National Color Enchanting

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The next day, the weather was fine and the autumn was refreshing. It should have been a good day to go out and climb high, but Bai Xijing sat in a daze on the porch of his yard. She followed General Li as a princess of a country, which means that she has no position or right to participate in military and political affairs.

Siqin, standing aside, couldn't help sighing at Bai Xijing in a daze. How to say, although Bai Xijing had been pretending to be fine, her dark eyes and slightly frowning eyebrows clearly showed that she was not fine. But she didn't know how to persuade Bai Xijing about this matter.

Just as Siqin was still thinking, the little boy in front of the courtyard suddenly reported loudly: "General Li begged to see the princess."

Bai Xijing, who had been in a daze, came to his senses by this sentence. Although he was a little surprised, he immediately got up and said, "Please come on."

After saying that, Bai Xijing tidied up his clothes, and then took Siqin to the door of the courtyard. He saw General Li, who had just stepped into the far gate. Bai Xijing nodded to General Li with a decent smile on his face and said, "I don't know if it's the general who came. It's really rude."

General Li didn't seem to expect that Bai Xijing would come to greet him in person. At the moment he saw the head of Baixi's scenic spot, he subconsciously paused and reacted. He hurriedly saluted Bai Xijing, and then said, "How dare you bother the princess to greet him in person?"

Although he was born as a general, the generals of the White State always have an elegant spirit.

Bai Xijing was not polite to General Li. She knew that if he was looking for her, there was absolutely something important, so she did not dare to delay and took General Li back to the house. Siqin had already prepared tea. As soon as Bai Xijing sat down, he immediately served the tea.

"General came this time, but what do you need Xijing to help?"

"The old minister didn't want to go around with the princess, so he came straight to the point. The old minister came to look for the princess this time. In order to ask the princess to stabilize the situation in Licheng when the old minister led the army to fight against the foreign enemy? When General Li said his request, he stood up and saluted Bai Xijing again.

"Please make it clear to the general. What does it mean to stabilize the situation in Licheng?" Bai Xijing frowned slightly, but his voice was calm.

General Li nodded before explaining his intention more specifically: "Presumably the princess also knew that there was also the spread of the plague in Chen Ding's army and the urgent need to mobilization medicinal materials. What measures did the princess think the White Congress take at this time?"

When Bai Xijing heard the words, he murmured slightly and said, "I broke the mobilization of their medicinal materials."

"Yes, this is indeed a good way, but... from another perspective, isn't the situation we are facing the same as Chen Ding? No, to be honest, the plague situation here is worse than theirs, and there is an urgent need for a large amount of medicinal materials. How could they not think of us to cut off the supply of their medicinal materials? General Li analyzed clearly.

Bai Xijing frowned more and more when he heard the words, but he still maintained a clear analysis and said, "The plague in the towns around Licheng is also very serious. I'm afraid that we can't mobilization of medicinal materials, so if we want to adjust medicinal materials, we can only mobilization from Fucheng, which is some distance from here, in that case..."

"It is indeed only Fucheng that can provide us to mobilize medicinal materials, so Chen Ding must be able to calculate the route of our medicinal materials, but I'm afraid of them..." In the end, General Li shook his head, obviously thinking of the worst.

Bai Xijing thought about it for a moment and naturally understood what he was worried about, so he raised his head again and said, "So General Li will come to find me first, but what has he thought of a way to avoid Chen Jun?"

"Yes, we have discussed that if we can borrow a way from Fang Guo, on the one's basis, we can shorten the mobilization time of medicinal materials, and on the other, Chen Dingran will not expect that we can not be so worried. The current internal situation... In other words, whoever comes first will make up his mind and fight vigorously. General Li's words were clear, and his eyes looked fixedly at Bai Xijing. In the end, it was the third time to worship Bai Xijing. "The princess came on behalf of the king this time. Naturally, the princess will personally study the book with the king of Fang to show our country's etiquette."

"Aren't you afraid that Fang Guo will fight against our army, but help Chen Ding deal with us?" Bai Xijing was not in a hurry to agree to General Li's words, but raised his own doubts.

General Li obviously didn't expect Bai Xijing to ask this. In fact, he didn't have much contact with this princess. Originally, he thought it was just a princess who could only recite poems and write some talents, but he didn't expect that her mind was much more delicate and far-reaching than ordinary women. He just said some existing problems, and she could think a lot of what he said, so as to put forward her own questions and ideas, instead of blindly following them.

General Li first suppressed his surprise and replied in a calm tone, "We naturally took into account what the princess said. It's just that Fang Guo had a conflict with Ye Guo a few days ago because of something, and I'm afraid that he won't help Ye Guo in this situation. It is indeed risky for the country to borrow the way, but the risk of not borrowing us is greater. Compared with the two disadvantages, it is smaller.

Bai Xijing looked at General Li and especially wanted to say, "Fang Guo has already made an agreement with Ye Guo, and it is very kind and righteous not to stab him in the back."

However, thinking that Fang Guo has been slow to obey Ye Guo, and Fang Siyuan has done a series of things, Bai Xijing feels that Fang Siyuan seems to have other plans. Maybe... he really won't help Ye Guo.

Besides, although he is the king of Xiushu and Fang, the decision-telling power of these matters is all in Fang Siyuan's hands. When he sees his letter, he should agree. Even if he does not agree, he will definitely not unite with Chen Ding to frame the State of Bai.

Suddenly, I miss him so well. Obviously, I only heard the word "Fang Guo" from other people's mouths, but I unconsciously remembered Zhang Qingjun's face.

Two years have passed, and it has been two years since the day they separated, but during this period, they can only hear the news of the other party from others, and can only confirm the safety of the other party in this way. They can't even send a letter, just because now they have their own responsibilities and countries. Every move represents the country.

There are thousands of words to tell him, but they can only silently put a letter written to him into the box.

Now she can finally write a letter to him, even in the name of Bai Guo, she is happy.