
Chapter 134 Refining

Zhou Cheng's spirit and body were extremely dry and hot. He saw that the blood was about to completely boil, and his spirit was also suffering from poisonous fire, but he could not expels/out this fiery vitality.

On the contrary, Zhou Cheng opened his heart and let those poisonous fires pour in wantonly. Since he wants to absorb and use these vitality, he must withstand the suffering of this poisonous fire, which is beneficial to quench himself until his attributes change enough to accommodate these fires.

After Zhou Cheng took the initiative to open his heart, the fire in his vitality quickly poured into his spirit. At this moment, Zhou Cheng only felt that he seemed to really burn, and a hot flame began to appear in the spiritual world.

It is often said that water and fire are ruthless. The flame burned ruthlessly, and Zhou Cheng's spiritual power turned into fuel, which was ignited by the fire in the vitality and bursting out hot and violent energy.

This kind of burning is not without cost. At the moment when the spiritual power is ignited, Zhou Cheng not only suffers life and death, but also the spiritual power is disappearing at an unimaginable speed. Surely, his spiritual power is fuel, which will produce great consumption when burning.

The flame produced after the burning of spiritual power is actually a special energy, a special vitality, which is actually a spiritual power stained with fire and mutation.

This spiritual power will be concentrated and mutated after combustion, and most of it will be consumed during the burning process, and may eventually remain less than 1%.

In other words, the mental power of burning 100 units will consume 99 units before the burning process, and finally there will only be one unit of variant, or even less.

You can think of this mutant spiritual power as the ashes after burning, or as something produced by the concentration of 100 units of ordinary spiritual power

This kind of fire-tainted spiritual power will settle in the spiritual soul, which is exactly what Zhou Cheng needs. He just needs this spiritual power, integrate them into his heart, and finally completely replace all his spiritual power with them. In this way, the attributes of his spiritual power will be completely changed and he can adapt to that kind of fiery vitality.

But this will be a long process, and completely replacing your spiritual power is obviously not something that can be done in a short time.

This seems simple, but it is a tedious, boring and dangerous thing. Because Zhou Cheng can't burn all his spiritual strength at once.

If he really does this, then he will end up with a soul dissipation. Because spiritual power is the foundation for building the soul, if the spiritual power is suddenly changed, then the soul will lose the foundation of existence and collapse.

And this makes the fire forcibly change the attribute of spiritual power is a kind of damage to Zhou Cheng. Every time a unit of fire spiritual power is generated, Zhou Cheng's soul will suffer a trace of dark damage.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng had to be extremely careful during the whole process. He not only had to overcome the pain of the poisonous fire attack, but also had to pay attention to his own situation at any time. Once he found that his soul could not stand it, he must forcibly dispel and vent the fire from his soul.

After dispelling the fire, Zhou Cheng must recuperate the soul and restore the soul to the most perfect time before he can bring the vitality closer and use the fire in the vitality to refine his soul.

While refining the soul, Zhou Cheng should also pay close attention to the changes of blood. After absorbing a trace of fire vitality, the essence and blood have completely boiled up, but those vitality have not been integrated into the essence and blood. They are still just mixed together.

The fire in the vitality constantly invades the essence and blood. Unlike refining spiritual power, refining the essence and blood cannot make it burn. As soon as the blood burns, it will be destroyed, lose its vitality, and finally turn into ashes.

The fire is a poison for blood, a highly toxic poison. When the two come into contact, the fire poison in the vitality will enter the blood and begin to destroy the vitality and vitality of the blood.

However, the blood of the dragon is a living thing, so it will instinctively absorb vitality from the void to eliminate its damage and gradually recover its injuries.

As long as the fire vitality absorbed at one time is not too much, the damage to the essence and blood will not be too serious. Then with its powerful instinct and recovery ability, the dragon essence blood must be slowly recovered.

When it recovers, the dragon blood will have a trace of immunity to the fire, and there will be a trace of fire in itself. This is the instinct of life, but all life, whether strong or weak, has this ability. This is the ability contained in all life instincts and genes, and the ability to adapt and evolve.

The reason is extremely simple, just like people can exercise their ability to withstand the cold through winter swimming. Creatures will change as the environment changes.

The more powerful the creature may be, the stronger this ability may be. And the dragon is a creature born in the divine realm, so its ability to adapt to all things is incredibly powerful.

For ordinary creatures, it may take a long time and many generations to evolve, and dragons can often be obtained in a very short time.

For example, the fire in adaptation and immunity is by no means a fire poison for ordinary creatures. However, the dragon's blood can, although the immunity is still extremely weak and is not enough to fully adapt to that vitality.

Time has gradually passed, Zhou Cheng's spiritual power has been consumed, and his soul has been weak, and there is a burst of crisis.

And so is the blood. The time of contact between the essence and blood and the fire vitality has reached its tolerable limit, and the essence and blood have suffered a lot of damage. If the vitality is not separated from the essence and blood, the essence and blood will be completely destroyed, slowly lose its vitality and eventually die.

"Hao Tianjing listened to my order to extract this trace of vitality from the blood and then disperse it!"

Zhou Cheng used his last power to control Hao Tianjing to extract that vitality from his soul and blood. After separating from that vitality, the fire in his soul and blood gradually weakened and finally disappeared completely.

"Shh, what a stake in fire! Unexpectedly, my spiritual strength was exhausted in such a short time, and even the dragon blood could not withstand the power of this fire poison!"

Seeing that he was not in danger, Zhou Cheng immediately took a breath and checked his own situation.

"Spiritual power is exhausted, and the blood is damaged. It seems that it will take at least a few days to fully recover." After a little feeling, Zhou Cheng immediately knew that he wanted to fully recover, which would take at least a few days.

"In the end, all the spiritual power left only such a trace of fiery spiritual power. Although the immunity generated by the blood is weak, it is much faster than the transformation of the soul!"

Zhou Cheng calculated and found that at this speed, if he wanted to completely transform his soul, he would need to go through tens of thousands of times, even 100,000 or hundreds of thousands of times.

It takes about five days to refine once, so the whole process will take a long process of one or two thousand years.

One or two thousand years? Is it such a long time to fully transform the nature of the soul? If that's the case, why do I bother so much? One or two years, even if I don't do anything, the essence and blood have already absorbed enough energy to turn into a complete dragon!"

After a little calculation, Zhou Cheng found that he was doing something meaningless. The reason why he wants to transform his attributes is not to gain more vitality and make his body grow early. And it will take thousands of years to transform attributes, which is simply a stupid thing. You should know that even if you rely on blood to absorb vitality from the void to grow, it will take hundreds of years at most.

"No! It shouldn't be like this! I believe that with more and more refining, the speed of transformation will become faster and faster! Then the whole time will be greatly reduced. I believe that I can completely transform my attributes in a hundred years or even ten years!"

Just as he was about to give up in the bottom of his heart, Zhou Cheng suddenly realized that his algorithm was not right at all, because as the proportion of those fiery spiritual forces in spiritual power became higher and higher, the soul's ability to adapt to fire became stronger and stronger, so the speed of transformation would certainly be greatly accelerated.

Suddenly aware of these, Zhou Cheng immediately regained his confidence, strengthened his faith, and then began to recuperate the soul, hoping that the soul would return to its peak state and start the next quenching.