The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 122: Do you want to serve

"Beauty, they want to open the window. Can you help me?" Gao Lishi looked at the stunned stewardess and said solemnly.

The stewardess had come back at this time. He looked at the people in front of him carefully with a very strange look, and then suppressed his anger and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, we can't meet your request..."

Hearing the stewardess's words, Gao Lishi suddenly couldn't stand it. Coupled with the laughter of other passengers at this time, Gao Lishi actually pointed to the stewardess and said angrily, "You, you discriminate against us, I, and I have no end with you!" Saying that, Gao Lishi actually cried. At this time, I was also confused by Gao Lishi. I thought about you, in front of such a beautiful stewardess, are you such a scoundrel?

"Open the window!" Fan Yu still didn't forget the business, and he began to roar again. Until this time, Qi Han and I couldn't sit still. Qi Han glanced at me and began to lean against other stewardesses. How can I fall behind in front of such a beautiful woman? I, a dog ate shit and attracted the attention of beautiful women, and then pointed to them and said, "Beauty, they have just been released. Don't follow them. General experience!"

The beautiful stewardess probably regarded me as the dean of these mental patients. She looked at me with a garbage look and said angrly, "Look, you are with them, hum!" In the end, the stewardess has treated us as hooligans.

At this time, Qi Han had calmed the mood of Fan Yu and others. As for what method Qi Han used, I don't know. Anyway, they no longer shouted anymore. I saw the opportunity to pick up girls, and then took the opportunity to hold the stewardess's little arm and whispered, "Do you see? The old one is the dean. I'm their bodyguard. But let's talk over there!"

When the stewardess saw that there was a step down, she hurriedly flashed, and I made a colorful expression on Qi Han, and then came to the rest cabin with the stewardess beauty under the eyes of everyone.

At this time, the plane had taken off. The stewardess in front of me was obviously a little tired. As soon as she was about to sit down, she found me, only heard her scream, and then said, "Why are you here? Will you be invisible?"

I think that this stewardess probably watches too many science fiction movies, and she can even think of the word stealth.

"How do you know that I will be invisible? Do you want to learn? Thirty cents a piece, fifty cents two paragraphs?" By this time, my expression was completely a hooligan.

"Sir, please be respectful. If you don't go back, I will call someone?" The stewardess said and took out the walkie-talkie.

I was afraid that things would get big, so I hurriedly changed my face and began to ask, "What, where is this toilet? Why can't I find it after looking for a long time?"

When the stewardess saw that I was very interested, she told me where the toilet should be. When I returned to everyone in dismay, Gao Lishi smiled and said to me, "Third brother, has that girl got it? Don't you look like that?"

Because I was angry, coupled with such a very ironic words of Gao Lishi, I was anxious on the spot, picked up a fashion miscellaneous book and smashed it according to Gao Lishi's head!

I smashed it very accurately and really hurt Gao Lishi.

In less than 40 minutes, we have flown from Zhangjiakou to the capital. Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying kept complaining that they should get off before they had enough to get on the plane.

With the comfort of me and Qi Han, our party soon arrived at the club.

The owner of the club seems to be an old friend of Qi Han. When they met, they first put us all aside, and it took a long time to remember the existence of our air.

"You are all your own people. At first glance, you are all different. Oh, by the way, this is domineering. I think you will definitely win the prize. Believe me, my old pig's eyes are never wrong!"

The club owner, who claimed to be an old pig, left with Qi Han after saying a few words to all of us.

Qi Han smiled at me, meaning that it was difficult to refuse, and these people were temporarily handed over to you for management.

I had to nod and agree, and scolded this immortal in my heart. It's not a fucking thing. What's the good thing? You call me!

At this time, Sima Yi came to me and said with a bad smile, "Third brother, your capital is really good. If we hadn't gone out for a walk, we would have some fun!"

I have seen his meaning from Sima Yi's eyes. I smiled and just wanted to speak, and then there was a sudden change of 390 on my face and said angrily, "Sima Yi, don't think it's your flowery intestines. I don't know. I tell you that there is no way. I can't stand it. Solve it by yourself!"

When I drank like this, Guo Yan and Dong Zhuo began to laugh. I could see clearly that Mu Guiying and Mulan beside them were also laughing secretly?

