ghost monk

Chapter 162 Alone

Chapter 162 Alone

Only the real improvement of Shen Bing's strength completely, the Shen family at this time, or the Shen family after the merger, absolutely have the right to speak. For Shen Bing like this, Wenshan also knows that she has a strong management ability. Even in the competition for power, if Shen Bing has such an ability, he also has great competitiveness.

Shen Bing sat next to him and didn't talk much. He thought that Xiaochu in front of him had such a deep contact with Wenshan, and even the overall interests were tied to the development of the Shen family. However, Wenshan did not say anything to her. Xiaochu should not have much contact with Wenshan. Wenshan poured out his heart for the whole Shen. The future development of the family was told to Xiaochu, and I think the two of them looked at each other.

Xiaochu was slightly stunned and relieved when he thought about it. The world looks big, but there are few real top-level masters. The existence of those strong people in the realm of immortality is really too little. The existence of any immortal realm is the beginning of building a huge sect.

Only the strong man in the real realm of immortality is the real leader of a sect. Others are the figures who assist the strong in this eternal realm to manage such sects. The real strong man in the realm of immortality wants to see much more profound than what he saw at the beginning.

is also for this reason, so for many times, it requires a lot of people to keep working forward. It is necessary for more people to work together to have such a more development direction.

For Shen Jie and Wenshan, it is the real future direction and indicator of the high development of the Shen family. If something happens to any one of the two, there will be a certain problem with the height of the development of the Shen family. If everything happens to the two people, their whole Shen family can only fool around in the secular world.

After all, for the fierceness in the whole world of cultivation and the horror in the world of cultivation, it is what the two little girls have really seen. It is also they who have seen such a ferocious scene, so many things can be considered. It is also such a ferocious existence, so there are great errors in many things.

So at this time, Wenshan directly put the two women on the role of the whole Shen family. After all, for these two girls, they are the real characters who have stayed in Taixuanzong. It is precisely these two girls who have a good grasp of the whole big sect in the true sense.

is exactly this kind of existence, so many times, there is a big difference. It is precisely this very different existence. So in many cases, there is a big difference.

is exactly the existence of such a huge difference. Therefore, in Wenshan at this time, it is more reassuring to leave the whole Shen family to these two girls. Although Wenshan is now in the secular world, he appreciates the existence of landscape figures in the whole secular world.

But for Wenshan, it must not be his own paradise in the secular world. I will never be in this kind of space all the time. It is for this reason that Wenshan is actually getting farther and farther away from the Shen family. Unless Wenshan's current strength breakthrough and the identity status of the whole Taixuanzong is highlighted, Wenshan seeks stability, it is estimated that it can bring stronger development to the Shen family.

But can Wenshan really settle down like this now? Obviously not. After all, there is a heavenly demon Youji waiting for Wenshan. That's the reason, so if Wenshan doesn't completely improve his strength as soon as possible, it is obviously an unfavorable move for Wenshan at present.

is exactly like this, so there is still a huge difference for many times. It is precisely this kind of difference, so sometimes it still needs a lot of things to support it. It is with such a big difference, so for the state so far, it requires Wenshan to have greater efforts.

So the limitation of Wenshan is only for a while in this secular world. The reason why Wenshan brought out such a group of people this time is also to prepare to let such a group of people stay here. Stay in such a place. It is exactly this kind of situation, so there are still great differences in many cases.

Looking at Xiaochu and Muling, he has a very positive attitude towards Wenshan's top. It is also such an affirmation, so for the current Wenshan, it may be really a good development. It is also such a difference, so for many times, there is a huge gap.

But in any case, there may be many different situations that happen in a large amount of time. At this time, both Xiaochu and Mu Ling decided to stay when they saw the generous gifts given to them by Wenshan.

For Xiaochu or Mu Ling, they are no longer in their early teens. What's more, he is not a small person. It is this kind of intuitive feeling. So in many cases, there is still a big difference.

For girls like Xiaochu and Muling, it is estimated that they have lived for more than ten years in the whole Taixuanzong. It is much longer than the current life in Wenshan. Zeng Jin's Xiaochu and Muling are also very excellent among miscellaneous disciples. It is also such an excellent existence, so for the current state, it is basically a big difference.

