ghost monk

Chapter 55 Reject

Chapter 55 Rejection

After Wu Hao greeted these people, the group of people crowded in the direction of Wenshan. Wu Hao, who was beside him, also introduced this group of people to Wenshan.

Dai Mubai, led by this group, is a handsome man. He is very strong. A pair of colorful pupils add a little charm, and the blood surges on his body, showing that his strength has reached the nine-stage martial arts saint stage.

Behind Dai Mubai is a bald man, eight feet tall and his muscles are tight. Although he is also wearing miscellaneous clothes, he can't hide his burly figure. His name is very similar to his figure, called Iron Head. His strength is also a strong man with nine levels of martial arts, and his strength is extremely great. His physical strength alone is better than that of the eight-stage martial arts king. This is the real power king, and he is probably the strongest among this group of people. That is, compared with Wu Hao, if Wu Hao hadn't occupied a flexible body, he would have to say who would have won or lost.

Walking beside Dai Mubai is a little girl called light dance. She jumps along the road and looks very lively and cute. The two sheep's horn braids jump with her, shaking and trembling, very energetic, giving people a feeling like a girl next door. But her cultivation is also at the level of nine-stage martial arts saint, which alone is highly valued.

and the three brothers Lingzhen, Ling Yun and Ling Feng behind are also strong men of Jiudan Wusheng. Except for these six people, the strength of the others who followed them was slightly inferior, but they were all the strength of King Wu.

This group of people are all Wu Hao's brothers. They are not a group, but freely combined to resist other power groups in the sect. It's not that they are not disliked by their forces, such as Dai Mubai. Although this person is not very strong, the * behind him should not be underestimated. He is the fifteenth son of the current emperor of the Hanwu Dynasty. If he enters the people, he is like a little prince, but he chooses the path of cultivation, so he The low position of Taixuanzong is not very high. Other forces like him are the royal family behind him. They want to use the royal power to collect resources from the Ming people and help their forces. Dai Mubai may also see this and have been refusing.

"Wu Hao, why are you surrounded by this small camp! Haha, it's so indecent! If I were you, I would have been killed long ago. Wouldn't I feel ashamed to be surrounded by others like monkeys at this moment? It's really faceless. How can I have your brother?" Dai Mubai shouted five meters away from Wenshan and Wu Hao. His voice was special, hoarse and slightly magnetic, and he looked very soft. It was very pleasant and attractive to girls. The light dance beside him was attracted by him. She seemed to be a girl from a family in the capital of the Hanwu Dynasty. She liked Dai Mubai and followed him to Taixuanzong all the time. But Dai Mubai hated this girl very much, and her personal freedom was controlled.

"Hee, Brother Mobai is absolutely right." Qingwu followed Dai Mubai and said, with a charming smile on his face. From time to time, he looked at Dai Mubai aside and directly despised the members of the small Tianji camp in front of him.

What these two live treasures said immediately aroused discussion around, and the people of the small Tianji camp were a little angry.

"Dai Mubai, we are Xiaotianji Camp, not the small camp in your mouth. Please be careful!" Dongfang Feier's lips moved slightly, and the cold voice came through. For Dai Mubai in front of him, the members of the Little Sky Machine Camp are also distressed. On the one hand, it is because of his identity, and on the other hand, it is because of his strength. Although the Hanwu Dynasty is just a folk dynasty, it is incomparable to Taixuanzong. However, there are many powerful roles in the Hanwu Dynasty, that is, the founder of the Hanwu Dynasty, the death of Emperor Wu, which is still a mystery. Some people say that the old man is not dead, but just went to another place, which is the holy place where the real masters gather, which can't be compared with the Hanwu Dynasty.

No one knows the real strength of the Hanwu Dynasty. Anyway, the strength of the current emperor is also terrible. It is not something that ordinary small schools can compete with. Coupled with the large land and rich resources of the Hanwu Dynasty, the royal family enjoyed countless resources, and cultivated many royal children. Even in Taixuanzong, there is a royal son, of course, not Dai Mubai, but his aunt Dai Mingqiu.