I quickly understood the structure of the whole club under the guidance of the map, and then I took them to familiarize myself with the whole club.

This club is simply too big, at least seven or eight football stadiums, and the facilities inside are all high-end goods. It seems that they are all fucking imported, not even domestic ones. I can't support domestic products!

From the billiards hall to the swimming pool, to the runway, the racetrack and so on, it took more than three hours to see the main places in the club. His mother's place is too luxurious, like his mother's paradise on earth. I wish I were here every day in the future. Oh, no, I have to be in the swimming pool every day. Well, grandma, how beautiful the scenery there is, but it's a pity that I'm a dry duck, or...

The more I think about it, the more I envy the life of rich people. At present, no matter what, I will make money!

At night, all of us lived in private rooms. As soon as I turned on the air conditioner and lay down, there was a knock on the door, which made me angry.

I revealed that the door hole turned out to be the old man Sima Yi, and his expression seemed to be very flustered. It seemed that he should have been frightened.

I didn't have a good impression of this boy, but since the old fox Qi Han gave them to me, I opened the door as soon as I gritted my teeth.

"Third brother, there are monsters, monsters!" Sima Yi hugged me like a ghost. I struggled desperately, but failed.

Finally, I still remembered the way to deal with the thin man, and Rao's Sima Yi's armpit was relieved.

"FUCK, you're not gay, are you?" I said angrily.

"Monster!" Sima Yi pointed to his room and said, I thought what could make him panic with Sima Yi's knowledge, and call him a monster repeatedly?

I was about to go to Sima Yi's room to have a look. Suddenly, a black man appeared in front of me. The black man was 1.8 meters in weight and looked like Fan Yu. The key was that she was still a woman.

"Excuse me, do you want service?" The black man stared at me and said to Sima Yi in a disgusting Chinese language.

I've seen a black man, but I've never seen such a black man. If she doesn't wear clothes and close her mouth, she will definitely be an invisible person at night. Damn it, no wonder Sima Yi has been calling him a monster. This woman's body has to be up to three Sima Yi. Oh, no, it must be at least four!


The fate of the last emperor of China is for interested book lovers to read!

In world history, China is the country with the largest number of dynasties and the most frequent replacement. Therefore, the last emperor also had a long series.

China's feudal society is the longest. Because of its long length, it can be called "special superstability" in a sense. However, this "super stability" is accompanied by internal chaos and turmoil, and the overthrow of each other has always been continuous. On the one hand, it is "stability" and on the other hand, it is "frequency chaos", and there are vicious changes from time to time, which is really a matter of thought.

The "king" or "emperor" of each dynasty has a little ability or performance at the beginning. When it comes to the "king" or "emperor" of the last generation, they become such a poor person. When they die, they will not feel anything and can't find a rational reason. This requires future generations to think about it for them. Of course, their behavior is limited to Chinese history.

Xia Qi

In a sense, the Qiying of the Xia Dynasty was the first king in Chinese history. His father, Yu, was meritorious in water control, but was only elected as an irregular leader by the tribe. Only when it came to his son Qi that he established the name of the country "Xia" and was a blood-bearing king. At the beginning, Xia Qi also imitated his father's hard and simple style, eating coarse food, lying on wormtails, respecting the old and loving the young, and made many achievements in the war. But later, he was dominated by the "power inertia" and enjoyed it. He especially liked hunting and drinking, and soon died. His eldest son Taikang, who was more corrupt than his father, was driven away by Hou Yi, the leader of the Yi clan, and set Taikang's brother Zhongkang as a puppet king, who soon died of illness. And the powerful Houyi was also a corrupt person. He was drunk and killed because he was infatuated with drinking, hunting and ignored political affairs. This kind of people are not good at a good end and are worth studying.

Xia Jie

Xia Qi is useless, but after all, the Xia Dynasty lasted for about 500 years. Such a thing seems strange, but there is a reason for thinking about it. You can only meditate after reading Chinese history.

Xia Yu's fourteenth grandson is named Xia Jie. This person is a complete bastard. It can be seen from one thing: in order to build a palace with jade as the main building, he covers an area of ten miles and ten feet high, which takes seven years. So mediocre, so peaceful!

The name of the leader given to Shangdi by Xia Yu is Qi, and the grandson of the 14th generation is called Tang, who is quite virtuous. He was thrown into prison by Xia Jie, but later escaped, which naturally destroyed Jie. Jie only led his sister-in-law to be happy, and finally starved to death in Nanchao Mountain in Anhui Province.


