Fruit Empire

[006]Yuan Shi in the past


Xiao Yang saw his own number again. He was a little unhappy and called one after another. He didn't want to find Dr. Yuan Shi, did he?

Xiao Yang said impatiently, "Don't pretend to be a ghost. Dr. Yuan Shi has been dead for two years, and you are still Dr. Yuan Shi in 3141. You came from that star. And why is your phone number the same as mine?

" do you curse! Listen to me, I'm really Dr. Yuan Shi in 3141. You have to believe me.

"You said you were Dr. Yuan Shi in 3141. How can I believe you?"


Xiao Yang had a few chat with the person on the phone. He believed that the person on the phone was Dr. Yuan Shi. Maybe he invented something that could call the future. After all, Dr. Yuan Shi, known as the "Invention of the Universe", has created countless miracles in him.

But what does this have to do with him? Even if it's really Dr. Yuan Shi, it's Dr. Yuan Shi 15 years ago. What does this have to do with him, a fruit seller? Although Dr. Yuan Shi is dead now, his friend, son, and the evil mother-in-law's granddaughter are all alive and don't call them. Why just call him a fruit seller? Call a stranger? Doubt...

"Okay! Even if you are really Dr. Yuan Shi, what's the matter with you calling me?" Xiao Yang has learned the power of Yuan Lingxuan. Although she is also an orphan, she still has a grandfather and uncle. Why is her upbring so poor? It's simply different from herself! It must be that he is not well educated as a grandfather.

"Can you tell me the specific time of your current world and the time I called you for the first time?" Perhaps he heard that Xiao Yang's voice was slightly immature, but Dr. Yuan Shi replaced "you" with "little friend".

Xiao Yang was a little upset when he heard it, just to ask about the time. Isn't this a waste of his phone bill? She said, "Just for this? Why don't you call others? This call is expensive, and I don't know if this time-space call is expensive.

"Eh..." Xiao Yang's words made the other end of the phone completely speechless.

Xiao Yang thinks that he is not short of money. At least he is also a 10,000-yuan household, full of food and clothing. Besides, he is called diligence and thrift. Don't everyone say that diligence and thrift is a virtue? He is a very virtuous person.

"Xiaoyou just said that the old man died in 3154? Can Xiaoyou send me some reports?

Sure enough, it is really "to be courteous, either treacherous or stolen". It turns out that Dr. Yuan Shi is not a saint and can't avoid vulgarity. It turns out that he has something to ask for himself, and he can't just give some money. What's more, Dr. Yuan Shi, who is respected by thousands of people and is known as the "Invention of Invention". Money is not as practical as his invention. .

And Xiao Yang also suddenly understood that 15 years ago, Dr. Yuan Shi heard that he was dead in 3156, the era where Xiao Yang was now, so he wanted to make sure whether it was true. It seemed that everyone wanted to live well.

"This is no problem. Wait a minute, I'll check the relevant report for you right away.

Opening the energy network, Xiao Yang typed the word "Dr. Yuan Shi" in all the engines of Zhoudu. It took 0.001 seconds to find about 1,127,800,000 relevant web pages. I didn't expect so much news about Dr. Yuan Shi.

Xiao Yang found a federal TV report about Dr. Yuan Shi's sudden heart attack at Shiren University on September 1, 3154, and other galactic empire reports on Dr. Yuan Shi's death, and also gave a farewell ceremony about all Dr. Yuan Shi. To find out all the content, he thinks these things are powerful enough.

"I began to read. Dr. Yuan Shi, the inventor, died of a heart attack at the opening ceremony of Shiren University on September 1, 3154 at the age of 126..."

"Okay, don't read it!" Xiao Yang heard that the voice on the phone was obviously much lower, as if he had been dozens of years old. No one will be better to hear the news of his death. Even if he is Dr. Yuan Shi, he can't avoid vulgarity.

The "Dudu" phone hung up.

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Yang immediately checked the phone bill. Fortunately, a penny was not deducted. Moreover, Xiao Yang also checked the communication record by the way and found that the call with the doctor just now was not shown on the communication record, and the communication record showed that Xiao Yang had no call just now. At this moment, he believes that the person on the phone is really Dr. Yuan Shi 15 years ago, otherwise how could there be no call record?


It didn't take long for Xiao Yang to receive a call from Dr. Yuan Shi again.

"Xiaoyou was really rude just now, alas! I'm afraid of death when I'm old." This sentence is a little sad.

Xiao Yang didn't care about his emotion. He wanted to ask the doubts in his heart and said, "I have a question. Can I ask?"


"If you are really Dr. Yuan Shi 15 years ago, why did you call me? Call a stranger. Your son and granddaughter are still alive. Why don't you call them? After all, they are your close relatives.

"I didn't expect that the little friend was really careful. The number used by Xiaoyou is exactly the number used by the old man now. As for the reason for not calling my son and granddaughter, the cross-time call is still in the research stage. At present, only Xiaoyou can answer this number.

"Oh, that's what it looks like. If I call this number, can you get it?"

"This is the reason why I called this time. I'll hang up the phone now. Then call me to see if I can answer it.



"It's great... It's great to be able to call each other..."