From the perspective of this kind of situation, there may still be a large degree of distinction between real excellence. When they were disciples, that is, when they were strong in the physical realm, for them, they were almost all in a kind of outside child of the moon hole with a real absolute advantage and absolute ability.

So for these characters, or for the two women, Xiaochu or Muling, they have also been very good. But for them, it still takes a lot of effort to improve their real strength. It is also such a difference that may really be an improvement in ability.

But no matter what, there is still a big difference for such a state. They may have a large degree of genius on the strong in the physical realm. However, after entering the realm of gathering gas, it is not easy to improve your strength.

Therefore, for Xiaochu or this Muling, there is still a great difference in this kind of environment. After all, for these two women, when they enter the real state of gathering, when they enter the real outer disciples, so for the current situation, the pressure they face is great.

Otherwise, they are still stuck in such seats as the disciples of the outside. For them, the height that they can really reach in the future is to reach the inner disciples. For the disciples in the divine power stage, there is still no such hope.

It is impossible for them to become their own disciples. After all, when they were disciples of the outer door, they were already lying on the top so hard that they became the eldest sister among the disciples of the outer door. As for breaking through the current cultivation and entering the aura stage, it is estimated that it is still much worse.

It is exactly like this, so at this time, the two girls, Muling and Xiaochu, choose to follow Wenshan's words. For them, they basically have such a state, hoping to really improve their strength to the aura stage of gathering energy when they follow Wenshan. In this way, it may be a good choice for these two girls.

In addition, the resources given by Wenshan to their two girls are so rich this time. For them as a whole, it is still very conducive to their cultivation and the improvement of their cultivation.

At this time, Xiaochu and Muling also talked about their views. Wenshan thought about what Mu Ling said. Now for Mu Ling's family and Xiaochu's family, they are the rich nobles of Kyoto in the whole Hanwu Dynasty. If they really join the Shen family, it is still very difficult at present.

This is the reason, so for the current Shen family, in places like Shengjing, or for other small places, it is a very powerful family. But for Kyoto, the Chu family and the Mu family are both famous families, the rich families in the true sense.

If there is a ranking of the family, it is estimated that it is the Shen family in the capital, which is placed in front of the major families in Kyoto, which is the last existence. It is also the existence of such a feeling, so for the current state, it may really be a very special thing.

is also such a different existence, so for the current state, perhaps it is really the current Shen family, which is not suitable for merging with the Chu family and the Mu family. Unless it really waits for the whole Shen family to develop. In addition, Wenshan can give a great degree of help to the Chu family or the Mu family, and the assistance of resources may really be able to be merged.

At this time, Wenshan suddenly smiled and said lightly. The hometown of light dancing. It is estimated that the hometown of light dance is the real existence of the mixed demon king in Kyoto. It is the rich family among the big family in the true sense.

This time, Wenshan chose to wander around in the secular world. Or experience the existence of such a feeling of wandering in the secular world. This is exactly the existence of such a particularity. Therefore, for the current Wenshan, the main thing is to prepare to strengthen the Shen family.

If Wenshan doesn't come to the Shen family, Wenshan still doesn't know that the current Shen family still has the threat of a stronger prince's mansion in the holy capital that destroyed the Su family. It is also the existence of such a threat from the prince's mansion. Therefore, there is still a great degree of distrust for Wenshan now.

If the Shen family has been in such a state of suppression and suppression, perhaps it is really difficult to improve for the whole Shen family now. It is precisely in this difficult situation to improve that there is still a big difference.

is the existence of such a different difference. More or less, it is still very different. Therefore, Wenshan at this time is more hopeful that the Shen family will develop more at this time. When the Shen family develops to a certain power, maybe Wenshan will really use the power of the Shen family.

And, as a human being, you must have roots. If a person doesn't even have his own roots. For such people, there is a big difference in how to live a real life in the future. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for the current Wenshan, those who can help the existence of the Shen family should also do so.

At this time, Wenshan even thought of hiding all his real power in the Shen family. It is Han Li, who can be cultivated to become a real thre. Become a threshing player in his Wenshan. If this is true, maybe it can really become an existence with Shen Zong.

