ghost monk

Chapter 191 Artifact

Chapter 91 Artifact

For the elderly, after all, the people they are looking for are those who are much stronger than themselves. It is also one of the reasons for this, so in many things, such things can still be determined. It is also the existence of such an effect, so in many things, for the master found, it must be a person who reassures the elderly.

If the character found by the old man can't reassure the old man at all, for the old man, it basically has no effect. It is also the existence of such an effect, so to a large extent, it is still something that can be reflected.

It's exactly like this. If Wenshan searched the old man's soul as soon as he came up, he would probably have died early. It is this kind of effect that exists, so there is no death for the old people now. Of course, for the elderly at this time, it is completely impossible to be in such a state.

For the elderly, the main purpose is to find masters to help them avenge themselves. For the current Wenshan, when Wenshan did not kill the old man in front of him, it was doomed that Wenshan would not kill the old man at all. After all, Wenshan will only give him the best spiritual weapon if he helps the old man kill the enemy.

After all, such a top-quality spiritual weapon is not completely detectable by Wenshan's spiritual thoughts at all. It was for this reason that Wenshan had to bow to the old man in front of him. If the old man did not find Wenshan, it is very likely that the old man will be killed without any landing on the top-grade spiritual weapon.

At this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts glanced back and forth on the old man. Even the brocade robe on the old man's body also glanced back and forth. In the process of scanning, Wenshan also found a few valuable things in the old man's body.

For example, the small bottle on the old man's waist. I don't know what the small bottle looks like, but it didn't seal the medicinal properties of such a reserve elixir in the bottle. For the ten spiritual beans inside, it constantly exudes that faint fragrance.

is also the existence of such a fragrant smell, so for the current situation, you can basically have a good experience. It is also the existence of such an experience that can basically have different effects.

is the existence of such an effect, which can basically have a different development. It is also the existence with such a characteristic that basically can still have a good development. It is with such an effect that the observation of the elderly has increased at this time.

Except for such a small bottle, it does not completely seal the medicine inside. Among them, in the old man's chest, it is a kind of jade pendant for the wearer. This kind of jade pendant is completely the kind that emits a very familiar breath, which helps to calm people. Wearing such a kind of jade pendant when practicing has a calming effect.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current state, there should really be no concern about what it is. It is also the existence of such a concern, so for the current state, it may really have an uncertain effect.

For the old man's wrist, it is also a kind of jade bracelet that can emit a kind of jade to help the old man relieve fatigue. For such jade bracelets, they can be seen everywhere on the bodies of practitioners. It is this ubiquitous situation, so it is not regarded by Wenshan at all.

For the elderly, the reason why Wenshan entered the market at the beginning, he felt that the elderly were relatively dilapidation. The main reason is the old man's clothes. Such a gorgeous brocade robe is completely the kind of robe with a very secular one. It is precisely this effect that is very poor for the old man's judgment.

Although the old man is the dress of a rich man in the secular world. However, for practitioners, of course, they wear a special Taoist robe for practitioners. Even if it is not very gorgeous, it can still play a general role in preventing dust. For the old man, he actually dressed in such a very secular dress, so so far, it has made Wenshan in front of him feel very vulgar.

So for Wenshan, as soon as he looked at it, he felt that the old man in front of him was very poor. That's why. Anything on the old man's body was scanned by Wenshan. Even inside the old man's body in front of him, no trace of being cut was found.

After all, for some small people, in order to collect something important. They would choose to cut a piece of skin on their own bodies. For this skin, there is such an important thing hidden in it, and then sew it into your body. It is also an effect of this kind. So for the current situation, Wenshan is considering what this bad old man does on his body.

In addition to not finding any cracks on the surface of the old man's body, the old man's stomach was also penetrated by Wenshan's spiritual thoughts for scanning. There is also a certain basis for this kind of behavior. It is the existence of such a basis that has basically determined the existence of many things.

is also the existence of such an effect, so now, it can completely determine many things. It is also such an effect, so for Wenshan now, nothing has been found in the old man's body.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for this old man now, it may really be a hard injury. Basically, it can still determine a lot of things in the treatment of such things. However, no matter what the reason exists, it is really not a good thing for the current state.

