ghost monk

Chapter 221 Blood Sacrifice Shakes the Sky

Chapter221 Blood Sacrifice Shakes the Sky

After all, it is not easy for Wenshan to locate the soul ring now. After all, if it is an artifact, there is indeed an artifact in the soul ring. It is for this reason that this situation has happened at present. For the whole thing, it is completely another thing.

It is true to say that there are artifacts in the spiritual treasure. After all, Wenshan doesn't know what such a spirit is like and how powerful it is. But Wenshan knew that there was such a spirit in the soul ring, and even the owner of Wenshan's soul ring could not figure it out.

It is precisely for the existence of such a reason, so Wenshan can conclude that there is such an artifact in the soul ring. It is such a bold guess, so that Wenshan can compete with the soul ring with such a wooden stick, which is enough to prove that such a strange wooden stick is not a simple thing.

Thinking of this, Wenshan's back feels a little cold. After all, Tianmo Youji actually chose to refine such a strange wooden stick and spiritual treasure-level objects with utensils. Such a bold move makes Wenshan now not know that Tianmo loves himself too much and always leaves the best for himself.

After all, Wenshan was almost doomed by this move of Tianmo. Fortunately, with the help of such a soul ring, Wenshan temporarily saved his life. For Wenshan, half of his life has basically been put into such a strange wooden stick.

It is the existence of such a reason, so Wenshan's view of the whole matter in front of him must have hidden the origin of such a strange stick from her.

At first, when Wenshan saw such a unattractive wooden stick, his first thought was that such an old wooden stick was definitely not a good thing. At least it seemed that it was not good in the upgraded spiritual weapon and was not a good thing.

Compaion with Su Linger's crystal ball, it is not as good as Su Linger's. But after all, it comes from the hands of Tianmo Youji. It is destined not to be a simple product, and it is more or less useful. At that time, Wenshan thought of Tianmo Youji's favoritism and helped his own disciple Su Linger without taking care of herself at all.

It is this idea that Wenshan doesn't care much about the strange wooden stick in his hand. Originally, Wenshan still expected to insert such a wooden stick directly into his waist, but what Wenshan did not expect was that this wooden stick would exude such great power.

And the first thing after Wenshan got into Wenshan's hands was such an ugly and upgradeable spiritual weapon. I directly recognized the Lord with Wenshan. It's okay to recognize the Lord, and now there is a bleeding sacrifice incident. For such a series of events, it is completely another thing.

Even Wenshan in front of him did not expect that such a blood sacrifice could hurt himself so much. It is precisely for this reason that the connection of these events at present always makes Wenshan in front of him feel very surprised. There is still more or less difference in this kind of surprise.

At this time, the strange wooden stick unexpectedly began to face such a situation directly with the soul ring. What makes Wenshan incredible is that these two spiritual weapons hit each other, and each impact is a collision between Wenshan's spiritual thoughts. For such a situation, even Wenshan did not expect it at present.

It seems that the continuous impact of these two spiritual weapons is the impact of two spiritual ideas in Wenshan's mind. It is the existence of such a reason that makes the current situation, such a violent situation, even in the current Wenshan, who feels the deep feeling of a splitting headache in his mind.

At this time, the black blood that had originally entered his body began to flow back, and the poisonous blood that had entered his body began to be directly drawn back by a strange stick. For such a situation, even the demons on the side can't understand it.

At this time, suddenly, even the soul ring also buzzed, and the sound was also very loud. It is such a situation that Wenshan is also a very shocked result. Even Wenshan did not expect such a result.

It is precisely because of this reason, so that the current spiritual idea of Wenshan almost collapses in such a sound. It was at the moment when the soul ring sounded like this, the soul ring began to follow the strange wooden stick in front of him and began to draw the black blood in Wenshan's body on a large scale.

At this time, Wenshan's heart suddenly felt a little cool. This coolness went straight to Wenshan's spine and directly watered Wenshan's spine, which shocked Wenshan's heart a lot. This kind of coolness that went straight to the spine, even Wenshan's heart was also like this. The coolness seems to have suddenly disappeared.

