
Chapter 234 Latent Healing

If the horrible tree man is subdued or refined into the virtual world, the virtual world will naturally slowly recover to its heyday, and those temporarily lost wonderful uses and powers will recover.

However, it is obviously impossible for Zhou Cheng to subdue this tree man. Unless a miracle happens or the tree man's brain is broken and he is willing to take the initiative to surrender, let alone Zhou Cheng, there is no existence in the world to transform the tree man into his own vassal.

This tree man must have stood at the top of the pyramid in this world. No creature is enough to make it bow its head. Therefore, in fact, Zhou Cheng has only one way to go, that is, to completely refine the tree man, refine it into a living magic weapon and integrate it into the virtual world, and integrate it into the tree man into the virtual world.

In this way, the virtual world will not only recover, but also become tens of millions of times stronger. In fact, by that time, the tree man did not lose his life, but lost his mind and was imprisoned in the virtual world. As a bitter force, it will become a source of living energy, providing power and power for the virtual world, and its magical power will also be integrated into the virtual world and become a wonderful use and function of the virtual world.

However, it is not easy to refine this tree man into the virtual world. If you just kill the other party, Zhou Cheng can even barely do it now. However, after killing the tree man, its utilization value will be greatly reduced. How can it be compared with a living master? The difference is too big. Just like a dinosaur fossil and a living dinosaur, its value is billions of times different.

Zhou Cheng carefully looked at the virtual world floating in front of him, and saw that the virtual world at this time lacked a momentum but more inexplicable color. Zhou Cheng knew that this was because part of the magic array in the spiritual weapon was separated, which affected its charm. The extra colors are the energy formed by the mixture of blood-colored flame and infinite magnetic flame, filling every inch of the virtual world and every array.

Just now, the virtual world absorbed infinite elemental magnets and converted them into burning flames, but when suppressing the tree man, only 1% of it was consumed, and most of the energy was still stored in the space of the magic array.

It is said that the spiritual weapon is full of energy, which should be a good thing. However, in fact, it is not any. So much mixed energy fills the virtual world, but it is a burden and a kind of pressure for the virtual world.

Because whether it is the bloody flame or the magnetic flame, it is a violent energy, and it is not Zhou Cheng's own power. If Zhou Cheng's own mana is poured, no matter how much it is, it will only be good for the virtual world. Although the virtual world can absorb the element magnetization into a part of itself, after absorbing the elemental magnetism, it is necessary to refine this power and finally purify it. After this step, the elemental magnetism will change slightly, which is fully compatible with the virtual world.

However, the energy that filled the entire virtual space at this time has not been refined. What makes Zhou Cheng more helpless is that the virtual world can refine and purify the metamagnet, but if it is absorbed too much, it will exceed the ability range of the virtual world. At this time, there are too many metamagnets in the virtual world, and it is impossible to excrete these energies. These energies are attached to the empty space of the virtual world like a stubborn disease. In the meantime, everything is constantly eroding.

"That damn old monster has put my spiritual weapon in a dilemma for you. And it also takes a huge risk. If I can't refine you, I will lose a lot of money and lose nothing!"

Seeing the state of the virtual world at this time, Zhou Cheng's heart was bleeding. He couldn't wait to kill the tree man immediately, but reason finally calmed him down. Start thinking about what you should do.

"I'm afraid that my battle with this tree man has shocked countless practitioners. However, why haven't practitioners come yet? Anyway, it's a good thing for me to come without practitioners. If any master comes now, I'm afraid I'll be in a bad situation! But, what should we do with this tree man? It can't be left like this, and the virtual world can't be delayed like this!"

"Yes! It must be that the tree's breath and the momentum that just broke out of the virtual world are really too powerful, so even if you feel something has changed here. But no practitioner dares to come. However, the battle has stopped for a while, and I'm afraid that some bold practitioners will come to see it soon. I'd better leave here early and find a place to think carefully about what I should do in the future. Well, I don't know whether it's bad luck or luck. The blood used to restore the body is not full now. It seems that the time for physical recovery will be extended indefinitely, but it also suppresses an incredible tree man. If the refining is really successful, it will not only not lose, but also make a lot of money!"

