ghost monk

Chapter 197 Five Spiritual Beans

Chapter 197 Five Spiritual Beans

This is exactly the case, so for these spiritual grasses in the second layer, they are basically used to make up for the body of the characters in the primary stage of gathering energy. In fact, most of the people who can enter here are the strength of the primary stage of gathering energy.

is exactly like this, so for the second layer, it is the most popular existence in the whole other cloud. It is also the existence of an intuitive feeling of the last such thing, so for such things so far, there is basically such a state.

After all, Wenshan is exposed to different things. In Taixuanzong, for the strength in the stage of gathering energy, the strength in the stage of gathering power is also everywhere. Although there are very few people with such strength. However, for a place like Taixuanzong, basically all the people like this have gathered.

After all, in this place, the existence of such a powerful figure has basically determined the existence of many things. It is the result of such a kind of thinking. So in many places, perhaps such a scene is not common.

After all, except for the four major clans, there are basically no such large-scale gathering of masters. Some small mountain gates and small sects do not have such strong disciples at all. Therefore, for the strength of the disciples of a sect, we can also see the existence of the real strength of this mountain gate.

Otherwise, if all the disciples in a mountain gate are relatively weak, for such a mountain gate, they are basically very weak. It is very critical for the growth of their own mountain gate, the scarcity of talents, the cultivation of real masters, and the grasp of the future power of their mountain gate in the hands of what level of figures.

It's easy to say for a large sect like Taixuanzong. But for other small mountain gates, the competition is basically more intense. It is precisely this kind of fierce competition, so in many cases, it can still develop over time and fluctuate greatly. The different existence of the talents of the disciples in each mountain gate can basically be reversed in 20 years and 50 years.

For the small mountain gate, there is basically a space waiting for such a strong reversal. It is the existence of such a method, so for many things, there is basically such a decision. Of course, for many things, it is not very surprising.

It is not necessarily such a simple and easy existence to deal with some things. It is this kind of thing, so for many things. It's really not a good thing. That's it, so for the current state, we can still have different views.

This is a real small mountain gate competition for talents. After all, in the small mountain gate, the strength of some disciples is relatively weak. Being able to enter the stage of gathering energy is basically regarded as an inner disciple by the small mountain gate. He is also a strong man with nine levels of physical strength and the identity of an outer disciple.

and the four major sects, although on the surface, they are only a level of existence. However, such a level is basically the existence of such a huge relationship. It is also such a situation, so in many cases, it is still possible to have different methods.

is also like this, so in many cases, the competitiveness between the four major sects will be relatively weaker. It is precisely this kind of weak existence, so for many things, there are basically no changes in the past few decades.

For the four sects, what can really change is basically the number of strong people in the realm of immortality, and the strength of the strength of the strong in the realm of immortality. It is also a possible existence, so for large sects, the existence that can really change their status is still very low.

is Taixuan Sect, the original largest sect, which was only uploaded verbally. It is estimated that as soon as the strength of Tianmo Youji rises to the realm of immortality, then for Tianmo Youji, it is basically another kind of situation. That's exactly what it is. For Taixuanzong, the appearance of Tianmo is a balanced break of the strength of the four sects.

Although Tianmo Youji is only the first person of the ancestor in the realm of life-threatening realm. For the Heavenly Demon Youji at this time, it is basically the existence that can bring the level of Taixuanzong to a level. Although the Tianmo Youji occupied in Taixuanzong at this time, it is basically the existence of the vast majority of comparisons to a certain extent.

It is exactly like this. After a small leap for the level of Tianmo Youji, there is a different change for many things. It is also the existence of such a transformation, so there are still serious differences in many things.

is also the existence of such an effect, so in many things, you can still see different places. It is this kind of transformation, so there is such a kind of deficiency in many things.

Taixuanzong, although for Tianmo, he was only promoted from the first person in a small life-threatening realm to a strong man in the realm of immortality. After breaking through such a hurdle, basically this situation has also changed a lot. That's right, so at many times, you can still see the existence of many things.

It is with such a difference that the strength of Tianmo Youji suddenly broke through. For many things, it is a great transformation effect. It is this effect, so for many things, there are really different opinions.

"Take me to the third floor to have a look." Wenshan looked at Park Ni in front of him and said. At this time, what is the expectation of the original Wenshan for the second floor of Xuanyuan House? However, I didn't expect that the second layer like this can basically not fully meet his requirements.

