
Chapter 117 Siege

These breaths are constantly strengthening in the resonance of heaven and earth, ten times, a hundred times and a thousand times. These breaths gradually showed their true nature, and they quickly condensed and turned into dark clouds.

A dark cloud appeared in the sky over Suzhou City, which enveloped the whole Suzhou City in an instant. And these things spread at an incredible speed, which seems to cover the whole world.

After the dark clouds shrouded, the wind between heaven and earth has disappeared, the heaven and earth seem to be still, and the light of the sun has completely disappeared. There is darkness between heaven and earth. There is no light or sound, and everything seems to be dead. The whole world seems to be dead!

The swimming fish stayed quietly in the water and no longer moved. It seemed that the water turned into transparent glass to pin the fish in it. The flowers were also withering rapidly, and after a moment, they began to fight and droop softly. People and animals looked up at the sky and did not move, as if they had lost their minds.

I don't know how long it took, a flash of electric light suddenly flashed in the sky. Then, a huge thunder sounded. The lightning and thunder were like a signal. The sky suddenly boiled, countless lightnings hit the ground, and countless thunders exploded, as if the whole world was collapsing.

At this moment, whether it is a human or an animal, as long as it is a living thing, it will feel a fear from the depths of the heart, an instinctive fear.

But the world was not really destroyed. After a moment, a little rain began to fall in the sky, and it turned into a pouring rain, but the rain was as red as blood, with a thick blood.

The bloody storm came violently and went quickly, just a few minutes. The dark clouds dissipated and the sun reappeared. Everything has returned to its original appearance, and everything just now is like an illusion. It's just that the earth has turned blood red to prove that everything that has just happened is true.

Zhou Cheng has been completely enchanted at this time. There is nothing but murder in his heart, so he doesn't care about how much movement he has just caused.

Zhou Cheng also knew that he had fallen into the trap of those monks. He knew that his family was suffering for his own reason. If he hadn't used the blood in his body to treat Zhou's mother, and those monks could not have found that he had something to do with the Zhou family, then the monk would not have dealt with some ordinary people.

Zhou Cheng knew that he was not afraid to fall into the trap set by the monks, because Zhou Cheng had forgotten his fear. He had fallen into the mood of killing, and there was only one word to kill in his heart. Even if the monk did not come to find Zhou Cheng's trouble, he would take the initiative to find the monk and kill them.

Zhou Cheng forgot his sadness, his fear, and he didn't know how to think about things in detail. If he is still awake, he must find that this series of things is too coincidental.

It is very strange that a monk in the Yuanshen period would become a demon for no reason and have the idea of killing all the monks. You should know that the monks in the Yuanshen period are very strong, and generally there is no possibility of demons.

But coincidentally, Zhou Cheng has just entered the demon, but with his cultivation, he may be able to eliminate the demon and restore himself in a short time. But at this time, he found that there had been a shocking change in his family, and all his relatives died at the hands of those monks.

Zhou Cheng has already fallen into the devil. Now that he has experienced this again, of course, his heart has collapsed, and the last trace of clarity in his heart has completely disappeared, completely sinking into the demon realm. All he wants to do is to kill all the monks in the world.

The monk killed the Zhou family to attract Zhou Cheng, which was a trap. But it seems that an invisible hand has created another trap, a trap that pushes Zhou Cheng and monks all over the world to the opposite side and become immortal.

It's useless to say this, because Zhou Cheng won't realize it at all. He knew that there must be many monks lying around his house. Since these monks had set the trap that he had to jump, it was impossible for him to allow him to escape.

Zhou Cheng did not want to escape, but he also knew that those monks would never do anything to himself in the city. Because once the two sides work hard, the damage caused is too great. Although those monks are strong, they dare not be unscrupulous. No matter how strong they are, they dare not really provoke state institutions. Because modern times is different from ancient times, the power in the hands of modern state institutions is strong enough to pose a fatal threat to the whole practice world.

In the modern practice world, monks and ordinary people will try their best to restrain, because once there is a fierce conflict between the two sides, the consequences are too serious for both sides to bear.