If Wenshan can really develop the Shen family into a powerful existence like Taixuanzong, perhaps for the current Wenshan, there is really no need to stay in Taixuanzong.

It was at this time that Xiaochu and Muling were all arranged by Shen Bing in a place to rest. When Shen Bing came back, Dai Mubai became the most idle person in the whole Shen family. Therefore, for the current Dai Mubai, he is responsible for the emergence of being attacked by the enemy.

At this time, Dai Mubai became the guardians of many ancestors of the Shen family, Xiaochu and Mu Ling, plus Wenshan and Shen Bing after they closed down. In such a holy capital, the existence of a guardian in the aura-gathering stage like Dai Mubai may have been a great improvement in the overall strength for the whole Shen family.

is also such a situation, but Dai Mubai didn't say anything. After all, for the current strength of Dai Mubai, you only need to consolidate it. It has not reached the stage of breakthrough in strength. After all, for Dai Mubai in front of him, his strength has just been improved by Wenshan. It is precisely for this reason that for Dai Mubai now, he still needs to slowly consolidate such a process of strength.

is also a process of consolidating such strength, which may really be what Dai Mubai should do now. It is one of the reasons for this, so in many cases, it really needs a great degree of improvement.

That is, after the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling, were placed in a closed place. Wenshan followed Shen Bing to the door of Shen Bing's room and saw that there was no one else in the road. Wen Shan asked, "Would you please invite me to sit in?"

Shen Bing blocked the door and prevented Wenshan from entering.

Wenshan saw her smile like spring, her eyebrows like the moon, and there was an indescribable amorous feelings, and his heart fluttered. Perhaps the words for Shen Bing in front of him could only be in front of Wenshan that he could really ** the posture of some little women. Only when he was really in front of Wenshan did Shen Bing have a sense of dependence.

After all, for Shen Bing now, only when he meets Wenshan, he has the strength of Wenshan in front of him, so many times, many things do not need to be done by himself. It is one of the reasons for this, so for the powerful Wenshan in front of him, it may really be the biggest reliance of Shen Bing at present.

For Shen Bing. When she was a child, Shen Jie was better and stronger than herself. It was like this. When I was a child, there was Shen Jie to help protect herself from the wind and rain. However, as Shen Jie became better and better, the distance between Shen Jie and herself gradually increased, and finally, Shen Jie entered the Taixuan Sect.

That is, after Shen Jie really entered Taixuanzong, so for Shen Jie, it may really be a powerful factor for Shen Bing. That is, when Shen Jie became a disciple of Taixuanzong, Shen Bing also lost a safe reliance in the whole Shen family. At this time, Shen Bing's strength and hard work were also completely stimulated.

Although Shen Bing's talent is not as perverted as Shen Jie's. However, for Shen Bing, Shen Bing's talent is still very strong among the people of the same year. After so many years of cultivation of the Shen family, Shen Bing has grasped all the big and small things of the Shen family, so she maintained such a serious expression for some of his subordinates.

After all, for Shen Bing now, he is only a teenager, but there is a big gap compared with those big men under him. It is precisely this gap, so for Wenshan now, there is still a large degree of non-threatening existence.

It is precisely for this reason, so for Shen Bing now, there is only a straight face. In this way, over time, Shen Bing really became a cold beauty. Shen Jie is similar to Shen Bing. In Taixuanzong, he is also a lonely existence. For the pressure around him, most of them choose to persevere and work alone.

However, when Shen Bing really met Wenshan, the coldness in his heart melted in the true sense. For the smile on Shen Bing's face now, for Wen Shan, it seems to be a familiar feeling, as if it has appeared on Shen Jie's face.

When such a real smile appears on the faces of the two sisters, perhaps for the current Wenshan, it is the most profound memory in such a pair of sisters. Only in this way can you really feel a real kind of affection. The familiar feeling of people.

Wenshan looked at Shen Bing in front of him, with a pair of smiling eyes, as if he could really speak. It is also the existence of such a pair of eyes that may give Wenshan the feeling in front of him the real feeling. It is also the existence of such a feeling that perhaps for the current Wenshan, he has found a new belonging.

However, at this time, Shen Bing didn't seem to have such a warm smile on Wenshan. She felt a kind of playfulness and said with a smile, "What kind of relationship do you have with those two women? It seems that it's really unusual!"