For these herbs, it seems to be aimed at the existence of the characters in the energy-gathering stage. However, if you really enter the stage of gathering energy, it is more cost-effective to take Lingdou. The production of Lingdou is basically because this kind of Lingdou has the condition of cultivating the foundation.

As for the herbs in front of us, the reason why they are so popular with these strong people in the current stage of gathering energy is basically because these strong people in the realm of gathering energy do not have a lot of spiritual beans for them to use. It is the existence of such an effect, so for the current state, it can still be seen that it is different.

After all, when the supply of spiritual beans is reduced, of course, there are few changes in the quality of these can help one's body. It is with such a thing that can still have a good change. That's right, so for many things, it can basically have a different effect.

It is the lack of such a kind of spiritual beans that there is such a situation, which basically has a trend in such a direction. It is the emergence of such a situation that can still determine a lot of things.

However, no matter what it looks like, there is basically a big difference. That's why there are basically a lot of things in dealing with things like this now. That's exactly the case, so in many cases, you can still have a clear grasp.

It is the existence of such an effect, so Wenshan is not very interested in this kind of spiritual grass at all. For Wenshan, an herb of such spiritual power is simply used for characters in the primary stage of gathering energy. Of course, he will not use it.

For these things, Wenshan has a lot of spiritual beans for the elder Liu and others in the primary stage of the Shen family. The treatment of the strong in the gathering realm of the Shen family is much more affordable than that of ordinary mountain sects. Coupled with the existence of a resource bank like Wenshan, it is estimated that these general weeds will not be used by the strong in the Shen family's gathering realm.

For practitioners, it is estimated that the treatment of the Shen family is as good as that. Wenshan's treatment to the Shen family is in accordance with the standards of Taixuanzong. It is even higher than the standard of Taixuanzong. These, of course, are the benefits of some children of Taixuanzong after joining some camps, which are included in Wenshan.

The financial resources on Wenshan are still quite sufficient. For the Shen family, it is a small existence. After all, it is not a mountain gate, let alone a sect. In a short period of time, this kind of treatment should not change. For Wenshan's big deal, basically after the development of the Shen family, he can easily solve the problem of the supply of his own resources.

As long as the Shen family develops, it is estimated that the existence of personal disciples with two divine power stages such as Shen Jie and Wenshan should not be a problem. That's why, so for the current Shen family, as long as it develops, it can completely determine many things. That's why, in many cases, you can still have a very good choice.

is exactly like this, so for the current situation, there is basically a big difference. It is with such a huge existence, so there can still be a big difference in many things.

Therefore, for Wenshan now, there is such a good opportunity, and basically it can still develop well. It is this degree of development, so in many cases, it can still have very clear indicators.

For these spiritual grasses on the second floor, they are basically not within the scope of Wenshan's consideration. There are few strong people in the realm of gathering energy of the Shen family. If it really develops and Wenshan's supply can't keep up, it is estimated that the scale of the Shen family at that time would be a real big family.

With the development of the Shen family, there is basically a management method of its own. It is also the existence of such a management method, so in most cases, it is still quite promising. If the management system can really be beneficial for the development of the Shen family, there is basically nothing to say.

"I'm sorry, sir, you haven't met the conditions to enter the third floor of our Xuanyuan house." It was when Wenshan proposed to enter the third floor, the little girl's face suddenly turned red. There seems to be a little embarrassed existence. For such a request put forward by Wenshan, it seems that it cannot be met, and there is such a deep self-reproach.

In fact, for the current Pu Nimiao, she didn't expect Wenshan to put forward such a suggestion to enter the third floor. After all, to enter the third layer, what is needed is the standard of strength in the realm of gathering gas. Basically, for a strong man in the physical realm, he will not enter the third level. After all, for the goods on the second floor, they are all aimed at those who gather gas in the primary stage. For the three layers, it is specially designed for the strong in the gas gathering realm.

In fact, for the spiritual beans commonly used in the cultivation world, it basically has a good effect on the physical realm and the strong in the energy gathering realm. There is such a good opportunity to nourish the lack of the body, the nourishment of the body, and a change in many things.

That's right, so for Lingdou, it can actually keep up with the effect of these two-layer materials. Even the strong man in the real gathering aura stage also needs spiritual beans to improve the body. After all, the gentleness of Lingdou still exists. That's why there can still be a great difference in many cases.

Of course, there is still a big difference in the handling of some things. After all, not everyone can afford the existence of such a spiritual bean. A spiritual bean can buy a lot of spiritual grass. Although it is low-level, it has not been processed. It takes more time to absorb such spiritual grass, but it is also the place that can maintain the value of a real spiritual bean.