After all, it doesn't matter if a strange spiritual weapon absorbs its own blood. But when a spiritual weapon is desperate, it absorbs the spiritual weapon in its own body on a large scale. Even the current situation of Wenshan has shocked Wenshan a lot in front of him. After all, it is not a small thing for such a shock.

Even Tianmo opened his eyes and looked at the occurrence of such a situation in front of him, and was also shocked. After all, for such a situation in Wenshan, it has been completely unexpected by Wenshan. For such a thing, it is completely not present. The devil can understand.

Blood sacrifice. Another blood sacrifice!

Blood sacrifice, the two words suddenly appeared again in the mind of Tianmo Youji. For such a situation, even the current Tianmo Youji can't imagine what it will be like. After all, for such a blood sacrifice, it doesn't matter if it happens to a strange thing. But at this time, the blood sacrifice occurred on Wenshan's body again.

For such a situation, even the experienced Tianmo Youji, who has experienced a variety of life and death and experienced a variety of hardships, is shocked by such a situation in front of her. I don't understand what happened. For the occurrence of such a thing, there is more or less such a shock in the heart of Tianmo.

When Tianmo Youji saw that the strange stick launched an attack on the quaint, bad ring on Wenshan's chest, Tianmo Youji knew that the ring on Wenshan's chest was by no means a simple thing.

For such a thing, even the current demons know that the weapons that can attack by spiritual weapons must belong to the situation that two spiritual weapons of the same level compete with each other. Otherwise, there will be no such situation.

If the strange spiritual weapon wooden stick is the ring on Wenshan's chest at the level of the spiritual weapon, there is no need for the current strange wooden stick to directly take action. It can completely suppress such a ring directly with the spiritual weapon level.

Because in the spiritual weapon stage, it has basically had its own spirituality. The higher the level of the spiritual weapon, the stronger the spirituality. Spiritual weapons are different from people. In addition to strength, there are weapons in their hands, skills learned, etc. These are all situations that affect a person's real combat effectiveness.

But spiritual weapons are different from people. In the world of spiritual weapons, they only have a hierarchical gap, which is not so important for everything else.

This is the reason, so that as long as the spirit of the spiritual weapon is stronger than another spiritual weapon, there is no need to have a spiritual weapon battle of this scale. You only need to use your own spiritual weapon level and spiritual strength to directly attack the opponent's spiritual weapon.

It's like these two spiritual weapons in front of you. If that strange spiritual weapon can really beat a ring on Wenshan's chest, it can be directly suppressed by its own spiritual strength, which is higher than the ring on the chest. For this kind of spiritual weapon suppression, it often occurs.

That is, when two people are fighting, they also more or less take out their own spiritual weapons. Then when they fight, the spiritual organs are different and there is a gap in levels, so the general situation will more or less involve such a situation. For such a situation, it is completely another thing.

The level of the spiritual weapon in one person's hand is higher than that of another person. In the process of fighting, the power of the spiritual weapon in one's hand is always lower than usual. Only when the spiritual weapon in your hand is of a high level, so that such a thing will not happen. For this reason, in general, many martial arts monks pursue more powerful spiritual weapons.

It is precisely for this reason that there is a hierarchical suppression between spiritual weapons, so there is a lot of pursuit of high-level spiritual weapons. Therefore, it has become the choice of more people for upgradeable spiritual weapons. They all hope that the spiritual weapons in their hands can be constantly upgraded as well as people's cultivation.

In this case, when the strength of others reaches what level, they can get another level of enhancement. It is precisely because of the existence of such a situation that leads to the emergence of such a situation. For such a situation, it is completely another thing.

