
Chapter 176

There is a magical and horrible scene in the underground world: an inexplicable thing is wrapped around a head flying casually in the sky, but this head is open, as if it is still alive.

Yes, this head is indeed alive, and this is Zhou Cheng. After Zhou Cheng escaped from the metamagnetic layer, he wandered freely in this underground world, that is, there was no specific destination, and he did not want to do anything specific. He just went wherever he went.

Due to the serious injury, Zhou Cheng has lost the ability to fly and is even unable to control the magic weapon. Fortunately, the virtual world is different from the ordinary magic weapon. Driving the magic weapon is not as difficult and troublesome as driving the ordinary magic weapon. It can even rely on thinking without mana and mind.

In other words, as long as you think about it in your heart, the magic weapon will automatically act according to what the owner wants to do. When it really means where to hit, as soon as your mind moves, the magic weapon will automatically fly out to complete it for the master.

It can be said that this is the difference between the original magic weapon and the common magic weapon. With this difference, as long as it is a magic weapon, even if it is of average quality, it will be far more useful to the owner than the ordinary magic weapon.

This is like looking at magic weapons as a weapon, such as a gun. Common law weapons are some guns we often see. Regardless of their power, if you want to play a role, the most important thing is not the quality of the gun, but the gunner's technology. If a person doesn't know anything about guns, even if he takes the most advanced*, he may not even kill a sparrow.

Unlike the original magic weapon, it is more like *. As long as the owner sets a goal, it will automatically track and attack the target until it completes its mission. Compared with ordinary firearms, the advantage is self-evident.

The current virtual world is stained with the property of pure yang, and it has no solid body or fixed form. It's not that it has no ontology or that it has no form, but that its shape is uncertain.

What is morphological uncertainty? That is to say, its body and shape are ever-changing, and it can be transformed into anything at any time, any shape, color, size, etc. This is the most basic change brought about by the pure yang nature.

The so-called pure yang refers to the state that has completely broken through the form of matter and begins to come into contact with the source of the world, that is, the level of vitality. Therefore, after reaching the realm of pure yang or being contaminated with the nature of pure yang, it will have the ability to change. Even the ability to be immortal.

Think about it, after really stepping into the vitality level, both creatures and objects can turn themselves into vitality, matter, or put themselves between the two at any time. In this way, even if it is turned into powder, it can still be recovered at any time. This is the real immortal body.

Although the virtual world is not a real pure yang magic weapon, it must have the nature of pure yang, so it also has the ability to be immortal and not bad, and it can be ever-changing. That's what it does at this time.

It is constantly changing, becoming a cloud, an invisible shield, a flame or a beam of light, a thick smoke, etc.

These changes are not irregular and random changes, but with the change of the surrounding environment, the virtual world will automatically adjust its state, just like a chameleon changing its color at any time to adapt to the environment. The same is true of the virtual world.

When you come around the river, it will turn into fog. When you come around the forest, it will turn into a colorful curtain, and when you come to the crater, it will turn into a fire. But no matter what, it will always put Zhou Cheng in an absolutely secret and safe environment at any time.

It can be said that Zhou Cheng is really invisible at this time. It is wrapped in the virtual world, and the virtual world is integrated with the surrounding environment everywhere, so Zhou Cheng has completely disappeared from ordinary sensing methods, and the naked eye will not see it because of the change of its color. The invisibility of the virtual world is different from ordinary invisibility. It really makes itself exactly the same as the surroundings, so the divine mind can't distinguish it.

In this way, Zhou Cheng wandered around the underground world for a long time. Of course, this is his own feeling for a long time. In fact, it is only about a day. A day is a blink of an eye for an ordinary person, but a day is extremely long and precious for Zhou Cheng. He even cherishes his second as a day or a year.

Although Zhou Cheng did not deliberately let himself fly fast, he flew in the sky all day. No matter how slow the speed is, as long as he does not rotate in place, even if it floats with the wind, it is enough to go far away.

After flying so far, Zhou Cheng saw countless strange things and things, saw many beautiful scenery, saw some beautiful suffocating places, and saw some extremely dangerous places. He even saw some insects and beasts.

He saw some scattered insects and beasts, and both saw some large and small insects and beast tribes, some of which could no longer be called tribes, but exquisite, spectacular and atmospheric cities.

Of course, these cities are by no means different from those of our human beings. They have a strong exotic style. To some extent, these are not even called cities, but should be called nests and so on.

Zhou Cheng will face death in a few days because of insects and beasts. Generally speaking, Zhou Cheng saw that these life enemies should immediately jump on and fight with each other. But in fact, Zhou Cheng did not stop at all. He did not look strange when he saw these insects and beasts, as if those were not the murderers who led to his imminent death.

Zhou Cheng is so because he is too lazy to do it and has no ability to do it. He has regarded all his experiences as a strange movie, and the tribe of insects and beasts is the scene in the movie.

In addition to seeing the civilization of insects and beasts, Zhou Cheng can occasionally see some signs of tree-man activities.

Tree people can be said to be a lazy guy, who have basically been sleeping all year round. Therefore, although there are many tree people in this underground world, they are basically invisible. However, on the other hand, the tree man can be said to be the most diligent life in the world.

They are sleeping all year round, while tree people are actually practicing when they are asleep. In other words, sleep is the way for tree people to practice. In this world, except for tree people, you may not find another creature that spends 90% of your life practicing.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of tree people that although there are two civilized races in the underground world, what you can see on weekdays are basically the insects and beasts of the holy clan.

Every time he sees something new, Zhou Cheng will have some inexplicable joy, which comes from the deep joy in his heart. It is the joy to see different things before death.

Floating and going with the wind. Zhou Cheng has already lost his way. He doesn't know where he is.

I don't know when Zhou Cheng was floating, but he was suddenly attracted by what appeared in front of him. It turned out that he actually saw a few wisps of green smoke rising not far away, just like cooking smoke and like a bonfire.

After wandering so far in the underground world, Zhou Cheng has never seen such a scene. In this underground world, except for the fireworks brought by some volcanic magma, it seems that no creatures will use fire, or the creatures in this underground world do not need fire.

Looking at these smoke-like smoke, Zhou Cheng couldn't help thinking of the world on the ground and the past. The past moments flowed through his heart. Zhou Cheng's spirit was refreshed, and then he took the initiative to rush there to find out.

"Is it possible that there are still human beings in this underground world? No, it's impossible. How can there be human beings in the underground world? I'm afraid that human beings will die as soon as they come here. Not to mention the fierce creatures and strange plants here, even the atmosphere here is not what humans can adapt to.

"You can make a fire and know how to use fire, which means that there will be intelligent creatures there. The insects of the holy clan do not use fire at all, and the tree people of the spiritual clan are born to hate fire. Is it possible that there will be a third intelligent race in the underground world?

Some questions involuted to arise in Zhou Cheng's mind. He is dying, and he has such a strong curiosity that he really doesn't know how to say it.