Shang Tang has done a lot. After all, it is only a personal behavior. The 30th king of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou of Shang (also known as Di Xin), was very ridiculous.

Zu was a great man in his youth. He is not only strong and beautiful, but also quite meritorious. In particular, the attack on Dongyi and the development of Southeast China have made extraordinary contributions. But this person's later behavior is familiar to everyone. In addition to drowning in wine and color, he also invented torture such as heart section, liver digging and cannon branding. Finally, he put on his "baoyu clothes" and ate and burned himself on the deer stage. Why did a "king" who once made great achievements in his youth end up with such a "dead home"? I don't think you should just think about chance, but find the reason from the necessity.

King Zhou's

The Zhou Dynasty (including the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty) was the longest-lived dynasty in Chinese history, lasting 800 years. King Wen and King Wu, who started the country, did do extraordinary things, but in the last generation, King Zhou, became poor. He has jurisdiction only 30 or 40 cities and more than 30,000 people. The powerful Qin attacked, and the 59-year-old king of Zhou still wanted to fight with his "power of the Son of Heaven". After collecting five or six thousand people, he borrowed money from many rich families to use as military pay and wrote down documents. As a result, the thousands of mob he gathered collapsed as soon as they met the Qin army. The rich gathered at the palace gate to make a fuss and ask for the loan. King Zhou did not dare to see anyone and trembled on a high platform behind the palace. Later, people called the platform a "debt shelter". There was nothing he could do, so King Zhou had to surrender to Qin. Within a month, the poor man died.

Qin II

Officially called himself the "Emperor" is the Qin Dynasty. The word "begin" of the First Emperor of Qin has the meaning of "starting with me and inheriting for ten thousand years". Unfortunately, it was overthrown only 15 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Hu Hai, the second son of the First Emperor of Qin, became emperor under the mercy of the eunuch Zhao Gao and killed his brother Fu Su. Subsequently, Zhao Gao sent his confidant to kill Hu Hai and pretended to appoint Hu Hai's nephew Ying as emperor. However, Zhao Gao found Ziying's tameness and sent someone to deceive him into the palace to kill him.

Qin Shihuang was admired as a first-class politician by some later people who preferred this person, but this person not only became emperor soon, but also died two sons and one grandson. Zhao Gao, the director of this tragedy, turned out to be a "nine-rate" character. It seems that in addition to the "personal will" of the emperor, there are historical times beyond "man-made wishes" at work.

Han Xiandi

replaced Qin and established Han, which lasted for nearly 430 years, which was not easy. In the middle, there is a lot of chaos. In addition to two foreign relatives (headed by Queen Lv, Liang Ji and He Jin) in power, Wang Mang usurped the government and manipulated by eunuchs, there were also a large number of emperors who died in his teens. However, it was Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty who eventually became the last emperor of the Han Dynasty and endured a handful of snot and tears.

When he arrived at the time of Emperor Xian of Han, he was no longer the majestic appearance of Liu Bang, who sang "Song of the Wind", but the soft egg of various social forces. It seems that anyone's dream of emperor (especially the dream of eternal prosperity made by Qin Shihuang, Han Gaozu, etc.) will eventually be beautiful. Dreams evolve into nightmares, and they must end with the tragedy of the last generation.

descendants of Cao Cao

Cao Cao is an extremely smart man. His power is still to be the emperor privately when he can "hold the emperor to make the princes". But his son Cao Pi couldn't wait and forced Emperor Xian of Han to give up his throne and become emperor. But what is the final result? Wei survived only 45 years. Since Cao Pi, Cao Rui and Cao Fang, as successors, are incompetent, and their power has long fallen on the Sima clan. After Cao Fang was abolished, his heir Cao Mao was a "two-five". In addition to writing a Qianlong Poem that could only give people a handle, he also faintly took hundreds of soldiers to attack Sima Zhao. As a result, he could only be killed. Cao Huan, the puppet replaced, is actually just a living dead body. Cao's literary and martial arts talent, "Wei Wu waved the whip, and there is a legacy in the east of Jieshi". How majestic! But the descendants are unworthy and have great inevitability!

