ghost monk

Chapter 170 Various Suspices

Chapter 170 All Kinds of Suspicion

"I said, isn't your Wu Yu's arithmetic very good! Are you a little careless, aren't you?" Originally, many ancestral-level figures were immersed in the joy of losing and winning money, but at this time, suddenly a voice sounded on the whole ancestral-level ring, which seemed extremely harsh. And the speaker turned out to be the king, and an ancestral-level figure in the mountain gate was so careless about his identity and face.

Originally, I thought that the old ancestor of King Zhe's shouting at Wu Yufa would make Wu Yufa look extremely irritable, and Wu Yufa should immediately have a needle dispute with the King in front of him, but the final result was exactly the opposite, that is, Wu Yufa's extremely embarrassed look at this time. Come out. At this time, Wu Yufa looked at the angry king and looked a little guilty. He squeezed out an awkward smile on his face and said to the king in front of him with a smile, "That king, can we talk about these things in private? Many brothers and sisters present, we should not ruin these old brothers and sisters. Mood, don't you think so?"

At this time, Wu Yufa not only did not care about the roar of the king just now, but also felt that Wu Yufa in front of him was a little afraid of the king in front of him, and he was also tolerated the anger of the king and worried about something. This is the mental state shown by Wu Yufa now.

"Wu Yufa, why do you feel that it's a little unkind for me to say such a thing? It was my king who disturbed the elegance of the sisters, didn't it?" After listening to Wu Yufa's words, the king not only ignored anything, but began to roar at Wu Yufa in front of him more unscrupulously, as if he had not considered his image problem for a long time. At the same time, he is even more dissatisfied with Wu Yufa's hungry attitude.

"King, can you wait a moment and send someone to give it to you when I go back, okay? I really don't have that much now!" At this time, Wu Yufa's old face suddenly turned much white, as if he was more embarrassed by the entanglement of the king. He didn't want to be too entangled in such a thing. Wu Yufa looked at the angry king and said uneasily in his heart. He didn't know when there was something on his forehead. Xu's sweat kept flowing down his forehead, and his whole body was in a state of anxiety.

"I said, Wu Yu, Pharaoh, what kind of friendship do I have with you! How dare you drag my debts? I don't seem to have any friendship with you! After all, there is still a lot of friction between us. Besides, what you owe me is gambling debt, not something else. Don't you know that defaulting on gambling debt is a very shameful thing? I didn't expect that Wu Yufa became more and more outrageous. He ran to the door of my oculus every day like a child and made trouble every day. He investigated my disciples one by one. What are you checking? Do you really suspect the death of your youngest son on my mountain gate?

But do you have any results? You should give me 2,500 gambling debts of top-grade spiritual stones! But now I only got your gambling debt of 2,000 top-grade spiritual stones, and the remaining 500 top-grade spiritual stones now! I won't borrow 500 top-grade spiritual stones casually!" At this time, the king finally said why he had been so rude to Wu Yufa in front of him, and at the same time told him the gambling debt of 500 top-grade spiritual stones owed to him by Wu Yufa.

At this time, many ancestors present stood with the king, hating that Wu Yufa's practice was too unkind, and some stood here by Wu Yufa. After all, the king and others have won 2,500 gambling debts of top-grade spiritual stones, but at this time, they still think of Wu Yufa's debt collection in front of them, a little old friend There is no talk about the feelings between them. How can they not make these ancestors angry? In addition, the spiritual stone of the game they won by the king, and they also lost to the king of theirs.

It is precisely because of the general reason that many ancestors present were watching the two people at the scene of such a fight, which really made Tai Xuanzong a little ashamed. But both of them are also ancestral-level people, with ancestral-level status and status, and not many people can come forward to persuade them for a while.

"Zhu Xiaolei, you are a good disciple. The basic skills are very solid and quite like you. Not bad, really good!" The ancestor of Yishui Hall, who sat on the other floor, praised. The ancestor of Yishuitang also participated in this gamble this time. Although he didn't bet much, he was also the loser. The main reason is that after all, Yi Dingzhong holds a treasure-level sword as a weapon in his hand, with such great power. Besides, Wenshan is only the strength of Zhenyuan's primary stage. How can he fight against Yi Dingzhong, a genius who has become famous for a long time? However, at this time, the ancestors all looked at the normal comparison in front of them. They knew that the just comparison was completely the reason why Yi Dingzhong did not seize a good opportunity, so it was an important reason for the failure of this normal comparison.