After all, there is a clear distinction between such a kind of beans, so to a large extent. It is in this way that the production of spiritual beans is more beneficial to the absorption of the human body. Of course, if the sum of all the energy of the spiritual grass exchanged by a spiritual bean is obviously a little different from that of the spiritual bean.

This is exactly the case, so there is still a clear distinction to a large extent. It is also such a distinction that there is still such a certain change. It is with such a situation that it can still have a good development.

For the current Park Nimao, I never thought that Wenshan really planned to go to the third floor. For the three layers, it costs a lot of spiritual beans to buy some elixirs. There is basically no effect on Wenshan's five-stage cultivation ability. Therefore, even if Wenshan purchases, there is still no guard for such powerful procurement personnel. Which family, which small mountain gate, can send such a person?

After all, with the existence of Wenshan's little strength, there is basically nothing at all. I didn't buy such a valuable elixir to leave the clouds. After all, the three layers like this are basically the existence of some elixirs that can be bought.

For these elixirs, they are basically valuable. That's why many things are not necessarily possible. If Wenshan really bought these elixir, there would be no such thing as force to protect it. This kind of elixir will never follow Wenshan.

This is exactly the case, so for the current situation, there can basically be a lot of things. That's why, for the current state, it is impossible to fully ensure the safety of one's life.

For those who can grab the elixir, they basically have to kill their mouths. After all, only the real killing of this person is there. In the world of cultivation, there are many such robbers and killings. Of course, unless you meet a master, don't care about the revenge of a little person like you, or because you can't find his whereabouts, it's just a robbery of money.

However, if such a master figure robs money, what a valuable wealth it will be for you. For such a small fight and a few simple elixir killing, it is basically the work of a character in the gathering stage of low strength or a strong physical strength.

If this is true, the final result of being robbed is basically a situation of being silenced. It is the existence of such a risk, so whether it is a normal small mountain gate or a small family. They will not send a five-stage figure to purchase.

For procurement, it is not, then it is a small-scale purchase. However, is he really suitable to enter the third layer to buy elixirs? However, how many spiritual beans does this person have to buy these elixir? If there are really so many spiritual beans on his body, what kind of elixir is more effective than such spiritual beans for the improvement of the cultivation of the strong man in his physical realm.

After all, it is estimated that only this spiritual bean is the most suitable for the mild elixirs. After all, a configuration of Lingdou is used for the strong in the physical realm and the strong in the energy-gathering realm. That's right, so for the current situation, it may really be a big loss.

There is such a intention, so there are still many different existences to a large extent. That's exactly what happened, so it was beyond Pu Ni's expectation that Wenshan wanted to enter the third floor now. Moreover, in order to prevent such a thing from appearing before, Park Nimao basically intentionally or unintentionally proposed to enter the third layer and need ten spiritual beans.

However, I didn't expect that this boy would really like to spend five spiritual beans to reach the second floor and buy nothing, and once again spend ten spiritual beans to enter the third floor. If this is true, for such a scene at this time, there can basically be such a feeling of being dans.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, it may really be a great degree of progress. Basically, there is still such a large degree of deficiency in many things.

is also such a deficiency. For the current Wenshan, it is only the strength of the fifth level of the body. That's exactly why Pu Nimeng did not say another condition for entering the third level. After all, for the strength requirements and Lingdou requirements of entering the three layers, in Pu Ni's opinion, Wenshan has reached the second floor.

"Do you want to achieve the strength of the realm of gathering energy?" Suddenly, the answer to Park Ni's mark was obviously not within the scope of Wenshan's thought. I thought I could have the spiritual beans I wanted on this second floor. However, I didn't expect that the second floor is also such a kind of goods, obviously not what Wenshan can like to see.

is also the reason why Wenshan is also considering whether to enter the third floor. If it weren't for killing and keep a low profile, how could Wenshan have raised his strength to the initial stage of gathering energy? However, I didn't expect that Wenshan pretended to be low-key now. It's too low-key.

is such a low-key existence, so in many cases, it can really be distinguished to a large extent. It is also one of the reasons for this, so in many cases, there can still be a clear difference.

Wenshan thought for a moment, but still didn't go up. After all, even if you go to Wenshan, you don't have much interest in these things. In the previous big market, Wenshan did not have any interest in those things. That's it, so in such a small city, there is nothing of interest.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, it may really be a very distinctive existence. That's exactly what it is, so for the current state. Basically, it won't have any characteristics.

