
Chapter 200 Giant Bug

The buildings in this underground world are obviously different from the surface world. There are no exquisite buildings here. They are all huge buildings made of boulders or dig huge caves directly on the ground.

Zhou Cheng landed in this group of boulders with Xi. Those powerful breaths are also emitted from these buildings. Zhou Cheng could clearly feel a strong mind scanning and passing back and forth in the whole tribe. If it hadn't been for the virtual world to cover his breath, let alone the two living people, he was afraid that even a flying ash would not slip in quietly.

There are many huge buildings in this tribe. Zhou Cheng looked at these buildings and felt that there was nowhere to do for a moment. Where does he know where he wants?

"It seems that there is only one place to slowly look for it. This shouldn't take long!"

After watching for a while, Zhou Cheng finally came up with the idea of taking this method that is not the way. Anyway, you will be worried about being discovered, so even if the delay is a little longer, it is nothing.

As the saying goes, "People become essences." Although Xi is not human beings, it survives far longer than human beings, so its wisdom is no lower than that of any human beings. As soon as Zhou Cheng stops, it immediately guesses the reason. So he said, "Your Excellency, the good things in this holy tribe are usually placed near the residence of the tribal leader."

After a brief pause, Xi stretched out her hand and pointed to one of the most magnificent buildings. This is a semicircular building made of boulders, and suddenly it will even make people feel that it is a huge tomb.

There is no portal or passage on this huge tomb-like building, which seems to be completely closed. However, under the fiddle of Xi, a dark hole appeared in the originally sealed building, like the mouth of a prehistoric monster.

"How do you know so much about the situation of this tribe?" Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be a little strange and suspicious when he saw that Xi seemed to know the situation of this tribe.

"Your Excellency, I am the leader of a tribe, so pay special attention to the situation of the rest of the forces. For so many years, I have been constantly collecting information and spying about secrets from various forces, so although I can't say that I know all the situation of all the forces in the world, I also know a general idea. And the holy clan is the object that I pay attention to. I don't dare to come to think about anything, but it's still difficult for me to find things like this.

"So that's it! That said, as the leader of a tribe, if he doesn't even know the distribution of power in the underground world, I'm afraid it will be destroyed.

Zhou Cheng thought secretly, and then no longer suspected it, so he took Xi straight to the passage on the building.

As soon as he entered the building, Zhou Cheng found that the building might not be called a building at all, but should be called a huge artificial stone cave. Although the part exposed to the surface is already very magnificent, once you really enter it, you will find that the part hidden in the ground is even more amazing, dozens of times larger than the space on the surface, just like a huge dungeon.

There is no light in this whole space, shrouded in a completely dark environment. Moreover, Zhou Cheng can feel that it is very humid and hot.

Darkness has no great impact on practitioners, and the mind is the same whether in a completely dark or very bright environment. Even without divine thoughts, the naked eyes of practitioners are much stronger than ordinary creatures, and even enough to see the most subtle things in a completely dark environment.

However, Zhou Cheng found that he could not see anything in this space, and there was only real darkness in front of him.

He was shocked and immediately realized that it was absolutely abnormal here. Therefore, Zhou Cheng immediately forced a faint thought to spread around, trying to see the environment here clearly.

However, when the divine mind was emitted, Zhou Cheng found that he had miscalculated, and his divine mind could not find anything. It seemed that the divine mind would completely lose its original purpose here.

"No, there is an ambush here. We are trapped!" Xi suddenly whispered, and it must have found the abnormality here.

"No, maybe this is not specifically used to deal with our trap. It can only be used to defend this space with spells or magic arrays. According to you, this building is the residence of the tribal leader, and all the good things of the tribe are placed here, so there must be strict protection measures here. How can it be so easy to get it?"

Zhou Cheng was shocked after he just entered here, but in an instant, he calmed down, because he had figured out that this was not a means specifically for himself, but to protect the space in the building.

After falling into this space, you can't see, hear, and your thoughts can't be emitted. You have simply lost all means of observation and can't know what happened in the outside world.