"Well? I just found those two girls to help our Shen family. After all, for the current Shen family, the addition of two strong people with a gathering state is not a good phenomenon for the Shen family in the current state.

"Ghosts believe in you," Shen Bing glanced at him and said, "Go back to rest early and come early tomorrow... I still have a lot of things to discuss with you. As for what you said today, I feel that our Shen family really doesn't seem to have the ability to merge the other two families.

For the wooden family and the first family, they are both large families in Kyoto. Compared with the Shen family, they are at the level of small rich families in the family. It may be worse than those really big rich families who are popular in the court. But if the Mu family and the Chu family are really merged, they will be the real largest family in the whole Hanwu Dynasty. In Kyoto, that is, the royal family can suppress the existence of our Shen family.

At this time, someone was talking in the aisle, and Shen Bing flashed into the door first. An extreme ** for the surrounding movement. Originally, the impression of Wenshan was very friendly. However, Shen Bing has experienced many shocking things today. I also felt the enthusiasm of Wenshan's view of himself.

However, for Wenshan's hot eyes on himself, for Shen Bing now, there is nothing at all. After all, for Shen Bing now, there is still a great comfort in Shen Bing's heart.

That is, after Wenshan came back, the pressure of the prince's mansion on Shen's shoulders was much easier on Shen Bing's shoulders. For the whole huge Shen family, Shen Huaiyuan is nominally the head of the family. But some of the real supervisors of the Shen family are on Shen Bing's head.

After all, for Shen Huaiyuan, a righteous man, he hopes that his strength will break through the current physical realm. If Shen Huaiyuan's strength really breaks through the current real state, then for Shen Huaiyuan, he may really be able to The real rise of the whole Shen family in the Holy Capital, at least in the royal family of the Hanwu Dynasty, should not have any power to oppose the Shen family becoming the first family in the whole Holy Capital.

For the Shen family, perhaps Shen Jie is the object of the royal family of the whole Hanwu Dynasty. But for the whole Shen family, Shen Jie, the real object that can make opponents worry about. But after all, Shen Jie is a disciple of Taixuanzong. For the world of cultivation, it is impossible to intervene in the disputes in the secular world.

If Shen Huaiyuan's strength breaks through the peak stage of the current physical body, and Shen Huaiyuan will not have any good development and enter any kind of mountain gate. If Shen Huaiyuan's strength breaks through the current physical realm and still stays in the Shen family, then it will really become a threat to the whole Shen family to the royal family.

Shen Huaiyuan will really become the real powerful figure of the whole Shen family at this time. It is the real pillar of the Shen family. It is also the existence of such a pillar. Perhaps it is really a foundation for the Shen family to become bigger and stronger.

is also such a situation, so for many times, for many things, it is really not easy to say. It is also one of the reasons for this. Therefore, Shen Huaiyuan put all his energy on the breakthrough of his own strength. As for the heavy burden of all the things of the Shen family, of course, he put on Shen Bing. Therefore, Shen Bing is basically in charge of the big and small things of the Shen family.

When the prince's mansion threatened the Shen family, the Shen family held some meetings, and the instructions of the meeting were to let Shen Bing work in the holy capital in a low-key manner. In the past, although there was a threat from the Su family in the capital. However, the Su family is not as strong as the Shen family. Obviously, the threat to the Su family cannot become a threat to the Shen family.

That is, after defeating the whole Su family, some domestic slaves of the whole Su family were accepted for the whole Shen family. Of course, there is no one left for the children of the Su family. What I want is the slaves of the Su family, not the direct children of the Su family. While the Shen family expanded, it could become the existence of the prince's mansion.

For the Shen family, they are facing the existence of the prince's mansion. Therefore, for the prince's house, for the Shen family, it is irrecontable. Or don't dare to compete. If the Shen family really competes with the prince's mansion, it is the real powerful means of the prince's mansion. It's not what the Shen family can compete with.

In addition, behind the prince's mansion, there is real royal support. Without the support of the royal family, perhaps the current Shen family could not develop at all. That's why. Therefore, for the whole Shen family, there are really a lot of concerns.