It is said that when she was eight years old, she was looked up by a senior master and brought him to Taixuanzong to cultivate. Now it has been 15 years. Dai Mingqiu has become a personal disciple of Taixuanzong, and his strength is not weak among his disciples, which is comparable to Shen Jie, and he is called the two heroines of Taixuanzong. . Zhu Xiaolei, who was the master who looked at her at that time, has now become the owner of the cave. The name of the small hole comes from the small character in Zhu Xiaolei's name.

It is precisely because of this general reason that Dai Mubai can run rampant in Taixuanzong and doesn't pay attention to the powerful Tianji camp. Not to mention the small Tianji camp in front of us.

"Little..." Just as Dai Mubai was about to continue talking, he suddenly aimed his eyes at Dongfang Feier beside him and was stunned. The boss opened his mouth and his saliva was about to flow down.

"Hmm!" At this time, the light dance beside him really couldn't stand it. He pressed his arm against Dai Mubai, which made Dai Mubai react from the surprise just now. Then he looked at Dongfang Feier in front of him with a pious face and said with a smile, "It turns out that the Oriental girl is also here! Nice to meet you!" Never mention that he scolded Xiaotianji Camp just now.

"Hmm!" At this moment, Dongfang Feier and Qingwu snorted coldly at the same time, and then turned their eyes to ignore Dai Mubai in front of him.

In fact, Dai Mubai and Dongfang Feier knew each other. The reason is very simple. In order to pursue Dongfang Feier in front of him, this Dai Mubai actually cheated the light dance spirit bean and gave it to Dongfang Feier. At that time, it caused a sensation and caused a war between Qingwu and Dongfang Feier. Of course, Qingwu was not the opponent of Dongfang Feier. So he gathered his good brothers Tietou, Wu Hao and others to besiege Dongfang Feier. In Dongfang Feier, he was seriously injured, but Qingwu, Tietou and Wu Hao were also not easy. In the end, only Dai Mubai was fine, so everyone focused their hatred on Dai Mubai. In addition, in order to take a look at Dongfang Fei'er, Dai Mubai took his residence outside Dongfang Fei's cave and waited hard. Dongfang Fei'er failed several times and had to choose to retreat. Knowing that his strength had reached the peak of Jiuduan Wusheng, Dai Mubai had to give up, but for Dongfang Fei'er The nostalgia is still very deep. At this time, I saw Dongfang Feier standing here again, and the hot heart in my heart boiled again.

"I said Dai Mubai, you are not ashamed! Elder Feier doesn't mean anything to you at all. You have to pester others, and the flies are not as disgusting as you!" Just as Dai Mubai suddenly heard two cold hums, suddenly a voice came, and the owner of the voice was Zhang Dali, the elder of Xiaotianji Camp.

"Hahaha! I said that the dog was talking. It turned out that it was not a dog, but the elder of the small camp!" Dai Mubai curled his lips and said with a smile. At the same time, he waved his hand and took this small group of more than 20 people to Wenshan and Wu Hao.

"You... Dai Mubai, you bully too much!" Zhang Dali suddenly became angry and stared at Dai Mubai in front of him with an angry face. At the same time, there was a trace of murder in his eyes, which was full of hatred for Dai Mubai. Just as Zhang Dali was preparing to explode, he was stopped by Sun Wen beside him.

"We are here today to invite new partners, not to make a grudge. Everything is important." Sun Wen smiled and looked at Dai Mubai and others in front of him and said, "Of course, like Brother Dai, Brother Tie, Miss Qingwu, our little Tianji Camp is also welcome. Moreover, the treatment in our small Tianji camp is the highest in each camp, that is, higher than the sect.

"Ah! Really!" Hearing Sun Wen's words, Qingwu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Sun Wen expectantly and said, "How many spiritual beans do you send every month? Sects are distributed according to each person's cultivation. The strength in the eighth paragraph is eight per month, the ninth stage is ten, the ninth paragraph is fifteen, and the peak of the ninth paragraph is 25. I don't know what the treatment of your Little Sky Camp is?"

