ghost monk

Chapter 246 Welfare

Chapter 2416 Welfare

For the arrival of Wenshan at this time, it was obviously beyond Shen Jie's expectation. For the arrival of Wenshan, Shen Jie's face was rarely red. For the half-big boy in front of him, he has a different mind in Shen Jie's mind.

"Wenshan, why are you here?" Shen Jie looked at Wenshan in front of her and asked with a smile.

For Shen Jie, she originally knew a lot about Wenshan. But at this time, Wenshan gave Shen Jie a feeling that he never understood. For such a situation, it is obviously another feeling for Shen Jie.

When she first entered Taixuanzong, Wenshan gave Shen Jie a feeling that she had such a strange temper. It seems that there is a deep defense for everyone. After all, for Wenshan at that time, he had just experienced the addition of the Shen family and threw the corpse bone cliff.

is also the reason for this, so for the current position, for Wenshan to have such achievements, his strength can reach the intermediate stage of divine power, which is completely beyond Shen Jie's expectation, and it is also such a situation, so for many things, in front of Wenshan is obviously a good choice.

At this time, Shen Jie didn't understand Wenshan at all. Why did he improve his strength so quickly in the sect? Is it really because Wenshan knew the existence of Tianmo Youji? Or is it because Youji doesn't want Zhan Taijinshi to be so arrogant that she maintains Wenshan like this.

Shen Jie, who knew very well about what happened that day, knew that the reason why Wenshan was able to escape from Wu Yufa at that time was entirely because of the heavenly demon Youji, and it was also for this reason. Therefore, for Wenshan in front of her, it was obviously a very bad thing.

is also the reason for this, so for many things, it is obviously very detrimental to many things. It is also one of the reasons for this, and there are still many problems. For everything, this is obviously a big breakthrough for the whole thing.

For everything, so far, it is a great breakthrough, and there is also a very different existence for such a breakthrough. It is this kind of different existence that more or less still has a big gap.

But no matter what, for the current situation, it is basically impossible for Shen Jie to understand Wenshan now. Shen Jie is not very clear about Wenshan's character. Originally, Wenshan was wary of anyone who had just come in, and he was worried about anyone.

This is also the reason. When Shen Jie sent 500 spiritual beans, although her tone was very cold at that time, for Shen Jie, sending 500 spiritual beans should be a very rare wealth for a handy boy who had just entered Taixuanzong in the Holy Capital. It is enough for Wenshan to profligate in the stage of miscellaneous disciples.

In addition, Shen Jie, who is also the chief personal disciple of Yuedong, sits on Wenshan. For such a situation, Wenshan's future development is at least not depressed, but much stronger than Shen Jie's helplessness when he entered Taixuanzong at that time. After all, no handyman disciple has just entered such a large sect as Taixuanzong, and he is as lucky as Wenshan.

But what I didn't expect was that Wenshan didn't want such 500 spiritual beans. Instead, these spiritual beans sent by Shen Jie made Wenshan's heart farther away from Shen Jie. For Shen Jie's words at that time, he could clearly detect Wenshan's mind.

At that time, Shen Jie began to think about Wenshan. For a miscellaneous disciple who has just started, it is already very lucky to enter such a large sect. How happy it is to have a senior sister who is the chief disciple of the mountain gate as a supporter in the large sect.

For ordinary miscellaneous disciples, no matter how bad the face of such a senior sister is, she will be cheeky. But Wenshan obviously didn't do this, even the 500 spiritual beans given to him by Shen Jie. For such a situation, it is obviously strange for Shen Jie.

For Shen Jie's words, she did not completely give up Wenshan like this. Shen Jie also wanted to find such an opportunity to find a way to slowly spend 500 spiritual beans like this on Wenshan. But I didn't expect that after Shen Jie came out of the retreat, the speed of Wenshan's promotion was so amazing.

is yesterday's sectarian task comparison, which was thrilling and had a great impact on Shen Jie. The strength shown by Wenshan's performance on the ring that day made Shen Jie feel surprised and shocked.

After all, for Shen Jie in front of her, she always wants to find a certain opportunity to contact Wenshan. However, I heard that Wenshan could represent the whole hole to participate in the mission of this sect. Such news has aroused Shen Jie's curiosity.

After all, for Shen Jie, he knows which character who can participate in the mission of this sect is not a real genius. What Shen Jie didn't expect was that the Wenshan in front of him really participated in such a task, and at the same time showed his cultivation ability in the intermediate stage of his divine power step by step, he finally won the championship of the whole sectarian task, and even completely covered Su Linger's limelight of Tianmoling.

