The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 57: The Big Bang

"What will happen to the third brother and sister?" Pan Mei said with great concern. I deliberately made a thoughtful look, and then said very pretentiously, "I don't think so. Besides, what can happen to her with Jiamei's physique? No one dares to provoke him!"

Five minutes later, Song Aijia rushed in with a bag of things in her hand, followed by Zhang Yi, who was panting.

I hurriedly asked, "Jiamei, are you all right?"

"It's okay. What can I do!" Song Aijia obviously regarded my concern as a donkey's liver and lungs, and I didn't say anything!

"Little Frust, come here!" Song Aijia said mysteriously, and then I saw Zhang Yi's gloomy smile.

I looked at the wheel and ran to the bedroom with Song Aijia, and the living room suddenly boiled.

"No, the cabbage dumped you Zhang Yi!" Qu Shouzi looked surprised, as if he had seen the end of the earth.

Before I could speak, Zhang Yi gave a two kick to the thin Qu, and then smiled at me and said, "Third brother, do you know what's swd in the hungry hand?" Zhang Yi dragged this sentence for a whole minute. I stared and roared, "If you want to say it, you can say it, and laugh if you want to laugh. Can you not mix it together!" I am really speechless about Zhang Yi's unique expression.

"That Pan Mei, do you want to avoid it? There is something about this topic..." Zhang Yi said with a stuffy face. Pan Mei was stunned first, then blushed, and then stamped her one foot and returned to her bedroom.

"Hey, let me tell you, the hungry dish has the medicine for aphrodisiac in his hand. Do you know that Xiao Fou is not good..." Zhang Yi's words are extremely fast and clearly expressed, although it is a little exaggerated and pompous in it.

"What! How did the girl know that they wouldn't do that!" As soon as Qu Shouzi said this, he immediately realized the seriousness and hurriedly covered his mouth. Zhang Yi was stunned first, and then he was furious.

I guess this boy must think so - if this little frustration doesn't have anything to do with his own dish, how can his wife know that littlecuo yang-withering and premature aging!

I hurriedly stopped the violent Zhang Yi and said a lot of good words, but Zhang Yi didn't seem to have calmed down. As the saying goes, my friend's wife should not be bullied, and it seemed to be good.

"Brother Yi, I really told Jiamei about this. Don't you believe them and still don't believe the third brother!" Why is this so false, but now it can only be like this!

"Let go of hunger and want to kill Xiao Tzu. How dares to cuckold me? It's really crooked!" Zhang Yi kept roaring. At this time, she only listened to a few heavy footsteps. Even if I closed my eyes, I knew that it must be the footsteps of the fat cabbage.

"Well, what's wrong with you? Are you playing sumo? Your meat is not enough?" Song Aijia said jokingly. I hurriedly asked Suzi to stabilize Zhang Yi, and then pulled Jiamei to the corner to tell her the whole thing. I never thought that she would have no reaction, except for laughing!

"It's okay, third brother, just leave it alone!" Song Aijia said disdainfully, and then she took Zhang Yi away as if she were carrying a chicken.

"Just don't do it!" I hurriedly told him.

"Third brother, can you cook medicine?" The wheel ran to me and said, I gave him a white look and asked, "What medicine? Jiamei won't get you traditional Chinese medicine, will it? That thing doesn't work. Don't listen to her!" I'm actually afraid of the smell of that traditional Chinese medicine!

"It's impossible. Jiana said that she spent 3,000 yuan to buy land for me!" Naturally, the wheel is unwilling to give up this opportunity.

"Really, that little thing is worth 3,000 yuan. What about the child!" Qu Shouzi shook his head and said. I rolled my eyes at Qu Shouzi and said, "Can you take down that headphone when you talk to us? I don't want you to be so crazy. I suspect that your mobile phone is still charged!" The thin Qu did not respond to my sarcasm at all, and Yiran kept shaking his head with headphones on.

I originally wanted to change the topic, but the wheel was so persistent that it kept asking me how to cook medicine. I was speechless, so I had to say, "We don't need a special money pot to cook that thing, but we don't have it!"

"Where is that?" The wheel pulled my arm and said, and I glanced at him again and said, "It's in the pharmacy!"

"What are you going to do? Come back!" I roared at the wheel that was opening the door.

"Go and buy a pot when you are hungry!" The wheel answered very righteously. I sighed and said, "Come back. Third brother will buy it for you. Don't be fooled when you go out. Have you learned the exchange method and calculation method of RMB?"

The wheel wanted to refute me, but I didn't know what came to my mouth and swallowed it back.