Hearing these praises, Zhu Xiaolei also felt that his face was shining. After all, these words of praise for him were made by a hall master, and his disciple Wenshan did win him a lot of glory this time. In fact, according to Zhu Xiaolei's idea of this whole thing, in fact, Wenshan in front of him is far from enough. From Zhu Xiaolei's point of view, Wenshan in front of him should achieve better results, which is Zhu Xiaolei's intuitive idea. After all, such an idea is also a thing that Zhu Xiaolei can be sure of. He also concluded that Wenshan would definitely magnify the reputation of the whole small hole in the whole sect and in the 23 mountain gates.

The first round of the fight has ended, but the next fight is still in progress, and the following fight is still decided by drawing lots. Or the disciples at the back of the mountain gate went to draw lots. In fact, the people who drew lots this time were Wenshan of the Xiaodong School and Lu Yao of the Bandong, and the targets they wanted to draw were Gu Xiaohu of Fengdong and the barbarian ring of Yuedong.

Then, as Wenshan first went up to draw lots, in fact, the results have all appeared. Wenshan drew lots to find the mountain gate where Shen Jie was located, the barbarian ring of Yuedong. Now, the road of the cave directly faces Gu Xiaohu, who is the peak cave. The emergence of such a situation did not attract many people's attention. After all, the direct disparity between the mountain gates is already very large, or the disparity between the mountain gates already exists.

It's just that this time the point is no longer the competition between two women, but the competition between men and women. However, this time, Wenshan of the Xiaodong School selected the barbarian ring of the Moon Cave again. At this time, the audience was wondering what the result would be between Wenshan and the barbarian ring of the Moon Cave. Whether Wenshan in front of him still has the lucky component of the first scene, or whether the barbarian ring of the moon hole is still so cautiously facing the relatively low-strength small cave school. At this time, many female disciples in Yuedong all turned their eyes to the small cave faction.

Especially the Yuedong disciple on the seat of the inner disciple has really seen the real strength of Wenshan. He knows what kind of person Wenshan is in front of him, and knows that Wenshan is a real person with very rich practical experience. After all, Wenshan alone will take the whole Wudong. It is a very real fact that all the disciples of the inner door are defeated, and the real columns are placed in front of everyone. Therefore, all the heavy disciples in the opposite seat of the inner door of the moon hole are nervous about the barbarians of the moon hole in front of them. It is a very sad thing to be afraid that Wenshan will lose his temper in the ring again and make the barbarian ring lose face in the ring. After all, the disciples in the inner disciple seat here have indeed seen the strength of Wenshan.

Just before Manhuan came to power, Shen Jie suddenly received a message from the seat of their personal disciples. The information description above was extremely simple, which was a description of Wenshan's strength, how to defeat all the Wu Dong in front of him with the cultivation of Zhenyuan's primary strength. It is precisely for this reason that Shen Jie, who is now in the seat of the disciple of Wudong, suddenly has another view of Wenshan in front of him. It seems that his view of Wenshan in front of him has suddenly been upgraded from the original appreciation to a surprise. Expression.

In fact, Shen Jie knows the words of Wenshan in front of her very well, so she still knows the words of Wenshan in front of her very well. After all, for Wenshan, it comes from Shen Jie's family. For Wenshan's previous things, and the strength of entering Taixuanzong is still very clear. Chu, Shen Jie also knew that Wenshan had had an adventure, and knew that Wenshan's personality was also a very hard personality characteristic. Originally, according to Shen Jie's idea, Wenshan could be a handyman disciple safely. A few years later, he could return to Shengjing Shen's hometown and be a supreme elder of the Shen family safely. It is also a very good thing, but today, as soon as I see Wenshan, Wenshan is on the ring of the tasks of the whole sect, and Wenshan can stand on the ring of the tasks of the whole sect. This was originally surprising in Shen Jie's eyes. After all, in Shen Jie's view, Wenshan's reality It's really not easy to get to the current situation.

Life in such a large sect, Shen Jie did not have any * at the beginning. She also slowly walked from a small handyman disciple to the seat of the current Yuedong's own disciple, and she also slowly struggled for the present. Zi's status, so for Shen Jie in front of him, he knows the pain in the middle. But now when Shen Jie saw that Wenshan's strength was already the strength of Zhenyuan's primary stage, and it was also the identity of a personal disciple of the Xiaodong School, Shen Jie had once again looked at Wenshan's achievements higher.