Wenshan has no impulse and attraction to go up. That's why Wenshan was ready to return the same way.

"Let's go to the first floor. I'm going to buy something on the first floor. Wen Shan looked at Park Ni in front of him and said. Wenshan's tone has always been this kind of plain. It is also the existence of such a plain tone, so for the feeling of Park Ni in front of her, it seems to be an illusion.

In Park Ni's mind, the real prince, those dressed like Wenshan, are all very high-profile. And it is especially like Wenshan's big hand, casually playing five spiritual beans, and playing on the second floor like this is very high-profile. However, although Wenshan's words and dress are a little high-profile. However, the tone of voice is still quite approachable.

However, from Wenshan's cold face, such a state is basically not what Park Ni can think about now. That's right, so for the current situation, it may really be a big loss.

is also the existence of such an effect. However, no matter what aspect exists, it is still quite happy for Park Niming's decision on Wenshan now. That's exactly the case, so there is still a big difference between the current state.

"Oh, that gentleman just buys things on the first floor, not something on the second floor. Five spiritual beans can buy a lot of things on the second floor!" It was at this time that Pu Ni was relieved when she knew that Wenshan was not interested in the upper three layers. After all, if Wenshan really insists on going to the third floor, there is really no way for Pu Nimiao.

After all, if it's too noisy, even after the matter is dealt with, Park Ni's work will be low-key. If it is transferred back to Xuanyuanzong, it is absolutely unfavorable for Park Nimeng's future development. It is in this way that Wenshan's way of changing his mind is still very interesting to the Pu Nimiao in front of him.

is exactly like this, but Park Nimong still kindly reminded Wenshan to buy something on the second floor like this. After all, on the second floor like this, it can still cost five spiritual beans. For the so-called second floor, a kind of fee is basically for them, which is for some people who just come to the second floor.

For the five spiritual beans, they are basically at the lowest consumption level after entering the second layer. It is in this way that since Wenshan has spent such a large price to enter here, it can basically determine a lot. For the current state, it is such a result.

However, no matter what. There is a necessity for such a thing. At this time, Park Nimao just reminded Wenshan that since five spiritual beans were spent, it was best to take away the value of these five spiritual beans. Otherwise, the second layer like Bailai will really lose five spiritual beans.

Five spiritual beans like this are basically one-third of Park Ni's monthly case. That is, Park Ni's salary in such a store can catch up with half.

Basically, the welfare benefits of the four major sects are the same for their disciples. There is basically a consensus on large sects. After all, if the welfare treatment of its disciples is different, the number of disciples attracted by such a sect will be different.

Obviously, the four major sects are not willing to see this kind of competition for welfare benefits. Basically, for the personal disciples in the divine power stage, the regular monthly example is the same. The welfare of the personal disciples in the divine power stage in their respective sects is different. At that time, it is a means of sectarian management of talents.

For ordinary children who have just entered the sect, under normal circumstances, it is the most basic for the lightest miscellaneous disciples. What kind of welfare is the personal disciples at the divine stage? It has nothing to do with them. They will not choose which sect to participate in because they consider the treatment of their own disciples at the divine stage.

That's exactly how high-end talents are treated differently. However, the treatment of these most basic disciples is the same among the four sects. This Pu Ni's monthly example is 15 spiritual beans. The salary of the shop assistant in such a city is ten spiritual beans. That is, the monthly plus welfare of the normal miscellaneous disciples of Xuanyuanzong.

For this kind of welfare, it is already very good for miscellaneous disciples. At least with the monthly example, there are 25 spiritual beans a month. Thirty days a month, five days without Lingdou. That's right. In fact, it is a blessing for these people to work in such a store set up by Xuanyuan House and Xuanyuanzong.

Of course, many things are different. Xuanyuanzong's shop with such a Xuanyuan house lacks the experience of letting disciples stay outside. After all, for disciples like Taixuanzong, they are all sectarians to let them practice outside. This is also a certain task. There are great opportunities for foreign practice.

Of course, under the circumstances of such a stable job and good treatment in Xuanyuan House, it is the envy of the miscellaneous disciples of the other three sects. It is also like this. For the real development of the four sects, they all have their own opinions. Such different opinions and the different existence of treatment to be faced.

"No need. There is nothing on the second floor here that I can see. Wenshan doesn't seem to care much about Park Ni's reminder in front of him. That's right, so for Wenshan now, it may really be nothing.

