
Chapter 180 Secret

Zhou Cheng did not follow the monster for too long. After just a moment, the speed of the monster slowed down. Where the monster stopped, it was an extremely ordinary cliff, hidden in the jungle.

The monster quickly looked back a few times, made sure that there was no movement around, and then walked straight to the cliff.

"What is it going to do? Is there any secret hidden on the cliff?" Zhou Cheng stayed above the monster's head and watched the monster's words and deeds curiously.

Sure enough, there was an abnormal movement when the monster came to the bottom of the cliff. He raised a front paw and waved quickly in the air, and a faint light lit up on the tip of its claws. As the claws waved quickly in the air, a strange pattern was gradually depicted.

"Run, magic array? Good boy, there is still a magic array hidden on this cliff. It seems that this is the secret activity place of those monsters." Zhou Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up and stared at the rune outlined by the monster. He could guess that this rune was the opening method of the cliff array.

At this moment, the monster on the ground finally finished the rune. This rune formed by mana flashed with a trace of light floating in the air.

The monster suddenly raised its head and let out an unpredictable low roar, just like a spell recited by a Taoist priest. After the last note was released, the monster reached out and pressed the rune in the air and pressed the rune directly to the cliff.

A magical scene appeared. As soon as the rune touched the cliff, a thin and transparent light curtain immediately appeared on the cliff. The light curtain was unstable. Instead, countless wrinkles appeared when spring water rippled in the same pool.

The ripple is getting smaller and smaller, and the whole light curtain is getting more and more stable and clear. When the light curtain completely calmed down, the place where the rune had just touched gradually burst out some faint light and spread to all directions.

With the emergence of light, some complex lines, textures and runes gradually emerged on the light curtain, covering the whole light curtain and the whole cliff wall like a huge cobweb.

At this moment, Zhou Cheng heard the monster suddenly whisper, "Tianmen array, open!" With this shout, the monster opened its mouth and spewed out a strong vitality and sent it into the magic array on the cliff.

The magic circle received these vitality, and it gradually moved, only to see a small black spot gradually appear in the center of the magic array. The darkness is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually evolves into a spinning whirlpool, a dark whirlpool, which leads to nowhere.

As soon as the monster saw the black whirlpool appear, it immediately jumped high, got straight in and disappeared under the cliff.

"The magic array is really amazing that it can open a door on the cliff." Zhou Cheng couldn't help sighing, but he didn't have time to stay more and immediately followed the monster and got in.

The monster and Zhou Cheng got into the whirlpool almost at the same time. When they got in, the whirlpool suddenly dispersed. The light curtain on the cliff immediately fluctuated violently, broke in the blink of an eye, and disappeared invisible in an instant. Everything returned to its original appearance, and there was no abnormality again.

But Zhou Cheng said that after getting into the whirlpool, he felt that he was pulled to the depths of the cliff by a huge suction. After a while, the suction suddenly disappeared. Zhou Cheng only felt that he was light and began to fall.

As soon as his mind moved, Zhou Cheng floated up and looked around. It turns out that this is a huge cave, and Zhou Cheng is floating in the cave.

The cave is not dark, because many jewels are inlaid on the top of the cave, which emit a soft light, shining the whole cave transparently, as bright as day.

This cave is very large, with thousands of square meters and about ten or twenty meters high. It can be seen that the cave has obviously been manually decorated and processed, and the wall of the cave is very smooth and seems to have been carefully polished.

This cave is very empty. There is no decoration or anything superfluous in it. It can even be said that there is nothing else except the pearls inlaid on the top.

However, there are many small holes on the four walls of this cave like a hall. Some of these holes are square and some are round. Suddenly, they look like passages.

Zhou Cheng came close to a hole and found that these holes did not lead to, but some small caves inside. And there are some things piled up in the cave.

However, Zhou Cheng did not observe carefully, because the monster entered the cave and immediately ran towards one of the small holes. Zhou Cheng came to this cave to find Lord Xi in the mouth of the monsters and to see those 'Warts', so he immediately followed the monster to the small hole.

Zhou Cheng knew that Lord Xi was in this cave, and he didn't know what organs and magic arrays would be in this cave, so he seemed a little cautious. Therefore, he slowed down and flew towards the cave by drifting.

As soon as he entered the cave, Zhou Cheng saw the monster leader Lord Xi again, who was standing quietly in this small cave. In front of the big man Xi, there is a large stone bed, which occupies half of the whole cave.

Zhou Cheng looked straight at the stone bed, as if something attracted all his attention. There is indeed something that attracts his attention, but of course it will not be the stone bed itself.

What attracted Zhou Cheng's attention was the thing lying on the stone**, a very large monster, which is more than ten meters long, so it occupied the huge stone bed.

Generally speaking, a monster with a size of about ten meters can't shock Zhou Cheng's heart. You should know that he has seen countless mountain-sized sea monsters. Some sea monsters have exceeded 100 meters or even hundreds of meters in size. In this way, this monster seems to be a little insignificant.

In fact, the reason why Zhou Cheng was so shocked is that the monster's appearance is too amazing: this monster looks like a person, a head that is no different from human beings, and his body is similar to that of human beings.

If you have to find the difference, the biggest difference is that this guy is too big. Normal human beings can't grow so big. This guy, who doesn't know if it's human or not, lies quietly **, with many thick and long hair randomly covering his body, **.

Ten meters is not the real body shape of this guy. Because Zhou Cheng only saw half of the monster's body. Why did Zhou Cheng only see half of the monster's body?

Because this monster only has half a body, it only has half a body above. There was a shocking wound below the waist. As long as there was no problem with the eyes, the monster was abruptly cut off the lower body by some force, leaving only the body above the waist.

Zhou Cheng was shocked that the appearance of this monster was no different from that of human beings. It was simply a legendary giant. At the same time, Zhou Cheng was shocked by the strength of the monster's vitality. It only had half of its body left, but it could be seen that it was still not completely dead, and its upper body still had some vitality.

What is strange is that the wound on the monster's waist is very special. The wound seems to have just formed, but there is no trace of blood. And from this wound, the structure of the monster's body is very different from that of ordinary creatures. The things in its body do not seem to be ordinary muscles, but like rock or steel casting.

At this time, the giant lay quietly on the stone**, and seemed to be able to die at any time. But it forced its eyes to open and look straight at the monster leader.

"Xi, is everyone safe? Are our losses serious? How is everyone doing now?

The giant struggled to raise a series of questions, which showed that there were too many questions in his heart. The giant just moved his lips slightly and made some sounds, which was already the weakest volume for it, but it sounded like a thunderous roar in normal creatures.

The giant's voice is not only loud, but also very low and powerful. Even if it is already angry at this time, it will not work.