ghost monk

Chapter 1 Ghost Cultivation

Chapter 1 Ghost Repair

Heaven and earth are natural, do nothing, and everything governs itself, so it is not benevolent. The benevolent must create and give, be kind and do, and make and give, and the things will be untrue. If there is kindness and work, the thing will not be stored; if the thing is not stored, it will not be enough to carry. ...If nothing is for everything and everything is suitable for its own use, then there is no need to do it.

It has been said that in the nine heavens, there are gods and immortals. Under the nine abyss, it is the Huangquan Mingzong, but no one has seen it with their own eyes. For thousands of years, it has only been circulating in this ethereal. Only this prosperous and happy land in the world is vast and smoke-free, and hundreds of millions of creatures live together and thrive in this world.

Since ancient times, mortals have all died. But the world is afraid of death and greed, and there is also the theory of hell and the underworld, which adds a little fear. Under this, there is a theory of immortality.

Compared with other biological species, human beings may be at a physical disadvantage, but all creatures have their own spirituality. Under the desire to pursue immortality, all the talented people in today's world have gone forward and devoted their lives to study hard. So far, although immortality in the true sense has not been found, there are some practitioners who have penetrated some of the creation of heaven and earth. With the body of mortals, they have mastered the power of destroying heaven and earth. With the help of various powerful fa weapons, they can shock the world and have the power of thunder. And some advanced predecessors are strong, detached from life and death, and it is even more said that they have lived for thousands of years without dying. People in the world think that they have become immortals, so more people have embarked on the road of practicing Taoism.


Since ancient times, the cultivation world has been divided into two major schools: one is to cultivate internal strength, spit out the aura of heaven and earth, use spiritual power as a medium, temper the body, control magic weapons, and cross heaven and earth, which is called martial arts practice; the second, it is continuous observation, meditation, stimulation of the soul, so as to make the soul stronger, and even devour the souls of others. Absorb the source of other people's souls and have all kinds of powerful soul abilities, which is called ghost cultivation.

Originally, it is hard to say which of these two major cultivation methods is better or worse, but the cultivation of the soul has always been more difficult than the cultivation of martial arts. The cultivation of a soul is not to take a scroll that records the formula and learn it after understanding it. On the contrary, the cultivation of any soul requires the practitioners to repeatedly and carefully stimulate and strengthen their soul. Even if they are talented people, it often take a long time to make their souls strong. A little bit.

Over time, the mental energy and spirit consumed are very huge. It is really hard to practice. In contrast, the road of martial arts practice is slightly easier to walk. Of course, once you practice in the depths, it is also extremely difficult, but it will always be better than ghost cultivation. And martial arts practice often prolongs the body, and ghost cultivation is here. Although it is helpful at one point, it is not as obvious as martial arts. What do people practice for? Isn't it just to live a long life or even immortality?

However, because the soul has been cultivated to the depths, the power is said to be amazing, so although the number of ghost practitioners has been less than that of martial arts since ancient times, it is not a decline. However, tens of millions of years ago, there was an epoch-making event in the history of cultivation. That is, it was found that the method of directly absorbing and refining its abundant spiritual power from the spiritual crystals produced from the strongest spiritual veins of heaven and earth, and transforming it into the "internal strength" of martial arts cultivation, but it is only effective for the cultivation of martial arts.

Since then, Wu Xiu has ushered in an unprecedented golden age of prosperity. As long as the number of spiritual stones is sufficient, it can almost supply abundant spiritual power. Suddenly, all the previous martial arts who suffered from spiritual bottlenecks have been bravely and diligent, and Wu Xiu has also flourished from then on. Countless Genius heroes emerged one after another, competing from generation to generation, and thousands of methods and skills sprung up like bamboo shoots. The original situation of being equal with Guixiu was gradually completely suppressed by martial arts practice.

Tens of years have passed, and today's martial arts has reached its peak. All kinds of earth-shaking magic secrets have been created, and all the practices have also been sorted out by previous geniuses. Today's martial arts vein is divided into several different realms, from low to high: physical state, gas gathering state, life-taking realm, long life, and even a legendary reincarnation realm, and each realm is subdivided. It is said that at the peak of reincarnation, it is already a cultivation of immortals, waiting for the day to rise. Its power can move mountains and fill the sea, reverse the stars and the moon, and be omnipotent and earth-shaking.

