ghost monk

Chapter 143 Control

Chapter143 Control

Just when the two were confronting each other, the surrounding inner disciples took their eyes on their situation, that is, all the people in the whole square glanced at the two people in the field. The two of them became the real protagonists at this time, and the identities of the two of them were different. It comes from the identity of personal disciples. The two of them are two famous big men in the small cave. Although at this time, the focus of the dispute in the whole small hole is whether to ban other camps in the whole small hole, leaving only one camp, whether to merge other camps in the bright moon and starry sky, or merge other camps in the sky camp. Although the focus is not on Xiaojian and Wenshan at this time, due to the existence of the two of them, this place has become the real focus of the whole audience and the attention of all the disciples in the whole small cave. The scene here is destined to be extraordinary. Moreover, although there were no scruples about the topic of talking between Xiaojian and Wenshan at this time, and there was not too much cover-up, the words between the two of them were more speculation, as if only the two of them could hear it clearly, coupled with the association of the identity of the two people and the body of Xiaojian. The understanding of the situation, so people with intentions can still guess a little about the topic between two people.

That is, when Wu Shura, who was standing on the ring at this time, glanced at the side of the sword, a trace of boundary appeared in Wu Shura's eyes. Wu Shura still knows very well about the current physical condition of Xiaojian. It can be said that Wu Shuluo's physical condition at this time is on the edge of collapse. For such a body, it is not curable at all, and from the current state of Xiaojian, his actual strength is actually not now at present. The ranking is so high that as long as the monks who have been in the inner disciples for many years and have the cultivation of the Zhenyuan stage fight with the sword in front of them for a long time, there is still a great possibility to defeat the other party. As for Wenshan's side and talking with Xiaojian, Xiaojian can still understand some information. Wu Shuluo is very clear about whether the sword can promise Wenshan. The sword's body cannot be cured by Wenshan, and it is not that Wenshan's strength can solve the fundamental problem of the sword's body. Even if the sword is really persuaded by Wenshan in front of him, Wu Shura still has something else. There was a way to confront, or there was another way to solve such a problem. For a while, Wu Shura seemed to see something. For Wenshan's actions, he did not stop it, waiting for all these things to happen, waiting for funny scenes to appear, or Wu Shura thought Let's see Wenshan's jokes appear in front of us.

Just as everyone focused their eyes on Xiaojian and Wenshan, Wenshan had begun to disperse his spiritual thoughts and shrouded the Xiaojian and himself in it. Wenshan didn't want anyone to hear his next words. At this time, Wenshan just wanted to have a good talk with the Xiaojian in front of him. Talk, and for the camp you have established, you really need the sword in front of you to help. Thinking of this, Wenshan looked at the sword in front of him, and his face did not improve. Some of them just looked at the sword in front of him with a bitter smile. Wenshan's eyes showed a substantial light and came out sharply, saying, "If it's just to improve your current strength or increase some of your life expectancy, I The requirements are very simple, that is, to let you join our camp of the bright moon and starry sky, but I said that I can now solve all the problems of the alien power in your body, and the two alien magic power problems, and for your current physical condition, I can completely improve you, and even make you completely become positive. Changwu monk, if his strength breaks through and enters the real magic stage, do you think it's too much for me to put forward my own conditions to you? Is it too much for me to make my own requirements or conditions for these things you can do? Do you really die after half a year for your dignity? Say goodbye to the world from now on? Does your own pursuit of martial arts stop like this?

