ghost monk

Chapter 68 Mysterious figure

Chapter 68 Mysterious figure

In the face of this, one by one, bursts of light constantly impacted his soul and the thoughts in his soul. Facing the idea of the world and the thunder that devoured his thoughts, Wenshan seemed to be a wandering ferry, in the endless sea. Wandering and helpless.

This is a feeling of helplessness. In the face of all the ejected light between heaven and earth, they are all thunderous ideas, representing the ideas of the universe. They have no feelings, but only continuous devouring and assimilation. Each of this exciting light is bigger than every idea of Wenshan, and the energy contained in each light is stronger than Wenshan's idea, and the number is endless, and the number is swarming, trying to swallow every idea of Wenshan and then assimilate it. Make Wenshan lose his consciousness, become a part of heaven and earth, and let Wenshan's thoughts return to nature. The result is naturally destruction, disappearance, and the soul of Wenshan.

He was constantly shot into every idea by countless swarming light. At this moment, he is like an ordinary person in a sea of fire. In a sea of fire, what ordinary people look like, and what Wenshan looks like at this time.

Wenshan's idea has just been defeated and dispersed, but in Wenshan's operation from three sporadic light points, the newly obtained formula for the operation of a heavy thunder and inextricable soul power keeps running the soul, and constantly recondensing the idea of defeating. He is constantly defeated in the light, condensed, and suffers in pain. If Wenshan can't hold on this burst of light at this time, it is likely that the result is that his soul will be destroyed, and his soul will return to the nine abyss forever, no longer appear in the world, and die forever.

In this blink of an eye, this swarming idea of destruction and creation keeps biting Wenshan's ideas. At this time, the picture that appeared in Wenshan's mind was the scene of himself being besieged by a group of demons. He constantly had powerful demons, biting his own flesh and blood and devouring it. In his surrounding space, it was full of blood, that is, Wenshan himself seemed to smell the smell of blood flowing from his body.

In the face of such a remnant scene, even if a normal physical strong man or a strong man in the energy gathering realm penetrates in, he will be swallowed up without leaving anything. When the ghost monk survived the first thunderstorm, his soul power was no longer comparable to that of his peers.

When Wenshan experienced waves of intense light, his heart seemed to suddenly become cheerful and his mind increased greatly.

"Swallow, destroy? In that case, come on! Let's see if you devours me or I integrate you into my soul to strengthen my soul power again.

Wenshan's thoughts at this time have soared to 121, but he has to face the endless thunder ten times stronger than himself, to resist them, devour them, and completely suppress them in his own soul thoughts. This is the real thunderstorm. This is the road the ghost monk will take next. He will continue to cross the thunderstorm, one heavy, double, triple...

In the face of such crazy thoughts of heaven, Wenshan can completely retreat and completely ignore everything in front of him, but if he doesn't devour this idea of heaven, all that he has done today will be in vain, and it will be difficult for him to make progress in the future. . This thunderstorm is also Baidu.

Facing this situation, Wenshan's will suddenly became stronger, and Wenshan suddenly felt that his will was stronger and stronger. At this moment, an idea of Wenshan repelled a heavenly idea, then desperately rushed to tear it, and then swallowed it up and assimilated it into a part of his mind. While this idea was assimilated with a heavenly idea, more than a dozen heavenly ideas tore the idea apart. Just as they were about to swallow, the suddenly surging soul power condensed into a complete idea. By devouring a heavenly idea, the idea became much stronger.

"I'm so tired! Take a rest!" An idea suddenly rose to the bottom of his heart, and then, "It was originally a dust between heaven and earth. Why do you struggle? In the end, there will be a day when you return to nature. Why don't you let the idea of heaven be assimilated now!" At this moment, the heart demon rose in the bottom of his heart.

"No! I will definitely overcome all this!" At this time, a strong sense of war suddenly rose from the bottom of Wenshan's heart, burning in the bottom of his heart, constantly stimulating Wenshan's thoughts to constantly devouring the idea of heaven, constantly recondensing his broken ideas, and then participating in the battle again. In this way, the continuous devouring, anti-devouring, and destruction have been recondensing, making Wenshan's power of the soul continue to strengthen, making every idea of Wenshan continue to grow and become stronger, making each idea more vigorous and vibrant.

With the passage of time, Wenshan's thoughts gradually changed from the original weakness to strong, constantly occupying the upper hand and beginning to devour the idea of heaven. When an idea devoured more than a dozen heavenly thoughts in a row, it was torn apart by several hundred heavenly thoughts, and developed into an idea that devoured hundreds of heavenly thoughts, but was...

The continuous strengthening of ideas constantly devouring the thoughts of heaven around him, devouring these ruthless and cold-blooded forces with only the collision between destruction and creation. Wenshan's originally weak soul became stronger, and finally began to capture these heavenly ideas to devour them to enhance His own idea, in the first area of the thunderstorm, the current idea of heaven met Wenshan's idea and began to avoid it crazily. Instead of tearing and assimilation, he began to avoid it. Seeing the soul of Wenshan is like seeing the devil from hell.