Today, the arrival of Wenshan is the first time for the Shen family to challenge the prince's mansion. Moreover, when Shen Bing saw Wenshan, he decided to challenge Wenshan and the prince's mansion, affirming that Wenshan had his own guarantee. Moreover, when Wenshan killed the strong man in the realm of gathering gas, he was still a physical peak level of strength.

The strength of Wenshan's strength is a foundation for stability in Shen Bing's heart and a support for Shen Bing to find true stability. So when Wenshan came to his side again, it was Shen Bing. For such a long time, it has been a real relaxing day in the face of the prince's mansion.

That is, when Shen Bing entered the room, Wen Shan also followed Shen Bing into Shen Bing's room. For the layout of Shen Bing's room, it is still the same. It's still a girlish style. The whole room is decorated in a pink style.

Only Shen Bing outside is the strongest. However, in the real Shen Bing's inner world, Shen Bing's room is still the posture of a little woman.

It is also the existence of such an intuitive feeling that makes Wenshan's heart have more care for Shen Bing in front of him.

"Why did you come in..." At this time, after seeing Wenshan enter her boudoir, Shen Bing, who was happy, seemed to have some kind of worry in her heart. She squeezed out a smile on her face and looked at Wen Shan in front of her and said, "It's very late!"

For the current Wenshan, he began to curse Wenshan repeatedly for a long time from seeing Wenshan's eyes glance at Muling's chest and that color image today. I feel that after Wenshan entered Taixuanzong, his whole body became much worse. Shen Bing has more or less encountered the erotic behavior of such a man in contact with the domestic slaves of the family.

However, at this time, there is also such a problem in Wenshan. Although there is not much antipathy to Shen Bing's words, there is still a little tension in Shen Bing's heart. I'm afraid of what Wenshan will do to himself. After all, for Wenshan's current strength, even if he really does something to himself, it is estimated that not many people in the Shen family can stop Wenshan's action.

Shen Bing is tall, wearing a tender white dress and a wide cowhide belt around her waist, which sets off the slenderness of her waist. Her mature and gorgeous face is neither tired nor haggard. She hides light and playful beautiful eyes. She is about 17 or 18 years old. Maybe she still looks much smaller. After all, she is a beautiful woman. It's not easy to see their real age.

For Shen Bing at this time, the whole feeling to Wenshan is a kind of flexible beauty. For Shen Bing, how much Wenshan yearns for this holy capital. Or, at this time, Wenshan prefers to live in such a comfortable environment. Only in this environment, above the heart, is the existence of the best feeling of comfort.

Only at this time did Wenshan really feel that his whole body and mind were attracted by the flexible Shen Bing in front of him. After all, for Shen Bing, who is in the physical realm at this time, although his cultivation is not very deep, he does not have much energy rotation on his body. In other words, there is still a lot of scum in Shen Bing's body.

But such a body, which gives Wenshan a feeling, is full of the smell or body fragrance that belongs to women. A deep feeling of this kind of feeling is rarely felt in those practitioners in their own sects.

Wenshan can fully understand what's going on with the word goblin to describe women. What I feel most about Wenshan now is that I have enough power and can't help taking such a woman for myself. Or, he is a man, but not a decent gentleman. Even if he was like a jade before, he probably won't want to be a decent gentleman after seeing Shen Bing.

For the current Wenshan, although it is also the existence of a personal disciple in the divine power stage. But for the Shen Bing in front of us now, and the degree of attraction to himself, it is really a very profound existence. It is also such a deep attraction that makes Wenshan more caring for Shen Bing in front of him.

Wenshan licked his dry lips, and his throat was also a little dry. When Wenshan was still a handyman disciple, he was just fascinated by Su Linger's beautiful face. I also have an idea about Shen Bing. However, Shen Bing was still not mature at that time. It's just the girl next door.

In addition, at that time, Wenshan was only a guard beside Shen Bing, and there was still a great sense of inferiority in the dignity of men. Therefore, for Shen Bing, Wenshan only has the meaning of protection in his head. If Wenshan was really interested in Shen Bing at that time, how could he help Su Linger steal what Shen Bing regarded as a treasure?

