The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 151: Skinny Monkey

People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. This principle is so right. Until now, I have really realized that Yaya, now, the overlords can be said to have a great reputation. I guess if he opens Weibo, the fans will definitely exceed 100 million. Please take a good look. I don't exaggerate or praise at all. Zhang!

The day's game was finally over. Although they were very excited on the stage, I always felt something was wrong under the stage. Not to mention that there were countless pairs of eyes looking at me, and I always felt as if I was being watched.

When I returned to the hotel in fear, sitting on the sofa in the room, my trembling heart calmed down a little. Grandma, it seems that I should really practice my psychology, otherwise I will do bad things in the future, then I can't pretend to the end!

I was enjoying the video of ** when I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I shouted, "The door is not locked. Enter!" Although I said so, I didn't turn off the video, because I knew that if it was Mulan and Mu Guiying, they would definitely knock on the door heavily and even grab the door directly!

Sure enough, it didn't surprise me. A thin monkey in his thirties came in. He was called a thin monkey, just like chopsticks. I even suspected that he was three points thinner than Qu Thin Man!

"Brother, did you go to the wrong door?" I said with some amusement, but the thin monkey still has a serious face. As for the origin of this thin monkey, I am not afraid at all. As long as I roar, the escort next door will appear in front of me in less than three seconds. Thinking about this, there are a trace of unfriendly eyes in my eyes!

The thin monkey looked at the object in the room, and then turned around and gently closed the door. I couldn't help but be afraid. I thought that this girl would not be a killer. Just as I was about to shout for help, the thin monkey had come to me. To be precise, it came to me. The two of us stood face to face. Together, my two eyes stared at his two eyes, and likewise, he stared at me with his eagle-like eyes!

The pores on this thin monkey's face are too big. I wonder if you can't apply some cosmetics. This is too disgusting. And that beard, can't you shave it?

I stared at the thin monkey and couldn't help putting my hand on his head.

The thin monkey was stunned by my behavior. I smiled and said, "You have bugs on your head!"

When I was sure that this thin monkey had no malice, he said his purpose: "Zhang Peng, talk about it!"

"What do you have to say? Besides, are we familiar with it? I'm not used to talking to strangers. You'd better go out quickly, or you'll be in trouble when my friend comes!" I said angrily, but the thin monkey was not afraid at all, and what I couldn't tolerate most was that there was a trace of disdain and ridicule between his eyebrows, as if I were a small ant in front of him, no, not even as good as an ant!

"Skinny monkey, what on earth do you want to do?" In fact, I have quietly called the overlord at this time. I believe that as long as the overlord answer the phone, he will definitely come as soon as possible.

I looked at this thin monkey and thought that I didn't know if it would be enough for the overlord to punch him in a while. If he hit him to the North Pole with one punch, it would save him the plane fare. However, if the overlord presses him under his body, it must be the most beautiful scene in history!

When I thought of this, I couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? I'm talking to you about a very serious issue? I hope you respect my work, otherwise if I lose my patience, you will be in trouble!" The thin monkey said to me very serious. The action of his eyes was like a creator. I was completely angered by his disgusting action. I thought, you are the old man. It's enough if I didn't kill you!

When my overlord comes, do you think you have a chance to escape...

"Little, I can warn you that the third brother has always been very kind, but if you don't disappear in front of my eyes within three seconds, don't blame me for being rude!" At this time, I'm ready to call Brother Bawang.

"Joke, what a big joke. There are really funny people like you in the world. It's really ridiculous!" Listening to the words of the thin monkey, I suddenly got angry. It seems that I have to let you taste my strength today, otherwise you don't know that the third master has six eyes!

Thinking about this, I howled like the old sow of **, but strangely, there was no reaction in the corridor. At this moment, I couldn't help but have a bad feeling. I said to myself, won't this thin monkey get rid of them all?

Although this possibility is extremely small, almost zero, I still have an ominous feeling, and this feeling is getting heavier and heavier, just like the top of Mount Tai!

