ghost monk

Chapter 220 Li Handian

Chapter 220 Li Handian

Wenshan has also heard of the power of people in the magic. For the characters in the magic road, they are extremely aggressive. It is with such a feature that there is a lot of necessity for many things nowadays. There can still be great differences in such things.

For the characters in the devil's way, they basically know some sideways. It is in this way that for these people in the song and magic, they can basically have some special means. In this way, in the process of real battle, ordinary characters can't really do it.

This is exactly how it is. For the current Wenshan, suddenly, he really fought with the four sons of the devil. That's exactly the case, so for a characteristic of such a thing now, each of the four sons of the devil's way is different and extremely powerful. For the four sons of the devil, they are basically really protective.

"Yes, for the characters in the devil's way, they are all born to like this kind of killing. I'm not used to such things. However, no matter what it is, for him in the current situation, we should be careful for the demon people. Coupled with the words of the demon people this time, the disciples who came to participate in the mission are basically very strong in terms of strength.

is the age of the fourth son just now. This year, he is exactly 20 years old. For such an age, he has the cultivation of the divine power stage, which is concentrated like this. Not one person is like this. Four such outstanding people suddenly appeared in the devil's way. It's definitely not a good thing for such a phenomenon.

is exactly like this. For the current market, it may not be a good thing. If it really makes the devil's road gain something in this mission, it will really worry about the future of the devil's road.

For the fourth son of the devil's way, who is the most powerful this time, he can still be directly killed by a blood prince by the Wenshan brothers at the beginning of the mission. I'm so glad. Fortunately, among our righteous people, the existence of Wenshan's nephew is the blessing of our righteous people.

After all, for this form, it is really difficult to choose such a thing without a good nephew to help us resist in the true sense. It's like this that, for such a behavior now, it may not really be a good thing. When Li Handian said this, he felt a little emotional. Once upon a time, he was also a young hero of a lonely family, talented and talented, all of which were the best choices.

But even so, when he was 30 years old, he had just broken through to the divine power stage. On the other hand, the four sons of the demon road and the Wenshan of Taixuanzong, which one did not break through his strength to the current magic power stage early at the age of 20, which made him really sigh.

It takes a long time to verify the transformation of such a thing. That's exactly how it is. For the current situation, it takes more time to think about it for Wenshan now. For many things, it is still a normal thing.

For such a stage, many times, a normal concept is still needed in the process of continuous improvement. For the current young generation. Many of them have superb strength, which is really not simple.

Wenshan is a little stunned. What is the mission space? Moreover, Li Handian is now 100 years old. Although he is more than 100 years old, he is really young for ancestor-level figures. Of course, for a figure like Li Handian, after all, birth is not the four sects, but the birth of such a son, which is doomed with many things.

This birth is doomed to make it impossible for Li Handian's strength to be truly compared with the ancestor-level figures of various mountain gates of Taixuanzong. It's exactly like this, so for the current situation, for the current Li Handian, it is impossible to compare with the king.

, it's really weird. Cultivators tend to age very slowly, and the stronger they are, the slower they are. Wenshan believes that even after the age of 40 or 50, he is almost like a young man in his twenties. I can't help asking slightly, "Dare to ask Uncle Li, where is the mission space?"

Li Handian understood and said, "This is not the place to talk. I will take you to the General Hall of King Mu first. For your age and your strength, you can go to this kind of task space. As long as you really enter the mission space, you are absolutely qualified to survive in this environment.

That's right, so for you now, there is no problem at all, and you are qualified to go to the mission space. As long as your nephew has real ability, it will be of great benefit. After all, you represent the whole Taixuan Sect, and even in the Taixuan Sect, it also has a certain name.

Maybe it depends on Wenshan's face of Taixuanzong, or because Wenshan itself is a strong man in the divine power stage, or because Wenshan itself has great potential and is also humble and polite. It's worth investing, so it's not old and old, and I don't mention the gap between cultivation. It's also polite to talk to him. Maybe one day, I will ask him again.

After all, it is the simplest battle between Wenshan and the people of the devil. It is the existence of such a battle that can basically determine many things. It is in this way that for a characteristic like this now, there can still be a big matter of life and death.

is exactly like this. For the whole thing now, perhaps a value embodiment of Wenshan will be more important. It is also the existence of such an important role. For the current situation, Wenshan can't face it directly at all.

For Wenshan now, it may really make Wenshan's whole people have a big view. For Wenshan now, it may still be able to make a huge breakthrough. It is in this way that for many things now, the status of Wenshan will not be despised.

After all, it is Wenshan's Tianmo Youji, who is the supporter of Wenshan, who can't ignore him so easily. That's exactly what it is, so how can Wenshan be easily erased in this state?

Wenshan's heart moved, and he showed a grateful look: "Thank you, Uncle Li, for remembering such a great kindness." Wenshan knew that although Li Handian was very polite to himself. But no matter what, the other party is an ancestor-level figure in a deadly realm. It is always right to maintain a respectful and humble attitude towards the ancestral-level people in the desperate realm.

Seeing that he is so arrogant, he knows how to be grateful. Li Handian felt that this transaction was a little cost-effective. It is appropriate to get such respect with your position in the leadership of King Mu, especially the respect of a strong man in the divine power stage. It is precisely because of the existence of such a feature that these things can basically exist. That's why, so for many things now, there can still be a greater breakthrough.