If the spiritual strength of the ring on Wenshan's chest is strong and the level is stronger than that of such a strange wooden stick, you can also rely on the strength of your own level and directly hit the strange wooden stick in front of you. But so far, the two spiritual weapons seem to be like natural enemies, evenly matched and competing against each other.

is such a situation, and I don't know what's going on. When the two spiritual weapons meet, they seem to be enemies, as if they were born with a pair of enemies. For such a situation, the two spiritual weapons began to fight directly without anyone's control.

So with such a hand, Tianmo Youji can see that such a spiritual weapon on Wenshan's chest is definitely not a simple thing. It is precisely for this reason that such a fierce situation that can fight with such a strange wooden stick is really rare. After all, such attacks are not common.

What makes the demon Youji in front of her more dumbfounded is that the ring in front of her is really strange. For such a strange ring, such a situation can appear. It's simply an incredible situation like this. For such a situation, it is completely two times.

It is the reason why, when the strange wooden stick began to devour the blood in Wenshan's body again, although the original bright red in Wenshan's body had dark golden blood, the rapid transformation into black blood at this time did make the heavenly demon Youji in front of him thunder.

But what shocked Tianmo Youji more was that when such a strange wooden stick began to draw Wenshan's blood again, the strange ring on Wenshan's chest also began to sacrifice Wenshan and began to draw Wenshan's blood.

Originally, the appearance of a spiritual weapon that could record blood sacrifice shocked the heart of Tianmo, but at this time, the appearance of another spiritual weapon that could record blood sacrifice made Tianmo Youji even more surprised. After all, it is not a common phenomenon for such a thing. For such a spiritual weapon, which is not a very common phenomenon, the blood sacrifice begins at the same time, and the blood sacrifice is only one person.

For such a situation, it is estimated that it is a spectacle that such a situation occurs in the whole world. It is such a situation, so for Wenshan in front of him, there is more or less such a shock in his heart. For such a scene, even the demon is difficult to accept.

After all, for a person, a blood sacrifice is already a very dangerous thing. But at this time, Wenshan actually began to sacrifice blood twice, and it was a continuous blood sacrifice of two spiritual weapons. Both spiritual weapons seem to be extremely fierce. It is for this reason that the current situation of Wenshan appearing on him is so strange.

For such strangeness, even the well-informed Tianmo Youji has no such experience. After all, such experience is not a common phenomenon. For such a situation, it is also very rare. But this period was met by Wenshan in front of him.

And two strange spiritual weapons of the same level actually chose such a moment to make a blood sacrifice to Wenshan in front of them at the same time. For such a blood sacrifice, even the heavenly demon Youji in front of him dares not believe it. After all, the events of blood sacrifice rarely occur. Even in the devil's way, it is very rare to dare to try the blood sacrifice and the law.

After all, such a dangerous blood sacrifice needs to absorb the blood of the human body. In case of carelessness, it is common to be completely drained. After all, when a spiritual weapon is transformed into a murder weapon, it is just a momentary thing. As for the success of the blood sacrifice and the method, it is not immutable.

At the time of blood sacrifice, the key is to see how to protect your physical function when extracting blood like this, and how to keep it at the same time as the blood sacrifice, and how to keep your spiritual thoughts are not completely disturbed by this.

After all, at the same time of blood sacrifice, it is not easy for people's spiritual thoughts to become demons if they are stained by blood and gas at this time. After all, for the blood sacrifice, the final failure is all the painful end of people's spiritual thoughts and minds being swallowed up. For this kind of end, it is not a thing that many people are willing to see.

This is exactly the main reason why most people are unwilling to sacrifice blood. A person even disappears, and he is still controlled by a spiritual weapon. Such a way of living is what most people don't want to try.

At the same time, Wenshan is facing a siege of two spiritual weapons, such as drawing blood and such a blood sacrifice.

For the original soul ring and Wenshan, it is just a simple situation to recognize the Lord. But at this time, this strange wooden stick actually jumped out and wanted to sacrifice Wenshan with blood, so the soul ring at this time was not willing to show weakness, and directly made a blood sacrifice to Wenshan.

