
Chapter 139 Wonderful World

What Zhou Cheng sees is not just a huge underground cave, but a complete and huge world that can't be seen at a glance. This underground world is not dark, but in fact, this world is bright and very warm.

Looking up, there is a strange sky above the head, and the top of the sky is the formation. The formation above the overhead is more than 1,000 meters high as the ground of the world. And there are thick clouds and foggy things floating at a height of hundreds or hundreds of meters.

These things are extremely gorgeous, with countless colors, shining with various lights, and are constantly changing. At a glance, this thing is more beautiful and changeable than the aurora.

The whole underground world is illuminated by the light emitted by these things. They seem to be the sun of the underground world, bringing light and hope to the underground world.

However, Zhou Cheng's heart trembled after sensing these things. Because in his induction, these things are obviously the products of countless kinds of vitality.

Those things are extremely complex changes after endless vitality mixing and concentrating with each other for a long period of time, and finally form an inexplicable thing.

"Gygen magnetism! This is geomagnetic! And it's still a mutant geomagnetic! Perhaps it is because of the endless magnetism that supports the whole space! Otherwise, how can the upper strata not collapse!"

Zhou Cheng was almost stunned by those things in the sky. You should know that geomagnetics are extremely terrible things. They seem to be magical, that is, like vitality and solid matter. A little metamagnet is extremely heavy and can produce terrible power.

Although metamagnets will have great power, ordinary monks know very little about them. Because there are too few such things, there is no such thing at all. Only those powerful monks use great/mana to absorb the vitality from the center of the earth from heaven and earth, and finally quench it countless times to form a little bit.

This thing is not only extremely difficult to obtain, but also does not help to practice. It can only be used as a special means to harm people. Therefore, monks have not even heard of it.

If you have to describe the characteristics of geomagnetic, then it can only be said that it is a vicious thing. Once this thing is contaminated, it is like a bone maggot that can't get rid of it, and it is extremely aggressive.

Any creature stained with it will never escape the fate of death. If it is invaded by them little by little, the whole body will turn into thick water and gradually dissipate. In the end, even the bones will not be left, and even the soul will not escape.

And the geocentric magnetism made up in the upper air of the underground boundary is countless times more terrible. First of all, there are so many of them that they are full of the whole underground world.

Secondly, these metamagnets have been formed for many years. Great changes have taken place in the long years, in which countless alien vitality are mixed into one, so its power far exceeds the one refined by the monks.

It is because of this that Zhou Cheng can't help but feel afraid. He was afraid that those metamagnets would suddenly fall and corrode himself into thick water. If those metamagnets really fall, I'm afraid that even the Haotian Mirror can't stand it. Even if the body is not destroyed, the spirituality will definitely be removed and become an ordinary object.

However, after a moment, Zhou Cheng found that he seemed to be too worried. Because he found that there are many lives in the underground world, plants, animals and so on are extremely prosperous and diverse. It can be seen that there is no possibility of a large amount of metamagnetism falling to the ground, otherwise the underground world will become extremely dead and no life can survive.

After this understanding, Zhou Cheng finally relaxed and began to look around. In the subsequent observation, he found that the temperature of the underground boundary may be slightly higher than that of the ground, and the air is very fresh and humid.

Zhou Cheng guessed that this is because the underground world is closer to the center of the earth, so it is very warm. And this is because most of the heat from the center of heaven and earth is absorbed by those metamagnets, otherwise it may be several times higher.

It is warm and moist, so the vegetation in this underground world is extremely strong, and it is full of plants everywhere. It's just that these plants are completely different from those on the ground and have little in common.

So this underground world is like an alien world. The colors of these plants are also different. There are not only green, but also many colors, such as blue, red, yellow, etc. The colors are extremely rich, and the whole world is dreamlike, beautiful and mysterious.

And many of these plants actually emit all kinds of light. These rays, together with the light of metamagnetic, embellish the whole underground world into a colorful ocean.

"I really didn't expect that there would be two completely different worlds on the earth at the same time! These two worlds have embarked on a completely different evolutionary path! OK, OK, it's really my luck to enter the world unexpectedly. It is Zhou Cheng's lucky life to be able to browse the world!"

Zhou Cheng glanced and was deeply attracted by the underground world. This place is exactly like the legendary paradise, so beautiful that it is suffocating and beyond imagination.

However, Zhou Cheng is not completely addicted to this beautiful scenery. Because he has more important things to do, it is to find a complete and hidden place to fall asleep and make final preparations to break the shell.

Zhou Cheng is very sober. He knew that since there were so many vegetation in the world, there would definitely be many animals, perhaps among which they were very powerful. Therefore, although the world is beautiful, it may not be very safe.

And when he first came here, he knew nothing about the world and was still very weak, so it was not a big mistake to be careful. Otherwise, as soon as I came here, I bumped into something that I couldn't afford to provoke, so it was too late to cry.

With these understandings, Zhou Qing immediately began to restrain the breath and images of the sky mirror, tried not to cause any movement, but quietly flew forward and began to look for a suitable place.

The place where Zhou Cheng just appeared was a crater. He quietly left the crater without shocking anything. A dense jungle began not far from the crater, and countless strange plants grew from the forest.

It looks like a mushroom, but it is as tall as a three- or four-story building, thicker than a house, and the top is even bigger.

There are also some things like climbing on mushrooms, which seem to be parasitic on mushrooms. Some of them are connected to mushrooms, and some of them will hang to the ground.

While walking, Zhou Cheng did not forget to observe the movement around him from time to time, and at the same time, he also took a look at the beautiful scenery. Just a moment later, Haotianjing has gone down from the top of the volcano to the foot of the mountain.

The vegetation at the foot of the mountain has changed dramatically. Those giant mushrooms have disappeared and have been replaced by some trees, some strange trees. Some of the trees are actually like grasses in the surface world, but they are extremely huge, standing on the ground, each of which is several meters or even more than ten meters high.

There are still many flowers blooming. These flowers are extremely gorgeous, colorful and beautiful in shape. These flowers are large and small, tall and short, and some are tree-shaped, and grow on vines.

It is 20 meters high, and a flower is a few meters in diameter. The small one is only the size of a finger, like a starry dot in the jungle. Some species are hundreds of meters long, or even hundreds of meters, spreading from one tree to another, forming a huge network of each other.

However, after only looking at it for a moment, Zhou Cheng became stunned. Because he found that these plants were extremely dangerous, he saw with his own eyes that some species of these plants could move, just like animals taking the initiative to catch prey. Their prey included not only animals but also plants. It seems that they can eat everything and devour everything.

Some plants seem to be highly toxic, which is extremely toxic. All creatures that come into contact with, whether plants or animals, immediately lose their vitality.

And animals have begun to appear in the jungle. These animals are strange and extraordinary. Basically, they are all good at hiding and sneaking. What's more strange is that these animals seem to eat no herbivore or meat at all. They eat everything they can get.

"Damn, the world is crazy! This is horrible. If an ordinary person, no, it's not a lion. If a tiger comes here, I'm afraid it will become other people's food if he doesn't take a few steps. Here, all creatures are hunters and prey at the same time.

"Why is this so? Why are the creatures in this world so strange? How did they evolve? This is not in line with what human beings call evolutionary theory at all!"