Xiao Yang did not answer, and Dr. Yuan Shi on the other end of the phone changed his silence just now, and his speech was a little excited.


After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yang received a message from Dr. Yuan Shi, "Because I am predestined with my little friend, I have to give "Enlightenment" to my little friend. Can you also give the old man a picture of his little friend to let him know how he looks? There is an attachment that says Enlightenment.

Seeing this information, Xiao Yang was very happy. What was Dr. Yuan Shi's experience? This value is immeasurable. Want to know what he looked like, he directly picked up omnisionic, looked into the mirror, edited the message and said a few good words, and then Dr. Yuan Shi sent it.

Looking at the picture just taken, Xiao Yang was suddenly shocked again, because he looked at this photo of himself in Omnis and suddenly remembered the photo taken by the four bad guys, which seemed to be the same.

Why did Yuan Lingxuan have this photo? Does it mean that she already knows that she can contact the doctor in the past? Xiao Yang only dialed the number to contact the doctor again.

"Little friend, have you read the experience of Enlightenment?"

"Not yet, but I have something very important to tell you." Xiao Yang told Dr. Yuan Shi about his photo and the matter of smashing his fruit stall with Yuan Lingxuan.

Dr. Yuan Shi did not answer immediately. He pondered for a while and said slowly, "The old man said sorry to Xiaoyou for his granddaughter first."

"Oh, okay." Since Dr. Yuan Shi has already spoke, Xiao Yang naturally doesn't bother to think about how to connect the whole spiritual power into the energy network. He can't wait to distinguish the so-called practice method.

"I'm going to visit several other federal countries tomorrow. During this period, I'm afraid I can't get in touch with my friends. You should take a good look at the things in Enlightenment.

"Thank you, and I wish Grandpa Yuan Shi a safe journey"


"Visit to other federal governments?" Xiao Yang immediately logged on to to check the headline of Dr. Yuan Shi's information "Dr. Yuan Shi visited the three federations with a delegation in 3141".

"Is it really Dr. Yuan Shi in 3141? It seems to be right!" Xiao Yang is young and doesn't study much, but Dr. Yuan Shi said that he lived in 3141, but Xiao Yang didn't believe it. Even if you are Dr. Yuan Shi, it is impossible to break the time to call me. But he can't prove whether this is true.


Xiao Yang saw that it was past 6 p.m., and his stomach was also a little cooing. First, he solved the problem of eating.

After peeling, Xiao Yang took a bite on the apple and immediately spit it out. He couldn't help whispering, "I didn't expect this * fruit to be so vicious. It's all because of the hateful mother-in-law Yuan Lingxuan."

Open the exhaust fan, open the kitchen window, and release the stench in the kitchen. Xiao Yang was also disgusted by the apple just now and lost interest in eating bowls, and his stomach was surprisingly not screaming.

"It seems that you can only eat instant noodles." Xiao Yang patted his stomach and said to himself, "My poor stomach, you are also suffering."

Habitually, Xiao Yang began to practice. After his daily hard practice, he was already a middle-level official, which was also his most proud thing.

What Dr. Yuan Shi just sent to him has become Xiao Yang's practice today.

The surroundings suddenly darkened, and Xiao Yang seemed to suddenly come to a completely strange space. That's awesome! The horror in Xiao Yang's heart can no longer be expressed in words!

He never thought that a short message could reach such a level. It was really dreamlike, and it also made Xiao Yang more convinced that this skill was not ordinary.

There was only a vast darkness around him, and he seemed to float alone in the endless dark void. Suddenly, two golden characters "enlightenment" flashed in front of him.

"This skill is called Enlightenment" and Dr. Yuan Shi's voice sounded in Xiao Yang's ear. This sentence seemed to be said close to his ear. The voice was not loud, but it was very clear. Xiao Yang couldn't help turning his head and looking back. What he had seen was nothing but the vast black void.

Looking at the text in front of him, this is a little different from the method of cultivation that Xiao Yang learned before. It turned out to be something unheard of. It's really a good thing!" What I haven't seen, let alone heard, must be a good thing. Xiao Yang thinks so.

"The first step is the first energy training." By the way, Dr. Yuan Shi's voice sounded again in Xiao Yang's ear.

As soon as the words fell, twelve real dolls of different shapes suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yang. These dolls are blurred, but their bodies are perfect. Twelve people's bodies are transparent, and you can faintly see something flowing in their bodies. A yellow line flows in the first doll's body, and a black line flows in the second doll's body, and two lines of white flow in the twelfth puppet's body actually have twelve thin lines of different colors flowing.

The lines of different colors in the doll's body represent the cultivation route of fruits. It can be known that if you reach the highest level in the end, you are likely to practice 12 results at the same time. This can't help but cheer Xiao Yang's spirit and run twelve energy results at the same time. I can't imagine what the effect will be.

However, the only doll in front of him is the first doll, that is, the doll with a line in his body is bright, and Xiao Yang can only practice the line run by the first doll.

Xiao Yang paid attention to the first doll. A lot of words suddenly appeared next to the doll, and the remaining eleven dolls also disappeared. After reading these words, Xiao Yang knew that these words were a detailed description of practicing skills and some precautions.

After reading these words carefully and memorized them in his heart, Xiao Yang began to try to practice like the doll.