In this way, you can get a favor from this rookie of Taixuanzong, and you can also get a favor from Taixuanzong, which is naturally cost-effective. For the latter, it is more important than the former. That's why it exists, so for Li Handian now, it is not easy for ordinary people to solve.

It is the existence of such an intuitive feeling, so it is still a good choice for many things now. It is the existence of such an effect on the cultivation of such disciples, so for Wenshan now, it is still very good.

However, no matter what the change of things is, there is a big difference. It is this kind of difference that makes a huge difference for the whole result now. It is in this way that one of the most intuitive characteristics of everything nowadays is that it can play a decisive thing. That's why many things now have a very good object of development.

At this time, the ancestors of the four sects all entered the Mu Wangling with the disciples of their own sects. Even after the king said hello to Wenshan, he took Su Linger and left. Only Wenshan and Li Handian are left. After all, Wenshan's identity is still relatively special.

is also a special identity, so for Wenshan now, there can still be a big difference. It is also the existence of a different effect, which can basically play a decisive role. That's why there can still be great differences for many things.

is also such a huge difference, which still has a certain effect on a characteristic of such a thing. It is also such an effect that is a great change for many things now.

It was at this time that without saying a word, Li Handian's energy kept running and directly led Wenshan across the city wall. And Wenshan is also wrapped in the light of dark golden divine energy, closely following the white energy light. With Li Handian taking the lead and the moat led by King Mu, he will not be embarrassed by him.

After all, for this Li Handian, he has an absolute position in the leadership of King Mu. It is also this status, with the identity of an ancestor-level figure with a deadly realm. How can anyone dare to stop him from entering this Mu Wangling? Even if it is blocked, the moth led by King Mu may not really be able to stop Wenshan.

After all, for many things, there are some necessary things. It is also a feature of this kind, so for the current characteristic of this kind, a lot of things are needed. It is also natural for Wenshan to follow Li Handian to enter such a Mu Wangling.

Flying over Muwang City, it has a different taste. Looking down, all kinds of exquisite buildings are staggered. I also saw that the terrain was uneven. From the mountain next to it, several waterfalls poured down like white practice and fell into the pool, stirring up a burst of water mist, lingering between the trees, mountains and rocks, and there was also a little fairy-like appearance.

For Mu Wangling, who is surrounded by desolate places, it is a macro scene that can have such a macro scene, which is enough to see the simpleness of such a venue. It is also such an unsimple existence, so for the momentum of the whole Mu Wangling now, even the ordinary small mountain gate may not really be comparable. That's exactly what King Mu's words can't be offended by ordinary real people.

It is not easy for King Mu to be able to survive on such a top of hell for so long. It is also this simple existence, so for the whole thing now, it may not be as good as the magnificent effect as before.

However, no matter what kind of reputation exists, there can still be a huge difference in the current whole thing. For such things, there is still a huge gap in many cases. It is precisely the existence of such a gap that there is still a very good change for many times.

However, no matter what it is, the existence of an intuitive effect on many things today can basically have a big difference. There is still a greater breakthrough in the existence of such a difference. For such a breakthrough, there is still a great sense of achievement.

flew for a moment, and the two of them went straight to the peak instead of going from the foot of the mountain. The scenery in front of me keeps flying by. After dozens of breaths, the two flew to a huge mountain platform. For the towering of such a mountain, Wenshan can only be seen on the top of Taixuanzong.

It is not easy to be able to establish such a place in addition to the four major sects, so that you can see the status of a Mu king. That is, the four sects, the people in the devil's way, should be polite to enter such a place. With such an attitude, it is not easy to see that they can gain a foothold in such a place.

It is exactly like this. Many cyan, solemn and vigorous temple communities have been built on the platform. In the middle of each hall, there is another huge square paved with white stones. Obviously, this is where King Mu's General Hall is located. A feng shui treasure that can gain a foothold in both the righteous and the devil.

When he got here, it was not easy for Li Handian to take Wenshan to fly. Then he took him to the front door and left. After registering the book, he walked in one after another. After passing through several halls and passing through the square, I finally arrived at a magnificent temple called Muwang Hall.

Wenshan followed and went in. Then he saw a middle-aged man sitting in the center of the hall, with extraordinary and majestic weapons, wearing a black and white robe. From this man, Wenshan can feel the existence of a powerful aura in this man. For the emergence of such an aura, it is not what Wenshan can easily change.

is also the existence of such a change effect, which can have a huge sacrificial effect for many things now.

is also a major breakthrough in this painful look. For many things now, there is still a huge kind of space on the body. It is also in this way that Wenshan is really aware of many things now and the current Mu Wangling. The existence of ancestor-level characters with so many deadly realms in the leadership of King Mu is enough to see that it is not easy.

"Li Handian, see King Mu." Li Handian looked awe-inspiring and walked forward and saluted abnormally. Although King Mu is a semi-loose joint leader, each faction has its own independent disposal power. But it doesn't mean that the lord is a decoration.

In the leadership of King Mu, although the lord is not the most powerful existence, he is still very authoritative. Especially when he issued the order of King Mu, no one in King Mu's leadership should disobey his call. This lord was born from the incompetent superior of Yao Jiling, another superior force in the leadership of King Mu.

For this kind of Mu Wangling, it is basically established by other righteous people other than the four sects. The purpose is to protect their interests from being divided by powerful forces such as the four sects. It is also like this. For the current Mu Wangling, it is very worthy of the right people to rely on.

After all, for small forces, in the face of the continuous suppression of large sects, it is too difficult to have their own power in such a world of cultivation.