ghost monk

Chapter 60 The Trouble of Blocking the Door

Chapter 60 The Trouble of Blocking the Door

Then Wenshan made a simple filling and record under the middle-aged people who came in later. Write down your experience and home address on it. Wenshan's home address is Shen's family, and of course the introducer is Shen Jie. The whole process became extremely smooth, and the middle-aged man was also extremely polite to Wenshan. The great enthusiasm of 'brothers and juniors' may be because of the old man just now! Wenshan inquired from the side, but to no result, so he gave up.

Then he received the clothes and waist cards of the miscellaneous disciples. Wenshan also understands why some people have the same clothes and some people are different. The handyman disciple must wear a gray robe. As for the costumes of the disciples and the disciples of the inner sect, they are determined by the ancestors of each mountain gate and cave. The costumes of each sect are different, and they do not require them to wear them at ordinary times, but when the Taixuan Sect has a major ceremony, each sect ordered their disciples to dress uniformly. As for the disciples of some big sects, in order to promote their status, they deliberately put on their mountain clothes and prove themselves to the people around them*. Last time, Li Chang'an and his party were dressed in golden brocade. They were the disciples of Jinshimen. Jinshimen was originally powerful among the sects, and Zhantai Jinshi was strong, so these disciples of Jinshimen were more popular wherever they went.

There are also some tasks to complete. As a handyman disciple, he has his own task every month. For example, Wu Hao spends a week on guard every month. Of course, there are many kinds of tasks. In addition to once a month, there are also once every three months and once every six months. Of course, the longer the time is, the more difficult it is to complete the task level. Some low-strength handymen choose to stand guard and receive work in the office space in front of them. Few people choose to pick up tasks for three or half a year.

Of course, these tasks are assigned by the person in charge here, not anyone you can do any task you want to do. If you are unlucky and you can't complete the task assigned to you, as long as you pay enough Lingdou, you can cross out this task, but there will be other tasks assigned. This is the rule of the mission center here. There are also such halls in those inner door children's places, and the tasks there are exchanged by credit points.

Originally, the middle-aged deacon was going to arrange Wenshan to do some reception work in this hall, but Wenshan finally chose to complete the semi-annual task with the highest difficulty coefficient. Although this task has a long interval and only one task, it is a task that many miscellaneous disciples do not want to take over.

After dealing with some chores, Wenshan returned to his residence with Wu Hao. As soon as he arrived at his residence, the door was blocked. Wenshan looked up at the faces of these people, frowned slightly, nodded to Dai Mubai, Xiaowu and others smiling, and opened his cave and walked in. Go, followed by Wu Hao and the four people.

"It seems that the people at the door are not all chores in the Lover Valley! Many of them are new faces, but their strength is still very strong. Some of them have reached the peak of Jiuduan Wusheng, which is really amazing. As long as there are good medicinal materials to nourish, I believe that it will not be long before I can break through the life and death barrier of the realm of gathering gas. At that time, I will also be the strength of My Xuanzong! Ha ha!" Wenshan casually said to the four people in front of him.

In fact, when Wenshan first saw a group of people blocked at the door, he knew that this was definitely not a good thing. There must be something big happen. Looking at the dull expressions one by one, this matter is absolutely not simple. Thinking of what happened in the morning, it must be about those organized members collecting Lingdou. There is no solution to this matter, but Wenshan didn't want to cause these troubles, so Wenshan didn't mention it as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Big Boss Wenshan, something has happened!" Although Wenshan did not indicate what was in front of him, Tietou talked about it directly as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Well, this is actually what just happened in the morning. Those organized members carried out a general search operation for our unorganized members in order to prepare our group of unorganized members to find the organization as soon as possible. But we promiscuous people don't want to be disturbed and controlled by others, so we don't want to join these organizations in front of us. Although Wenshan shocked these guys today, I don't know if they will come again in the future. Wu Hao sighed and said, "I know a few of these guys outside, and I have also met them. I feel that they are very good. They are also unorganized people like us. Presumably, their location was also bullied by the camps of Xiaotianji Camp and forcibly collected their spiritual beans.

"Yes! They came to you for help when they heard about your name in Wenshan. I heard that we have not been bullied by those guys from Xiaotianji Camp here in Lover Valley, hee hee! So I want to ask Wenshan to take action and warn them..." Xiaowu said vigorously and praised Wenshan at the same time.

