The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 125: Olympic Games without opening ceremony

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When Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying came to me, Hua Mulan sighed, then patted me on the shoulder and left, while Mu Guiying looked me up and down, and finally left in agony!

Since I have chosen not to explain, there is no need to explain. You can think whatever you like!

The lower training is swimming and track and field. Now it's my turn to get angry. When swimming, I tried my best to suppress myself for fear of provoking them, and then they pushed me into the pool, so that I would be big. But as soon as I got to the runway, I first read the track and field requirements on Baidu on my mobile phone, and then began to wait for the second guy to be my angry partner!

During the whole race, the wheel can be said to be a highlight. Although he is not tall, his speed is surprisingly fast, and he is ahead of Yan Liangwenchou, Lv Bu and others!

It seems that you can run as fast as your short legs! I thought to myself, and then I saw that Qi Han, the old fox, also began to give a thumbs up.

"Brother Qi, should your bones also run away? Look at other people's wheels, that physique, that body, just like a brick, it's okay no matter how you fall!" I am very proud to say.

"Three brothers, why don't you try it yourself!" When I heard Qi Han's words, I immediately rolled my eyes. I thought you thought I was stupid. In this summer's running, I must be full, or I'm sick!

"Oh, I didn't see that a small man can run so fast!" Yan Liangwen and Chou said in one voice.

"I didn't see it, I told you two that the key to this running is explosive power, and this explosive power has nothing to do with the figure, so don't look down on the little man in the future. Dong Cunrui is not tall, but he can lift the bomb bag at the critical time!" As soon as I said this, I suddenly realized a common sense problem, because these people don't know who Dong Cunrui is?

"Third brother, who is Dong Cunrui?" Mulan actually touched her head and asked.

I explained two sentences speechlessly, and then hurriedly changed the topic. The whole training only lasted more than a week, and then announced the end!

"Gentlemen, we should go to the field tomorrow. Everyone is arguing. What are we talking about? We can't lose to those foreigners!" I said angrily. After laughing a few times, Qi Han also congratulated him: "Yes, think about how you are all elites of our Chinese nation. How can you lose to those barbarians? I can tell you that these people don't have a good bird. You must cut them hard tomorrow and let them know. How awesome we Chinese are!"

Qi Han's words were obviously more appealing than mine, and those individuals cheered one after another.

The wheel was the first to say, "Oh, it's not like this. Anyway, this barbarian is also good, except for me!"

"Oc's it, little man, you can also run. Everything else is bullshit!" Lv Bu said arrogantly, I want to scold my people, you are really enough.

If it hadn't been for your big and skills, I would have made you a vegetable with bricks!

"What's wrong with the little man? Didn't the third brother say that Rui can blow up the bag? Wheel, I'll support you!" Fan Yu, a big man, stood on the side of the wheel!

Then everyone began to quarrel. Qi Han and I looked at each other and suddenly understood each other's meaning!

Unity is the absolute truth. If they are not united yet, it's hard to say tomorrow's game. If it doesn't work well, it will make others take advantage of loopholes!

It took a lot of time for me to persuade this old man Qi Han to persuade them for the time being. I said in my heart that I hope nothing will go wrong tomorrow!

It is true that money can make ghosts grind. Just as the Olympic Games were about to be held in London, we also began to hold the Olympic Games. Although it is a copycat, there are still many spectators because the tickets are cheap. Coupled with the selection of the competition venue in the Bird's Nest, coupled with the early publicity, this news has long been blown up in major media.

Even Pan Mei and Lin Wanqiu called me, saying that they must not lose their weight to the Chinese. They will cheer for us in front of the TV!

The game starts at 9 a.m., and the time to enter the field is 7:30. Qi Han and I are like kindergarten teachers, afraid that they will make trouble when they enter the field. After all, they are not ordinary people, and anything can happen!

Fortunately, there was no accident during the entrance process. Qi Han and I spit out our tongues with each other, which was a blessing!

But when they saw a large group of black players, they were shocked. They all looked at them as if they were looking at monsters, and even Lv Bu showed a look of surprise. I thought to myself, haven't you been harassed by black women before? How can you become cowardices?