In the first battle between Wenshan and Yi Dingzhong, Shen Jie was worried about Wenshan at present and was afraid that Wenshan would be killed by Yi Dingzhong in Wudong. After all, Wenshan's strength was upgraded to Zhenyuan's primary stage in just a year and a half, and Wenshan's strength a year and a half ago was still He is just a boy in the physical realm, but at this time, Wenshan's strength is already a real strong man. Shen Jie dares not imagine that Wenshan's strength can reach the Zhenyuan stage, but Wenshan's strength has really reached the primary stage of Zhenyuan, so it is still very procured. Shen Jie's height was surprised, from the original surprise to the appreciation.

However, at this time, Shen Jie received the message from several personal disciples on the seat of the inner disciples of her moon hole, that Wenshan actually took all the inner disciples of the inner disciples of the small cave and the inner disciples of Wudong to compete for seats, although the sword of the strong man with the divine stage in the small hole at that time However, the last suppressor of Wudong turned out to be Wenshan, and Wenshan still fought against all the disciples in the inner disciples' seat of Wudong with one strength, including three strong men in the Zhenyuan stage, and even among the strong men in the Zhenyuan realm, there are also strong people who think that Zhenyuan is at the peak level. It was precisely because of the Wudong faction with such strength that it was defeated by Wenshan. Shen Jie suddenly received such information, and her original appreciation turned into a great shock. If the Xiaodong faction had sent the Xiaojian in the divine power stage at that time, Shen Jie would not have been surprised, but it turned out to be Wenshan in the primary stage of Zhenyuan, so it still surprised Shen Jie extremely.

Because in Shen Jie's view, Wenshan was able to have three Zhenyuan-stage old disciples in Wudong alone. It was such a combination of strength that was defeated by Wenshan alone. Shen Jie would not doubt the information she received. After all, it was like this. The source of Zi's information was also transmitted by a personal disciple of their Yuedong. It is precisely because of this reason that Shen Jie can't see through Wenshan in front of her. How did Wenshan solve the normal battle when Wudong's people had no power to fight back?

In fact, in addition to Yuedong, the rest of Wu Dong also knew such information, and even Dai Mingqiu of Xiaodong also received the information from Dai Mubai. At first, the big guy didn't know that Wenshan was going to participate in such a fight, but when Wenshan participated in such a fight, he was lucky to be paid attention again after winning in the hands of Yi Dingzhong of Wudong. Therefore, all the big caves in the seven caves passed on such information to the chiefs of their own disciples. In fact, they should have reported such information early. At this time, the report was still after Wenshan defeated Yi Dingzhong, a personal disciple of Wu Dong's primary strength, that it attracted great attention from the inner disciples of various factions, so they transmitted such a message to the chief disciples of their own sect. This timely transmission has made new changes for the development of the following war situation.

In fact, the most oppressive person at this time is Lu Yao in Yuedong. After all, she is the next opponent of Wenshan's competition. For such an opponent with great pressure, Lu Yao does not know whether he has decided to give up such a competition at this time. After all, Wenshan can slap A disciple of Wudong's Zhenyuan stage still pays great attention to such a phenomenon.

After all, Lu Yao is also in the primary stage of Zhenyuan, and there is no gap in strength with Wenshan. The original Lu Yao can still rely on his time to enter the primary stage of Zhenyuan a little longer than Wenshan. In this case, there is still a great advantage. But at this time, Lu Yao suddenly knew that Wenshan could defeat all the disciples of Wudong's inner gate, and there were still three senior brothers who entered the realm of Zhenyuan early. After such hungry information, there was undoubtedly a huge pressure on Luyao in front of him. At this time, Lu Yao also began to consider the real strength of Wenshan in front of him.

Originally, according to Lu Yao's idea, Wenshan did not have any reputation in the whole seven caves, and according to Shen Jie, Wenshan entered Taixuanzong only a year and a half ago, and Lu Yao was the strength of Zhenyuan's primary stage a year and a half ago. After a year and a half, Lu Yao was in the primary stage of Zhenyuan. Its strength is quite stable, and it is only one step away from the intermediate stage of Zhenyuan. It is also because of such a distance that Lu Yao is still very confident that he can defeat Wenshan.

For the words of the so far personal disciples of Wenshan, a small cave school, and it took a year and a half to upgrade from the cultivation of the physical realm to the current primary stage of Zhenyuan. For such a small person, for Lu Yao, who seems to have been met by himself, he is destined to solve the battle very easily. She won the reward given to her by the sect. After all, as long as this game is won, for Lu Yao, it is undoubtedly a situation that let Lu Yao win two games in a row. For their disciples of seven holes, such results are already very hungry and excellent. As for the third game, Lu Yao still does not expect to defeat Gu Xiaohu in Fengdong.

