
Chapter 285 Unbreakable

Since the creation of heaven and earth, it has lasted for endless years. How many creatures have been born in this world? This can't be calculated by anyone, but it is definitely an extremely huge astronomical figure.

However, even in the endless years of ancient and modern times, how many of the countless creatures can practice to Zhou Cheng's current state? Although it has never been recorded one by one, it can be seen that it is absolutely rare. Not to mention that practicing to the realm of immortals, evolving into an immortal body, and having the supreme existence of the opportunity to prove Taoism, even the creatures that practiced to the Yuanshen period are definitely one of the few since ancient times.

However, even if it is as strong as Zhou Cheng's half-foot stepping into the gate of the road, he can't resist the power of the totem. This is a magical finger, and a horrible finger. One finger hits out and actually beat Zhou Cheng's immortal fire dragon body into a small snake, and then expands and explodes.

This immortal body is indestructible and immortal. All magical power and spells, whether it is physical damage or energy attack, are special. Even if this immortal identity is made into tens of millions, it can't be wiped out.

However, now this immortal body has been completely destroyed in the monster's finger and completely destroyed, turning into soaring vitality, mana and some pure yang qi and special energy, instantly filling the flood land in the totem stone pillar. This originally desolate and wild land suddenly became aura. Under the erosion of infinite energy and various magical vitality, the countless towering giant trees vibrated together, as if there was a magical evolution in an instant and was about to produce intelligence.

You should know how abundant the vitality and mana in Zhou Cheng's immortal body are: he has devoured nearly a hundred yuan gods that are close to Dacheng, and even if these yuan gods are weak, the total vitality contained in nearly 100 yuan gods is still unimaginable.

Not to mention that Zhou Cheng's immortal body is not only the yuan god who has devoured nearly 100 Dacheng, but also Zhou Cheng's own yuan god and the body of the fire dragon. Among them, his yuan god contains the virtual world with pure yang nature. The vitality released after the destruction of this virtual world alone is equivalent to nearly ten great gods. Therefore, it can be imagined that his immortal body was destroyed, and the power released at that moment was as fierce as a nuclear explosion.

Although he knew that he was bound to die, Zhou Cheng was certainly unwilling to step into the door of the road with half a foot. Even if it is death, this kind of existence is almost in line with Taoism, and the existence of proof has its own dignity. When this dignity meets an irresistible force, it will turn into anger and the courage to sacrifice itself. Wherever it is death, it will leave indelible damage to the enemy.

With a fatal blow, he turned the power released after the destruction of his immortal body into a blazing flame, covering the whole flood and famine. In this flame of revenge, the whole land seems to melt. The endless giant trees in the sky were ignited in an instant, the earth was burned layer after layer, and the space was about to be refined and turned into chaos.

This is the strongest blow and the last blow in Zhou Cheng's history. He knew that in just a moment, he would completely disappear, and he would never find any trace of his existence in the world. However, watching the wilderness gradually burst by the flame of his revenge, Zhou Cheng smiled and laughed crazily. Even if he only had a little real spirit left, he still laughed happily.

"Haha, you damn monster actually said that I am a beast, how dare you treat me as a captive animal. If you want to treat me as food and devour me, it depends on whether you have a good tooth. Treat me as food, and I will jump off your mouth full of teeth!" Zhou Cheng, who only had a little real spirit left, laughed wildly there.

At this time, his true spirit of flame-like light gradually faded, like a candle in the wind, swaying and may be extinguished at any time. And his one-acre-sized green lotus fruit gradually shrank, and the three lotus leaves became yellow, lost their vitality and green, and gradually drooped down.

The green lotus gradually lost its vitality and gradually withered and withered. In just a moment, the green lotus, which was originally a mu in size, shrank to less than ten meters. The lotus leaves have withered 90%, and even the lotus stem has gradually fallen. Only the roots of the green lotus still have a ray of activity and tenaciously struggled in the void. , integrate into the road and absorb the breath of the road to maintain its last bit of vitality.

Compared with Qinglian, Zhou Cheng's true spirit is even more unbearable. Now there is only a little dark light the size of a soybean, which is not even easy to find if you don't look carefully. As long as it is only for a moment, this true spirit will completely disappear.

