
Chapter 202 Kill

As mentioned above, Zhou Cheng evolved the virtual world into a small and unusually real illusory world with the help of Xi's mana and vitality. As soon as this world took shape, the darkness that threw the huge bug into the virtual realm was completely eliminated.

This darkness comes from the bug, which is a magical power in the bug's body, so this power is closely related to the bug. When the darkness was eliminated, the insect's body vibrating slightly and its breath was slightly dissipated. However, this lasted for a short time, and in an instant, the bug has recovered.

"No matter what you are, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how magical your means are. But I'm also delusional to trap you. Even if I can't see through your means, I can break your means with violence!"

Zhou Cheng saw that the illusory world of the evolution of the virtual world removed the dark power in the blink of an eye. He couldn't help but be excited and then roared in a low voice.

At this moment, he felt that a vast and boundless spiritual idea was transmitted from an unknown place to his heart. This sound was like the first sound that broke out when the heaven and earth was opened, born from the nihilistic and absolute darkness.

"I don't know what life or die, when you just destroyed it, it was just my silk power. Even a trace of power to destroy me makes you so hard, so you will definitely fall here today!"

This sound came from the bug. It saw that Zhou Cheng used that strange means and actually destroyed the magic power it had just issued, but it was not angry, but snorted coldly and said an arrogant word. Just listening to the meaning of its words, it seems that Zhou Cheng and the two are a lamb to be killed, and they have no power to resist at all.

was so ridiculed by an enemy who had never seen him before. Not to mention Zhou Cheng, even Xi couldn't hang on his face, so the two roared together: "Arrogant! Don't say that others are invincible. In fact, you are the least eye-catching thing. Today, I want to show you what power is and what horror is!"

"Your Excellency, don't talk too much to this guy who hides his head and tail, and directly use your strength to break the darkness! I'd like to have a look. Which guy is so talkous!"

"Okay, look at me. Come to the world of nothing. Destroy all reality, light will no longer be light, darkness will no longer be darkness, and everything will turn into eternal nothingness and nothingness!"

Zhou Cheng immersed his thoughts into the virtual world to mobilize the power of this virtual world and exert its real power. I only heard him sing something like a song, like a spell, and like a prayer.

In the spell, the small world evolved from the virtual world trembled quickly. The whole world seemed to be stationary, and it seemed that the world was running at an indescribable speed. Because the speed was fast to the limit, I felt that everything in the world had solidified.

I don't know how long it has been, it seems to be a short moment, and it seems to be after a long time. The evolved small world suddenly changed, and it seemed to move slightly. In fact, it stopped in an instant from the rapid operation.

changed from extreme speed to extreme movement in an instant, and the small world immediately changed dramatically. Everything in this small world was out of its original position and was thrown out.

From the outside of this small world, I can only see that everything in this small world is getting closer and closer to me. Every time it is close to one point, anything in it will become a little bigger. It seems that the things in this world will immediately break away from this illusory world and enter reality and become real beings one by one.

Of course, this is just an illusion. At a glance, it turns out that this small world is expanding in a special way: it seems that the volume of this small world has not changed at all. On the contrary, it seems that everything in the real world outside is shrinking rapidly, gradually falling into the scope of this small world and accepting the influence of this small world. As if reality and illusion have been transferred, everything in the real world will become a phantom in that small world.

Except for Zhou Cheng, who is the core of the small world and protected by the original power of the virtual world, everything else is affected by this strange change, even the absolutely dark field. The small world evolved from the virtual world is like a prehistoric monster opening its mouth to devour everything, and the dark that can't be melted is sucked into the small world by large stocks.

This absolutely dark field is formed by the power of the bug. Now, after being sucked into by the long whales of the small world, they instinctively gather together again and seem to turn into a dark field again.

But how can this be possible? The small world rotated slightly and was sucked in. The pieces of dark power were immediately smashed and worn out, transformed into a force with some special attributes, and finally integrated into the small world.

In a short moment, this illusory world absorbed all the dark forces. The dark power was completely lost, and the field that could block the naked eye and divine perception suddenly collapsed.

