ghost monk

Chapter 16 Soul Skills

Chapter 16 Soul Skills

The body damage has recovered by about 80%, and the other twenty will slowly recuperate within a few days. At the same time, it is also necessary to increase the training of boxing, but at this time, it is estimated that it will not work in the Shen family. After all, his identity is a seriously injured wounded person. If he can practice boxing in just a few days, it will be incredible. Wenshan thought and closed his eyes at the same time, but this time the difference is that he is no longer runs the aura to moisten the body, but closes his eyes and meditate to restore the loss of the soul.

The tent in the center of the camp was opened, and immediately the charming figure in the moonlight appeared in everyone's sight. It was Shen Bing.

At this time, Shen Bing had already groomed. The tiredness and drowsiness of the boat car were swept away, and his face was more beautiful and touching. As soon as he walked out of the tent, he attracted the attention of a group of big men around him. Because of the sudden appearance of Shen Bing, his heart beat faster, his qi and blood surged to his brain, and his breathing was short. .

Out of the tent, Shen Bing glanced at him, slowly came out, turned around, and looked at everyone.

This is her daily routine inspection, inventory of personnel, and survey of goods. This is a habit that Shen Bing has developed for many years, and Wenshan also knows it. It is because of this that this work attitude makes the domestic slaves and families more admirable and convinced. At this time, Shen Bing, like a girl next door, walked slowly in the crowd, looking very beautiful.

After Shen Bing came out, Scar, Lao Wang and others unconsciously lowered their voices, so that they became silent in the end. As for those meaty words, which are swallowed even more, they dare not imagine what will happen if such words spread to Miss Shen Er's ears, and they and others will have to lose their skin even if they die.

After inspecting around, Shen Bing turned her eyes to Wenshan leaning against the tree in the distance and closed her eyes to nourish herself. Liu Mei slightly frowned. She always had a sense of déjà vu for Wen Shan, a feeling of familiar but a little strange, appreciating and a little regret. But I can't say why. Maybe I've been too tired recently. Looking at Wenshan leaning against the tree as if he was asleep, he was slightly angry. He worked so hard to investigate that you were so rude that you fell asleep early. But after all, this is the little girl's inner thought, but it will definitely not be shown by Shen Bing's personality.

While she was angry, there was suddenly a trace of doubt in her heart. Her cold eyes looked at the treetops where Wenshan was located, shook her head, and shook her head and walked back. As Shen Bing walked back, she followed a maid beside her and looked at Wenshan doubtfully. There was also a strange feeling in her heart that this maid was the apricot who whipped Wenshan last time.

Just when Shen Bing's group returned to the tent, a humanoid spirit suddenly floated down from the treetops. This is exactly what Wenshan's soul looks like, which looks exactly like Wenshan. At this time, the spiritual body blinked her eyes, looked at the beautiful back of the faraway, and her heart fluctuated slightly. 'What kind of adventure did this woman get? Not only did her strength suddenly improve, but her spirit was also strong to the appearance of eight and nine stages. Although there was no soul shelling like Wenshan, her spirit at least found Wenshan's body. There is a slight difference, that is, there is no breathing or no beating of the heart.

If this young lady really wants to walk over and see Wenshan, Wenshan must return to his soul, and must maintain a state of not breathing, heart beating, and fainting for a short time. In this way, he may be able to hide this Miss Shen Er. After all, he is seriously injured at this time. However, if you pretend not to be good or have a flaw, Shen Bing's personality will definitely be doubtful, so this acting level is the key.

For good, Shen Bing has the usual airs and will not care about the life or death of an ordinary subordinate, let alone check whether Wenshan is breathing. If she really does so, such a thing is bound to spread among the servants of the Shen family, with so many eyes around her.

In fact, Wenshan's soul out of the body at this time was not for fun, but he was ready to practice a skill, a skill practiced by the soul. What is recorded in "Yin and Yang Mixed Yuanyuan" is a kind of called "God Soul Skills". This is not a simple skill to exercise the soul and strengthen the soul, but a move used by one's own soul. Of course, the moves used by the soul here are simple skills before a thunderstorm. Because there are only so many text light points swallowed by Wenshan, as for the skills of the energy gathering realm or the soul skills after the double thunder disaster, Wenshan can only know after slowly devouring the text light points.

This soul skill tells a method of using the soul, that is, it is like a martial arts move.

At present, he can learn two kinds of soul skills, one is 'soul transmission' and the other is 'soul possession'. As for the soul object, it is only the most basic thing, just like the usual Wenshan exercise, carrying some small stones, etc., which are not recorded in the soul skills, and also shows the soul. Royal objects are not powerful skills.