"Third master, shout, louder, louder, and see if someone is talking to you?" The thin monkey stared at me with a straight face. His expression was like a snake with long feet. How perverted he was. I couldn't stand it anymore, but I really didn't dare to fight with him without foreign aid. Although he was very thin, it was like a chopstick!

"Skinny monkey, who the hell are you and what do you want to do?" I stared at him, but the thin monkey pretended to be with me now. He snorted coldly, took the notebook away from my hand, and then enjoyed the ** drama.

"Not bad, does it taste good? It seems that I have fallen behind. I really should learn from you!" The thin monkey looked at a man and a woman on the screen and was immediately over happy. Seeing this scene, I was really a little stupid. I said that you didn't come to me just to watch porn. This seems to be too unlogic!

My heart is full of countless doubts at this time. This girl is not a psychopath, it must be, otherwise how can it be so strange?

"Third Master, you seem to be scolding me?" The thin monkey's eyes flashed and his eyes fell on me. I was really shocked by his stare!

However, although I was a little scared, I was not at the point of peeing my pants. I smiled and pretended to be calm and said, "Yes, I just scold you. I'm in a hurry. Do you still want to do it? You don't come to see Mr. Cang, do you? If you don't talk about business, I'll excuse me!" With that, I walked out of the door, and it was not until then that I found myself involved with a person I shouldn't have provoked!

I don't know when this thin monkey flashed in front of me, which really scared me. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have hit him!

"FUCK, a good dog is not in the way. What the hell do you want to do!" I was completely angry. I said that I really couldn't do it, so I fought with him, but judging from his actions just now, this guy should be a good hand, otherwise it would be impossible for him to come to me alone. Anyway, I also have * now, and he is still a very big * person!

"If I were you, I wouldn't say so much nonsense now. As the saying goes, disaster comes from the mouth. I think you'd better say less, otherwise I'll be angry later. I'm afraid you really won't see tomorrow's sun!" The thin monkey spoke arrogantly and put out an orchid finger so sissy that I almost didn't spit it out. But by this time, I was really afraid of this thin monkey!

First of all, he can deal with the overlords without my knowledge. Of course, after I knew the truth, I knew that the thin monkey was actually a person, a very simple person, but I couldn't help expanding him in my heart!

By the way, if it can be enlarged, a small ant can also become a giant elephant!

I stared at the little ant and said, "I don't have time to talk to you about those useless things. If they come back later, you just want to say that there is no chance!" In fact, by this time, I'm still dying for face. However, after all, I pretended to be 0. After all, I have been pretending for too long. I will want to change it for a while, but I'm still a little uncomfortable!

It seems that these are all bad habits formed by me following them, the ancients who crossed over. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have the capital to pretend. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have today. If it weren't for them, I guess I would be taking the postgraduate entrance examination! By the way, this last sentence seems to be really funny, just like a cold joke!

"Well, in this case, I will tell you my intention! Who the hell are they? Don't be careful with me, or I will make you suffer! I'm the most annoying for others to lie to me, especially men!" I really don't know what this thin monkey means. Is it possible that he has a special hobby and is gay?

However, it's really interesting to think about it so carefully. First, the orchid finger, then the chopstick-like figure, and even the fingernails look like the old Buddha!

"Far away from me, I'm a normal person!" Thinking of this, I hurriedly took a step back, three meters away from the thin monkey!

"Well, little, you're not my type. I'm not interested in you. You'd better answer my questions well!" The thin monkey once again brought the topic to the overlords!

"Do you really want to know who they are?" I said angrily, and my eyes were full of miskindness!

"Nonsense! I came here to check their details!" The thin monkey was obviously angered by my words and deeds, and he was going to start roaring!

"The origin of these people is not simple. I told you the truth. You don't believe it. At that time, I will lie to you, so I think it's better not to say it!" I said lightly, and at the same time, I have taken the mop for sweeping the floor in my hand. Anyway, it can also be used as a defensive weapon at a critical moment!