others easily. Although my heart is not a treasure, it is much rarer than a treasure. What are you going to do?"

Zhou Cheng did not be polite to the blind man, but asked the other party for benefits in a reasonable way.

In fact, even if Zhou Cheng doesn't want it, the blind man will give him some benefits to offset his painstaking efforts. Because the most taboo between practitioners is causal involvement.

This cause and effect is not because of others, but from the heart of the monk. Just like the sentence circulating among us ordinary people, 'eating people's mouths are soft, holding people's hands are short'. If you get the great benefits of others out of thin air, you will plant a little shadow in the hearts of the monks.

This shadow does not seem to be harmful, but it will involve the causal cycle in the world, and it will also affect the improvement of the practitioner's realm, making his mind not harmonious.

Cause and effect may be the most wonderful thing and the most terrible thing in the world. Often a seemingly trivial event will lead to a terrible disaster, or it may make someone have great luck out of thin air because of a small thing.

A blind man can see through the cause and effect of the world, so he doesn't know the harm. In fact, not to mention him, even ordinary people like us faintly know this truth. Just like what the West calls the 'butterfly effect', a small butterfly's wings may cause weather changes in another continent. This is precisely because everything in the world is interconnected, and cause and effect are involved in every creature and object in the world.

Therefore, when Zhou Cheng began to ask for benefits directly, the blind man was not unhappy, but secretly relieved. He was really afraid that Zhou Cheng would give himself painstaking efforts but left without any benefits. If so, the incident will be troublesome.

"Brother, although I only asked you for a drop of painstaking efforts, this painstaking efforts are too great for my author. Only by teaching you all the things I have learned in my life can I feel at ease!"

If someone who doesn't understand the inside information comes to watch at this time, he will definitely think that this blind man, a complete charlatan, is trying to trap the other party, first lure him for profit, and then use all kinds of tricks to force the other party to willingly hand over all his money.

In fact, this blind man's words are indeed sincere. Although it seems strange that the blind man is very eager to impart what he has learned to others, he is really forced by the situation. Because only when Zhou Cheng accepts it can the blind man dare to ask for the other party's painstaking efforts, otherwise even if he puts his painstaking efforts in front of him, the blind man will not dare to take it.

If Zhou Cheng's painstaking efforts against the other party without accepting the teaching of the blind man, then this painstaking effort is extremely poisonous for the blind man: if the blind man wants to become a Taoist, he must take this painstaking effort, but if he can't repay it after taking his painstaking efforts, it will lead to cause and effect. After the cause and effect are added, it will be even more difficult for the blind man to think of becoming a Tao. Because he can't get through the hurdle in his heart.

In this way, the blind will fall between taking and not taking. This painstaking effort will also become his demon, and it is also an extremely fierce demon. If you are not careful, you will become a demon and lose yourself.

Seeing that the blind man had made a decision, he did not refuse, so he said:

"In that case, it's good to dare. Let's do it!"

After saying that, Zhou Cheng gently tapped his chest with his hand, and there was a look of pain on his face. It seemed that the gentle touch hurt him, and there was an abnormal blush on his face.

This blush is caused by the abnormal movement of qi, blood and vitality in the body, and some qi, blood and vitality rushed to the brain. It turned out that Zhou Cheng's gentle beat just now was to forcibly reverse his painstaking efforts and wanted to force his painstaking efforts out of the body. However, heart and blood is the most important part of the body's vitality and blood. Even if it is slightly abnormal, the whole body will immediately have adverse reactions.

Zhou Cheng's face is getting redder and redder, just like ordinary people abruptly suffo their faces purple after they can't breathe. The point in the middle of his eyebrows gradually moved slightly, and the last extremely faint light flashed from the center of his eyebrows.

With the appearance of light, Zhou Cheng's eyebrows slowly protruding out, forming a small sarcoma. The sarcoma became more and more obvious. It actually cracked a gap, and a pure gold, drip-shaped particle like gold, came out of the center of the eyebrows.

This particle is exactly like a droplet solidified from liquid gold, golden and shining with a charming luster. This is Zhou Cheng's painstaking efforts. However, his blood is not the blood of ordinary creatures in the form of **, but condensed into a solid.