At this time, Zhou Cheng had an inexplicable feeling in his heart: "Am I finally going to die? Originally, everything was illusory after all. What is the point of practice so far that you can't avoid death. Sure enough, life is short!"

At this moment, countless memories flowed in Zhou Cheng's heart and gradually disappeared. No matter how Zhou Cheng tried and struggled, but those memories disappeared forever, and Zhou Cheng could no longer recall his past.

"Who am I? What am I? Where was I born and where am I going? After all the memories of the past disappeared, Zhou Cheng only had one question left in his heart. He forgot the moment before he died, that he was pointed to death by the monster, and even forgot his hatred for the monster.

However, it was said that at this time, the flames produced after the destruction of Zhou Cheng's immortal body were still burning. The flood land has been melted, and everything in the totem pole is collapsing. The sun, moon and stars, the stars in the sky must not be the real sun, moon and stars, but just the presentation of the law of the road. And under the burning barbecue, everything is destroying, everything is collapsing, the sky is falling, and the earth is collapsing.

However, it is strange that there is no movement in this totem pillar. The owner of the sacred weapon on the other side watched his magic weapon on the other side have been greatly damaged, but he did not come out to stop it.

With a "boom", the land was completely broken, and the whole totem stone pillar trembled and made a sad cry. This heavy blow made it feel painful. Yes, this magic weapon on the other side is different from the magic weapon. It is like life.

However, Zhou Cheng can no longer feel it at this time. He didn't know that he had got what he wanted and really destroyed the flood land with a blow, because even if he destroyed the flood land, Zhou Cheng could no longer feel any pleasure.

At this time, the monster appeared again. He stopped over the destructive land, looked down at everything, and looked at him without any anger.

The monster muttered to himself: "This fire dragon is really a great tonic! His immortal body is already extremely strong. If he knows the method of sacrificing the sacred weapons on the other side, I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be another sacred artifact on the other side of the world. His immortal body can completely sacrifice a sacred weapon on the other side. Although it is only the holy weapon on the other side of the first time, it is extremely difficult to kill it again! Even the original sacred weapon on the other side has unpredictable power. Even if you can't beat my totem stone pillar, there is a * possibility if you want to save your life.

After whispering a few words, the monster opened his arms, slowly hugged him into a circle, and made a grand voice in his mouth: "If you don't break or stand, the flood is broken and evolves into chaos!"

With this grand sound, the completely broken land and the still burning flame turned into nothing. The inside of the totem stone pillar completely turned into a chaotic space, and the endless chaotic atmosphere could not help rolling and surging.

At this time, there is a huge figure in the center of the chaos: there is no time and space in the chaos, but this figure standing in the chaos makes people feel that he is the master of this chaotic space, and the infinite chaotic airflow surges with every breath.

Take a closer look, this figure is not the monster of that person and beast head. However, if people can distinguish the size in chaos, then they can know that this figure is as high as thousands of miles, which is really incredible. He is the innate demon god bred in this chaos, the only existence and supreme master in this chaos.

"I will break the chaos, open up another world, and create everything. I will become the real creator, and I will evolve into the real Tao!"

This huge figure stood in chaos. I don't know how long it took him to roar loudly and burst out a divine light in his hands. This divine light is the only light in the chaos, but it illuminates the whole chaos.

A groundbreaking sound sounded, and the whole chaos was suddenly split by the divine light on the figure's hands. The chaotic airflow was divided into two, surging crazily, and an indescribable force swept everything. Even the figure couldn't help humming and took a step back slightly.

However, after only taking a step back, he suddenly stamped his feet, trampling on half of the heavy airflow under his feet, and raised his hands high to hold a light spirit.

This is simply the legendary situation of Pangu Kaitian. However, this huge figure did not fall down. On the contrary, his whole body burst into a strong light and drowned everything.

I don't know how long it took, everything disappeared. When the light dissipated, the figure disappeared, but a vast world appeared: this is a desolate world, not even a weed, let alone a creature. And the world is very similar to the original floodland, but it is more than twice as big.

If there is any difference between this desolate world and the original flood land, in addition to being more than doubled in size, there is a pair of huge eyes looming in the sky of the world, occupying the eyes of the whole sky, and the eyes are gradually fading.

In a corner of this desolate world, a hard rock suddenly cracked, and a faint green light appeared: it turned out to be a strange seed that broke through the ground and stretched out a little green buds.