Even under the scanning of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts, the old man's expression has not changed. For the old man, he also knows that Wenshan is undergoing his own physical examination. It is also the first-quality spiritual weapon of this kind. However, with the search of Wenshan, the old man seems to be in such a state that he is not afraid of at all.

is also such a state, which has basically determined the existence of an idea in Wenshan's heart. It is also the existence of such an effect that can basically explain a lot of problems. It is also the existence of such an effect, so there is really no way to describe it in the state of such a development of many things.

For Wenshan himself, his heart is also crazy. That is, the old man's last intestine was checked. However, the final result is fruitless existence. It is also such a fruitless existence, so for Wenshan in the current state, there is still no big change.

is also the existence of such an effect, so I feel depressed about Wenshan in the current state. After all, it is a kind of pursuit of such a top-quality spiritual weapon, but the final result is that it makes itself a fruitless reflection. That's why Wenshan searched for a long time, but he didn't find anything.

It was at this time that Wenshan contacted Qiuqiu, the weapon of his soul ring. Only by relying on the existence of such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure can Qiu identify the current old man. For Qiuqiu, it is the existence of the current level of weapons.

It is also the existence of such a high-level weapon, so Wenshan now has a physical glance at the current old man. It is precisely the existence of such a scanning effect. Basically, the existence of something has been determined.

However, no matter how the instrument is judged. It is also the existence of no clues. It's exactly like this. The fat meatball-like body looked at Wenshan in front of him and said, " boss, this boy must be hiding." While saying such words, Qiling Qiuqiu was a little proud.

"Hm?" Wenshan was very puzzled about the boy in the mouth of Qiling Qiuqiu. What on earth is it like? It can be called a boy by Qiling Qiuqiu. After all, it should be an ordinary top-quality spiritual weapon. It should be nothing in Qiuqiu's eyes.

It is from Qiuqiu's look that Wenshan can see a lot of things. After all, for Qiuqiu's bad expression, you can see what kind of bad fart this boy is holding. It is also a state like this, which is basically a kind of judgment.

is the existence of such a reason, so for Wenshan now, it may really be a big damage. It is such an effect, so for the current state, it is really not something that Wenshan can solve.

At this time, after the change of Qiling Qiuqiu's attitude, Wenshan suddenly found that he seemed to be very familiar with this top-quality spiritual weapon. It is also with such an idea that Wenshan's spiritual thoughts said to Qiuqiu, "Qiu, don't sell it. Tell me what's special about this spiritual weapon. You can't even notice a top-grade spiritual weapon. You really doubt that you have a sense of responsibility to me.

"Hmm, bad master." That is, after listening to Wenshan's transmission, Qiuqiu was obviously dissatisfied with such a kind of transmission of Wenshan at present.

"What kind of selfishness can I have for you? Really, it's not because this spiritual weapon is simply a spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon with the existence of a spiritual spirit. Of course, I can't find its existence. And the function of this guy is shadow hiding. If you compete face-to-face with your spiritual ideas alone, you are really not the opponent of Ben Qiuqiu.

"What, it's another spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. How is that possible?" Qiuqiu actually said that there was a spiritual weapon hidden in the old man's body. A shock to such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure is really not light in Wenshan's heart.

is also a situation like this, so for the existence of such an effect now, it can basically have a very clear effect. It is precisely the existence of such an effect, so in many cases, there is still a different development.

After all, it is also a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. At this time, Wenshan even doubted whether he was inseparable from the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao in his life. After all, I already have two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure. At this time, on the basis of adding another one, it is three spiritual weapons at the spiritual treasure level.

It's also a spiritual weapon of the spiritual treasure level. For Wenshan, he is too lucky. For ordinary top-grade spiritual weapons, they are very rare and exist like treasures in the eyes of the strong in the realm of immortality. However, for such a spiritual weapon, it is more interested in the strong in the realm of immortality, and even some large sects.

is also the existence of such an effect. If Wenshan's body has the exposure of these three spiritual weapons, it is not as simple as the spiritual weapons at the spiritual treasure level. At that time, the real competition will be the existence of Wenshan. After all, Wenshan really won the existence of such a spiritual weapon through the method of blood sacrifice.

is also the existence of such an effect, which is basically a kind of judgment. In the current situation, it can basically explain the existence of many problems. It is exactly this kind of situation, so for the current situation, it is basically the same thing.

However, no matter what the situation is, it is basically an idea that has been determined. For such a thing, it may really be a very important thing. After all, listening to this instrument Ling Qiuqiu's words, I once again encountered a spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao.

