
Chapter 169 Devour

The underground world is a barbaric, violent and bloody world, and at the same time a magical and beautiful world. There are countless powerful creatures in this world, and perhaps it can be said that all the creatures in the world are extremely powerful.

The insect beast can become one of the two dominant races in the underground world, which itself shows that the insect beast is indeed extremely powerful. Those weak races have long been extinct in the underground world. Only fast-evolving and powerful races can occupy a place in the underground world.

Bugs were originally only the lowest species of creatures, but these lowest creatures have now become the hegemon in the underground world. This is not only because insects and beasts are born with wisdom and can practice, but also because of their talent ability: combined skills.

It is impossible for ordinary practitioners to do this. A practitioner in the soul training period can easily kill hundreds of practitioners in the psychic period. Even if it falls into the siege of hundreds of psychic practitioners, it will be very easy, just like a tiger entering the sheep. No matter how many sheep there are, it can't resist the tiger.

But an ordinary soul practitioner absolutely dares not face hundreds of insect beasts, and even 20 or 30 insect beasts are enough to kill an ordinary soul practitioner. This is precisely because the insects and beasts have that kind of combination skill. After their ten psychic worms and beasts are combined, they will have the power of the divine period. If hundreds of insects and beasts are combined, the horror is close to the late stage of soul training.

It is this talent ability that allows insects and beasts to dominate the underground world and coexist with those tree people. Otherwise, except for tree people, the intelligent creatures born in other races in this underground world that can practice are enough to kill insects and beasts.

It can be said that there is a very special and fragile balance in the underground world. If this balance is broken, I'm afraid that the pattern of the underground world will change dramatically.

The real most powerful people in the underground world are those tree people. Tree people are born from ordinary plants. Although the proportion is very small, their life expectancy is too long, so after accumulating from generation to generation, the number of tree people has become quite large. More importantly, there are many ancient tree people sleeping in this underground world, but they are all old monsters with extreme cultivation, real immortal things, no one knows how strong they will be.

The two hegemons in the underground world are not simple. On the one hand, they have embarked on the road of group evolution, and the other has embarked on the road of individual evolution, but they all have strong power, and on weekdays, the two races can always keep a considerable distance from each other to avoid any violent conflict, resulting in Unrecoverable loss.

In addition to slightly restraining their behavior in the face of the tree people of the spirit clan, the insects and beasts do not know what concessions and compromises are in front of the rest of the creatures, but use their powerful power to erase everything that dares to challenge themselves.

Therefore, when these insects and beasts sensed the breath of resentment and found the breath, they immediately launched a chase and vowed to kill the person in the resentment, and never thought of letting the other party go. They just want to destroy Zhou Cheng.

The underground world is not big, but it is not small. It is quite difficult to find a creature in it. They can only be traced along the breath of resentment.

However, Zhou Cheng suppressed the power of the resentment spell for a short period of time, and then drilled into the magma world. The breath of resentment will be greatly weakened when it is transmitted in the magma, so these breaths become blurred and intermittent after passing to the ground. This brought great trouble to the tracking of insects and beasts, so it took them nearly ten days to find Zhou Cheng, and finally confirmed that the other party was hiding in the magma not long ago.

It may be the first time that insects and beasts have encountered such a situation. When facing the enemy hidden in the magma, they don't know how to do it at all, so they have to station near the crater and wait for things to change. After waiting for about a few days, when these insects and beasts were a little impatient, Zhou Cheng finally refined the magic weapon and prepared to return to the ground.

Although the situation encountered is relatively special, the insects and beasts don't care much. In their opinion, it is impossible for anyone in the underground world to escape their pursuit, even the tree people of the spiritual clan. Therefore, as soon as Zhou Cheng moved, they immediately launched an attack.

Zhou Cheng rushed to the insects and beasts with the power of the volcano, intending to use the most labor-saving method to destroy the enemies they will commit in the future, but he didn't expect that those insects and beasts that were very weak to him actually had that kind of combination. After the combination of hundreds of insects and beasts, they actually suppressed the power of the volcanic eruption.

"The tiger is not powerful, you think I'm a sick cat! Hundreds of insects and beasts dare to come and hit me. It's really underestimated me!"