And Wenshan actually won the favor of Tianmo Youji in Tianmoling. For such a situation, it is obviously a great improvement for Wenshan at present. It is also such a situation, so for many things, it is obvious that Wenshan's achievements are very remarkable.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, it is a great improvement. This is also the case, so it is a great improvement for many things. It is this kind of improvement that is still a good choice so far.

For such a scene in front of us, for the current Wenshan, it is a real chill. It is precisely for this reason, so for the state at this time, Wenshan is a kind of sadness for Shen Jie's chief personal disciple of Yuedong in the true sense of Taixuanzong.

After all, what Shen Jie is facing now is being bullied to such a field by others. As for who is bullying Shen Jie behind it, he will not escape Zhan Tai and Luo Yun. After all, for Shen Jie now, there is no way to deal with Zhan Tai Luoyun, but for Wenshan, he is no longer afraid of Zhan Tai Luoyun at all.

It is also a situation. The chief personal disciple of the majestic Yuedong of Taixuanzong actually took on such a escort task for 5,000 spiritual beans. Previously, the goods of such a chief personal disciple were directly robbed by others, and Taixuanzong escorted such a batch of goods handymen. The disciple was killed directly without any life.

is the existence of such a kind of behavior, so for the current situation, it is basically a kind of qualitative, and for such a kind of qualitative situation, it is basically a result. It is the existence of such a result that there is still a big difference.

This is the reason, so for many things, it is basically a result. It is in this way that the results are different, so for many things, they are basically the same result.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, the results are basically certain. That's right, so for the current state, it is a formal thing.

"Well, should I call you Brother Wenshan or what should I call you?" Hearing Wenshan make fun of himself like this, he suddenly made Shen Jie's heart rise. For Wenshan, he seemed to suddenly become more kind. After all, for Shen Jie now, he is in such a state, and recently, he has been in trouble.

For many things, Shen Jie feels very stressed. This time, the transportation of family resources has been reduced to the result of personal transportation. Otherwise, I don't know who will take away my own resources.

After all, for Shen Jie's words, in addition to Zhan Tailuoyun, who has great contradictions with himself, who else can use such a means to seize the material situation here for the small interests of such a small family.

This is the reason, so what Shen Jie said in front of him is really a little unclear. It is precisely the existence of such a reason that more or less there is such a point. It is also the reason for this, so it is obviously a very unfavorable move for such a situation in front of us.

But for the pressure of so many days, when I saw Wenshan, it seemed that someone would help share the pressure. At this time, Shen Jie's whole body felt a little relaxed, even from Shen Jie's psychology, it was also such relaxation.

For the arrival of Wenshan at this time, for Shen Jie, it is a life-saving straw. For Shen Jie, seeing that Wenshan can come to visit him shows that the estrangement for himself has completely dissipated. Instead, he is thinking about his own good or the goodness of the Shen family.

So when Wenshan walked into a hall like his own, he was obviously the happiest one for Shen Jie at present. The reason was very simple, because Wenshan in front of him could really help him solve the difficulties. After all, Wenshan at this time is not the physical boy who entered the physical realm of Taixuanzong waiting for his care more than a year ago.

For Wenshan's influence in the whole Taixuanzong at this time, it is completely not comparable to that of Shen Jie now. It is also the task of this sect that makes Wenshan famous in front of him. At this time, Wenshan is not even afraid of Zhantai Luoyun and his son, and he is not afraid of such a domineering ancestor as Wu Yufa.

is also a situation like Wenshan, so so far, it is obviously not only an affirmation of Wenshan, but also an improvement on Wenshan's prestige. It is also one of the reasons for this, so Wenshan at this time is completely equivalent to a large degree of improvement for the whole.

So Shen Jie is also a little afraid of Wenshan's reputation now. If it really offends Wenshan's opponent like this, it is obviously a kind of damage to Shen Jie, which is more fierce than Zhantai Luoyun's.

"I said stinky boy Wenshan, you have some ability to deal with those little children in the ring. In front of our sister Shen Jie, you also know how to be a man with your tail between your legs."

At this time, he had been looking at Wenshan's unhappy ring, with his waist, and one hand bent to point to Wenshan in front of him. He looked like he was going to eat Wenshan. However, when talking about Wenshan, he obviously leaned a little in the direction of Shen Jie, as if he was really afraid of Wenshan's existence. .