This is because Zhou Cheng has turned into a dragon, and the origin of his life is far higher than any creature in the world. There is so much vitality in this heart and blood that it is unimaginable, and there is not only vitality, but also the essence of the dragon.

Heart blood does not actually exist in the heart, and it can't even be classified as real blood. Instead, it is like an energy crystal. Nowadays, Zhou Cheng has more than 5,000 drops of dragon blood in his body, but his heart is only a hundred drops.

His dragon blood is silver, some like mercury, not only the color, but also the shape, which is extremely solemn. But his heart is pure gold. As Zhou Chenglong becomes more and more mature and enters the growth period, his blood will become more and more, and it will slowly transform into pure gold and into painstaking efforts. When the blood of the whole body turns pure gold, Zhou Cheng will enter adulthood. At that time, Zhou Cheng would have such terrible power, which is really unimaginable.

Even in his childhood, Zhou Cheng, who turned into a dragon, has basically been separated from life and death, and his flesh can survive for thousands or tens of thousands of years without decay. Moreover, even his yuan god will not fall. This is the biggest benefit after turning into a dragon, and the life has been extended several times.

Although the blind man could not see the image, he knew that Zhou Cheng had taken out his heart and blood, so he was very excited. Even if he tried his best to control it, his body still couldn't help trembling.

Zhou Cheng held this heartfelt in his hand, closed his eyes for a moment before opening his eyes, and handed the pure golden heartfelt to the blind man.

The blind man did not reach out to pick it up. He raised one hand, stretched out his thumb, and the other four fingers bent slightly to form a strange shape, and then slowly raised his arm.

Looking at the blind man's appearance, it seemed that his arm was ten thousand pounds. He raised his arm inch by inch by inch, but halfway, his forehead began to sweat, and finally began to emit a trace of white air.

Zhou Cheng knew that the blind man wanted to press his thumb on his eyebrows. This is a secret method for inheritance, a method of planting a spiritual seal directly in the soul of a creature. It turns out that there is no difficulty in this secret method. It is very simple to just teach some basic information, but it is a crazy and dangerous practice for the blind man to directly pass on everything he has learned in his life to Zhou Cheng through this secret method.

Slowly, the blind man's face, forehead, eyes and body began to be congested and blue veins. It looked very scary, as if he had a serious illness and was about to return to the west immediately.

But Zhou Cheng did not take the initiative to lean down and put his head up. On the one hand, when the two sides exchange, they must bear their respective costs. On the other hand, the blind man raises his hand but the process of casting the spell. If he rushes up, he is afraid that instead of not helping, but also makes the blind man more dangerous. Only when he presses his thumb on Zhou Cheng's eyebrows can he cast the spell.

After half a minute, the blind man finally pressed his thumb on Zhou Cheng's eyebrows, and then he felt weak and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Zhou Cheng reached out and held him in time.

However, the blind man did not care, but struggled to stand firm. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed the pure golden blood, and then Gao Zhi laughed.

When the blind man laughed, Zhou Cheng was slightly stunned, because after slightly looking at what the blind man passed on to him, it had more effect on him than expected.

Originally, it was an equivalent exchange, but now it has become a great value. Although the conditions have been agreed in advance, Zhou Cheng does not want to take advantage of this advantage. He is not afraid of cause and effect, but he doesn't want to leave a shadow in his heart. So I thought about it a little and then came up with an idea.

Zhou Cheng gently pulled out a hair, and then waved his hand to turn the hair into an airflow into the blind man's body. After accepting the airflow, the blind man unexpectedly changed greatly. His eyes, which had only had holes, squirmed quickly. After a moment, he gave birth to a pair of good eyes out of thin air.

This scene seems magical, but it is a small thing for Zhou Cheng. It is just a repair of a mortal body. As long as he gives up a little of his own things, he can easily do it, even if it is just a hair. You should know that the dragon has surpassed many levels of human beings in life, so even if there is only half of human beings left, Zhou Cheng can completely use his own flesh and blood to complete the human body.

That hair is actually not real hair, but a trace of Zhou Cheng's flesh and blood. He is the body of the dragon. Now he has become a human appearance. What has changed is only his image. Where did he get his hair? That hair is actually part of his dragon body, which is a trace of his blood.

After doing this, Zhou Cheng did not stop. He gently turned into a breeze and went away, disappearing in front of everyone in an instant.