Zhou Cheng found that his plan had failed, and he couldn't help but be a little angry and ashamed. The dragon has the dignity of the dragon. In Zhou Cheng's eyes, those insects and beasts are just slightly stronger ants. But now he is trapped in the crater by hundreds of ants, which is a great shame for Zhou Cheng, who is a dragon.

Zhou Cheng, who was enraged, didn't care about retaining his mana to deal with possible dangers at any time. He encouraged the mana of his whole body to destroy the power of the sky mirror and hit the crater. Haotian Mirror is not an ordinary magic weapon, but a powerful magic weapon. Once its power is fully opened, its power will really destroy the world. Even if Zhou Cheng's cultivation at this time is not enough to exert 100% of the power of the magic weapon, the power exerted is extremely horrible.

Thousands of tons of magma boiled in an instant after being affected by the power of the Haotian mirror, and the whole volcano finally came to life. A strong and boundless fire vitality gradually gathered at the crater, and magma from the depths of the earth gradually surged up.

This was originally just a volcano that was about to be completely silent, but now it has completely broken the calm of the whole volcano because of the terrible power of the Haotian Mirror. The power of Haotianjing caused the abnormal movement of the fire energy deep in the center of the earth, thus making the magma sea extremely violent.

Countless fiery vitality was pulled by Haotianjing and gathered near the crater, and the whole volcano turned into a huge bomb, which could suddenly explode at any time, destroying everything within a few miles or even dozens of miles.

"No, the enemy is so horrible that he can take advantage of the power of the volcano. If the volcano really erupts, none of us can escape.

Sensing the abnormal movement of the volcano, the insect and beast leader stationed on the edge of the crater immediately had the idea of escaping. The insect leader's own cultivation has just reached the middle level of the divine. Looking at its individual strength alone, it is actually very weak.

Even if these insects and beasts can combine their forces to burst out the magic power and means in the later stage of soul training, but in the face of a volcano that is about to erupt, even a real practitioner in the later stage of soul training can only be deterred. No matter how powerful the power of life is, it cannot be compared with the real natural power.

And the more powerful creatures are, the more afraid they are of death. Once they sense the breath of death, they will ignore it and only seek their own lives.

The insects and beasts of the holy clan are also powerful creatures. Of course, ordinary insects and beasts have a low status in the whole insect and beast civilization. They are living machines, natural slaves, and do not even have the power to control their own life and fate. But the leader of the insect beast is different. He is a nobleman among the insects and beasts and can make a decision to escape after sensing danger.

The insect leader immediately had the idea of escaping after sensing the danger, but it was too late. At this moment, the power of Haotian Mirror finally exploded completely.


In the sound of an earth-shaking explosion, the volcano finally erupted. Moreover, the volcano erupted extremely violently, and the whole volcano was blown into countless fragments in an instant. Massive magma, thick black smoke and endless fire vitality were blown into the sky and scattered dozens of miles.

The hot magma turned into fire rain, and the thick black smoke was enough to make people suffocate. The strong fiery vitality rushed straight down to the earth with fierce fire poison and devoured everything within dozens of miles in an instant. They burn everything and destroy everything.

The power of the volcanic explosion not only destroyed the insects and beasts in an instant, but also Zhou Cheng was blown to the heights and was blown into drowsiness.

"It's spectacular!" Zhou Cheng, who did not live in the sky and rolled over, saw the ground rising and covering dozens of miles of fire at a glance. He couldn't help sighing in the bottom of his heart.

However, at the next moment, Zhou Cheng's face changed wildly and let out a miserable roar, "No! How can this happen? I don't want to die!"

The reason for this is that he saw that he was thrown into the geomagnetic layer in the sky of the underground world by the power of the volcanic explosion. What's more, due to the impact of the explosion just now, Zhou Cheng's soul was greatly revived and lost his ** nature to the outside world for a while, and did not find himself in danger.

It was too late when he found out, because he had been thrown into the metamagnet and his body had been stained with the magnetism. Zhou Cheng struggled desperately, but once it was contaminated with magnetic light, everything was too late, and the metamagnet in the underground world pulled Zhou Cheng in an instant and completely swallowed him up.

This meta-magnet is extremely horrible, not to mention Zhou Cheng. Even if the practitioner who is ten times stronger than him is stained with a little magnetic light, I'm afraid he can't escape the fate of being swallowed up by the magnetic layer.