After all, for the barbarian ring at this time, Shen Jie, the chief disciple of Yuedong, is the strength of the real intermediate stage of divine power, which is indisputable for such a fact. Although Wenshan's strength is also rumored to be the intermediate strength of divine power, in the view of Manhuan, he is not as good as his senior sister.

After all, for Shen Jie, she has entered the intermediate stage of divine power for a long time, and Wenshan's age is obviously just entering the intermediate stage of such divine power. Because of this reason, Shen Jie has a great advantage in the current situation.

It is also for this reason, so the barbarian ring also relies on Shen Jie's power to scare Wenshan. Who let Wenshan harm his own interests in the task of the sect, that is, the matter of gambling. Although it has no direct relationship with Wenshan, it is still judged by the indirect relationship by the barbarian ring. Go, the reason is very simple. Wenshan's strong strength was not shown until the critical moment of the fight.

I can't say that it's completely wrong for the idea of the barbarian ring, but this is also the little girl's little thought that she wants to find the field. Looking at Wenshan, he called Sister Shen Jie as soon as he came in, thinking that Wenshan really thought that his strength was not as good as Shen Jie, so at this time, he judged that Wenshan's strength must not be as good as Shen Jie's existence.

This is also the reason, so the barbarian ring jumped out directly at this time and directly competed with the Wenshan in front of him, hoping to rely on Shen Jie's momentum to promote his prestige.

Wenshan didn't pay attention to such a behavior as a barbarian ring. Looking at Shen Jie in front of him, he said with a smile, "Shen Jie, you'd better call me Wenshan. I dare not be your brother Shen Jie.

Wenshan also reached Shen Jie's half-joking answer. At this time, Wenshan's name for Shen Jie in front of him has completely changed a lot, which is the reason for this. Therefore, Wenshan has put himself in the same equal position as Shen Jie.

This is also a radical change in Wenshan's mentality, and a change in front of Shen Jie's hope that Wenshan can really do it. It is also the reason for this, so for a state in front of us, I basically hope that Wenshan can really become stronger and withstand half of the sky.

Feeling the strength of Wenshan, Shen Jie smiled at this time. I am more or less happy to see Wenshan in my own cave again in Shen Jie's heart.

"Okay, Wenshan." Shen Jie stared at Wenshan in front of her and said, "When are you going to participate in this mission?" For such a task, you can get a good income. Don't forget me then. It's just a pity that it's my turn to miss it when I'm 20 years old. I can't join such a grand event.

For Shen Jie's words, for the current situation, Shen Jie was only a teenager when she entered the sect. At that time, such a grand event was led by Zhan Tai and Luo Yun. At that time, the young generation of Taixuanzong and the existence of Xiao Qingzhu. At that time, it was these two people who carried out tasks on behalf of the young generation of disciples of the whole Taixuanzong.

For Shen Jie at that time, in fact, her real talent had not been discovered by the ancestors of the sect. It was also Shen Jie at that time that she was still at the bottom. When she was struggling with the identity of a miscellaneous disciple, for Shen Jie at that time, there was no place in the whole sect. Digit. It was at that time that Shen Jie was not qualified to be like this.

And today, when Shen Jie has such a powerful position in the whole sect, but unfortunately, the holy age is not enough. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a state in front of us, it is obviously beyond age, and there is much envy for Wenshan now.

After all, for the current situation, real participation in such a task is destined to have a great harvest. For such a kind of gain, you can get a lot.

"Yes, you don't have many resources here. I heard that the resources you gave to your family seem to have been robbed by qiang. It seems that your resources have been borrowed. Why don't you ask me for it?"

Wenshan looked at Shen Jie, who complained in front of him, as if she were a young woman next door, and she was also the kind of resentful woman in her boudoir. It is this kind of feeling that stimulates Wenshan's heart. That's right, so Wenshan quickly raised such a question.

is also one of the reasons for this, so for the current state, it is obvious that Wenshan has begun to deal with Shen Jie's affairs, and he still cares about the Shen family. For such a situation, Shen Jie was still happy for a while.

Shen Jie's face showed a smile. For Shen Jie's words, today may be the day when he smiles the most, and it is the day when he smiles the most, so that what Wenshan said now is enough for Shen Jie's words.

After all, for Shen Jie, she has been living in such a large sect since she was a child, and there are really countless phenomena of fraud. That's exactly why I'm more open to many things. At this time, Wenshan can stand up and stand on his side, which is already a great support for Shen Jie. That's enough.