Looking at the money-favored appearance of the little girl in front of him, Sun Wen couldn't help but be happy. This was officially what he wanted to see, and he was also showing off the treatment of the little Tianji Camp.

"Five, add five on the basis of the sect." Zhang Dali looked at Dai Mubai and others in front of him and said first.

"Ah! Five more than those issued by the sect? How many spiritual beans can be consumed in this small Tianji camp? This is just a small Tianji Camp. How many spiritual beans will be distributed by Tianji Camp every month? That's a big expense!" One person was shocked.

"Yes! It's really a lot! It is worthy of being the first camp of our Taixuan Sect. Another person said.

"It's just that the standard for people's recruitment is to enter the nine-stage martial arts realm before the age of 20. I'm almost 30 years old to enter now. It's too late!" A fat and tall man said resentful.

"But that boy only has four pieces of his body. Why is he favored by the little sky camp? He also sent the four elders of the small Tianji camp to attract them. This boy's appearance is really big!" ......

Just when everyone was talking about it, Wenshan has been thinking about how to solve today's problems. Is it to expose your strength? Or? With the group of Wu Hao in front of them, it is simply delusional to deal with the people in front of them. If you want to press others with the * behind you, in fact, they are already clear about Shen Jie, the disciple standing behind them.

Ah? Only five more!" At this time, Qingwu suddenly shouted in surprise, then held his fingers, counted something, and then suddenly said, "If you add the 15 spiritual beans distributed by your small Tianji camp, I can receive 25 spiritual beans every month. But I heard that there are task indicators every month when entering the small sky machine camp, such as collecting spiritual grass, demon elixir, etc. If I have such spare time, why don't I sleep? Who has time to go out for this salary? No, they don't want to join your little Tianji camp!"

suddenly danced coquettishly, and kept shaking Mubai's clothes with his hands, as if crying. Suddenly, the members of the surrounding small Tianji Camp were stunned, and an embarrassed expression appeared on everyone's faces.

"If I want to go, I will go to the big camp, but I will never go to the small camp!" Dai Mubai said very bluntly.

"I follow Sister Wu! Wherever she goes, I will go." Then there was the iron head, which turned around and said with a simple smile on his face. In fact, people who know Tietou very well know that, while looking at the smiling appearance of Tietou in front of him, in fact, he is full of bad water. If someone is confused by his superficial expression, it is a big mistake.

"Since my brothers can't go, I, Wu Hao, won't go either." Wu Hao suddenly cooled his face and said solemnly as if he had made up his mind. In fact, Wu Hao has always been a dream to enter Tianji Camp. This year, he is 23 years old and has only entered the realm of nine physical martial arts saints. He has passed the recruitment standard of Xiaotianji Camp. Wu Hao, who had no hope at all, was lucky to get this opportunity today. He originally wanted to enter the Small Tianji Camp with Wenshan. However, seeing that his brother was very united and rejected the invitation of the small Tianji camp in front of him, Wu Hao could not force anything, so he had to follow and not to agree.

Just as everyone finished speaking, the people of Tianji Camp despised for a burst of time. Their purpose was not to invite these people to join. Their real purpose was to invite Wenshan to join. As for why, only the upper layer of Tianji Camp is the most clear. They didn't know, even the four elders of the small Tianji camp in front of them were confused. I'm afraid only Wenshan and Wu Hao know about it. That's because of Shen Jie's face. In order to please Shen Jie, the owner of the machine camp did not hesitate to kill the inner disciples of the Tianji camp, not to mention to attract Wenshan, a person belonging to the Shen family.

"I don't want to be bound, and no one can bind me Wenshan anymore! Even if I die, Wenshan will no longer give in!" Just as everyone was waiting for Wenshan's answer, a low voice came from Wenshan's mouth and spread all over the audience to everyone's heart. This sentence looks casual, but its will is already very strong. It is a kind of determination that is no longer bound.