On the one hand, if you control another spirit, whether your spiritual idea can really work, will it be crushed by such a kind of spirit. .

After all, for the current Wenshan, there is not only an external incarnation, but also two spiritual weapons, and this Han Li is controlled by Wenshan. It is also with so many controls that none of the controls is so easy. If your spiritual thoughts are not strong enough, perhaps the final result may be to be swallowed up by any spiritual weapon like this.

also has such an effect, so it is a kind of consideration for Wenshan to continue to subdue such a spiritual weapon. Wenshan can't fully trust Qiuqiu's words. After all, for the spirit, it is the existence of hope and freedom.

Freedom is very valuable to them. That is, normal spirits have their own wisdom. It is in this way that while constraining them, it is also constraining their thoughts. It is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current state, it is basically such a decision.

After all, if Wenshan really subdues the third spiritual weapon of this kind, if three spiritual weapons of spiritual treasure level resist together, Wenshan can still suppress one or two spiritual weapons. But if the three spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao are resisted together, it is estimated that Wenshan can stand it.

Even now Wenshan has the soul level at the peak stage of the ghost king. However, compared with the strong in the realm of immortality, there is still a long difference between such a soul level. Even the strong man in the normal realm of immortality can't accept a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. What can he do for him, Wenshan?

This is exactly the case, so for the third spiritual weapon, if you really listen to Qiuqiu's words, it is likely to be a trap, a trap for Qiuqiu to escape from the control of Wenshan. It is also such a situation that basically can still have a good development.

However, no matter what aspect it is, it is really not a very good thing for Wenshan now. It is the development of such a situation that has basically concluded a lot of existence. So he forced Wenshan to think about this aspect.

After all, for the current situation, it may really be a breakthrough effect to a large extent, and it is also a kind of thinking about the subsipation of spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao.

I don't know whether the current instrument Lingqiu thinks that it is very beneficial to subdue such a spiritual weapon, or because this instrument Lingqiuqiu is not well-hearted. After all, Qiuqiu has always been a hope for freedom.

"Do you know?" Suddenly, such a sentence appeared in Wenshan's heart. This sentence was said by Qiling Qiuqiu, and Wenshan's heart was also puzzled by such a sentence. A kind of puzzle for the spirit of Qiuqiu.

"This spiritual weapon is very precious. It is known as the most functional spiritual treasure on the whole road. For such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, you can completely give up the poisonous spirit and me, and also capture such a guy, and then sacrifice blood. This guy is so precious. If you get this guy, you are equivalent to getting the most powerful and powerful artifact in the world.

It was at this time that Qiu Qiu's voice floated in Wenshan's mind.

That is, when Qiuqiu said the artifact, Wenshan's bitter mood suddenly tightened. A kind of incomprehensible existence of Qiuqiu in front of us. Why can Qiuqiu say such a sentence? The artifact is only found in the legend. The legend of such an artifact has been circulating on the road of the Hanwu Dynasty for a long time. However, that's just a legend.

is also such a situation, so for offline, no one thinks that there is such an artifact at all. However, Wenshan has experienced so many legendary events. Even the wife in the realm of immortality was begged by him. In front of him, Wenshan has two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure.

For such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, it is not common for strong people in the realm of immortality. However, Wenshan actually chose a very fierce method, blood sacrifice. It is also the reason for this, so in the current situation, Wenshan can believe that the legend of this artifact may really exist.

This is also the reason, so for the artifact mentioned by Qiuqiu, Wenshan's heart suddenly rushed up. After all, the legend of such an artifact really touched Wenshan in front of him. And Wenshan is still thinking about whether to really subdue such an artifact.

If Wenshan faces such a problem for any immortal ancestor to think about such a problem, they will choose to rush directly to such a place without hesitation and fight with Wenshan for the existence of such an artifact. Even a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure is the desperate existence of a strong man who deserves eternal life.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current situation, it has basically established such an effect. For such an effect, it is basically very ruthless.

That is, in the following Qiuqiu's story, Wenshan has a certain understanding of this mysterious weapon in front of him. For the spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon that exists in front of us, it is actually a legendary artifact. It consists of five parts. It was originally an artifact.