Until this, Zhou Cheng and Xi finally saw the face of this space for the first time: a huge space, except for an oblique passage, the rest of the landlords had no exit. And this space seems to be underground. You can only smell a strong smell of the earth with a deep breath, and it is still very humid and hot.

However, Zhou Cheng and the two did not have time to look closely, and their eyes were attracted by the huge creature in front of them. Obviously, they have seen the pair of huge bugs.

After Zhou Cheng saw the bug, the first thing he noticed was that the bug exuded an obscure and unfathomable power, and the power was still very mysterious, giving people a strange feeling. It seemed that any creature that sensed this power would fall into the darkness forever!

However, he was not too surprised, let alone felt any danger and uneasiness. But unlike Zhou Cheng, Xi's face changed wildly after seeing the bug and couldn't help exclaiming:

"Dark giant worm! No, it's not just the dark giant worm, this is a mutant dark demon worm, a hundred-eyed dark demon worm!"

"Hundred-eyed Dark Devil Bug?" Zhou Cheng asked doubtfully, "What is this?" Why are you so shocked when you see this bug? Is there any secret in it?

Although Xi was shocked, he must be firm and strong, so he came to his senses just for a moment and explained to Zhou Cheng:

"Your Excellency, this hundred-eyed dark demon worm is a monster born in the holy clan, or it can be said that this thing is a special individual mutated by the members of the holy clan!"

"Special individuals with mutation? You don't have to be so nervous. Is there anything great about this bug?

Xi thought for a moment and then replied to Zhou Cheng:

"My lord, this hundred-eyed dark demon worm is the most fierce and cruel creature in Christmas, and their potential is so great that it is far from comparable to ordinary creatures. Like this dark demon worm, its cultivation is at least not lower than that of my heyday.

Zhou Cheng listened, but he didn't care. In his imagination, this so-called hundred-eyed dark demon worm is actually a stronger individual in the insect and beast family. But isn't it true that even strong creatures like Qiangruxi, who have reached the late stage of soul training are subdued by themselves? Although there is a lot of luck in this, it can also show that the guy who should attach great importance to Xi should not bring too much harm to himself.

Zhou Cheng didn't care much about the power of the bug, but was very wary of the dark field just now. You should know that what Zhou Cheng is most afraid of now is that there is no attack or defense. On the contrary, it is a tricky means, because he has no time to deal with anyone here now.

In fact, Zhou Cheng really doesn't need to be afraid of this bug anymore. The dark field of this bug has been destroyed, and it itself has fallen into the small world that evolved from the virtual world.

This small fact is actually a special attack method turned into a virtual world. Moreover, it is produced by Xi's whole body mana and vitality. Although using Xi's mana and vitality to destroy it, it is not 100% compatible with the virtual world, so the power will be much smaller. However, the power that can explode with the power of a master in the later stage of soul training to destroy the virtual world is also extremely horrible.

The creatures trapped in this small world are useless even if their cultivation reaches the late stage of soul training. As long as the small world runs for a moment, it can turn this creature into nothingness, and no trace of existence can be found. Not only will the body disappear, but also the soul will be completely wiped out, and even the chance of death will die. Neither.

Zhou Cheng didn't want to delay any more, so as soon as he saw the small world he had evolved trapped the bug, he immediately destroyed the small world and tried to erase the bug directly from the world.

The small world rotated slightly, and an invisible force rose from this world. This power looks extremely gentle, seems to have no power, let alone earth-shaking phenomena, like a breeze and Buddha's face, gently blowing towards the bug.

After the bug fell into this small world, it seemed to be stunned. In its view, he suddenly appeared in another completely strange world in a short moment.

At this moment, the bug felt a breeze blowing gently from its side. When the wind blows on its body, it makes it feel lazy and comfortable. However, somehow, it instinctively felt a burst of fear, as if it was facing great danger, as if it was falling on the edge of death, and the next second it would disappear.

There is no time to take any action. The body of this huge bug suddenly broke into tens of millions of pieces. These fragments turned into extremely small flying smoke in the breeze and floated everywhere.