After all, when Gu Xiaohu's genius name became the primary stage of Zhenyuan, Gu Xiaohu was early on the strength of Zhenyuan's primary stage, which was the previous month of this task. Gu Xiaohu closed down, and after coming out, it was the strength of the current Zhenyuan's intermediate stage. For Gu Xiao Tiger is a more genius, but Lu Yao still can't deal with it at present. So for Lu Yao, letting Lu Yao deal with it was just a scene. She never thought that she could defeat Gu Xiaohu in front of her. For Lu Yao, as long as he can win two games, he is already satisfied.

But at this time, Lu Yao will face Wenshan, who can make all the inner disciples of Wudong, including three disciples in the Zhenyuan stage. After knowing these Lu Yao, he felt a certain pressure on Wenshan.

At this time, Lu Yao also recalled the battle between Wen Shan and Yi Dingzhong. Yi Dingzhong is not a useless coward. After all, which one can become a disciple of Taixuanzong is worse? If it is placed in the secular world, for any of these disciples, that is, miscellaneous disciples, they are very strong, and their status is very high. As long as you are a disciple of Taixuanzong and have stayed in Taixuanzong, then you will have the capital to be proud of the Hanwu Dynasty. Even if you enter the royal family of the Hanwu Dynasty, you will also be treated as a guest.

It is precisely for this reason that it is not so easy to become a simple miscellaneous disciple of Taixuan Sect. Like Yi Dingzhong, he is not only a handyman disciple of Taixuanzong, but also the most capable personal disciple of Taixuanzong. Normally, Yi Dingzhong has no qualification to become a personal disciple of Wu Dong. After all, there are still many personal disciples who are stronger than Yi Dingzhong in Wu Dong, but after all, Yi Dingzhong has the advantage of youth, that is, relying on his young genius, he became He was a powerful figure in the primary stage of Zhenyuan, so he became a personal disciple of Wu Dong.

So Yi Dingzhong is not a fool at all, nor is he the kind of person who has no strength or combat experience. If you can improve your strength to the primary stage of Zhenyuan before the age of 20, it is already a very remarkable existence, and you are already a very genius. It is this kind of person who just entered the primary stage of Zhenyuan in the first game and Wenshan. He only entered Taixuanzong a year and a half ago. A year and a half ago, he was still a family elder in the secular world in the Shen family in Shengjing City. How could Yi Dingzhong lose to his hands? Is it really Yi Dingzhong's careless intention that Yi Dingzhong was really stimulated by Wenshan? Couldn't it be that Wenshan did it?

Think carefully, when Yi Dingzhong used a treasure weapon for the first time, even if he did not know that this treasure weapon could consume most of his internal force, it may be a little mistake, but in the case of such a simple mistake, how could Yi Dingzhong fail? If you don't know that Wenshan defeated the inner disciples of Wudong, you may think that Yi Dingzhong is too contemptible.

But until later, Lu Yao would not look at it like this. After all, when Lu Yao felt that Wenshan avoided Yi Dingzhong's first powerful attack, the judgment time was too accurate. After all, even if Yi Dingzhong did not know the real power of taking a treasure, if he used it for the first time, it would not really be such an error. He was just dodged by Wenshan in front of him. . It is precisely because of the existence of such a reason that the current Lu Yao can still see that Wenshan himself avoided the past, which is not the fault of Yi Dingzhong's judgment at all.

The second time, it is even more strange. If the ability like Wenshan can defeat all the inner disciples of Wudong, then why not preemptively subdue Yi Dingzhong, like the preemptive attack he took when dealing with those inner disciples of Wudong. But Wenshan actually chose to stay there, as if he had been given * by the power of Yi Dingzhong. If you don't know Wenshan, maybe the wild boy in a small hole in Wenshan City hasn't seen anything in the market, so there is such a shocking situation.

However, Lu Yao can be completely sure that Yi Dingzhong's second attack is likely to be determined by Wenshan. Yi Dingzhong does not have the mental strength to complete such a difficult attack. Another possibility is that Wenshan interfered with Yi Dingzhong. However, in Lu Yao's view, how could Wenshan's spiritual power in front of him be so strong, but Lu Yao didn't think much about it, and still thought that Wenshan was very suspicious. At the same time, in Lu Yao's heart, Wenshan has been regarded as a powerful role.

