National Color Enchanting

How to solve worries, only Du Kang

"If you enter the dark part, there will be no real names. Remember your code names from now on." This is the first sentence I heard when I came out of the dark underground prison. It's strange to say that he can smell the blood all over his body, but he can't feel the pain of the wound.

No, maybe it's not that I can't feel it, it's just... numb.

After being thrown here at the age of five, I can't remember how many years I passed. The only thing I remember is the feeling of killing with a sword. From the initial fear to the current ruthlessness, such a change will feel uneasy at the beginning, but gradually even this feeling is lost.

I'm still alive, but why do I feel that I'm dead? I killed my friends with my own hands, and when I killed my brother with my own hands, I was already dead.

"What's your name?"

"I don't have a name."

"It's called Du Kang." That was the first thing the man said to me when I was thrown here. He is very thin, but his face is very beautiful, but somehow there is a long scar winding from his eyebrows to the bottom of his left ear, and his beautiful appearance looks a little scary.

Before I even had time to refute, he smiled and called me, "Du Kang, I'm Du Heng." His smile is very shallow, but it is inexplicably warm. The people living here have long been numb, and there are no expressions left, but he is different. He always likes to laugh and speaks softly, but whenever he is trained, his skills are the best one, with sharp and sharp eyes.

We are all descendants of people who have committed felonies. We should die. The only way to survive is to become a dark man and be loyal to Ye Guo. But not everyone can become a person of the dark. If you want to live, you have to let others die.

I'm the youngest person here. If it hadn't been for Du Heng's protection, I would have died long ago. I still remember the first harsh sentence Du Heng said to me at that time. He said, "Du Kang, do you want to die so much? If you don't kill them, you can only die. No one can protect you for a lifetime!"

Then he turned around and left me alone to face another companion who had killed red eyes. Last night, we ate and practiced together, but today we have to fight against each other. I can't do it, but he doesn't think so. He stabbed me with a sword, and I can't avoid it at all. But... However, the expected pain did not come, because Du Heng, who had already left, helped me block the sword.

Looking at the injury on Du Kang's hand and the man pressing step by step, I finally took action and killed the first person, who used to be my partner.

I remember the sticky feeling of blood soaking on my body. Every time I think of it, I feel nauseous. For several days, I will dream of that when that person dies, those eyes seem to be helpless but hateful.

There is only one way to survive here, that is to kill people.

I have lived such a cruel life for ten years. At that time, there were more than 200 children here, but now there are only 20 left. However, for the dark part, there are still too many such people. We were divided into groups of two for the so-called test. In fact, everyone knows that if we lose this test, we will only die!

I'm not afraid of competition, but I'm afraid that my opponent will be Du Heng, who is like my sibling Du Heng.

But fate always likes to tease people so much. After drawing lots, my opponent doesn't expect that it is really Du Heng. At that time, Du Heng was silent for a long time, and then slowly walked to me, grabbed my neck with one hand and said, "Du Kang, even if your opponent is you, I will not show mercy. If you don't resist, you can only... die."

seemed to be aware of my thoughts, and he suddenly smiled coldly and said, "Du Kang, do you really think I won't hurt you? Don't be silly. You are just a useful tool for me. How can it be a pity to destroy it?

I regard him as a brother and brother, and he regards me as a tool. I thought I would never have any feelings anymore, but when he said this, I felt inexplicably uncomfortable and angry.

Du Heng's sword was very fast, and I would be unable to stand it if I was a little disoriented. Just like what he said, he did not intend to show mercy, or even move fiercely. Looking at his calm and unbreakable appearance, listening to his disdainful words, I finally no longer hesitate and sent the sword to his heart with a fierce force. Go.

Originally, I just planned to shake a move and wait for the opportunity to act, but I didn't expect that Du Heng, who had been calm, suddenly removed the sword. The long sword in his hand suddenly penetrated Du Heng's chest. I heard the sound of weapons falling into the flesh, and the red blood sprinkled on my eyes, and my eyes were suddenly confused.

But I don't know if it's tears or blood.

In the vagueness, I could see that Du Heng suddenly smiled gently, but the smile was so sad. He said, "Du Kang, I'm sorry..."

Then I can't say another word.

Du Heng died. Du Heng, who has been with me for ten years, has been taking care of me like my brother. Du Heng died and was killed by me. In this world, I no longer have any people and things that I care about. Sometimes when I wake up with nightmares, I will always be alone in a daze, thinking about Du Heng's affairs and Du Heng's apology.

Is he actually going to die alone from the beginning? He still can't bear to kill me with his own hands. But... I killed him myself.

What exactly is this so-called fate?

A month after Du Heng's death, I officially became a member of the dark department and began to carry out secret missions. Every task must be nine dead. Half a year later, one day my life has changed dramatically. I received a new task - to sneak into the White King's Palace to do fine work.

In order to show loyalty, it is necessary to take poison, and only the dark part has an antidote to inhibit toxicity.

However, Bai Wang Bai Shu seems to be gentle, but in fact he is cautious everywhere. I have never had the opportunity to find out more information, let alone rely on Bai Wang. You can only rely on your own strength, step by step and carefully climb up from the bottom from Lin Lang. Such days are the most difficult, especially when you can't find any information, so you can't get an antidote from the dark part. Those days are actually more painful than in the training ground.

But all this has changed because of a woman, inaccurately speaking, a child. This person is Bai Xijing, the fifth princess of the White State.

She said, "How can I relieve my worries? Only Du Kang, the person who chose this name for you, must cherish you very much."

At that time, she smiled gently, but there was a faint tenderness in her eyes.

This is the first time someone told me that the name Du Kang was just a code name for me before, but why was she so gently thought about it, but it seemed that something had quietly changed.