'Soul transmission' is to convey a spiritual idea, transmitting the words or meanings you want to express to the other person's mind through your own thoughts. The explanation is simple, but I'm afraid it's not so easy to do. This not only tests the strength of a person's soul, but also examines a person's ability to control his soul.

He has also seen this magical soul transmission, but the masters who gather the realm of energy are transmitted to the other party's mind through strong spirit and energy. Those who can do this are all masters of the realm of gathering energy, which ordinary people can't do. In fact, this is also due to the strength of the soul. Since most people choose martial arts, they are not very strong for the exercise of the soul, let alone the skills of soul cultivation.

In addition to the exercise of the body, the spirit and flesh combine, and the soul gradually merge with the body. When it reaches the state of gathering, the soul can no longer be out of the body. Therefore, the soul of martial arts practitioners is not as strong as that of ghost practitioners.

At first glance, this kind of 'soul transmission' soul skill is not very powerful, or has no attack ability at all, but just a way to use the soul. Wenshan doesn't want to learn, does he have to use 'soul transmission'? What's the use of that man's mouth, but on second thought, it's better to learn, at least no matter how bad it appears in the yin and yang mixed Yuanyuan skills. At least this ability can only be possessed by the strong in the realm of gathering energy. You can learn it now, which means that you completely pretend to be a master with this hand.

Thinking of this, Wenshan is somewhat relieved, and at the same time, he has a slight interest in this 'soul transmission'.


"Old Wang, have you fallen asleep?" Scar whispered to the elder Wang lying opposite him, and his voice was very low for fear of waking up his classmates around him.

At this time, it was already late at night, and there was silence around, and the sky was also the darkest time of the whole night. The burning fireworks on the ground seemed particularly enchanting. The sound of wood burning and exploding in the fireworks was endless, but these big men obviously had no sense and snored everywhere.

At this time, Scar did not fall asleep. Instead, he felt a little guilty because he had a little quarrel with Lao Wang at night. He wanted to apologize to the Lao Wang opposite him, but he was surrounded by brothers, and he felt embarrassed. In the middle of the night, when everyone fell asleep, he was brazen and called Lao Wang.

In fact, Lao Wang can't sleep tonight. In addition to the nonsense caused by the scar, he also misses the cicada. Just now, when the old king called him, he also thought that the scar must have apologized to him. Usually, this scar is just this stinky virtue, which he knows very well. But when he thought about it, he would still teach this rough man a lesson. So I ignored the cry of the scar, as if I fell asleep. Don't bother me.

"Old Wang, are you asleep?"

"Old Wang, I apologized to my brother..."

"Big Wang, big..."

'Nang Xipi, this turtle grandson slept so early, and I don't know if this guy is really asleep or pretending to sleep for me?' Scar thought to himself, and he didn't get up to see if Lao Wang was asleep or not. Looking at the fireworks in front of me, I don't know what I'm thinking. From time to time, there will be a smile on my face.

At this moment, the fireworks in front of Lao Wang couldn't help shaking, shaking more and more, as if it were going to be blown out. And there was no wind around, and there was no doubt in Scar's heart.

In his doubt, the pile of flames in front of him quietly extinguished, suddenly darkening the brightness around him a little. Scar was the only one who saw this strange situation. Lao Wang, who was lying opposite, was closing his eyes and thinking about something.

The scar felt a trace of uneasiness. Tonight, he was alive. In the absence of wind, the fireworks in front of him were quietly extinguished, while other fireworks around him were still burning. And the wood in the fire in front of him has not burned out. There are still a lot of mosquitoes on summer nights. At this time, due to the extinguishing of fireworks, mosquitoes seem to have found a source of blood and gather here against the scar. The scar is so not afraid of these text bites. Anyway, it's not painful or itchy, and it doesn't care about the skin. But the mosquito's 'buzz, buzz!' The sound is endless, making the scar that is difficult to sleep even more unable to sleep.

Under the scoundrel, the original lazy appearance of the knife was a little more irritable. He slowly stood up, walked aside, took a burning wooden stick, returned to the place where he slept, and continued to light the wooden stick in front of him.

Suddenly, the flame ignited, and the flame with a yellow halo came with a trace of temperature. The mosquitoes around him suddenly decreased a lot. The companions around couldn't help turning over and continued to sleep, while the big old king on the opposite side still did not move. The scar stretched slightly, yawned, and the drowsiness surged up, lay on the ground and fell asleep.

But as soon as the scar lay down for a while, the fireworks in front of them suddenly went out again. As in the situation just now, there was no wind. The scar's face wrinkled deeper.