It is exactly this situation. The original Wenshan only needs a blink of an eye to draw blood by a strange wooden stick. However, at this time, in the face of the blood drawing of the two spiritual weapons, it was not as fast as originally thought. On the contrary, the situation at this time became extremely slow. While the two spiritual weapons competed for blood in Wenshan's body, they divided and competed with each other.

Directly turn the blood in Wenshan's body into his own private general, constantly devouring, competing and dividing the blood in Wenshan's body. It is this uninterrupted scramble process that makes the current blood loss of Wenshan not so fast.

However, in the case of blood loss, the original black poison still remained in Wenshan's body. The black poison left behind did not follow Wenshan's blood being pulled out, but followed the blood loss. It is this situation that has really made Wenshan in front of him extremely bad for a while.

is Wenshan. The original blood was only lost in one direction, but at this time, Wenshan suddenly felt that the blood in his body suddenly seemed to become wild, and it seemed to be burning in his body. It is the existence of such a feeling, so for such a situation at present, it is a little hurt to be more or less competed for by such two spiritual weapons.

At this time, Wenshan's heart was also competed by two spiritual weapons for the blood in his body, which made Wenshan feel very surprised. For this effect, it also makes Wenshan's divided blood in this kind of blood. There is still such a rampage phenomenon in my meridian.

Every nerve of Wenshan now seems to be scrambled by such blood, which makes a very ** situation. It is also the occurrence of such a situation that more or less makes Wenshan in front of him feel very hungry and painful, which is a kind of suffering. Such rampage blood in his own meridians is actually his own.

Facing the control of the blood in their bodies by the two spiritual weapons, they are still fighting and attacking each other at the same time. While the two spiritual weapons are competing, it is Wenshan in front of them, and their hearts are also constantly struggling. For such a situation. Wenshan felt that he didn't know how long his meridians would go through. Under such mutual attacks, he was also paralyzed.

Wenshan thought of the scene of his death. My blood is so wild in my body. In the end, the blood in my body is destined to fight with each other and directly break my meridians. For such a situation, Wenshan estimated that his whole body was shocked by such blood and turned into a pool of meat.

It is estimated that his blood is not sprayed on the whole space, but destined to be divided and absorbed by these two spiritual weapons. It is precisely for this reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to carveting up and absorbing all the blood in the human body of Wenshan.

Now the two spiritual weapons are completely playing such a role as bloodsucking. For these two completely blood-sucking situation, it is even more terrible than the blood-sucking devil. It is precisely because of the existence of this reason that the view of the whole thing has also changed greatly.

For such a huge change, even Wenshan is shocked now. After all, for this kind of blood, Wenshan's internal force is contained in it, in which the dark golden divine power is full, and the essence of Wenshan's whole human blood are all concentrated in his blood, which is also the main target of a person's energy.

This is the reason, so for one such situation at present, it is completely another situation. For such a situation, it is simply a different thing, and for such a thing, it is also a very unkind thing.

For the blood sacrifice, it is actually such a situation that directly consumes people's blood. For such a situation, it is completely another matter. It is one of the reasons that makes Wenshan have another meaning for the whole thing. It is one of the reasons why Wenshan has to pay new attention to these two spiritual weapons.

The degree of attention to such a thing is not so simple. That's the reason, so for simple things, it's completely two times. For such a situation, Wenshan is also drawing blood during the passive period.

And the blood is drawn together. At this time, Wenshan felt that the blood in his body was sealed, as if a stream of heat penetrated in. At this time, Wenshan's whole body seemed to burn.

This feeling is very profound. It is this deep feeling that makes Wenshan's heart clear in front of him. For such a clear feeling, Wenshan in front of him can't really solve it.

It is this deep feeling in it. For this feeling, even in Wenshan now, it is very clear in the depths of my heart. That is, when Wenshan was very suffering, suddenly, Wenshan's left hand was held by a cold little hand. Holding it tightly makes Wenshan feel like this now.