After a pause, Zhou Cheng suddenly disappeared in place. It turned out that he drove the virtual world through the void. He didn't think where to go at all, but shuttled randomly. After a moment, he was thousands of miles away, and even approached the barren area on the other side of the world finally stopped.

"Good luck! There is an active crater here. In this case, I will dive into the depths of the earth and lurk for a period of time. When my body recovers a little, I will adjust the energy in the virtual world, and finally refine the tree man. At that time, I will not be allowed to travel in heaven and earth.

Just shuttled out of the void, Zhou Cheng immediately saw an active volcano with continuous black smoke. He did not stop, threw his body directly in, drained the magma with the virtual world, and quickly sneaked down.

The virtual world has now been promoted to a spiritual weapon, and even the geocentric magnetosphere can enter and exit at will, and there will be no more magma. Hot magma is no different from ordinary lakes for the virtual world. The only difference is that the lava is full of endless fire vitality, which is absorbed by the virtual world, transformed for a moment, and then injected into Zhou Cheng's body.

"Ah——————It feels so comfortable to go back to the lava world! It seems that as a fire dragon, it is the best choice to stay in a place with sufficient fire and vitality!"

In a moment, he absorbed a lot of fire vitality. Zhou Cheng couldn't help moaning, and even he felt that even his body had a faint recovery. However, Zhou Cheng knew that although staying in this magma world is helpful for the recovery of the body, it is not so helpful. Because if you want to recover your body, you don't just need to absorb enough vitality. If it were really that simple, he would have recovered long ago. Why wait until now? You should know that the virtual world can be transformed into infinite vitality.

Perhaps only the little blood in the body of the practitioner can help Zhou Cheng recover quickly. Because the blood of some powerful creatures not only has extremely concentrated pure vitality, but also has a strong essence of life, which is more important for restoring the body. However, the essence of life is not transformed by the virtual world. It must be slowly born in the body of some powerful creatures, which is a mysterious and magical thing.

Along the winding magma channel, Zhou Cheng sneaked down nearly 10,000 meters before finally stopping. The magma here is already a white color, and the temperature is so high that even if gold and iron fall in, I'm afraid it will melt into iron in an instant. Moreover, the pressure here is extremely great. Even if there is a virtual protection, Zhou Cheng gradually feels a little pressure.

In fact, compared with the metamagnetic layer, the place closest to the core is a more horrible place. The real core is even tens of millions of times more horrible than that metamagnet. The temperature in it is enough to destroy everything, not to mention that there are many strange energy and mysterious force fields in it. So that's the real forbidden area for life. Even if the tree man is suppressed by Zhou Cheng, I'm afraid that it will turn into nothingness in an instant.

Open up a small safe space with the virtual world, in which Zhou Cheng lurked and began to practice the refining method of the giant family. A trace of hot and even faint golden vigorous refinement was influenced by Zhou Cheng, which condensed little by little from the endless magma and turned into thin golden filaments, constantly rushing to Zhou Cheng in the virtual world.

Zhou Cheng gradually forgot everything, where he was, the purpose of his coming, the tree man, and even himself. All his thoughts were focused on the practice of the secret law of the giant clan.

I don't know how long it took, when Zhou Cheng seemed to enter a state of forgetfulness, and gradually integrated with his breath with the whole magma, it seemed to disappear and become a part of the magma.

At this time, the virtual world quietly changed. It slowly changed into a giant egg. The egg shell showed a transparent and pure red color, with infinite mysterious patterns on it, while Zhou Cheng quietly curled up in it. Take a closer look, how this scene is like Zhou Cheng's evolution from a drop of dragon blood to a complete dragon. The virtual world has completely turned into the form of dragon eggs.

With the passage of time, there are more and more golden light outside the dragon egg, which gradually floods the whole dragon egg, and there are still many golden light in all directions. Finally, these gold wires gathered together and turned into a golden ocean, while the red and mysterious dragon egg floated and fell in the ocean.

When the dragon egg occasionally rises, you can faintly see a figure sleeping peacefully. His expression is extremely relaxed and gentle to close to innocence, just like a real baby. It seems that Zhou Cheng has experienced a process of conception again. He was conceived by heaven and earth again and will grow into a complete individual again.