However, when it fell from the sky, it was divided into five pieces. It is also the five pieces of this that make this kind of artifact become five different parts. After all, this is the existence of artifact-level weapons. So these original five parts have turned into the existence of the five most mysterious spiritual weapons on the five continents.

is also the existence of five parts, so for such a spiritual weapon encountered by Wenshan now, it is one of the five parts of the artifact. It is also a situation that basically has such an effect. It is also the existence of such an effect, so for Wenshan now, it may really be a very strong choice.

For the five parts of this kind of artifact, they basically have a certain function of the original artifact. That's exactly why there is a sense of mystery like an artifact. Maybe this part in front of us is a kind of foreboding to have an artifact. It is this kind of foreknowledge that can accurately judge the condition of the cultivation of the person who appears in front of it.

also has such an effect, which basically determines many existences. It is also with such a sense of mystery, so it is really a good choice for Wenshan now.

There is such a generalization, so for the current state, there is such a necessity for many things. It is such a necessary existence, so to a large extent, it also determines something.

is the existence of such an effect, so there is basically a good choice for the current situation. It is such a choice. At this moment, Wenshan is really a little moved by what Qiuqiu said, such a spiritual weapon with the identity of an artifact.

For Wenshan now, I don't know whether I am lucky or unhappy. After all, it is also a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, but it plays a greater role in its future development. That's why, so far, Wenshan has been completely moved by the current Lingbao-level spiritual weapon.

is also such an effect. There is another legend about such an artifact. If such an artifact is really gathered, then when it is gathered, it is the day to break the boundary of heaven and earth. At that time, you can fly immortals in the daytime and get the way.

In fact, this kind of artifact is the most touching, which is exactly the same. For the road, it is the existence that every practitioners dream of. It is precisely the existence of such a dream, so it really forced Wenshan to do it like this.

It is also in this way that they have to be forced. For the strong in the real realm of immortality, the greatest hope in their life may be to become a flying immortal and become the gods in heaven. With such an artifact, you can really get a flying fairy, become a fairy, and become a god.

Wenshan doesn't know whether such a thing is true or not. However, the things involved in such a legend, part of this artifact, appeared in front of him. For such a thing, whether Wenshan can get it or not, or can he let it go like this?

However, if you want to have it the next time you want it, you may not be able to have it. In fact, there are many choices in life. It is this choice again and again that chooses the trajectory of your life like this in the future. It is precisely this choice again and again that is the key to your final success.

Although Wenshan doesn't want to fly in the daytime. However, Wenshan still wants to have such a precious treasure that can predict. It is this spiritual treasure that can discover its own cultivation when it is hidden. It is one of the reasons for this, so for Wenshan now, it is really a big problem.

is also one of the reasons for this, so for the current state, it can really make Wenshan's heart have such a deep thinking. After all, it's better to just recognize the Lord for a mysterious spiritual weapon like Blood Sacrifice.

After all, only after the blood sacrifice, such a mysterious spiritual weapon is a real control. It is in this way that Wenshan has a kind of courage for the blood sacrifice so far. Although Wenshan is a person who has been sacrificed twice. And the two blood sacrifices were really successful.

But in this way, Wenshan's heart still has an inexplicable fear of such a blood sacrifice. Therefore, in many things, there is basically such a kind of worry and fear. However, no matter what the reason exists, it is really a very successful thing for the current situation.

When Wenshan was thinking, suddenly, the exquisite tower in the air sea Dantian of Wenshan suddenly rose up. For his own Qihai Dantian, such a kind of ** suddenly appeared, which Wenshan never thought of it now. It is exactly such a situation that Wenshan never thought of now.

At this time, it had always been a very comfortable Linglong Tower, as if it had suddenly encountered something. It is in this way that for the current Wenshan, the whole person is excited by such a exquisite tower.

is also such an exciting existence, so Wenshan's whole body was caught off guard. After all, when Wenshan cultivated such a Linglong Tower, there was no dynamic at all, but at this time, this Linglong Tower suddenly had such a situation, which Wenshan had not noticed before.

At this time, in addition to Wenshan's excitement, the old man in front of him also had such a situation, and his whole body seemed to be boiling. It was also at this time that Wenshan suddenly found that there was a tower in the old man's Qihai Dantian.

It is also such a discovery that Wenshan's attention is even more shocking. In this humble old man's Qihai Dantian, it is also an exquisite tower. It's just that this Linglong Tower is not a kind of energy gathered in the sea of Wenshan. It is a real physical object.

