
Chapter 131 Hiver

After Zhou Cheng's soul entered the blood, his soul had officially restarted, so he immediately noticed the change of the body and found that the body did not die, but recovered rapidly.

Although he didn't know what had happened, Zhou Cheng was still instinctively aware of the danger, so he immediately wanted to rush out of his original body with the natural mirror.

The body of the demon dragon that has become is constantly trembling, and the range is getting bigger and bigger, and the movements are becoming more and more obvious. It seems that it will fully wake up at any time.

At the moment when Haotianjing rushed out, the magic dragon suddenly opened his horrible eyes and looked at Haotianjing. Two magic lights emitted in these eyes, nailed to the Haotian mirror, as if to fix the Haotian mirror with their eyes.

Although this magic light is only the light emitted from the eyes of the magic dragon, it seems that it really contains great power. After being stared at by the two magic lights, the Haotian mirror suddenly sank and seemed to fall to the ground.

The sky mirror sank slightly, and Zhou Cheng immediately sensed the abnormality, so he couldn't help running his soul crazily, using the power of his still extremely weak soul to destroy the magic weapon to get rid of the influence of the magic dragon's eyes.

Although Zhou Cheng's soul has become extremely weak, Haotianjing must be extraordinary. In addition, the magic light is just the light reflected by the magic dragon's eyes. In fact, it doesn't have much power. Therefore, Haotianjing only sank a little, and then suddenly rises to the sky and escapes straight to the distance.

The magic dragon seemed to know that Hao Tianjing wanted to escape, so it struggled violently and seemed to rise up against the sky and chase him. However, as soon as it flew less than ten meters, it suddenly stuck its head on the ground and splashed countless smoke.

It turned out that although the magic dragon had made up for itself and was reborn, the damage it suffered was too serious, so it temporarily lost the ability to act, so it had to watch Hao Tianjing escape.

The magic dragon has lost half of its dragon nature and painstaking efforts, and its body has become extremely weak, and when Zhou Cheng cut out the true spirit, it has been extremely seriously injured.

Now, it has transformed into a magic dragon. Although it has saved its life, it also takes a long time to cultivate, slowly recover its own painstaking efforts and dragon nature, and constantly recuperate the damage to the body. If you don't go through careful conditioning, you are afraid that the root of this magic dragon's practice will be permanently damaged, and you may even lose the possibility of impacting the yang realm.

Zhou Cheng saw that the magic dragon did not catch up. After escaping far away, he breathed a little relief and began to look at the environment around him. At this glance, Zhou Cheng found that he was on an island on the sea.

Just after flying randomly, he has flown out of the island and come to the endless ocean. Zhou Cheng was not sure of his specific location, but he did not dare to stop. After continuing to fly nearly a hundred miles, he restrained the breath and light of the sky mirror, stayed on the sea and began to think about his future.

"What should I do now? Are you going back to China or somewhere else?

When he thought of China, he immediately realized that even if he returned to China, it was meaningless. In the past, he returned to China because his family still lived there, and he still regarded himself as a human being, so he had a strong identity with China.

But now all his relatives have died, and he is deeply aware that he is no longer human. He can't go back to the past, can't become a human, and doesn't want to become an ordinary human again.

Zhou Cheng no longer regards people as his own kind, and even no longer agrees with the world. His heart has completely transformed into a dragon, noble and powerful, surpassing everything. Therefore, there is no place to identify with those creatures that are far lower than themselves.

He only wants to become strong. Only when he is strong can he have stronger power and a longer life. Only with a strong power can he unlock the power that once controlled his fate, defeat this power, seek justice for himself, and avenge his relatives.

It's too early to revenge! I'm just a ball of blood now. I'm so weak that I can't even compare with an ordinary person. I can't even ensure my own safety. How can I get revenge!"

Thinking of revenge, Zhou Cheng couldn't help laughing bitterly. He felt his state and found that he was too weak. Not long ago, he was still a powerful existence. Whether it was a dragon, he also had the cultivation of the Yuanshen period, which condensed the Taoist fruits, the possibility of impacting the Yangshen realm, and a mysterious purple gas.