Since there is such extremelyli haiable defense means in this space, there must be powerful attack methods. However, the creatures trapped in this space can't find these attacks, so they can't deal with them. In this case, even a highly cultivated practitioner will be killed alive.

This situation is really dangerous with only passive defense and no way to counter it. However, Zhou Cheng relied on his virtual world to protect himself, so he didn't care too much. With the almost inbreakable defense of the virtual world, even if there is any terrible attack in this space, it should not hurt them.

And just when Zhou Cheng and the two just entered this space and fell into those strange darkness, there was a slight tremor in this space, as if the whole space was trembling.

In the slight tremor, a huge shadow suddenly moved slightly in the space, as if the whole building had become a living thing. And as time went by, the movement of the shadow became bigger and bigger, and finally it suddenly stood up.

What kind of shadow is this? It is actually a huge creature. Take a closer look, this thing looks a little similar to those insects and beasts, but it is really too big. The size of ordinary insects and beasts is only a few meters. And this shadow is actually more than ten meters long and nearly 50 meters long, just like an insect that has been magnified tens of millions of times.

This huge bug didn't seem to be a little sober, but it quickly shook its head, and then opened many strange and horrible giant eyes to look at the whole space. This huge bug has many eyes on its body, that is, compound eyes like insects, and even many other animals.

These countless eyes looked in all directions together and immediately saw everything in the whole space clearly. However, this huge bug is very puzzled.

"Strange, something has alarmed the defense measures here. Why didn't I see anything abnormal? Why didn't I even have anything!"

This huge bug looked back and forth several times, but still didn't find the guy who woke him up. Indeed, although Zhou Cheng fell into the defensive measures in this space, the virtual world still completely hidden his breath and figure. How can this bug be found with his naked eyes?

However, although the bug did not intend to abandon it like this. All kinds of strange eyes on its body suddenly changed, with a trace of light or darkening, and several pairs of eyes becoming white, red and green. The function of each pair of eyes is by no means different, and each eye has a magical effect, and after these many eyes showed their wonderful use together, the insect's look suddenly changed.

The insect's body was completely still, but its countless eyes slowly looked away. Humans can't imagine what it would be like to have countless pairs of eyes at the same time and many completely different types of eyes.

This feeling is really strange, and each eye has a different function. When many eyes act at the same time, the vision of this huge bug has gone beyond the scope that can be observed by the naked eye. It can see things that cannot be seen by the ordinary naked eye, and it can also see through multiple barriers, or see through illusions and look directly at the essence of things. What's more valuable is that this is completely a function produced by the body, and there is no mind at work, so at certain times, the insect's eyes are even more magical than the mind.

When the huge bug is fully open, it can really see through the unopenable darkness in this space, and it can also directly see all the subtle changes in the space. Even the virtual world has become so completely invisible in its eyes, but a faint trace appears.

"Okay, it turns out that this unknown thing really came to disturb me. Do you think you can lurk in quietly with some strange magical powers? Humph, enter the dark realm of my master, no matter what you are, don't come out again!"

After saying this, the huge bug immediately shook its body, and then gently crawled a few steps forward. Although it was only a few steps, because the size of the bug was really terrible, it came to Zhou Cheng and the other two in just these steps.

It looked contemptuously at Zhou Cheng, who were floating not far in front of him, and then gently waved a terrible giant claw and smashed them like lightning.

At this time, Zhou Cheng and the two still failed to notice the changes in the outside world. Zhou Cheng destroyed the virtual world and rushed back and forth with Xi in this absolutely dark space, intending to break out. However, all this is just a waste of effort. There seems to be an invisible force affecting Zhou Cheng in the darkness, so that he can only go back and forth in a small range.

The huge claws of the huge bug hit Zhou Cheng with boundless power. It was not until the giant claw had hit the virtual world that Zhou Cheng finally noticed the abnormality. However, at this time, he could not avoid it. He had to destroy the power of the virtual world and take this blow.