Zhou Cheng left home and walked slowly out of the city like an ordinary person. He knew that there would be many monks around him, and once he arrived in a deserted place, these monks would jump out to kill him. But this is exactly what Zhou Cheng wants to achieve.

After walking for more than two hours, Zhou Cheng left Suzhou City and came to a deserted field. There were only a few residents within a few miles. He stopped and quietly waited for the appearance of those monks.

Zhou Cheng didn't wait for a long time. As soon as he waited, he saw many people and animals coming from all directions. These people and animals were extremely fast. Just now, they were still far away and appeared within 100 meters of Zhou Cheng's body and surrounded him tightly.

I only saw that there were men and women, all of whom were full of energy. At a glance, I knew that there were dozens of people with great cultivation. There are more animals moving, only hundreds of animals, such as dogs, cats, wolves, snakes, mice, foxes, eagles, birds, etc., and they are a little too big.

"Hey!!!!!!!!!! Is it possible that those old monsters in the soul training period are all dead? Why did you send these useless wastes to die? OK, OK! Today, I will destroy you first, and then trouble other monks!"

Zhou Cheng looked at this large number of monks. Instead of being afraid, he was faintly angry, because these monks did not have a master in the soul practice period, and they were all monks in the divine period.

With Zhou Cheng's cultivation and magical power, unless he is besieged by many monks in the soul training period, there is no danger at all. Although these monks are large, they are not enough to hurt him. This is strange, but Zhou Cheng doesn't think about it at all. He just wants to kill all these monks.

"Demon, you have been surrounded by us and dare to speak wildly! Today next year is your memorial day! Everyone, let's go together and defeat demons!

"Chat!!!!!!!!! Guys, since you want to be reincarnated early, I'll send you on the road!" Zhou Cheng suddenly let out a gloomy laugh.

His whole body suddenly burst into blue light flames up to a height of more than ten meters, and these flames poured into the mirror. Yuan Zhoucheng actually burned the dragon blood in his body and turned it into a magnificent power to forcibly destroy the power of the sky mirror.

The Haotian mirror trembled sharply and made a huge hum, and then instantly turned into a 100-meter-diameter light mirror. The light mirror rotated rapidly and kept shooting out countless auspicious air.

This countless auspiciousness covered all the monks in an instant. This auspicious air seems to be very peaceful and beautiful, dyeing heaven and earth like a fairyland. In fact, this auspicious air is extremely dangerous, because this auspicious air is completely formed by the silent breath.

Those human and alien monks were not prepared to suddenly burst out such a fierce means, so they fell into countless auspiciousness before they could react. When they got a little bit of silence, they suddenly stopped, and the mana of their whole body melted rapidly, and even the flesh and blood gradually dissipated.

In this way, all the monks present have lost the ability to move, either dying on the spot or dying, only waiting to die. But Zhou Cheng's meteorite was not small. He burned dozens of drops of dragon blood to make such a blow.

Dozens of drops of dragon blood seem to be small, but it has a great impact on Zhou Cheng. He has just turned into a divine dragon, and he is just a young dragon. There is not much dragon blood in his body, and a slight loss will cause great damage. Moreover, after burning the dragon blood, the qi and blood in his body become restless, the qi and blood all over his body float, and there is a faint tendency to go out.

But Zhou Cheng didn't care about his own safety at all. Seeing that those monks were all killed, he couldn't help laughing crazily:

"Chat!!!!!, you damn monks, sooner or later, I will destroy you all! I will sacrifice my magic weapon with your souls, and I will cast my door of success with your flesh and blood!"

When he laughed wildly, countless light and fog flew away from Zhou Cheng's body to the broken bodies of those monks, and took their souls with the Haotian mirror. The bloodthirsty in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and Zhou Cheng's body gradually exuded an evil spirit, a bloodthirsty, violent and evil breath.

Influenced by the pleasure generated by killing, Zhou Cheng has forgotten hatred. He greedily enjoys the feeling of controlling other people's lives at will, and enjoys the satisfaction of those light and fog brought back to his body and transformed into his own dragon blood