"Queen" Liu Chan

"The Queen" is an unlucky word, which is often synonymous with the king of the dead kingdom, and it is also quite poor in virtue and intelligence. In history, Liu Chan, Queen Liu, Chen Shubao, Queen Chen, Li Yu and Li Queen Li, although they are all mediocre, some of them still have some "elegant interest" in literature and art. Only Liu Chan, who is almost powerless, is a complete fool, stupid and playboy. After the subjugation of the country, he was given a happy father-in-law, but there was no great worry. Thinking of his father Liu Bei and a group of capable people such as the "Five Tigers*", especially Zhuge Liang's entrepreneurial achievements, which were eventually defeated in the hands of such an unworthy evil man, the real wise man should be "necessarily". One of the historical laws of "father to son, family and the world" is that one generation is not as good as one generation. No matter what kind of capable person wants to "break through" the law, the harder he will work, the closer he will be to sadness.

After Sima

There is a strange phenomenon in Chinese history. Many dynasties flourished in the west and north and died in the east and south. Whether the Western Zhou Dynasty becomes the Eastern Zhou Dynasty or the Northern Song Dynasty becomes the Southern Song Dynasty, it is an ominous omen. Jin is no exception. The Sima family usurped Wei Jianjin, that is, the Western Jin Dynasty, and also had a glorious life. As soon as he fled to the south and called it the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he gradually approached the end. Although there are cultural embellishment of literati such as the "Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest" and Tao Qian, and the political repair of ancestral invitations, Tao Kan and others, the high and low can't escape the end of the Jin regime. Sima Dewen, the last emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, collapsed after only two years as emperor. A person was finished as an emperor after only two years, and became the king of the dead country. Sima Yi and his sons Sima Shi and Sima Zhao were under the nine springs. Once they recalled the atmosphere when they usurped Wei, I don't know how they felt? Together, only 1355, the two Jins should also be among the short-lived.

"Queen" Chen Shubao

In the Chen Dynasty of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Chen Shubao, the king of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, jumped into the well with his concubines when he was destroyed by the Sui army. Later generations called the well the "carmine well", so it is not difficult to come up with Chen Shubao's wasteful life.

This man was lucky enough to ascend the throne in the mutual killing between his brothers, and he was very mediocre after becoming emperor. However, in addition to being very superstitious and addicted to wine and sex, there is also a little literary talent. It is said that the dance music "Spring River Flower Moon Night" was composed and directed by him (the poem was written by later generations).

Like the subjugated king, jumping into the well is inevitable and the best destination. After all, it seems a little "courage" compared with Li Yu, who was a prisoner of another queen, who was still making a show of poetry.

He was a period at the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. However, it is not uncommon for "after lord" to be an unlucky term.

Sei Yangdi

Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of Sui, who ended the chaos of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, is definitely a high-grade politician and has a certain position in world history. The Sui Law he formulated, especially the rule of strictly governing the royal family and treating the people leniently, is very popular. But the saddest thing is that his son Yang Guang did the father-sold thing.

Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of Sui, is not a fool. He did have made war achievements before he became emperor, and his poetry is also well written. But once he became an emperor, just like many emperors of the same kind, he took it for granted that he was barren. Moreover, you should continue to do bad things even if you know that there will be no good end. One time when he looked in the mirror, he pointed to his head and said, "I don't know who should cut such a good head and neck?"

He was hanged.

Emperor Wen of Sui was so wise, but died at the hands of his son; Emperor Yang of Sui had done something when he was young, but when he became emperor, he was full of evil and lived for a short time. At the root, it only originated from the word "imperial system".

The division of "Tang Dynasty"

Li Shimin (i.e. Tang Taizong) was a hero, but after 279 years. Twenty emperors were born, and Zhu Huang (also known as Zhu Wen and Zhu Quanzhong) drove down the last emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Zhaoxuan, and then poisoned him with alcohol. The name of the country is Liang.

When Zhu Huang was still named Zhu Quanzhong, he was addicted to killing. When he forced Tang Zhaozong to move the capital to Luoyang, all 200 followers of Lu * Zhaozong were killed. Later, Zhaozong was killed. In order to deceive people, he pretended to set up the 13-year-old Tang prince Lizuo as emperor, that is, Emperor Zhaoxuan. Zhu Quanzhong kills people almost every day, killing dozens of people with a smile by taking a banquet or telling a joke.

