
Chapter 164 The Origin of the Destiny

In the magma world, a small space stands in it. This space is full of fire and heat.

Zhou Cheng wholeheartedly maintains the balance between mind, dragon and dragon nature. These three forces must maintain a specific proportion at any time and merge in a specific way. Only then can the forces produced after their mixing can be used to sacrifice magic weapons.

If this balance is broken, I'm afraid that the materials shrouded in this force will be scrapped immediately, and the physical properties of the materials will be completely destroyed. Moreover, there is a trace of dragon nature in this power. When the power is out of balance, it will shake the dragon nature in Zhou Cheng's body, thus causing great damage to him.

What's more terrible is that Zhou Cheng not only did not transform all his spirit into his mind because of maintaining the balance of the three forces. If the three forces suddenly lose their balance, their mind cannot withdraw in an instant, so their mind will definitely be severely damaged, thus endangering the soul.

These are all things that must be faced when sacrificing the magic weapon with the method of soul refining. How can a magic weapon be so easy to succeed? How can the magic weapon and people really become one without dangerous and difficult sacrifices?

Even if the ordinary magic weapon has been cultivated by practitioners for countless years, the magic weapon is still a magic weapon, and people are still human beings. Even if there is a deep connection between the two, the magic weapons and people are still two completely separate individuals. Even those spiritual weapons and magic weapons that can be put into the body, they are seen as integrated into the practitioners, but in fact they are still independent things.

But the real magic weapon is different. Once the magic weapon is successfully refined, it can be said that this magic weapon is a part of the practitioner's body and a part of his soul. It can even integrate the magic weapon into the body, thus making the body as powerful as a magic weapon.

It is necessary to distinguish between integrating the magic weapon into the body and integrating it into the body. It's just hiding the magic weapon in the body. Rong is a magic weapon and body synthesis.

No matter what kind of creature it is, it is as weak as a reptile, as strong as a lion and tiger, and as intelligent as human beings, the bodies of all creatures are very fragile and particularly easy to decay. Unlike magic weapons, even ordinary magic weapons are extremely superior in performance, and it is difficult to damage them naturally.

What if a good magic weapon, or directly integrate a spiritual weapon and magic weapon into the body of the creature, so that the body has the characteristics and ability of the magic weapon?

This is the highest purpose of sacrificing the original magic weapon. Life practice is just to make yourself stronger and live longer. But the road of practice is extremely difficult, and after reaching a certain level, ordinary creatures basically have no potential to continue practicing. So countless practitioners came up with a clever way over a long time.

This method is to sacrifice a good magic weapon, a magic weapon that is not separated from each other, and then use this magic weapon to replace your own body and use the near-immortal characteristics of the magic weapon to continue your life.

But later the practitioner found that this was impossible, because he used utensils to replace the body, and he could only do this after encountering the legendary spiritual weapon that had been psychic to refine the second yuan god. In addition, no matter how compatible the magic weapon is with people, it is impossible for the magic weapon to replace the human body. And the second yuan god must be just a legend, and the psychic spirit weapon is also rare for thousands of years.

So the practitioner has to retreat and find a way to integrate this magic weapon with a high degree of fit into his body, so that the body becomes as powerful and strong as a magic weapon. Therefore, the concept of the original magic weapon was born!

However, it does not mean that this magic weapon can be integrated into the body after refining the original magic weapon. Although the successful refining of this magic weapon is closely related to the sacrificer, it is still 18,000 miles away from integrating into the body. In the later stage, there are still countless things to do before it is possible to achieve the conditions of integration into the body.

It can be said that thousands of practitioners who have sacrificed their own magic weapons may not be able to integrate magic weapons into the body. You have to wonder why this life tool is so useless, why has it been passed down?

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Although it is difficult to integrate the original magic weapon into the body, there must be hope. Even ordinary practitioners can achieve it, so that they can survive for a long time. This alone is enough to attract countless practitioners. Not to mention, even the original magic weapon that cannot be integrated into the body will add some power to the practitioner out of thin air because it is extremely compatible with the refiner and is extremely easy to use.

Cultivation is difficult and dangerous, not only because it is difficult to practice, but also because you often need to fight with other practitioners when practicing. A magic weapon that can improve your combat effectiveness is a very absorbent thing for any practitioner. Therefore, even if the original magic weapon cannot be integrated into the body and continue life, its powerful combat effectiveness alone is worth inheriting the concept of this sacrificial weapon by later practitioners.

The magic weapon refined by inheriting the concept of using this method to replace the body or integrating the magic weapon into the body will be called the original magic weapon. The means of sacrificing the original magic weapon is the method of soul refining, that is, to separate its own origin and fundamental integration into the magic weapon, so that the magic weapon and the body can be infinitely compatible, so that the two can establish an inseparable relationship.

The method of soul refining, abruptly abandoned his own dragon nature, and constantly releasing the strongest mental power, Zhou Cheng had to tighten his nerves, cheer up, and carefully pay attention to all the changes in the process of sacrifice.

The combination of dragon inflammation, mind and dragon nature has turned into a translucent flame-like thing. This thing wrapped all the materials in and then began to be real refining.

I saw one of the many materials floating out of thin air under the package of this transparent flame. This material has melted into the form of ** and was affected by the transparent flame. This pool of ** is quickly divided into two parts, one of which is the impurities in the material, and the other part is of course a completely pure useful substance separated from the material.

Although this transparent flame looks like an ordinary flame, it is a combination of three different things, in which there is the power of mind. The greatest performance of the power of mind is to identify the performance of substances and explore physical properties, so separating impurities from materials is just a matter between ideas, which is really too simple.

The separation of impurities in materials is only the first step and the most basic step in refining materials. After purifying the texture of the material, it is also necessary to purify the physical properties of the material.

The physical properties of each material are different. When the materials that can be used to refine magic weapons are refined, their physical properties must be purified by practitioners, that is, their original physical properties are maximized. This is the preliminary treatment of a single material, removing the impurities of the material and removing the impurities in the material, and there is only one property left.

The first thing Zhou Cheng needs to do is to carry out a preliminary refining of all materials and make them fuse with other materials to form a magic weapon. This material that has been initially refined can be regarded as a semi-finished product. They are not magic weapons, but because they can be classified into the category of magic weapons to some extent. As long as the processed materials are refined with suitable materials, some complex and magical properties, that is, the spirituality of the magic weapon, will be born, so the supernatural magic weapon is also born.

Zhou Cheng wanted to refine a good magic weapon, so he chose dozens or hundreds of very rare materials. Almost all of these materials came from the magma world. Although they are different in physical properties, they have faint similarities. However, these materials are extremely troublesome to deal with and consume a lot of mind. And Zhou Cheng is about to refine them one by one.

Because of his whole mind, Zhou Cheng can't feel the passage of time at all. I don't know how long time has passed, and he finally successfully refined all the materials.

"Now it's a really critical moment. I want to synthesize these materials into a whole, turn dozens or hundreds of different materials into a complete magic weapon, and transform the physical knot of dozens of different materials into the spirituality of magic weapons. Once this process begins, it can't be stopped. If there is any shock, I'm afraid that the previous efforts will be in vain!"