However, it was in Shen Jie's stunned mind that a black bag suddenly threw at Shen Jie in front of her. When Shen Jie took over such a black bag, she opened it and looked at it. Under the glance of her spirit, her face suddenly changed greatly. For such a situation, it was completely beyond Shen Jie's expectation.

At this time, when the little hand of the barbarian ring was ready to get such a black bag, it was quickly put away by Shen Jie. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, his face turned a little cold and said, "What do you mean? Lend it to me, give it to me, or pity me?"

For Wenshan, he suddenly sent such a big gift. Shen Jie's words are obviously unacceptable. When Wenshan first entered the gate of Taixuanzong, Shen Jie accepted other people's spiritual beans when she was a miscellaneous disciple, which led to disputes. It can be seen that Shen Jie is not a person who likes to take advantage of small things.

Wenshan also saw that Shen Jie had such a kind of vigilance. For Shen Jie at this time, when he saw such a bag of spiritual beans and the gathering elixir in the bag, he was surprised, but he was distressed.

For a little girl like Shen Jie, there is another troublesome thing, that is, like Dai Mingqiu, Shen Jie, in addition to strong strength, she also has a beautiful appearance. It is also the existence of such a situation, so for a situation in front of her, Shen Jie found that Wenshan's closeness to himself, and this kind of flattery came for her own appearance.

After all, for the current Zhantai Luoyun, it is also because he constantly forces her to rely on his strength and resources for his appearance. If Shen Jie really wants to rely on men's resources and men's wealth to support herself, it is estimated that Shen Jie's resources around her will not be so lacking.

In addition, it will not be reduced to the situation of the chief personal disciple of the one-month hole borrowing resources everywhere. In response to the current situation, many tasks that can obtain a lot of resources need to be completed by groups. And the benefits are also great. But if Shen Jie wants to pick up some work, it used to be easy, but now it is very difficult.

The reason why many small groups that take on tasks are not afraid of Shen Jie and Shen Jie in this intermediate stage of divine power is mainly with the support of Zhan Tailuo Yun behind them. The purpose was to force Shen Jie to bow to him. At that time, it was estimated that there were many rich resources, but at that time, Shen Jie became Zhan Tailuo Yun's everything.

Obviously, Shen Jie is not willing to see such a situation. It is also in this way that Shen Jie has been worried a lot about resources. But at this time, Shen Jie suddenly got so many resources in her hands, which completely shocked Shen Jie and doubted Wen Shan's motivation.

After all, Wenshan gave Shen Jie 100,000 spiritual beans and 10,000 gas pills. This is the sum of Shen Jie's many years of monthly cases. For such a large amount of income, it suddenly came into his own hands, which obviously surprised Shen Jie in front of him. It is also the reason for this, so for the idle Shen Jie, such a large amount of resources is very hot.

After all, for Shen Jie now, 5,000 spiritual beans are borrowed elsewhere, and Wenshan's action is 100,000 spiritual beans, but 20 times more than Shen Jie's spiritual beans. For such rich spiritual beans, Shen Jie is enough to take care of the Shen family for 20 years.

plus the 10,000 gas elixir given by Wenshan. For this kind of treasure, it will be 100,000 yuan. For such a big hand, Xiang Wenshan can easily take it out, but he is very rich. But this kind of thing was unconditionally thrown to Shen Jie. How could such a move not make Shen Jie doubt it in front of her?

The words of beautiful women, especially such very beautiful women, are obviously an extreme irony for them. It is precisely the existence of such an idea that more or less still exists.

Or for beautiful women, this kind of behavior is to prepare to buy them. It was also for this reason, so Shen Jie couldn't stand Wenshan in front of her. Originally, it was enough for this boy to stand on his side, but she didn't expect any resources to let this boy help him take care of his family.

After all, for Wenshan, he was not from the Shen family, but when Shen Jie didn't expect that Wenshan would insult himself like this. For such an insult, does Shen Jie really need to rely on a man to support herself? Does she have such a beautiful face just to live on such a face?

"Shen Jie, you misunderstood. This is a monthly form of distribution for you to join my camp." Wenshan looked at Shen Jie in front of him and said with a smile, "aren't you in the seat of your own disciples? I gave Dai Mingqiu and Zhang Feifei a bag like this. The contents of your bag are the same as theirs.

For the smile on Wenshan's face now, there is no surprise expression or difference between Shen Jie on the opposite side. For the current situation, it is also completely beyond Wenshan's concept. Wenshan also thought about Shen Jie's big reaction.