"All cured?" When Xiaojian heard Wenshan say that he could cure all the hidden diseases in his body, for a while, the state of the whole person has changed dramatically. For those who can extend their life or improve their current cultivation, it is just for survival. The need for survival is the most basic one. People are very eager and yearn for it. At this time, the whole mental state of Xiaojian has changed. The whole person was originally in that negative look. At this time, he seemed to suddenly seize the hope of survival. At this time, he was in a real excited mental state and was in that very excited state. It's not that he is very resolute. He is also a person who has a lot of experience in his whole life. He can achieve such achievements today and become one of the ten personal disciples in the whole small hole, which has nothing to do with Xiaojian's desperate efforts. In order to survive in the whole small hole, for people like him who have no camp or no *, it is a very necessary and extremely important means to have strong strength to protect himself. It is also because of such a mind that Xiao Jian does not care about his physical condition, and constantly tries his best to cultivate, improve his cultivation, and even improve his cultivation by reducing his life expectancy. Because for Xiaojian, being able to raise his strength is a great help to himself, that is, to help Xiaojian gain a foothold in the whole hole and no longer be bullied by others. Although the Xiaojian can reach such a point at this time and become one of the top ten personal disciples in the small hole, this has already achieved the goal of the Xiaojian. Even reducing your life expectancy is worth it. Even if the sword in front of you is given a new choice, if the choice between life and cultivation is the same, the sword can choose another cultivation and will not choose life. If you have a long life, but you don't have a strong foothold, then for the sword in front of you, it's better to die. After all, the feeling of being suppressed everywhere is not something that ordinary people can stand.

The main reason why Xiaojian's whole posture has changed at this time is that Wenshan can solve his current physical condition and improve his cultivation, which is the reason for Xiaojian's excitement. If it is the current state of the Xiaojian, the strength of the Xiaojian at this time is also the cultivation of the normal inner disciple in the small hole. Thinking of Si Guangshun, Zhang Jiemiao and the two were excluded. Although the two of them can't challenge themselves now, they must defeat Guan Zhiqiang, who ranks below him, to challenge him. This is the rule of the small hole, but if Guan Zhiqiang doesn't want to be challenged every day, he is likely to challenge him. Zhan, if your ranking is squeezed out to the tenth place of his own disciples by Guan Zhiqiang, he will definitely continue to be squeezed out of the top ten of his disciples. Isn't it very sad to become an inner disciple at that time, and it is also a thing that Xiaojian does not want to see. Thinking of this, there has been a slight loosening of the requirements or conditions just put forward by Wenshan. Thinking that he will face challenges in the future and that he will be demoted from a personal disciple to an inner disciple, the pressure he will face is really great, and at this time, he has offended many camps, and it is impossible to seek the protection of the camp. However, when he thinks that he will be controlled in the future, there is still a strong unwillingness in the heart of Xiao Jian. He does not want to be manipulated and controlled from now on. He is unwilling to do such a thing without freedom. Thinking of this, he looked at Wenshan in front of him and said, "If you think you threaten me by curing my physical condition and then controlling me, then you will not succeed. I will not agree to your requirements. Freedom is more important to me than anything else. The reason why I don't care about my life and keep practicing is that I don't want to be at the mercy of others and don't want to be controlled by others. If I am controlled by you, then I have worked hard for so many years and even sacrificed my life to improve my cultivation. You don't think such behavior is very Stupid behavior? So don't mention anything about what you want to control, and I won't agree. Go back, I would rather die like this and won't ask you for any help. As for what you just improved my physical condition, thank you very much. I won't join your camp. After all, there are many organizations that ask me to join the camp. I don't want to offend any forces, but I can promise to ban the disputes in the camp. As for whether your Bright Moon and Star Camp can replace Tianji Camp as the only largest camp in the whole small hole, it still needs your own efforts to fight for it. I can't help you with other things. Sorry!"

"Can't you agree to my request? Control you?" When Wenshan heard such words, his whole look was very funny. He also had different views on the current Xiaojian. This person can become a personal disciple and sacrifice his life expectancy in order to cultivate, but at this time, in order not to be controlled by others, he can not cultivate and not to live. , such behavior still resonates in Wenshan's heart. For the personality of the sword in front of him, the act of not being bullied by others, not to be at the mercy of others, and willing to sacrifice anything to achieve his own goals is still very similar to some things in Wenshan's bones. Therefore, Wenshan still has a good impression of the sword in front of him.