Emperor Zhaoxuan was forced to give up the throne to him. He demoted Emperor Zhaoxuan to the King of Jiyin, sent people to poison him, and called him "Emperor Ai".

Tang Taizong's achievements are still praised by the world (especially literati), but the fate of his descendants is tantamount to irony.

Shi's "children and grandchildren"

In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, there are too many emperors to be killed. But the most humble one was Shi Jingxuan of the Later Jin Dynasty, who later became known as the "Emperor of the Son".

Shi Jingzhen was by no means a fool when he was young. He had good courage and talent, and had done a lot of beautiful things. But later, just to be the emperor, he did not hesitate to cede the sixty-six states of "Yan" to Yelu Deguang, the king of Khitan. Moreover, he called Yelu Deguang "father" who was 11 years older than him. After his death, his nephew Shi Chonggui succeeded to the throne and continued to be the "Sun Emperor". But how can the winner allow the independent existence of the loser and the stealth! Qifan took Shi Chonggui away, suffered all the humiliation, and lived 18 years before he died.

There are quite a lot of Chinese emperors who are very addicted to emperors. As long as they are given emperors, they are willing to do anything. Therefore, when we talk about the pity of the last emperor, we should also think of its shame and abominable.

"Queen" Li Yu

Li Yu's words are very beautiful, and his father Li Jing also likes to write words. But in politics, it's really terrible. The Southern Tang Dynasty, which he ruled, even when Song Jianguo forced him to a corner of the south of the Yangtze River, still lived for more than ten years and indulged in the sound. Later, when the Song army captured Jinling, he surrendered obediently. After being taken to Bianjing, one of the ways to relax is to write words. More than half of them are to remember the dream of pleasure in the past, and there is no lack of taking this opportunity to make a show and seek favor from the "new Lord". Later, he was poisoned by Song Taizong. As an emperor, it is a good thing to write a little literary work and show off when you are free, but it is double the tragedy that you have made the country subjugated for "Ya" and even when you die. Among all the subjugated kings, Li Yu is particularly pitiful.

Hui, Qin as a slave

Among a large number of humble emperors in history, the father and son of Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song were the most humble. They not only lost their throne, but also made slaves to both the Jin people.

Song Huizong said that he was not qualified to be an emperor, and he was not even qualified to be a father. When Jin Jun came to kill him, he was scared first. After pretending to write the "Edict of Sin", he pushed his son to become emperor and became the emperor himself. And his son Song Qinzong was a coward like his father and fled to the south on the pretext of "burning incense".

After demanding a large amount of supplies from the Song Dynasty, the Jin army also asked to send Qinzong to the Jin camp, and then detained Song Qinzong. A few days later, Emperor Taizong simply abolished the two father and son emperors, and took away more than 3,000 royal families and handicraft craftsmen, and escorted them to the Kingdom of Jin as slaves. Only Zhao Gu, one son of Song Huizong, is Song Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty. If Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin knew underground, he would definitely be angry when he thought of such children and grandchildren.

The last descendants of Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan, whose original name is Tiemuzhen, conquered many places with Mongolian barbaric iron cavalry and became the "Yuan Taizu". In the 140 years after his death, 14 generations of emperors passed down, an average of one in ten years. The last emperor, Emperor Yuanshun, eventually became a homeless dog.

Regarding Genghis Khan's "heroic performance", it is frequently touted by the official history and the wild history, but like any established historical law, his descendants are doomed to degenerate into lowly. The last emperor, Emperor Yuanshun, was already dizzy. When Zhu Yuanzhang led the army to fight, he was still living a wild life. Someone signaled him to abdicate and let the prince take power, so he killed the man. When Zhu Yuanzhang's army really came, he had no other ability but to escape.

The Yuan Dynasty entered the Central Plains with the strength of riding and shooting, ending with the bereaved dog-like escape. There are great rules in this. This law at least includes: the imperial power will never last long.