It is precisely this that when Wenshan clenched a cold hand, he seemed to have some kind of savior. Facing such a cold little hand, Wenshan's whole body rushed up and held such a hand tightly, as well as the owner of this hand.

This is a cold and soft body. When Wenshan rushed up, the heat in his heart suddenly eased a lot. With this effect, Wenshan became even more greedy. Constantly relying on such a cold meaning of the body.

Then, there was a tearing sound and tearing the clothes, but at this time, it was not Wenshan's clothes that were torn, but Tianmo's clothes were directly torn by Wenshan again. For such a feeling, even the devil didn't expect it.

Wenshan suddenly became so wild, and his whole body was completely semi-obsessive. For Wenshan's mental state, even the current demon is a little afraid of Wenshan. At this time, a personal body of Wenshan directly overwhelmed Wenshan in front of him.

For such rudeness, a man who was originally a beautiful man like Wenshan, who was usually a little afraid of demons, became even more crazy at this time. At this time, the vision of heaven and earth. The whole world is undergoing great changes, and the original sunny phenomenon has completely disappeared.

At this time, the whole world is covered with dark clouds. Thunder and thunder. Such a sudden change of the weather, even if many ancestral-level figures outside don't know what happened to the elder-level seats inside, it will cause such a vision of heaven and earth.

For such a situation, even if there is a space where Tianmo Youji is in such an elder-level seat, many people may rush in to see what it is, but after all, it is the elders who are pressing in it, Yong The Heavenly Demon Youji exists in the eternal giant of the realm of life, so if it is a problem that even the Heavenly Demon Youji can't solve, if other ancestral-level characters enter, it is also useless.

This is the reason, so many ancestors suppressed their impulses. After all, even if you enter, you can't play any role. If you still disturb the action of Tianmo Youji, you will be angry with the thunder of Tianmo Youji. If you really suffer the thunderous anger of Tianmo Youji, then this person is not far from death.

After all, everyone knows the hot temper of Tianmo Youji very well. It is this kind of understanding, so more people don't want to do such a thing. For such a thing, it is completely two times.

At this time, half of the sky was bright red blood, and the other half of the sky was black blood-like. That is to say, such a big difference is happening in the whole world, and they are very surprised by the ancestral-level figures.

Originally, the big guy completely put the creation of such a strange color of heaven and earth on the devil Youji, but for them, they are still not very sure. It is one of the reasons for this, so for the current Wenshan, it is completely another layer of meaning. For such a layer of meaning, it is completely equivalent to the great change in the means that the whole world is used by the devil.

Originally, an idea of such a thing was just a guess of the big guy. But at this time, suddenly the view of the whole thing also changed greatly. After all, it is a kind of speculation. After all, in the eyes of these ancestors of Taixuanzong, the only thing that can cause changes in the whole world can be done by the devil.

After all, for the ancient giants, the mystery of the strong in the eternal realm is unknown to their ancestral-level figures. That's the idea.

So many things are quite legendary in the eyes of these ancestral-level figures. It is this legend that makes the whole ancestor-level figure of Taixuanzong believe that the person who changed such a vision of heaven and earth is Tianmo Youji.

Then, the surrounding large range of energy and the energy of various attributes suddenly rushed to the space of the elder-level seat. For such a space, it is just a visual shield, just a sound with the outside world, and a shield implemented. But the energy inside, the hole of air, can still pour into the space from the outside.

This is the reason, so at this time, the energy of these attributes is madly pouring into such a closed space. The energy from all sides poured into such an elder-level space without interruption. The only feeling of all the people in the scene was that such a large amount of energy poured directly into such an energy circle. Will it explode?

Or, in this kind of energy gathering space, whether the characters in it can really withstand the entry of such large-scale energy, and whether they can really accept the continuous condensation of such energy. Such an intuitive idea is also imagined by Wenshan in front of him.

This is exactly the idea. For the current Wenshan, it is completely another layer of meaning. For such a meaning, it is completely two times.

