
Chapter 256 Battle of Fortune

With a slight shake, the mass of things in Zhou Cheng's hand has disappeared. At this time, there was a roar around, and tall mecha warriors came quickly from all directions like lightning and surrounded Zhou Cheng. However, these mecha warriors were extremely cautious and did not immediately fight with Zhou Cheng.

"So it's trying to delay the time!"

Zhou Cheng swept with his mind and immediately found that there were more mecha warriors coming to the manor in the distance, with a total number of three or four hundred. Every mecha warrior is a horrible killing machine. Together, three or four hundred mecha warriors will be destructive. So many mecha warriors can even completely destroy a small city in a short moment.

However, Zhou Cheng didn't care. He had no intention of escaping at all. Instead, he stood still and waited quietly for the mecha warriors to come.

It's just a minute or two, and there are more than 300 mecha warriors around Zhou Cheng. Each mecha warrior is more than two meters high, and hundreds of mecha warriors are surrounded, each of which exudes a strong sense of war and a strong murderous spirit. Their breath was united, which caused a faint vibration of the world around them, and even the clouds in the sky were scattered by the shocking murderous atmosphere.

"All the mecha warriors obeyed the order: Do it immediately and destroy that guy!"

Perhaps the Li family felt that so many mecha warriors were enough to deal with any change, so they immediately issued an order to attack.

The sound of "buzzing" suddenly spread, and the mecha warrior moved at the same time in an instant, and his body was like electricity, attacking Zhou Cheng one after another. Even the air was stirred up by this group of mecha warriors and made some strange sounds.

In an instant, thousands of huge iron fists fell on Zhou Cheng like raindrops, and each punch contained great power. And hundreds of punches gathered together, squeezing the air clean in an instant, and these mecha warriors exuded a strong sense of war and a strong atmosphere. These breaths met and blocked the whole space.

Zhou Cheng can feel that surrounded by so many mecha warriors, he was inexplicably suppressed, and the practitioners' unique mana, divine thoughts, etc. were inoperable. However, after a slight operation of the Yuanshen, this inexplicable pressure gradually subsided.

"So that's it! After reaching a certain number of mecha warriors, they can form a prohibition in a space, suppressing the mana and magical powers of practitioners. Although this is invalid for me, if a practitioner of the divine period falls under the encirclement of these mecha warriors, I'm afraid that no magic power can be used. Even if he is a master of soul training, he is in a terrible situation.

At this time, the number of mecha warriors is only about 300, which can actually exert such a huge suppression on practitioners. Zhou Cheng couldn't believe that if thousands or even more mecha warriors gathered together, the pressure on practitioners would be great. At that time, even if the master of the soul practice period can use spells and magical powers, the power of terror will be less than half. And practitioners who are not in the soul training period can't use all their magical power, and can only be slaughtered by others.

"These mecha warriors are all the most elite and powerful warriors carefully selected from countless human beings. They are spiritually determined and will not be shaken by external objects. Once the organic armor cooperates, it will become very horrible. The most terrible thing is that when these mecha warriors, who are not afraid of ghosts and gods and only live to kill the enemy, will be scattered with this breath of restraint practitioners' magic and magic power, which is the condensation of their spirit.

"In this way, as a mortal mecha warrior, he actually has the capital to compete with practitioners! A high-tech dead object and some powerful mortal warriors actually compete with practitioners with magical powers, mana and higher life forms. Although this mecha warrior is strictly selected, the number must far exceed the creatures that can be practiced. Therefore, I'm afraid that if you really want to compete with each other, the mecha warriors will have the upper hand!"

In an instant, Zhou Cheng thought of a lot of things. He vaguely felt that the stranger of the practitioner seemed to be coming. There is an invisible luck in this world, and at this time, because of the birth of mecha warriors, this luck has changed, becoming closer to mecha warriors and away from those practitioners.

Since ancient times, even since there have been creatures, practitioners have begun to be born. Therefore, for countless centuries, from the distant famine to the present, practitioners have occupied the strongest luck in the world and are the well-deserved protagonists of the world.

However, for nearly a thousand years, with the rapid development of human civilization, this fortune has gradually begun to change, and human beings have occupied a large part. But it still can't be compared with the luck of the practitioner, but when the mecha warrior among human beings is born, the luck of the practitioner begins to decline rapidly in a very short time.

If the luck is lost, it means that the world begins to transform. It is no longer suitable for practitioners to survive. Just like the fish that originally lived in the water, the water source on which they live suddenly dries up, and these fish will naturally die.