In fact, in addition to Lu Yao's idea, other personal disciples heard about Wenshan's performance in the seat of the inner gate of Wudong, and Lu Yao's views are very popular.

"King, let me help Mr. Wu pay this gambling debt first!" At this time, on the ancestral-level seat, there was an old man sitting at the top of an old man in a golden robe. The man's white hair, even his beard, was also very long and white. The whole white-haired old man, but at this time, he actually opened his mouth to cushion Wu Yufa. The gambling debt of these 500 top-grade spiritual stones. It's really very bold. Moreover, those sitting side by side with this person are actually the ancestors of the other three sects, so it can be completely seen that this person's identity and status are not familiar. This person is the owner of Jinshimen, Zhantai Jinshi. The most talented and talented father of Zhan Tai Luoyun in Taixuanzong.

"The king dares not!" At this time, when King Yu, who was originally very dissatisfied with Wu Yufa, heard that Zhan Taijinshi was going to help Wu Yufa put on the gambling debt of 500 top-quality spiritual stones, his heart suddenly beat. He still dared not accept Zhan Tailuo Yun's gambling debt. After all, among the ancestors-level figures, there are also different rankings of strength. It is precisely for this reason that, although Zhan Tai Jinshi rarely comes out and rarely participates in any kind of competition, today's large-scale competition still invites Zhan Tai Jinshi out. And Zhan Taijinshi's identity is still accompanied by the ancestors of the other three sects as famous as the Taixuan Sect. Such an identity and status is very low in the whole Taixuan Sect. It is also because of this reason that the words for King Zhai are still a little afraid of Zhan Taijinshi.

In fact, don't look at Zhan Taijinshi's elegant and kind expression now. In fact, when Zhan Taijinshi was young, there were no more than 10,000 genius-level figures who died in his hands. He is an ancestor-level figure, whose strength has reached the realm of life-threatening, and no more than ten people have died in the hands of Zhan Taijinshi. That's a strong man in the realm of life! Can Zhan Taijinshi be a simple person who can kill a strong man in the realm of life? Therefore, although Zhantai Jinshi rarely walks around in the whole Taixuanzong, it does not mean that Zhantai Jinshi has no prestige in the whole sect.

It is estimated that Zhan Taijinshi's reputation also has a certain influence in the other three sects. It is for this reason that when Zhan Taijinshi wanted to help Wu Yufa advance 500 top-grade spiritual stones, King still felt a little guilty. After all, although he had some personal grudges with Wu Yufa, the owner of Wudong Cave, in front of other sects, in the grand task competition of the whole Taixuanzong. Shang, unexpectedly had an argument with Wu Yufa, which obviously lost the face of Tai Xuanzong's existence.

It is precisely because of this reason, so the current king is still very afraid. Not to mention letting Zhan Taijinshi fill such a gambling debt, he will not dare to argue with Wu Yufa again. At this time, the cold sweat on his face fell straight down. He got up and bowed to Zhan Taijinshi, who was sitting at the top of the whole ancestral level, and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhan Tai's kindness. It's just some gambling debts. How can I bother you, Brother Zhantai!"

At this time, Laozu raised his head with a guilty heart, looked at Zhan Tai Laozu, who was sitting on the top, and then stopped talking. Stand there honestly. For the behavior of the king, it did not make many of the ancestors present feel funny. After all, strength is always the most important thing in this world.

No matter when you can have the strength to overwhelm everyone, no matter what kind of person there is in the crowd, it can only be a compromise in the face of strength. After all, Zhan Taijinshi's strength at this time is still the highest among the current ancestral figures. Of course, except for the original Tianmo Mountain. But at this time, the demon ancestor is no longer in the ancestral level, but already at the elder level. It is also for this reason that Zhan Taijinshi in front of him is the most powerful figure at the ancestral level of Taixuanzong. Originally, it was suppressed by the heavenly demon ancestor, but now it has become the existence of the eldest brother in the whole ancestral level.

Look at the white-haired old man sitting on the top at this time. This character who doesn't pay attention to his appearance is actually a real master. In fact, these ancestors have been practicing for a long time. The youngest person present who can become an ancestor may be a hundred years old.

The main reason why these ancestral-level characters look so young is that they are all strong in a life-threatening state and can already communicate with heaven and earth. For such figures, it is not easy for them. As long as they constantly moisturize the elements of heaven and earth to the skin on the surface of their bodies, they should be able to be young under the condition that their hair is constantly moistened. However, for characters like Zhan Taijinshi, they don't attach too much importance to their appearance. For these characters, as long as they completely improve their strength, it is already very important. As for others, everything is not very important.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhan Taijinshi's appearance is not very young at all, but more old. In fact, for these practitioners, age is not a problem at all. For these people who have entered the realm of life-threatening, which one is not as old as a thousand years? For such a long life, which one still cares about age.