Wenshan frowned slightly and muttered in a low voice, "Am I going to take action? This is not a long-term way..."

Several people were close to each other, and Wen Shan's mutter naturally did not escape the ears of the four people. Everyone was meditating.

"The strength of the Wenshan brothers is really strong, so strong at a young age. Unexpectedly, he was able to defeat Sun Wen, who claimed to be the first in the body. With this hand alone, I believe that my brother has been valued by the senior officials of a certain strength or sect! Today's old man is probably a high-level figure in the cave near the Lover's Valley. Since he directly promised that as long as you enter the energy gathering realm, he will be the preparatory inner disciple of their cave. This is a happy event!" Wu Hao looked at the dullness of the crowd and mentioned what had just happened.

"This is really the case!" Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly lit up, and his colorful pupils, shining under the gems of the cave, turned out the glazed brilliance, which was very beautiful. If Dai Mubai is a girl, his eyes alone can fascinate the man.

"That old man must be from the nearby cave!" Dai Mubai thought for a moment and said. Then I told you about the competition for disciples in the nearby cave.

For the 28 peaks of Taixuanzong, except for the five main peaks, the other mountain gates have their own inheritance, and each mountain has its own direct disciples. Those ancestors were not the ancestors from the beginning, but also climbed up from the handymen disciples step by step. Take the newly promoted Ancestor of Bingyue as an example! She is also the ancestor who has just broken through to the realm of death, and she has her own master. She was originally a personal disciple of Yuedong. Due to the improvement of her strength, her master is already an elder-level figure of the sect. Of course, things in the sect are managed by the ancestors of Bingyue.

For the disciple level promotion of Taixuanzong, he was just a handyman at the beginning, and the following are the outer disciples, inner disciples, personal disciples, ancestors, elders, Taishang elders or suzerains. For those elders, they also have their own masters and uncles above them, and their own direct descendants with their own sects. The strength of the sect is directly related to its personal status and right to speak in the sect. Although they are already elders, they are still concerned about their disciples. If their disciples are bullied, they will naturally not stand by.

is the current major mountain gates, which also have their own abacus and their own competition. There are more than 300 outer peaks of Taixuanzong, and there are countless miscellaneous children. In the face of so many students, not every mountain gate has the opportunity to choose at will.

Among the outer peaks, the outer peaks are divided into five sections, which are the scope of recruiting disciples in ridges, gates, pavilions, halls and caves. From the perspective of distribution, it is obvious that Ling has taken advantage of a big advantage. For those halls and caves, the strength of the original sects is relatively low, coupled with the weakness in enrollment, which makes those ridges and gates stronger and stronger, and these halls and caves are getting worse and worse. As a result, the disparity in strength also comes, which is the foundation of the big mountain gate.

And Wenshan's Lover's Valley, which belongs, and a total of more than 60 children of Waifeng handymen around them all belong to Seven Caves. In the future, they are destined to become disciples of these seven holes. In fact, although the more than 60 outer peaks belonging to Wenshan belong to the seven caves, if the senior officials of that sect value any handyman disciples, they may take them away in advance. Zhan Taijinshi used to do this kind of thing, but now he has become an an ancestor and rarely does this kind of thing. But if you see talented people, you will still grab them.

For the current seven holes, these handymen disciples are their future successors, allowing them to fight with each other, but will not allow them to kill each other. Thinking about the last incident in Wenshan killing Zhang Dali, if it hadn't been for Shen Jie behind, it would have been a tragic end. Unless you have a high status and an absolute voice in the sect, you have to be honest. There should be no violations at all. If there is something that can't be solved between disciples, they can go to the duel stage. There is such a place in Taixuanzong, but it is called the place of life and death. Two people stand up, and only one person can walk down alive. Once they stand on the field of life and death, unless they live or die. Therefore, in general, the fighting between disciples of the sect will not choose to go to the field of life and death, but at most secretly beating the stuffy stick.

In fact, the old man today must be one of the seven holes, because the surrounding hall is under the control of the seven holes, and the high level that can appear in the hall is destined to be the person of the seven holes. This lover's valley is within the scope of the seven caves. Every year, the ancestors of the seven caves choose many outer disciples as inner disciples on more than 60 peaks. Some were found in private, and some were selected during the seven-hole competition.