At this time, Park Ni was worried. Is there such a dage brother? I really don't know the reminder of my good intentions. For such a situation, it was completely beyond Park Ni's expectation. That's exactly what it is, so it still can't have much effect on the state of being first.

"Sir, the five spiritual beans you just paid upstairs are the spiritual grass that can buy the value of five spiritual beans on the second floor. Even if you don't buy it, these five spiritual beans will not be returned to you. Pu Ni said anxiously. When he said this, the two slightly flattened heights of his chest still attracted Wenshan's eyes.

For this Pu Ni mark, she seems to be very anxious about what she wants to express. That's why the little girl at this time is very distressed by the five spiritual beans. Of course, it is to help Wenshan feel distressed. After all, such a huge expense is not small. That's exactly the case, so for the current situation, it's completely another thing.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, it may really be a breakthrough to a large extent. It is also the existence of such a feeling that basically can still have a large degree of development.

is exactly like this, so in the vast majority of cases, we can still feel sorry for such waste. From Park Nimark's performance, it can be completely seen that Park Nimark does not have any * at all, and it is quite good for the strength of the small body. In the secular world, it is quite powerful.

However, the strength of such a physical nine-stage is relatively low in the world of cultivation. It is in this way that for Park Nimeng, a handyman disciple of Knowledge Xuanyuan Sect, there is no good place to use at all. Every month, plus the salary, that is, 25 spiritual beans. If it weren't for the money, how could it be sad for Wenshan's five spiritual beans?

is exactly like this, so I still feel sorry for the five spiritual beans that can stand on their half-month salary. Therefore, Wenshan didn't feel the kind reminder in Wenshan's heart, which really made Pu Ni a little anxious. That's exactly how the volume of this sentence seems to be much louder.

At this time, Wenshan's eyes made the most basic comparison in his heart after glancing at Park Ni's proud chest. Feeling such a proud chest, will it feel softer and delicately? This is what Wenshan doesn't know.

But Wenshan believes that the feeling of feeling should be quite good. It is precisely in this way that in terms of this kind of thing, maybe it is really nothing. It is in such a situation that you can really see a lot of things.

However, for the current time, for Park Ni's performance, Wen Shan also realized that his behavior just seems to really make such a poor person a little anxious. Seeing that Pu Nima in front of her can be anxious for her five spiritual beans. This kind of attitude is still appreciated by Wenshan.

It's just like this. For Wenshan, he himself came from a poor man and was a guard of the Shen family. It is precisely for this reason, so for Wenshan now, it is also normal to have such a decision at this time.

However, no matter what aspect it is, there are different things to deal with. That's right, so in many cases, you can still see something. That's right, so for the current state, it may really be a successful choice.

That is, Wenshan a year ago, was also the guard of the Shen family, an ordinary guard in the secular world. If she had seen this Pu Nimiao a year ago, even if it was the five-stage cultivation of the body, it was estimated that Wenshan had such a timidity in his heart. With the five sections of Wenshan's body, it is estimated that even this Xuanyuan house does not dare to enter.

After all, in such a Xuanyuan house, the strength is estimated to be much higher than the five sections of Wenshan's body. If Wenshan didn't have such courage, there would basically be no good situation. That's right, so for the current state, it's basically nothing.

For a year, it is normal for Wenshan to improve his strength and not care about such five spiritual beans. With the change of mentality, the original view of many things has changed to a great extent. For such five spiritual beans, which are placed in the hands of their own disciples in large sects, are precious. How can you not use it at will? Throw it to such a merchant.

It's just like this. Only a rich man like Wenshan is such a waste. Even the normal son and brother did not treat Lingdou as a thing. After all, this is not a place to use gold and silver. In the secular world, silver is still quite useful. However, no matter how much gold and silver there is, it basically becomes equipment after being melted.

For regular gold and silver, there is really no spiritual bean in the hands of practitioners. So. It is estimated that the five spiritual beans are protected like a baby in the eyes of those princes in the secular world. How can they not be like this at will?

This is exactly the case, so at this time, even the prince of the Xiuzhen family will take the five spiritual beans seriously. Therefore, at this time, Wenshan's unique style is obviously the face of the real upstart.

However, for Wenshan from beginning to end, although he wears high-profile and speaks in a high-key tone, Wenshan does not seem to reflect his high-profile. Wenshan is very peaceful from his tone to his manner. The mentality is still quite positive. It is also a kind of handling situation that basically can be seen that Wenshan is not a high-profile figure.

For a situation like Wenshan, he is either a fool or really a rich man.