For such a kind of exquisite tower, it is the existence of a specific object. It is also the existence of such a specific physical object, so it is even more surprising for Wenshan now. After all, for Wenshan, such a kind of physical object is basically the exquisite skill that Wenshan practiced and entered such a misunderstanding.

It is completely a risky act to feel that such a kind of incomplete skill that I practice. If Wenshan hadn't seen such a delicate tower in the old man's Qihai Dantian today, Wenshan would not have dared to believe it. These are the facts in front of us.

That is, at this time, when Wenshan found the strangeness in the old man's Qihai Dantian, even Qiling Qiuqiu also found such a kind of strangeness. At this time, Qiuqiu shouted, as if he was also extremely excited about the current exquisite tower.

Judging from Qiuqiu's performance, even if Qiuqiu doesn't say anything now, Wenshan knows what Qiuqiu is trying to say. At the same time, Wenshan himself began to observe the current Linglong Tower. After all, the existence of such a kind of exquisite tower is still the same as that of Wenshan.

This kind of exquisite tower is basically a kind of physical existence in a real sense. It is also the existence of such a physical object, so for the current state, it is really a very good existence. Basically, it is a very normal situation.

is also such an effect, so you can feel a lot of things at many times.

It is a kind of contrast, so Wenshan knows that such exquisite skills in his body are completely created by imitating this exquisite tower. And what does this exquisite woman look like? Is it the master in front of this exquisite tower?

It was at this time that the old man in front of him did not expect that Wenshan would really find the existence of this top-quality spiritual weapon in his Qihai Dantian. Originally, I always thought that no one could know this top-quality spiritual weapon except myself.

is also a feature of this, so for Wenshan now, it is also a non-Tibetan curiosity. It is also a kind of curiosity, so for the current state, it may really be a big loss.

At this time, the old man even felt a sense of threat. Wenshan never expected the degree of familiarity with such a dangerous atmosphere. It is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current situation, it is almost the existence of such a feeling.

After all, he relied on such a top-quality spiritual weapon and asked Wenshan to help him kill. It was also because Wenshan could not find such a high-quality spiritual weapon without him that he was sure that Wenshan would help him kill his enemy. As for whether he can survive after killing his enemy, it is not his old man Mu Zhengqing's consideration.

However, the biggest secret in my body now, that is, this top-quality spiritual weapon, was discovered by Wenshan. It was the sudden occurrence of such a thing that basically broke the old man's idea. At this time, the old man even regretted why he found Wenshan, an unsimple guy.

After all, Wenshan found such a top-quality spiritual weapon, and he is not Wenshan's opponent. His top-quality spiritual weapon is destined to be in Wenshan's pocket, which is not what Mu Zhengqing can control at all. It is also a characteristic existence that basically makes Mu Zhengqing very desperate at present.

is also a sense of despair in his heart. For such a irritable exquisite tower in his sea of anger, the old man has a greater sense of loss. An opposite comparison.

At this time, it seemed that the real object of the Linglong Tower in the depths of the old man's Qihai seemed to feel the powerful energy of such a Linglong Tower in the Qihai Dantian of Wenshan. Therefore, at this time, the Linglong Tower suddenly jumped out and swaying outside.

It was also the appearance of the Linglong Tower, and the energy of the Linglong Tower in Wenshan's Qihai Dantian became extremely active. The dark golden divine power swam happily in the meridians of Wenshan. It seems to welcome something.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for Wenshan in this state, there is a mentality that must be subdued for this exquisite tower. It is also this kind of mentality that must be subdued, so Wenshan still has a great sense of repetition in his heart.

Wenshan even felt that if he could really completely subdue the physical object of the current exquisite tower, it would have a good effect on his future cultivation.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current situation, I can basically have a deep feeling, and there is a good choice for the development of such a thing. It is also such an effect, so for the current situation, it is really not simple.

At this time, when the real object of this Linglong Tower just popped out, there were countless spiritual weapons constantly absorbed by such a Linglong Tower in the whole air. It was at this time that from the depths of the Linglong Tower, a powerful soul power suddenly enveloped Wenshan.

This is the function of this exquisite tower. For the current exquisite tower, this is one of the five parts of the legendary artifact. For the existence of one of the five components of this kind, it has basically determined the existence of an inexplicable relationship between Wenshan and such an artifact.

After all, one of the five parts of this kind of artifact is basically involved, so for this kind of artifact, there is also a certain involvement in the future.