The Death of the Late Ming Dynasty

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, people only remembered that Emperor Chongzhen killed his concubine and killed his daughter and committed suicide, thinking that he was the last king of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, after his death, there was a small court that fled to the south of the Yangtze River. Zhu Youshang, the grandson of Emperor Wanli, who was the emperor there, was named "Fu Wang". There are 500,000 troops, and there are Shi Kefa, Zuo Liangyu and other heroes, but this Fuwang not only spoils Ma Shiying and other treacherous hushives, but also continues to be content to eat, drink and play. Once, he asked the literati to write a couplet in his court, and the one who chose was this pair: "It's better to have a cup in hand, and life is at the beginning of a few months." Despite Shi Ke's martyrdom against the Qing Dynasty, King Fu still did not forget to find a group of children of Liyuan to drink and sing with him for fun. As soon as the Qing army arrived, he ran away first. The treacherous minister Ma Shiying surrendered. Both of them were killed by the Qing army. They deserved it!

Hong Xiuquan

Nurhachi, who replaced the Ming Dynasty and created the foundation, is absolutely heroic, but it is impossible to last too long. In the frequent turmoil and all kinds of true and false "prosperity", Hong Xiuquan, who borrowed the consciousness of "Western religion", appeared, which greatly shook the Qing government. However, the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" created by Hong Xiuquan is quite attractive in name. In fact, it is still a feudal trick in his bones. The corruption between Hong Xiuquan and the Hong family, as well as the competrated factions, are sensational. Such a regime is destined to be short-lived, and it must be complemented by blood and infatuation with all kinds of superstitions.

The Western consciousness borrowed by the Hong regime not only did not promote social progress, but also reversed history for 200 years.

As long as the feudal attributes with the family system as the basic feature are not removed, any "new" regime will go from decay to extinction.


The reason why I did not call Puyi the last emperor, but Guangxu the last emperor was that the Qing Dynasty really fell to the point of death, which was based on Guangxu.

The tragedy of Emperor Guangxu is diverse. He fantasized about the change of law. On the one hand, he hoped that the change would be limited to the "top change", while on the other hand, he was superstitious about the accidental actions of individual officials. However, some officials like Yuan Shikai betrayed him and died in prison.

It is meaningless to come up with a very excellent idea for Guangxu. The Qing Dynasty, which lasted for 300 years, was old and decadent. It had no ability to rely on self-renewal and had to rely on external forces to transform.

Guangxu's tragedy is not a personal tragedy, but a Chinese tragedy. If the feudal system is not overthrown or the feudal tradition is eliminated, the tragedy will be repeated forever.

Yuan Shikai

It seems inappropriate to call Yuan Shikai the last emperor, thinking that he was an exception after the fall of the Qing Dynasty. However, Yuan Shikai did call himself emperor, and the country's name is Hong Xian. Although he has only been emperor for eighty days, his corrupt nature is no different from the 300-year-old Qing Dynasty. After the establishment of the republic, he actually had to restore the imperial system, just because of the feudal tradition. When his cronies tentatively asked him if he intended to be emperor, he once said "clearly": "I don't even want to be president, and I don't want to be emperor!" He also said, "There is no good end to being an emperor in history!" But the emperor's addiction still made him dizzy. After being the emperor for more than 80 days, he was doomed all of a sudden. It seems that China's feudal inertia is very strong, although it is not easy to die. "Imperial addiction" is one of China's major addictions, but it is not known that such "success" will be at the cost of a large number of tragic tragedies!

The above-mentioned last emperor is only a few examples. If the last "monarchs" of various periods and dynasties are counted, there are more than a thousand! From such history, no emperor realized because of his feelings and withdrew from such a historical mud pond because of enlightenment. Therefore, real awareness and completely saying goodbye to the infatuation with "emperor addiction" based on enlightenment can only be the business of modern people. In a sense, one of the many signs of China's democratic consciousness and renewal of human nature includes the contempt of the emperor's dignity. Unfortunately, we are still quite far from this awareness, which should be face to face and think about.

China's feudal society was too long, and it simultaneously formed feudal consciousness and the special stubbornness of feudal legality and feudal accumulation. Needless to say, such malignant energy is still subtly continuing.

When it comes to the "family standard", although we don't have to excessively deny the economic "family-based" phenomenon, we must pay special attention to and disgust with the political "family-based" phenomenon and try to defeat it. In an advanced society and era, if even family-style official vines, officials and officials are unable to eliminate, and even attract the envy and pursuit of many people, it is difficult to receive strong anti-corruption effects without any good anti-corruption ideas or romantic expressions. Therefore, it is meaningful to dig up the feudal ancestral graves.