At the same time, Wenshan also knows that Shen Jie has not been so easy for so many years. It seems that there are really many people who have the idea of Shen Jie.

Looking at the kind smile on Wenshan's face, he seemed to find that his behavior just now was a little gaffe. That's why, so for many things, it's basically my own misunderstanding. And when I heard what kind of camp Wenshan asked me to join, I was also interested.

Shen Jie looked at Wenshan in front of her and frowned and said, "Are you talking about the camp of the bright moon and starry sky?"

"Yes, what you give when you join this camp is a kind of benefit to join as the elders of our bright moon and starry sky. I hope you can come and stand with me. After all, we are a family." Wenshan said with a smile.

"It turns out that joining your camp of the bright moon and starry sky has such good benefits! If I had known, I would have joined your camp earlier. Shen Jie smiled and said, "However, I don't join any camp or organization. In my moon hole, there are many such organizations. Can't I enter these organizations?

"Sometimes it can be changed. Your joining my camp is equivalent to helping me. Our camp needs your joining. And the welfare of our camp is very good. At least if you are a powerful master, you basically don't need to worry about a little resources.

"Real?" At this time, Shen Jie's bright eyes kept turning. At the same time, a pair of eyes stared at Wenshan in front of him and wanted to see Wenshan's mind in front of him. It is also such a move. At this time, Shen Jie looked at Wenshan a little and slowly explored it.

"Can I get such benefits if I call others to join together? In addition, where did you get such resources? Based on your mission of this sect alone, it should not be distributed to such a welfare treatment as long as you enter your camp.

"As long as you are a master of the divine power stage, you can enter our sect, and the benefits are the same as yours. As for others, there are different treatments. As for how my welfare came from, do you remember that you gave me 500 spiritual beans? Do you know why I don't want it?"

At this time, Wenshan looked at Shen Jie with a surprised face in front of him and said with a smile, "Because I didn't know how valuable 500 spiritual beans were at that time. I thought you were begging for food. So in anger, I ignored you. At that time, I had a lot of resources that you couldn't imagine.

is also a kind of Wenshan's answer at this time. For Shen Jie in front of him, there is also a burst of puzzlement on his face. For such a situation, it is basically a shock to Shen Jie in front of him. She still knows more or less about Wenshan's experience.

For Shen Jie at this time, he also thought that Wenshan's meridians were broken at that time, but after he came out, his strength advanced rapidly. For such a situation, it is obviously related to Wenshan's current strength and that encounter. And Wenshan's rich resources are also very powerful.

Thinking of this, Shen Jie is not such a brainless person at this time. It was at this time that Shen Jie pointed to the little girl beside her and said, "Join with me. She is now in the Zhenyuan stage, and I don't know what the salary is.

At this time, Wenshan took out a black bag from his arms and threw it at the little girl.

Looking at the puzzled little girl, Wen Shan said, "I hope you two, one is the elder of the bright moon star camp, and the other is the head of the bright moon star camp in the moon cave. Therefore, it is troublesome for you two to establish the bright moon and starry sky camp in the moon cave. As for the remuneration and the operation of the internal resources of the camp, let's contact Dai Mingqiu of Xiaodong.

"What is the person in charge of the moon hole of the bright moon and starry sky! I didn't promise you." At this time, the dialogue between Wenshan and Shen Jie has basically been clarified. For people like Manhuan who like freedom, they don't want to be hindered by anything. After all, for the current camp, that is, a small profit every month, Manhuan would not really care, otherwise he would have participated in it long ago.

So when the barbarian ring opened the black inconspicuous bag in his hand, he first exclaimed, "European, it turned out to be a space bag. I have wanted to have one for a long time."

At this time, the barbarian ring was first completely attracted by the inconspicuous black space bag in his hand. That's why the original disdainful expression of the barbarian ring at this time was also suddenly moved.

For the barbarian ring, it is estimated that there are not many resources in the black bag in her hand that Shen Jie can be so excited. But when Shen Jie is relatively poor now, it is estimated that she can really impress Shen Jie. Thinking of this, Man Huan also doesn't pay much attention to such a thing.

For the barbarians, freedom represents one's own mentality. If you are really fixed in a camp and serve such a camp from time to time, you will delay all your practice and time, which is not worth the loss. It is for this reason that I don't care much about the benefits sent by Wenshan.

However, when the barbarian ring got started, he was shocked by such a black storage bag in his hand. When holding storage bags like this and giving gifts to each other, it obviously made the barbarian ring in front of him excited.