In fact, not to mention that the king in front of him is restless, but Wu Yufa beside him is also restless at this time. After all, the dispute with the king is not only a matter of the king, but also the matter of Wu Yufa in front of him. After all, it is a dispute between two people. How can it be completely blamed on the king? It was for this reason that Wu Yufa seemed extremely unstable at this time. After all, although Zhan Taijinshi is an ancestor-level figure of Taixuanzong, Taixuanzong is also a sect of justice, representing justice.

But Zhan Taijinshi, the old man in a golden robe in front of him, is more famous outside. After all, which ancestor-level figure like Zhan Taijinshi is not killed, and the number of people killed can be less than 10,000. They have experienced a lot of ups and downs before they have grown into the ranks of current ancestral masters. They can have the strength of today and the status of today, which one has not really experienced a lot of killing. It is for this reason that Zhantai Jinshi is not very much like the ancestor of a righteous sect, but kills more people than the ancestors of some evil sects. It's just an idea of his own image, and another evil ancestor doesn't pay attention to his own image.

At this time, Wu Yufa also stood up with the king, bowed the same way, and said to Zhan Tai Jinshi sitting on it, "How can you trouble Brother Zhan Tai to help him solve such a small matter? I appreciate the kindness of Brother Zhan Tai. At this time, Wu Yufa's heart was constantly repeating. In his opinion, why did he gamble this time? The gambling was so big that in the end, he was pulled by the king. Not only his image was completely lost, but also the face of his ancestors was completely lost. In addition, it has angered Zhan Tai's ancestor in front of him, which is the reason for this, so Wu Yufa in front of him is very chagrined about today's whole thing.

Just when King and Wu Yufa were nervous, a black bag suddenly floated to King Hu. King reached out and grabbed the black bag into his hand. When King Laozu put his spiritual thoughts into the bag for scanning, he suddenly found that there were 500 top-grade spiritual stones in the bag. Just after the king saw it, the king's body became more bent. At this time, the king was facing such a 500 top-grade spiritual stone. If Wu Yufa gave him a complete subordinate, he was not afraid of Wu Yufa to find his own trouble. The strength between him and Wu Yufa was comparable, and there was nothing terrible at all.

If you really fight, there is a possibility that both sides will be injured. It was for this reason that the king dared to quarrel with Wu Yufa. However, at this time, Wenshan saw a bag of top-grade spiritual stones thrown by Zhan Taijinshi to him. At this time, what the king did not expect was that Zhantai Jinshi really returned the gambling debt of such 500 high-grade spiritual stones to Wu Yufa, which made the king not know whether he would take it or not.

Even Wu Yufa, who was beside him, didn't know what to do when he saw such a scene.

"Sit down, both of you! Watch the game. Thinking that we also experienced such a game in those years, what was the difference between us and these little ghosts under the stage? So it's still very memorable." At this moment, Zhan Taijinshi transmitted the voice again. At this time, Zhan Tailuoyun did not seem to have too much blame for the behavior of King Yu and Wu Yufa. At this time, Zhan Tailuoyun gave people the feeling that it was very real.

For Zhan Tailuoyun's words, for King Yu and Wu Yufa, it is completely an ordinary order. For the two of them, such an order is still an order that the two of them have to carry out. Therefore, at this time, King Yu and Wu Yufa still did it very honestly. Prepare to watch the road of Yuedong and the battle of Wenshan in the small cave.

However, when King and Wu Yufa sat down, the cave owner of the seven holes suddenly received a message at the same time, which was sent by the chief disciples of each mountain gate. What does such information look like? What an important information it is that can make all the chief personal disciples of each mountain gate shock their ancestors on such a grand occasion. In addition to the ancestors who came out of the seven holes, the other ancestors still did not know what had happened, and still sat there ready to watch the normal fight.

"What? Why does such a thing happen?" At this time, Wu Yufa, who had been quiet, suddenly shouted. Just as Wu Yufa finished what he had just said, all the ancestors of the seven caves stared at Zhu Xiaolei, the ancestor of the small cave in front of him. Everyone's eyes are full of blame, curiosity, anger, suspicion, and all kinds of complex emotions are concentrated on Zhu Xiaolei.