ghost monk

Chapter 102 Block

Chapter 102 Block

But challenging disciples is only the first step. In each cave, a personal disciple comparison activity will be held every few years. The purpose of such a big comparison is to prepare for a reposition of the identity and status of these personal disciples. Generally, such a big comparison is once every ten years. Such a repositioning is to prepare to stimulate those internal relatives and disciples. It is not enough to enjoy good welfare benefits alone, and only in this way can we continue to make progress. In a mountain gate, the personal disciples are generally the first few internal relatives, and the last few are challenging their own disciples. In the big comparison, if the internal disciple loses to the challenge of the disciple, then in the face of the disciple, he will become the disciple who will become the disciple, and will accept infinite challenges in the future, and the disciple must accept the challenge. If they do not accept the challenge, then their status It will be cancelled, because challenging the personal disciple himself is the highest among the inner disciple. If you are challenged by an inner disciple and dare not accept it, then it is not suitable for challenging the identity of the personal disciple.

There are five internal disciples in the small hole, as well as five challenging disciples. Of course, Dai Mingqiu is the chief internal disciple of this small hole. In every comparison of relatives and disciples, she suppresses her brothers and sisters with absolute advantage. In recent years, she has been too lazy to participate in such a competition, but none of her disciples dares to say anything, because they It's not their opponent. If you force others out to compete with you, you will definitely not be able to do anything and be humiliated directly.

Ah? Does anyone dare to challenge his own disciples? This has not happened in the small hole for many years!" Xiaowu opened her mouth slightly, as if she was curious.

The personal disciples of Xiaodong are Dai Mingqiu, Zhang Feifei, Sun Yawen, Yang Yanqing and Bashu, while the challenging disciples are Zhang Maosan, Xiaojian, Guan Zhiqiang, Zhang Jiemiao and Si Guangshun. These are all ranked according to cultivation. Because this ranking was determined like this ten years ago. This is the tenth year, and there is still more than a month to compare. Zhang Maosan, who was once an internal disciple, cheered up this time and prepared to defeat his Bashu challenge last year and regain his status and return his dignity. .

According to the truth, if the inner disciples want to challenge their own disciples, they must step by step to show the weakest disciples, that is, the one at the bottom, that is, the current Si Guangshun. The reason why Shanmen has such a rule is to stimulate those inner disciples who want to make progress, and also to urge those disciples not to relax. This is a kind of competition that a big sect should have.

"Don't you guys know something about our Tianji Camp? Didn't you get the notice today? All the members of our Tianji Camp came here to cheer for our eight inner disciples who have just been promoted. A strong man, holding a steel knife in his hand, passed by Wenshan and saw them talking here. He couldn't help but be stunned, but when his eyes carefully stared at the five people in front of him, his eyes flashed a little. Wenshan was fine, hiding his breath deeply, not that kind of real master, or If you are not an ancestor-level master, you can't find Wenshan's strength. However, Wu Hao obviously has a continuous aura on the four people.

"You are also here to prepare for promotion today?" The man frowned slightly and wondered.

"Yes, all five of us are here to promote our inner disciples!" Xiaowu seemed to dislike the performance of this inner disciple of Tianji Camp and wanted to suppress his arrogance, so she directly said that the five of them were going to be promoted to inner disciples.

"It turns out that the brothers and sisters are also going to be promoted to inner disciples!" At this time, the man's attitude suddenly improved. Maybe I heard that several people in front of me came to promote internal disciples. Since they have become internal disciples, it is inevitable that they will get familiar with each other in the future. In the future, if they have any trouble, they will probably have any problems on their heads, with a smile on their faces, and look at the five people in front of them: "Brothers and sisters, my name is Ye Dufeng. If you have any requirements in the future, please tell me that I can help you solve them when you are in trouble. Who made the big guys all members of Tianji Camp? But I said yes, the members of our Tianji Camp are awesome. Today, 13 outer disciples were promoted to inner disciples in a mountain gate. Coincidentally, the members of our Tianji Camp are all gifted people! Hahahaha!"

Hearing that this Dufeng was so arrogant and proud, it made Wenshan and several people feel unhappy. They frowned and looked at the self-blowning behavior of Ye Dufeng in front of them.

Ye Dufeng looked at several stupid expressions in front of him and knew that these people were just about to be promoted to internal disciples, so he thought that they didn't know much, or they didn't know much about the market, and the market they had seen was not very big, so they began to brag again. Everyone knows that within our Taixuanzong, it is the largest of our Tianji camp! And the strength of our Tianji Camp is also the strongest one. But this is not the case in every mountain gate. It was in Tianmoling that the wings of our Tianji Camp did not dare to reach over. There was an elder of Tianji Camp, who was also a personal disciple of Jinshimen of our sect. He wanted to develop a member of our Tianji Camp in Tianmoling, but later he was killed by a crazy woman who directly found Jinshimen. Even Jinshi ancestor did not dare to come forward at that time. Therefore, from now on, no one camp dares to pull a group within Tianmoling. Even among other mountain gates, Tianji Camp is not very high-profile, but there are still our groups in various caves.