At this time, Wenshan's thoughts have been divided into 201. At this time, each idea is in an extremely saturated state, in which there are a large number of heavenly thoughts. It will take a long time to refine all these heavenly thoughts. If you can refine all the heavenly thoughts in your thoughts, your soul power will reach a new height, the height of a ghost king in ghost cultivation. Although I have now passed a thunderstorm and am already a ghost king, but in the first stage of the ghost king, I will refine all the heavenly thoughts in my thoughts. At that time, I will break through the middle level of the ghost king in one fell swoop, enter the high level of the ghost king, and break through the double thunderstorm again.

With the strengthening of the soul power of Wenshan, Wenshan can finally see clearly. In this thick cloud, in this stormy thunder and lightning, Wenshan can see clearly the situation in the dark clouds, or see everything in his place.

At this time, Wenshan is on the edge of a large space, constantly exploding and devouring in the middle, and he is just the edge of this space. The idea of heaven is the weakest, and what Wenshan has just fought or devoured is just the idea of heaven wandering from the edge of this space.

Wenshan felt that the more the space went to the middle, the stronger the idea of heaven became, and the stronger the sound of thunder and lightning exploded. Wenshan's soul felt that if he really entered the center of this space or approached the central area, then in the face of himself, he would be countless times larger than all his thoughts combined. The explosion of the central thunder was not the soul power that Wenshan now has now. It can be fought against.

In the core of Thunder, every explosion will have a strong idea of heaven. This powerful idea of heaven spreads around and becomes countless small thoughts of heaven. In countless small thoughts of heaven, every small idea of heaven continues to spread out, and in this way Scattered, to the edge of this space, the idea of heaven is already small, or the idea of heaven at the core of thunder is nothing.

In the midst of the explosion of thunder, an independent space was exploded. Each independent space was countless times larger than the space of the soul ring in Wenshan's hand. In every opened door, there was a dark and horrible power revealed, with boundless anger. Ting roared.

However, with the continuous explosion of the core of the Thunder, each open portal was destroyed or closed once.

For the door opened by Thunder, Wenshan can't detect what is in it and what kind of terrible things are full of it. In terms of his current ability, on the edge of this thunder space, it seems very difficult to devour the small idea of heaven. If you want to devour the idea of heaven in the middle, or devour the origin of the idea of heaven when the thunder explodes, it requires Wenshan's soul to be more than a hundred times stronger.

He vaguely felt that in the space of the thunder he was in, from the core of the thunder to the edge where he was, there seemed to be several barriers. At a slight glance, there were vaguely nine lightning compartments, each of which was separated by a very thick thunder gas. This thick thunder Qi has a vast and magnificent spirit, and it is estimated that it is not so easy to break through this qi. The soul power to be consumed will be much larger than Wenshan's existing power.

There are nine of this gas. The more it goes to the core of Thunder in the middle, the stronger it will be. When it comes to the ninth gas in the core of Thunder, there are dozens of pythons in the ninth gas. Wenshan feels that the idea of heaven contained in each qi will be several times stronger than the idea of heaven in the middle of qi. It is not easy to break through this qi.

At this time, Wenshan felt more and more terrible. This is the terrible power of nature.

"If I want to continue to break through in the future, I don't have to continue to resist the ideas of these days. At that time, how much pressure will I face? If you want to reach the legendary realm of ghosts and immortals, it will be endless to face pressure.

At this time, Wenshan thought of the difficulties of his future cultivation. Looking at the layers of energy in front of him, the fighting spirit in his heart, or a nameless pressure, suddenly surged into his heart. For the pressure given by Su Linger and Zhan Tailuo Yun in front of him, it was simply day by day, which is not ordinary. Compared with.

No wonder few people choose the road of ghost cultivation. Such a method of cultivation that constantly competes with the heavenly court and thunder can gain powerful ability. It is estimated that nine out of ten people died of life, and even the person who passed is also very damaged.

When Wenshan was thinking, he suddenly found that there was a figure in this thunderous space!

Wenshan was shocked!

This figure turned from the thunderstorm opposite Wenshan, and her position was actually in the position of the third gas layer, and she could compete with those heavenly thoughts in the third gas layer? What kind of strength will that be? Is she going through the disaster? So how strong will her be?

Ghost Holy Strongman!

What a terrible word these four words suddenly appeared in Wenshan's mind, and how powerful the figure in front of him would be. What's more, there is an idea in Wenshan's forehead. How can there be a ghost monk in this Taixuan sect? Isn't this method of ghost cultivation hated by the people on the mainland?

Within the scope of Taixuanzong, if you want to survive the thunderstorm and break through this triple thunderstorm, it must be difficult to escape the detection of the giants in the sect. If an outsider crosses the disaster here, he is bound to be attacked by the giants of Taixuanzong. Obviously, this figure is the person of Taixuanzong, and he is also an ancestor-level figure.