It's just that since ancient times, monks who can cultivate to the realm of eternal life have been rare, and the legendary reincarnation is quite ethereal, and no one has really seen it. It is because of this that some people have put forward the idea that no matter how strong the body is, one day it will turn into dust and disappear. Even if it is cultivated to the realm of longevity, it does not mean living with heaven and earth, but just living for a long time. ...Legend has it that the soul will never die. Therefore, those old antiques who have reached the realm of immortality began to involve knowledge of ghost cultivation, cultivate their own souls, try to become ghosts, achieve the unity of spirit and flesh, smash the void, and hope to live together with heaven and earth forever. They are all practitioners. In fact, practitioners have a long lifespan, but those who do not live long are not afraid of death. The longer they live, the more greedy they are. It is precisely because of this psychology that these practitioners are very desperate. In order to live an immortality, they continue to break through and practice, but with the passage of time, their choice can only be other than cultivation. For those whose cultivation has been stuck and has been unable to break through, if they can't find other ways to break through, they will face the threat of death. In the face of such a threat of death, if they don't want to break through their cultivation, they are likely to face it. In the face of death in the true sense, in the face of the threat of death, their choice is to try their best to make further breakthroughs and improve their cultivation. Only in this way can the pain of death be avoided in a real sense.

In the Qianlong Continent, cultivation is divided into several levels. But initially, the first level was positioned in the physical realm. In the masters of the physical realm, they are all beating their own bodies and exercising their bodies. This is physical cultivation. Generally speaking, the physical realm is divided into nine stages.

The first to third paragraphs are the "meat refining" stage, which is to squeeze your body and constantly beat it, so as to make your body stronger and thicker. Refining meat is the basis of physical cultivation, and the whole body exercises to make the flesh of the whole body strong, full and responsive.

And the three stages of refining meat are to see how much power the martial artist's arms have. Those who have the ability to lift a hundred catties of stones are the first stage of refining meat; and those who have the ability to lift 500 catties of boulders have reached the second stage of refining meat; and those who can lift thousands of jin of boulders, gallop like horses, have a horse in their arms, is the third stage of refining meat.

The fourth paragraph is "training tendons", the whole body is elastic and strong, the explosive strength is fierce, and the body is agile. This stage is also a watershed in physical practice. In this realm, you can use a big meteor fist, all over the body, from the heart to the fist, and the fist can break the trees. Absolute combat power is extraordinary, and it can compete with one hundred. At the same time, martial arts practitioners have a corresponding name, called "Martial Arts".

In the fifth paragraph of "practicing membrane", the whole body membrane is strong and resists the blow. With a force, the human skin is as tough as cowhide, which is the real master. It is called "samurai".

The sixth paragraph of "bone training": the whole body is hard, the penetration is strong, the body is more agile, and the fighting power is stronger. Called a martial artist

The seventh paragraph of " Practice Dirty": Make the internal organs strong through breathing and vomiting, and the breathing is far-reaching, and the physical strength is long. Walking like a running horse, jumping like a bird, called "Wu Zong".

The eighth paragraph "medullary": the cultivation of boxing martial arts has penetrated into the bone marrow. Such a person is called "King Wu".

The ninth paragraph "blood change": After the bone marrow is strong, after practicing, the blood of the whole body is refreshed. The so-called practice of marrow like frost and blood mercury plasma. Get out of the birth and change the bone, cut the hair and wash the marrow. Such a person is called "Wu Sheng".

It is rumored that the master who broke through the nine "Wusheng" can attract the air of heaven and earth into the body, enter the "gas gathering world", and be reborn. His life expectancy is several times longer than that of ordinary masters, but Wenshan has not seen it yet.


At this time, in a tavern, in an extremely luxurious VIP room, sitting on the woman who thought was extremely beautiful.

Bright eyes and snow skin, beautiful hair hanging shoulders, and a face like a person in the picture. Wearing a light green soft robe, the white chest is exposed, embroidered with a few soft and white lotus flowers, which makes the skin of the neck and chest more warm, and also makes the exquisite curves hidden under the Luo clothes a little more confusing. The figure is graceful, the beautiful appearance is suffocating. Woman.