So I went to the pharmacy to buy a banknote pot specializing in traditional Chinese medicine. Just as I turned around and was about to enter the gate of the community, a figure suddenly rushed to me. This was a man, a handsome man, and I should say that he was a Taoist priest.

A white Taoist suit, with long hair tied by a wooden stick and a goatee.

"I'm a Taoist priest, too, is this trying to tell fortunes with me?" I said it in a good way.

"No, no!" The Taoist priest said deeply.

"Oh, what do you mean by blocking the way of the third brother? Why do you also want to learn from Cheng to bite gold and rob money without sex? The afterglow of my eyes has seen a brick three steps away. If there is really any accident, I will use that brick to kill this stinking Taoist priest.

"This is not good. I am an extraordinary man. I know astronomy and geography, and I know everything in the world. Don't you want to know anything?" The two eyes of the Taoist priest narrowed slightly, and I carefully compared the two of us. Although this girl is a little stronger than me, it is our territory anyway. Opposite is the third brother's alma mater, and in front of me is the community where I live. Although there are few pedestrians at noon now, I'm not afraid of him to be honest.

"Let me tell you, the third brother is in a bad mood today. If you can make the third brother happy, then the third brother can consider giving you two yuan. If you don't have the ability, get out of here quickly. If you don't wait for my brother to come, you won't have a chance to get out. Do you know what my brother does, urban management, you!" I have a good manner of asking and answering myself, but this Taoist priest was as if he didn't understand my words. He was not surprised, his face did not change his color, and there was a sneer at the corners of his mouth, as if he had seen something.

"What are you laughing at? Is it so funny? Shut me up. Why don't I smash you with a casserole?" I said threateningly that this Taoist priest still ignored me.

"FUCK, you are a psychopath!" After throwing this sentence, I ran towards my dog kennel.

"Your face is yellow and bloody, and your head is floating. It's very difficult!" The old Taoist priest roared loudly, and I was suddenly anxious. This word is too old-fashioned. Even if you come out to lie, can you get something new?

"Taoist priest, haven't you graduated yet? If not, you just haven't watched TV. Shouldn't we talk about money-breaking and disaster-free? Bah, if you don't leave, be careful not to call 110!" I'm completely anxious, and I still want to do this with me.

Seeing that this stinky Taoist priest no longer followed me, I quietly went home.

"For good that I haven't been followed, or maybe there will be some bad luck?" I said to myself that the wheel had come by this time. He took the casserole in my hand, looked left and right, and then said, "Third brother, isn't this a little small?"

"Little man, this model is all over China. I don't want to throw it into the dustbin for you immediately!" I stared and said that when I wanted to find the wheel again, the girl had disappeared.

At this time, I suddenly remembered something, and then rushed to the kitchen. Before I got to the kitchen, I smelled a strong smell of gas.

"Why not? Why is this? Why?" At a glance, I saw the self-talking wheel vigorously twisting the main valve on the gas.

"C stop!" I shouted loudly and rushed over. The first step is to close the gas valve, the second step is to open the doors and windows, and the third step is to escape!

Soon the first step was completed. Under my scolding, the wheel reluctantly left the kitchen, and then I hurriedly knocked on Pan Mei's door, and then the four of us fled to the outside after opening all the windows in the room.

"What's wrong with this? What's wrong?" The thin man and the wheel still don't understand why they have to go out to bask in the sun at noon.

"Who asked you to move the main valve?" I kicked on the buttocks of the wheel, and it was not until then that the wheel seemed to understand that all this was caused by him moving the valve.

"I won't catch fire. Don't I see that you used to move that valve often?" The wheel still looks very reasonable. I wanted to kick him again, but the boy dodged, so I said angrily, "I'm closing the valve. Next time you don't understand, you will ask where your good questioning energy has gone? Who let you innovate and try yourself? Do you know, if I hadn't stopped it in time, we would have died now. !" I criticized for five minutes in a row, and the wheel finally admitted my mistake.

"Write me a check, a profound check, at least 2,000 words!" I immediately used the teacher's punishment skills on the wheel when I was in primary school.

When the gas odor in the room almost dissipated, we ran in, and then my son carefully told them how to use the gas stove in detail. For the sake of safety, I asked each of them to repeat it twice.

"Do you remember it?" I asked.

"Remember!" Qu Qianzi, Wheel and Pan Mei replied with one voice.

When the atmosphere in the room became harmonious again, I suddenly became a little sleepy, so I squinted and lay on the sofa. The wheels were cooking medicine for myself in the kitchen. Qu Shouzi began to open a video with a woman again, and Pan Mei returned to her room.

Ten minutes later, I seemed to have fallen asleep, and suddenly there were three rhythmic knocks on the door.