In the blink of an eye, he became a hairless phoenix, not even as good as a chicken. The gap is so big that the gap is enough to make people with weak hearts collapse on the spot.

However, Zhou Cheng is not a weak person. Therefore, he did not collapse in the face of this huge loss, just smiled bitterly, and then immediately strengthened his energy.

"It seems that the most urgent thing is to find a safe and energetic place to lurk down. Only then will I be safe until my blood grows into a complete dragon."

"Before the dragon body is formed again, I have no body, I can't practice at all, and the soul can't be strengthened, let alone the condensation of the yuan god. If I was caught before this, then I was doomed! Even if my soul can escape, it is impossible to change my weight without the condensation of the yuan god, and next time there will be no dragon blood to recondense my true spirit into a soul and be resurrected!"

"Therefore, I will lurk down. When my body grows up, I will at least restore my cultivation to the yuanshen period before I can appear again. Before that, even if I am a shrinking turtle, even if it lurks for hundreds or thousands of years, I must resist!"

After making up his mind, Zhou Cheng immediately began to think about his step-by-step plan. He now has only a ball of blood left. If this salesman wants to grow into a complete body, it will take a lot of vitality and a long time.

Although this blood can automatically absorb vitality from the void, it is not fast. If it is in an ordinary environment, it will take hundreds of years to absorb light. The longer it takes, the more dangerous it is, and Zhou Cheng knows that he can never stand hundreds of years of dark life, or even practice. Don't go crazy at that time.

Since this is the case, Zhou Cheng has to make up his mind and find a way to promote the faster growth of blood, that is, to let his energy absorb more vitality.

vitality, in fact, nowhere to go. It can be said that the whole world and the whole universe are formed by vitality, but not every vitality can be used.

If those light and fog are still there, Zhou Cheng doesn't need to worry about his vitality. Because he can completely use the light fog to refine life and matter to produce infinite vitality, but although those light fogs are not good things, they are full of the line of fate, so Zhou Cheng has abandoned it.

At this time, Zhou Cheng is just a ball of blood, a weak soul, and a huge mirror. Although this Haotian mirror is powerful and originally has the function of refining creatures and materials into vitality, Zhou Cheng is so weak that he can't use the Haotian mirror at all. At most, he can protect himself and escape.

The most powerful magic weapon cannot be used. Although the blood can absorb vitality, it only slowly receives a trace of weak vitality from the void. It is impossible to forcibly extract vitality directly from the living body, let alone refine matter into vitality.

Of course, Zhou Cheng's soul does not have this ability, and even the blood is not as good as that.

After thinking about it, Zhou Cheng felt that he could only rely on the special natural environment outside to achieve his goal. That is to say, he must find a place full of vitality, and then lurk there and silently absorb those vitality.

"A place full of vitality? Where will there be enough vitality? There are countless forms of vitality, including matter, energy, all kinds of radiation, fluctuations, rays, and everything in the world is formed by vitality. But all I can absorb is energy. Maybe those radiation, fluctuations and rays can also be absorbed. It must be that these energies are relatively active and not completely condensed to death. The vitality in the form of matter has almost completely solidified, and I can't absorb it at all.

Energy? Isn't the largest energy source in the world the sun? The sun's energy is so powerful that it will never be consumed. If I can get close to the sun, I can absorb enough energy in the shortest time. However, I can't escape the gravity of the earth and rush into space now. However, light is too little energy produced by absorbing some sunlight in the earth.

"Even if I get close to the sun, the Haotian Mirror may be fine, but I may be directly impacted to death by the huge and incredible vitality fluctuation of the sun. It seems that this one doesn't work!"

After a moment of silence, Zhou Cheng suddenly felt happy.

"Yes! How could I forget this? On earth, the most energetic place is the interior of the earth, and isn't the mountain fire connected to the earth's core?

"As long as I find a volcano, then I can enter the magma to absorb vitality. The energy emitted by magma is extremely strong, and the vitality must be extremely sufficient. And my Haotian mirror can drill directly into the magma. As long as I don't dive too deep, I won't be harmed.

"Yes, that's it! Haha, if I can really absorb the vitality emitted by magma directly, I'm afraid it won't be long before I have a brand-new body! Great! It's not too late. I'm going to find the crater now!