This woman is dressed in luxury, and the style of Miss Qianjin is still very full. Behind this woman stands a man, who is also very handsome, and that noble temperament can be fully reflected from his standing there. Maybe it's because of the aura.

Men and women, one sits there dignifiedly, and the other stands there, and the two look very well-matched. The woman sat there, holding a cup of bird's nest porridge in her hand, and slowly tasting it. The woman's mouth was shaped like a diamond, her lips were bright red, and her fine white and neat teeth. When she slowly drank the bird's nest porridge in her hand, she was extremely charming. Such a charming little mouth, Hongling's little mouth slowly chewed the bird's nest porridge in her mouth, giving people I feel unusually energetic.

When such a VIP room was full of an unusually calm and peaceful atmosphere, suddenly came to the door of this luxurious restaurant, a man in a linen shirt. The man was unkempt and looked extremely shabby. But the whole person looks extremely divine and spiritual. Judging from the whole person's body, this person's strength is absolutely great, and his muscles are highlighted outside his clothes.

If you are a person of your heart, you will find that this man trotted all the way here when he came to this place. His trot, each step is like a tiger leap, one step three times the normal jump, but it seems extremely relaxed on him. This person is a practitioner at first glance.

Just as the man just walked here, a boy who looks like a clerk suddenly greeted him. When he saw Wenshan from afar, he said with a smile, "Master Wen, you're here! Hurry in. Our lady is in the VIP sky. I've been waiting for you all morning. Let's go quickly!" After saying that, he came forward to pat Wenshan with the dust on his body. This little two-like guy is extremely clever. A pair of small eyes kept turning around, looking at Master Wen in front of him, and asked with a smile, "I don't know if Master Wen has got it this time? Our lady has been waiting for you for a long time! This time, we can't let our young lady down again!"

In fact, the man in front of him is called Wenshan, 17 or 18 years old.

Holy capital, a rich family, a small slave of the Shen family, is also a well-known martial arts master in the whole capital. Although he is young and not strong, he raises his hands and feet, and his body reveals a strength. In the process of running, this strength seems to explode from the muscles.

Although Wenshan's largest Shen family in Shengjing City, or as a small domestic slave in the Shen family, has no ability to come here to consume at all, such a place is not for consumption by small domestic slaves like him. The second child of such a shrewd shop can put such domestic slaves into such a luxurious restaurant, and every time this Wenshan comes, he seems to hold Wenshan abnormally and treats Wenshan as a master more like a real master.

Wenshan didn't pay attention to the little role of the second in the store at all, but went straight to the VIP private room upstairs and the most luxurious private room in the whole high-end hotel upstairs. He was extremely familiar with it, as if this was his home. At this time, there was a trace of excitement and happiness on his face. At the same time, one hand unconsciously reached into his arms and touched the box in his arms. So I feel at ease.

When the boy named Wenshan ran to the private room upstairs, he suddenly pushed the door open, took out the treasure box from his arms, and shouted at the woman sitting inside with a smile: "Linger, I brought Taixuan Jindan. I finally used my identity to steal it from Miss Shen's boudoir.

Wenshan was excited when he saw the woman and immediately raised the refined box in his hand.

"Oh? Wenshan, you finally succeeded in this matter. The beautiful woman's face was very calm. She stretched out her white jade-like jade hand and picked up a paper towel and wiped her red diamond-like lips. She looked extremely calm. Looking at Wenshan who rushed in in front of her, she said lightly, "Taixuan Jindan, bring it over and let me have a look."

"Okay." Wenshan handed the box to the woman named Linger without hesitation.

"Linger" took the box and immediately saw a milky white elixir, as if a wisp of flexible particles were jumping, and the fragrance of the medicine was overflowing, which made the beautiful woman's face red and had a unique charm.

"Linger, do you think we can fly away together if we help you get this Taixuan Jindan? Let's go now." Wenshan said in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, Wenshan." Linger quietly put away the box and a calm look appeared on her face: "I have something else now. I can't fly away with you. Let's talk about this later."

"What? Linger, what are you talking about?

Hearing this, Wenshan suddenly felt a nameless breath on his chest. His swollen chest was painful, and his face suddenly pale with bloodless: "Linger, I took a lot of risks and stole this mysterious golden elixir from Miss Shen's boudoir, which is what you promised me to fly away together. Have you changed your mind now? Why? Why is it like this?"

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