However, Zhou Cheng understands that things will never be so simple. How can practitioners who have occupied the leading position of the world for countless centuries make it so simple that human beings who have just been born for hundreds of thousands of years and have truly developed civilization for less than ten thousand years have monopolized all the luck!

"Human beings are just one of countless creatures in the world for hundreds of millions of years. Why do they have a tendency to monopolize the atmosphere of the whole world? Even if every human being is born with wisdom, this is just to add more luck to human beings, and it is impossible to monopolize! You should know that in the past, present and future, there must be more magical species than humans, such as the giants of the underground world, such as dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago, which are no less than human beings. As the saying goes, human beings are the spiritual leaders of all things. Is there any secret in it? Otherwise, this phenomenon can't be explained at all!"

"Even if something shocking has happened, it's nothing. The phenomenon of human monopoly luck has appeared, so what should come will definitely come. Once human beings monopolize their luck, countless practitioners in the world have lost their place to stand, which is equivalent to a feud. How can the two get along safely? There will definitely be a terrible war. Only when human beings win this war can they really monopolize all the luck!"

Zhou Cheng thought so much, but in fact, it was just a moment. At this time, the iron fist of those mecha warriors still hasn't hit Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng suddenly realized the trajectory of the change of luck between heaven and earth. He had no intention to entangle with these mecha warriors, so he jumped into the air and stood in mid-air, making all the attacks of the mecha warriors below fail.

Standing in the air, Zhou Cheng continued the deduction just now. A moment later, Zhou Cheng's face showed some strange looks. Because he discovered a strange phenomenon: according to his own deduction, human beings have no possibility of monopolizing the luck of the world. In fact, this situation really happened.

"The phenomenon that can't be found at all is real. And this phenomenon must lead to a war involving the whole world, with blood flowing. One side of this war is human beings, a new race that wants to monopolize the whole fortune, while the other side is the practitioner who has existed since ancient times.

On the surface, now that humanity is booming and practice is declining, human beings already have amazing weapons such as nuclear weapons. Recently, a horrible war weapon such as mecha warriors has been born. Practitioners absolutely cannot compete with human beings.

Moreover, there are human beings among practitioners. However, these practicing human beings are an amalarith. They belong to human beings, but they are also practitioners, so they cannot be fully counted as practitioners. This makes the practice camp, which already seems to be weak, weaker. It seems that there is a possibility of extinction at any time.

But, think about it. Zhou Cheng is skeptical that human beings can win this shocking battle. What's more, he doesn't believe that human beings can really win this war. It is not that human beings are at a disadvantage, but that there is no possibility of victory at all.

First of all, just think about how many years the world of the earth was born, and practitioners have always existed since the beginning of life. It is not so easy to be removed.

Even if the practice is declining now, Zhou Cheng believes that there are absolutely some horrible practitioners hidden in this world. Even some legendary mythical figures must still be hidden somewhere in the world. These are the real forces of the practice world, and the active monks in this surface world are just pawns in the front desk.

The reason for this speculation is that Zhou Cheng has seen the truly powerful practitioners in the world, such as the second generation of the tree man who trained himself into the virtual world. That small underground world already has so many horrible characters, and this surface world is wider than the underground world, and there must be many hidden horror practitioners.

And such a practitioner can even threaten the whole human civilization. For example, Zhou Cheng now, if he wants to, he can even hit the whole human civilization world on his own.

Therefore, in fact, once human beings really threaten the foundation of the whole world of practice, they will definitely disturb these old monsters that have been lurking for many years. Needless to say, as long as there are more than a dozen practitioners in this realm, the seemingly powerful civilization of mankind will be destroyed in an instant.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng is a little strange. It is said that there are sleeping old monsters in the world to suppress luck, and human beings can't get so much luck from heaven and earth. However, it seems that an invisible hand has forcibly changed all this and forcibly reversed the fortune of this world.

Who is it? There is such a great magic power that can change the luck of a world! And what did he do this for? He must have known that this would lead to a shocking battle between human beings and practitioners, but he still did so. What is his purpose?

Zhou Cheng faintly felt a chill in his heart. Because he knew that if there was such a existence that manipulated the luck of the whole world, he could never compete with it, and even if he was ten times stronger. Perhaps only after the great success of the yuan god and the achievement of the immortals after perfection can it be possible to compete with that existence a little.