
Chapter 145 Source Stone

There are many creatures in the canyon holding each other. They are divided into two distinct camps, which are insect-like creatures and stump-like things.

If you count it carefully, you will find that there are significantly more insects and beasts than tree people. The number of insects and beasts is as many as two or three hundred, while the tree man is only thirty or fifty.

The two camps have temporarily become a stalemate. The two sides are thousands of meters apart and lock each other's breath. It seems that they may rush over again at any time.

The section between the two sides is obviously the battlefield just now. The plants in this area have been fragmented, either turned into flying ash, or trampled into mud.

And the bodies of dozens of insects and beasts have lay on this messy battlefield. There are many huge holes in these bodies, like being sifted by countless huge spears. In fact, they died in the claws of those treemen.

The bodies of these insects and beasts are dilapidated, and there is countless smelly blood flowing on the ground. These bloods are green, blue, red, black and so on.

The blood of many colors is mixed and flows on the ground, forming an abstract painting, a huge oil painting cast with blood.

There are no remains of those tree people on the ground, and it can be seen that no tree people have been hit or damaged by destruction. It can also be seen that in terms of monomer strength, tree people are obviously far stronger than those insects and beasts.

Therefore, only a few dozen tree people can compete with two or three hundred insects and beasts without falling behind at all, and even vaguely have the upper hand. Almost one to ten, the tree man can kill dozens of insects and beasts, but this shows its fierceness.

However, kill 1,000 enemies and lose 800. Although none of the tree people died, they all suffered some insignificant injuries.

I saw those tree people, some of whom have lost their arms and legs, and some of their hands and feet have disappeared, obviously being cut off by external forces or broken abruptly. And the skin on other tree people's bodies has become potholes, either one piece is bald or one piece is missing, and there are many obvious and even huge wounds on some parts.

If these wounds fall on ordinary creatures, I'm afraid that they have been killed for a long time, and at least they have lost their ability to move. But those treemen are nothing but that.

Maybe the vitality is too strong, or the body structure is very special. The tree people suffered such a terrible injury, as if they were not aware of it at all, that is, no pain, no shouting, as if it is okay at all.

Of course this is not the case. Even if these tree people do not feel pain, if they are injured, they will naturally have a bad reaction. Their life power is slowly weakening, the vitality in their bodies is also beginning to pass away, and their mana is slowly being consumed.

Zhou Cheng hid from afar and secretly watched the changes in the situation in the canyon. He didn't want to jump out and do anything now, because these two creatures have nothing to do with him.

Zhou Cheng came here just to catch a local practitioner to inquire about the situation in the underground world. He doesn't bother to care about things that have nothing to do with himself and have no differences in interests.

Actually, even if you want to manage it, you can't control it, and you don't know how to control it. He didn't know why the two sides fought, and he didn't know the details of both sides, so he couldn't know who he should help or not.

Moreover, Zhou Cheng is also afraid that he will suffer a joint blow from both sides after jumping out. Even if he has a huge mirror to protect his body and is not afraid of those things, he should try not to cause trouble without causing trouble. If you can work less energy, try less!

At this moment, a burst of wild beast roar attracted Zhou Cheng's attention, which came from the camp of insects and beasts. The sound is very rhythmic and seems to be a special language.

While the roar came, a wave of mental fluctuation also came out at the same time. When these fluctuations came, Zhou Cheng immediately sensed that there was some information contained in them.

"You damn spirit clans, return the source stone of life immediately, or my holy army will flatten this canyon!"

The tree people also received this information, so they immediately became violent, shouting together, making a low and dull roar.

"You dirty, ugly and despicable saints dare to come to my dark canyon to make trouble. Today, let you return to the earth and moisten the dark canyon with your flesh and blood!"

"Spirit, Holy? It seems that there must be more of these creatures in the world, otherwise this number alone is not a race! I didn't expect that there were at least two intelligent races in the underground world. Since they are really part of a certain intelligent race, is it possible that there is really a biological population that can be practiced by everyone in this underground world?

After listening to only two sentences, Zhou Cheng has already got a lot of information. From those words, it can be seen that insect and animal creatures are the so-called holy clan, and the tree man is the so-called spiritual clan.

The two life races do not seem to be very harmonious, but they are somewhat hostile to each other. And these saints and spirits quarreled because of a thing that is the 'stone of life'.

"The source stone of life?" He said softly, and Zhou Cheng's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly. From the name, it can be seen that this thing is definitely a treasure, otherwise how can it be called 'life' and 'source stone'?

literally, this thing seems to be related to the origin of life in the underground world. From the inevitable posture of the two races, this thing seems to be very important, otherwise these guys could not have shed bloodshed for it.

"Okay, okay! I had guessed that there might be a treasure in the underground world that could affect the evolution of the entire biological system. Maybe this thing is the source of life. I didn't expect to get the news of this treasure so easily.

In a hurry, Zhou Cheng didn't have time to think too much and simply came to a conclusion. He didn't think about it. If the source stone of life really could really affect the treasure of the biological system of the whole underground world, how could there be only a little bit of practitioners from the two races to compete.

Without mentioning that Zhou Cheng was secretly preparing to come to catch a mantis and the cicada yellow finch, he said that the holy clan and the spiritual clan did not agree, and the atmosphere became tense.

And the previous beast roar sounded again:

"Damn spirit clan! How dare you say that we are dirty, ugly and despicable! Our saint is the most noble and powerful race in the world. And you who evolved into the spirit clan of wood scum are really lowly things. And he is still a shameless robber who took the opportunity to steal the lifestone of our tribe!"

"Bah! You dirty things should not appear in this world at all, and you dare to say that you are the most noble race! Humph, all the life stones in the world should belong to our spiritual clan. Since you can't even protect the life stones of your own tribe, can you still blame others?

The more the two sides talk, the louder their voices become, and the emotions of both sides have become uncontrollable. Those words that think of attack are like Mars falling in gunpowder barrels, instantly igniting the hatred of both sides.

"Let's go, the warriors of our clan will come forward to sweep this dark canyon and smash those damn wooden piles!"

And the tree people of the spirit clan also roared one after another, and then took a huge step to kill the tide of insects and beasts.

In Zhou Cheng's opinion, since these two races have evolved to a very high level, the battle between them will certainly be extremely wonderful. If the weapons fly all over the sky, the spell will definitely fall like raindrops.

However, what stunned Zhou Cheng was that these two creatures that evolved to a very high level were directly torn to pieces like ordinary beasts.

For a moment, I saw those insects and beasts jumping at the feet of the tree man, and then by various means, claws, biting, jumping, bumping and so on. Don't underestimate this. Zhou Cheng found that those insects and beasts are very powerful to pounce, bite and tear. Their bodies are as indestructible as magic weapons and can't be broken. With a gentle grasp, you can grab a large piece of skin on the tree's trunk, and even take out a huge hole in the other party's body.