"Take this small hole as an example! Although there are three camps in this small hole, the bright moon and starry sky of the new camp can be directly ignored, which is the seemingly powerful thunder camp, which is just one thing. Our Tianji Camp just doesn't want to pay attention to it, but also to avoid the trouble of Zhu Xiaolei, the owner of the small cave. Today, we suddenly have 13 more inner disciples, and the martial arts brother is going to challenge his own disciples today to become one of the top ten disciples. It seems that the power of Tianji Camp on our small hole will be further expanded in the future, which is really a good thing!"

"Oh? Is it?" Wenshan frowned slightly, then looked at the Dufeng in front of him and said with a smile, "It seems that this Tianji Camp is not so powerful in this small hole! Even compared with the bright moon and starry sky, it is estimated that the big one in the small hole has not come out yet! And you have to figure it out that these five of us are not from your Tianji Camp.

Wenshan has always been a very low-key character since he entered Taixuanzong. He is not very domineering, and he is rarely offended at ordinary times, but today he is full of anger. He is very unhappy about the unique style of the industry in front of him. The appearance.

After saying that, he took Wu Hao and others behind him and walked forward. Today, he also wanted to see what kind of character he had just been promoted to an inner disciple today and was about to challenge his own disciples. How powerful such a character is. At the same time, there is also a trace of comparison in Wenshan's heart. If he can run for a personal disciple now, as long as he becomes a personal disciple, the protection and resources of the sect must be very rich. Wenshan's heart began to loosen and began to yearn for that strength and status.

Just as the five people in Wenshan didn't go far ahead, they suddenly heard a voice behind them, "You five little characters, stop the little master!" The scolding passed from behind to the ears of Wenshan and others.

Seeing the black line on the unique face just now, he raised his hand at Wenshan and others and scolded angrily, "Who let you go up the mountain? Don't you know that this is not the place where you foreign disciples should come? Don't you know that today is an important day for the members of our Tianji Camp to be promoted to disciples of the inner door? It's such a critical day. What kind of excitement do you members of the bright moon and starry sky come up to participate in?

At this time, there were also many people who looked around in order to come up. Most of them were members of Tianji Camp, and on their chests were the Peugeot of Tianji Camp. Among them, there are five inner disciples of Tianji Camp and more than 20 outer disciples. Relying on the large number of people, these people gathered around and prepared to give Wenshan and others a majesty.

At this time, Ye Dufeng quietly ran in the direction of the five inner disciples on the opposite side. When he ran to the front of a middle-aged man, his mouth came up and whispered a few words in the middle-aged man's ear, with a bad smile on his face, looked at Wenshan and others, and then rushed over to Wenshan and said, "You guys An outside disciple is really bold to trample on the door rules like this. This is a lawless guy. You can get out of here now. You can get promoted after the matter here is over! The members of our Tianji Camp will be promoted first. For you, you are all members of the last forces. Find time to slowly promote!"

"Hahahaha!" After the middle-aged man said this, the people around him laughed and looked at Wenshan and others in front of him with a funny face.

Wu Hao, Dai Mubai, Tietou and Xiaowu were pale. Originally, they thought that they and others could be promoted to inner disciples, and the strength of themselves and others had reached the aura stage of gathering energy, which was already a rare master in Taixuanzong. There are few disciples as young as them who have been promoted to the inner door, and they are still very optimistic about their own future. But such a thing is also a very glorious thing. Their future must be a deacon of a mountain gate. That is, their bright moon and starry sky, under the leadership of Wenshan and Dai Mingqiu, should develop very quickly. However, before he was promoted to an inner disciple, it was really an infuriating thing to be found fault, but the other party is a master. They are all masters of the older generation who have entered the inner disciple for 30 or 40 years, far from being able to deal with them.

"We are also here to be promoted to disciples of the inner door. What a big rule. Who gave you the right to block the mission hall?" Wenshan's cold voice came from his mouth, with a trace of misdeedness, as if he had a great hatred for these people in front of him.

"When did we stop your promotions? We're just letting you guys make it another day!" The middle-aged man was a little unhappy. He seemed to have lost face when he was hit by an outside disciple, and there was a trace of anger in his voice.

"If you don't let us in today, aren't you stopping us?" Wenshan's face showed a sneer, looked at the few people in front of him, and then said to the four companions behind him, "Let's go up and see who wants to destroy the old rules of the mountain gate today. The rules are the rules. If they are broken, how to manage the disciples in this small hole of Taixuan Sect and how to manage the disciples? The mountain gate is flourishing.