For the current Wenshan, she is also a well-informed beauty. Among the women he knows, there is only Tianmo Youji. Shen Jie and Dai Mingqiu can compare with Shen Bing at present. Of course, Su Linger is directly excluded by Wenshan. No man will have any feelings for a woman who deceives him.

Although Tianmo, Shen Jie, Dai Mingqiu and Shen Bing are one of them, their temperament is very different. Compared with Tianmo Youji, they are sexy and enchanting, and their appearance is cold. Shen Jie's cold and pure, Dai Mingqiu's sweet and playful, Wenshan believes that Shen Bing's beauty can turn all sentient beings upside down. It is a newly mature beauty.

For Shen Bing in front of us, the development of the whole person's body a year ago is no longer what it used to be. It is also such a kind of extremely mature development. Compared with Shen Jie, Shen Bing in front of her is more plump, not to mention that her skin is really as tender and white as snow.

"Wenshan, what are you going to do when you come in... Aren't you going to accompany Xiaochu and Muling? The two of them have just arrived in a new environment, and there are still a lot of discomfort. You should take care of it. Don't neglect the two little beauties!"

Shen Bing did not expect that Wenshan's expression at this time was not only confused by her beauty, but also other complex emotions. It seems that Shen Bing at this time saw that Wenshan in front of him really had other feelings for himself. Otherwise, Shen Bing couldn't imagine what Wenshan's eyes looked at him at this time.

And for Wenshan at this time, the rectification has changed a lot. It is also the different existence of many changes, so for Wenshan in front of us, there is still a big gap in his heart.

Wenshan smelled the quiet body fragrance from Shen Bing's body, and his eyes turned to look at Shen Bing's chest, which was printed with green bamboo's corset; he couldn't help leaning over. For the scenery in front of us, how can you escape the sharp nerves of Wenshan?

Shen Bing blushed and turned sideways to avoid Wenshan's eyes, but no matter how Shen Bing avoided, it seemed that Wenshan's eyes seemed to be flexible and could not be avoided. In the end, she simply didn't want to avoid Wenshan's eyes in front of her. He covered his chest with his hands. Unexpectedly, when he covered his chest with his hand, he fell down with his neckline to reveal more snow-white breasts, which filled Wenshan's eyes.

For Wenshan's naked feeling, I feel that Wenshan has really become good or bad.

It was at this time that Wen Shan took a few steps towards Shen Bing in front of him, and his eyes and Shen Bing's eyes looked at each other. Feeling the nervous mood of Shen Bing covering his chest in front of him, Wenshan's heart felt funny.

Wenshan stared at Shen Bing's raised eyes. Her forehead was slightly raised to the tip of her nose. It was so close that she could almost feel her slightly hot nose on her chin. Her heart was itchy and she resisted the desire to hold her in her arms and whispered, "Shen Bing, you are really beautiful!"

"Come on, my little goblin around you is as enchanting, cute, touching and playful!" Shen Bing flirted with her eyes, and she was tired of hearing the praise, but when she said it from Wenshan's mouth in front of her, she was not bored at all. She still felt very embarrassed and pretended to be angry and slapped him with her clothes, "You bad guy, do you know what is beautiful and what is not beautiful?"

Although Shen Bing praised her beauty, she still had a happy feeling in her heart. However, Shen Bing's words at this time were not directly accepted by Wenshan's praise. Instead, he took out today's Xiaochu and Muling two girls to cover them. At the same time, there was a little jealousy in his heart.

But at this time, Shen Bing seemed to feel his own language just now, as if he had a feeling of retreating from Wenshan. He seemed to be a little afraid of Wenshan's indifference to himself in the future, and he asked in a low voice, "I'm really beautiful today."

At this time, what Shen Bing said seemed to be chewed out. The sound is as small as a fly mosquito. However, under the situation of Wenshan's spiritual development, such a small voice was still accurately captured by Wenshan.

But at this time, Wenshan's eyes suddenly became much clearer. It's not as hot as watching Shen Bing just now. It seems that Wenshan's whole expression changed in the moment.

Wenshan's behavior towards himself just seems to have become like this since he was poisoned. But he clearly knew that he was facing Shen Bing, so Wenshan's thoughts were suddenly watered with cold water and suddenly returned to the state of Qingming.