For such a thing at this time, Wenshan completely began to resist the blood drawing of two spiritual weapons in such an environment, which can also be said to be a joint resistance to such a thing with the two demons.

For such a situation, even the current scene is not what Wenshan is willing to see. For such a situation, there is still a little lack of something, and a little ** is missing in it.

At this time, Wenshan simply became extremely wild. He simply took the heavenly demon in front of him, the graceful body, as a tool to quench his thirst, and directly rushed to the heavenly demon and pressed it on the body of the heavenly demon.

For a white flower, the skin is condensed like snow, smooth skin, and the feeling of touching it is also very wonderful. This is the reason, but for Wenshan at this time, it is also two completely different aspects. For such a case, there are two other aspects.

For such a case, it is completely equivalent to pressing on a soft thing. It's such a comfortable feeling. Even so, it is not something that ordinary people can really feel.

At this time, the soft sound transmitted in the whole space is so gentle and piercing. After being heard, the whole person's bones seemed to have been scattered.

It is such an intuitive feeling of hearing that makes Wenshan present work harder, and the range of shaking up and down is slowly increasing. Even the demon that is now pressed under him. The strong chest is also gasping hesitantly and rapidly, constantly undulating up and down. It is this that makes the demons more enchanting.

That is, the physical contact between Wenshan and Tianmo began slowly. In the space above the bodies of Wenshan and Tianmo, there are also two spiritual weapons, which are entangled with each other. They interfere with each other like this.

This is the reason. At this time, the view of the whole thing has also changed greatly, and many people don't understand such a huge change. For this kind of intuition, even the current Tianmo and Wenshan have not seen such a scene.

The original scene of the endless struggle between the two spiritual weapons has completely changed. For such a change, the two spiritual weapons are now slowly blending. It seems that the two spiritual weapons are sensing each other. This is a scene of the spiritual alternation and blending of two spiritual weapons.

In the crazy fusion between Wenshan and Tianmo, blood not only flows from Wenshan's body, but also gradually has black blood flowing in the body of Tianmo. Just two spiritual weapons. Also over the whole sky, he began to slowly extract the blood from Wenshan and Tianmo. At the same time, a small black gourd on Tianmo's neck also suddenly flew away from Tianmo Youji's neck and flew in the direction of the two spiritual weapons.

At this time, the three spiritual weapons are blending with each other, and the two low white bodies are blending with each other. The white feet are intertwined and constantly moving with each other. In such a picture, the whole picture has become extremely comfortable.

While the blood was taken away from the bodies of Wenshan and Tianmo, the blood after continuous transformation continued to enter the bodies of the two of them. In this situation, even Wenshan is extremely puzzled in his heart, but under the wild impulse in his heart, everything is not important.

This is exactly the intuitive feeling. This is how the blood keeps circulating. Originally, fresh blood was absorbed from the black stick, but it was black blood that was imported into the bodies of Wenshan and Tianmo Youji. The highly toxic substance in the black blood also entered.

And what enters from the soul ring is also fresh blood, but the blood entered into Wenshan and Tianmo Youji's body is also gray, shouting a huge breath of life. It is this kind of continuous change. The original black gourd bottle suddenly emitted a light green light when it suddenly played its role.

It was at this time that such a light green bottle also began to play and began to absorb the fresh blood in the body of Wenshan and Tianmo Youji. Under the flow of such blood, it was completely another world. An intuitive feeling for such a Among them, it is completely another feeling.

After all, for this, even if it is the original spiritual weapon of the heavenly demon just now, the addition of the gourd bottle is completely equivalent to developing the whole blood sacrifice event into a blood sacrifice event of three spiritual weapons. For such a situation, the risk may be greater. The violent energy in the surrounding space is accumulating more and more.

It's exactly like this. Even if you are in a crazy state with Wenshan, it is also a process to enjoy with Wenshan. They didn't know anything about everything around them, even if the gourd bottle was added to the blood sacrifice.