"Alas, I said what are you afraid of? You are also carrying a head on your shoulders. Look at your like that!" I'm very good at counting them!

Hua Mulan swallowed and said, "Third brother, you don't know that we have seen them on the screen before. Who knows that they are really so black when we see the real person? We all thought they were dyed color!"

Mulan's words make me laugh or cry! I thought, what's the matter!

As soon as I discussed with Qi Han, I asked Qi Han to go to catch the lot. Because this first game was wrestling, we planned to let Fan Yu go with Lv Bu. Later, Dong Zhuo quit as soon as he heard it and insisted that he wanted to do it. He had no choice but to agree in the end!

Qi Han was lucky enough to catch No. 7, which means that we were the seventh game, and the opponent was a South Korean team. I discussed with Qi Han that as long as it is not Japan, it will be successful. After all, they are all masters of sumo, and that guy is not a joke!

In the first six games, I kept commenting with Qi Han and saying what was going on, but in fact, in hindsight, it seemed that nothing useful was said!

"Next is the seventh game, please invite the Chinese history team against the South Korean handsome men's team!"

The Chinese history team is named according to everyone's will. Although the wheel has always opposed it, it has not played a role.

Because the rule of this wrestling match is to win two games in three games, and we have three players. In other words, we need to play up to nine games and at least six games.

The first person to play in the South Korean handsome men's team is a big fat man. I doubt that he dares to call such a handsome man. He is simply a melon, and he is also a fat melon!

"Three brothers, who will go first? It seems that the other party is not easy to deal with?" Qi Han obviously had no idea, and the sweat on his face also fell down!

I just wanted to say that I didn't know, but suddenly a person flashed in my mind - Tian Ji. When I told Qi Han what I thought, he immediately stretched out his thumb to me and muttered, "Oh, it seems that college students' brains are easy to use. What a wonderful plan!"

So Dong Zhuo's little fat man was sent up smoothly. Although Dong Zhuo was also a little worried, he thought of what he had just said, so he reluctantly came on the stage!

With the sound of a whistle, the wrestling of the two fat men began. Although Dong Zhuo practiced wrestling for a few days, because he was like a child's play at that time, now his weakness is revealed as soon as he meets the powerful faction!

"I'm a grass, how can it be more disgusting!" I have reached the point where I can't insist on watching it any more. I guess Dong Zhuo probably lifted himself up. He really thought he was thinking about the time. I guess he was afraid that his men would let him go at that time, otherwise Dong Zhuo would not have lost so much today!

In the first game, Dong Zhuo lost without any suspense, and kept up with him.

During the break, Han Xin seemed to see Yi Fang's weakness and said to Dong Zhuo in a very strange tone, "Brother Dong, sneaked him from behind, and then strangled him like a crab until the boy's body softened!" At first, I didn't pay much attention to Han Xin's words, but what happened later proved that I was wrong!

Although Dong Zhuo was still attacked at the beginning of the second game, when the big fat man reached out to catch him, Dong Zhuo first shorted his body, and then jumped behind the big fat man.

I only saw him jump, and then his hands stuck to the big fat man's neck like a magnet. Because it was a copycat competition, this rule was also very imperfect!

Dong Zhuo pulled the fat man's neck. The fat man still resisted at first, but because he was too fat, and Dong Zhuo used all his milking energy, so in less than two minutes, the big fat man spread out on the ground because of suffocation!

It turned out that Han Xin's idea was good. Dong Zhuo won in the second game. Although he won a little, no matter what, he won, as long as he won!

Deal with your own enemies, no matter what method you use!

In the third game, the big fat man seemed to keep Dong Zhuo's hand. Although he was not very sensitive, as long as Dong Zhuo was caught by him, he would not escape!

I don't know whether Dong Zhuo was beaten by chicken blood or something. I only saw that he was picked up seven or eight times like a chicken, but he was still insisting. Is it possible that he is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity like just now!

It turned out that this time, he was not very lucky. Although he lost, it sounded a wake-up call to all of us, that is, don't underestimate your opponent!

Then Fan Wei came on the stage. Fan Wei's size was similar to his opponent, and he was surprisingly strong. In addition, Fan Wei was born from killing dogs. That move was really unexpected by everyone, but the applause continued from beginning to end!