Fruit Empire

[020]Rewards for famous people

October autumn is cool. Xiao Yang has tried to contact Dr. Yuan Shi by phone for a month, but he has been unable to contact him.

And he was still the same as usual during the day. He was busy going to Shiren University in the morning and selling fruit in the afternoon, but there was one more lesson in the evening, that is, practicing enlightenment secrets, but nothing else has changed.

If the only change is that Chu Hanhuang will come to Xiao Yang from time. Every time he comes, the first topic will definitely ask how the fruit of the orange pet is, and then he will gossip about something. Xiao Yang will bring some delicious food every time Chu Hanhuang comes, saying that he will have a short mouth and reach out his hand. The smiling man, otherwise Xiao Yang would have driven him away long ago.

"This boy Chu Hanhuang is getting more and more excessive now. He comes to have dinner every day." Xiao Yang just drove away Chu Hanhuang. Xiao Yang felt that he was about to become a chef of Chu Hanhuang. Recently, every time Chu Hanhuang came to bring lettuce and raw meat, which was asked Xiao Yang to cook. Xiao Yang is now considering whether he should charge for free meals in the future. That boy seems to be quite rich.

During this period, Xiao Yang made banana fruits, corn and oranges, but there was no phenomenon that two fruits came out together like the first orange fruit.

The three fruits were made, of which failed twice and cost nearly 20,000 Sola in total, and Xiao Yang also regretted a little. If the fruit is sold, the profit may be very large and it can make money, because the mimic fruit is not sold at present.

Although Xiao Yang doesn't know whether the mimic fruit is the only thing of scorpion cake, but with his current identity, if it is sold, it will definitely cause some unnecessary trouble, even life-threatening. Maybe the old man who identified the fruit in the underground clubhouse is staring at him at this moment. Therefore, Xiao Yang thought about it and still curbed his desire to become a rich man.

Then the mimic fruit can only be used by himself. He found a problem that this mimic fruit does not mean that it automatically mimics into some form after use. Instead, it is necessary to use the control of the body's fruit energy to complete the mimicry. Although he can make the mimicry of banana and corn successful now, he can only maintain the mimicry for a few minutes, which he can only do by concentrating all his energy without distraction. If Xiao Yang is fighting and maintaining the mimicry of fruit while fighting, Xiao Yang will definitely not be able to do it.


"This little guy doesn't know how long he will sleep."

Since Xiao Yang took the orange from Chu Hanhuang and it was hatched, he has been relying on the ancient coins. He has not moved for a month. Xiao Yang also knew that the pet fruit does not need to go to the toilet. In the middle, Xiao Yang forcibly separated him from the ancient coins several times, but they all failed. The price Xiao Yang paid was to be hit by his messy orange needle. If Xiao Yang was not the owner of this orange pet, his attack would be ineffective for Xiao Yang, otherwise he would definitely not be able to take care of himself. Since being attacked, Xiao Yang has lingering palpitations and no longer touches it.

And what makes Xiao Yang more surprised is that the color of the original dark green coins has faded a lot at this moment, only light green, almost almost white. What's more strange is that the orange has risen to more than 20 centimeters in size, and now the orange actually emits a faint golden glow.

Such a phenomenon puzzled Xiao Yang. He checked some information books and asked several teachers of Shiren University, but he couldn't find the answer. All the answers are that the occurrence of this phenomenon can only show that it is at least an A-level pet fruit, or even super Passed level A. Xiao Yang did not believe that the fruit was made by himself. His capable level was only a potential person. Obviously, he could not produce A-level fruit, and whether it was an energy device or tasting, it showed that it was just a D-level fruit.

Xiao Yang can only ignore the puzzling question. Maybe when the little guy wakes up, all the answers will be revealed. Moreover, Xiao Yang still doesn't know what the use of this orange will be after it mutates into a pet fruit.


Xiao Yang wore shorts, threw a towel on the floor, and then began to stand upside down. According to the formula, Xiao Yang quickly entered the state of transportation. Now he can stand upside down directly without leaning against the wall,

The second doll requires three laps more than the first doll, and it takes 12 weeks to complete.

After a month, Xiao Yang obviously felt that the fruit of his basic body had obviously increased, and his fruit capacity had also increased, which also showed that the posture of the second doll was correct.

The towel under Xiao Yang's head has become wet, soaked by his sweat, and wearing shorts is also for better sweating.

"Twelfth lap! The last lap!" Xiao Yang silently counted the number of circles of luck. When the body fruit ran to the head, Xiao Yang felt that the body fruit was like * and burst. All the blood also hit the head, which is simply a heartbreaking feeling.

Although suffering so much pain, Xiao Yang still maintained a upside down posture. If someone is beside him now, he must scream, because Xiao Yang's head actually left the towel, and his whole body hung in the air for more than ten seconds.

When he woke up, Xiao Yang stood up with a carp. At this moment, he felt that the world was different, and everything was clearer, as if he had a thousand-mile eyes and ears, and he felt very clear about some changes in smiles.

Looking at the street outside his eyes, he clearly saw the small words "** bar, beautiful lady hospitality" on a small advertisement on the roadside. Address:..." And what's more exaggerated is that he actually heard the "hey, hee" sound of the couple upstairs in **.

"Did I break through? "Have you reached the level of three famous people?" Xiao Yang came to enlightenment with great joy.

Sure enough, as Xiao Yang expected, the second doll had darkened and slowly disappeared. Instead, three yellow books appeared in front of him.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I was already a famous person. It should be a junior!" Xiao Yang couldn't help laughing.

If Xiao Yang thought that he would be at least 30 years old before he was enlightened. He didn't expect that it would take him more than a month from an official to a reputable man. If you say it, his speed of practice is simply sudden, and he will think that he is a genius. In fact, all of this is the credit of the enlightened secret, Dr. Yuan Shi.

made Xiao Yang deepen his respect for Dr. Yuan Shi, and at the same time lamented why God was so unfair that Dr. Yuan Shi left the world prematurely. Fortunately, he can still get in touch with Dr. Yuan Shi in the past.

Looking at the three books that appeared instead, Xiao Yang first chose the first book on the left, and the other two slowly disappeared. The first book came to his eyes, which said "Bananas for the Use of Mimic Fruit".

Seeing the name of the book, Xiao Yang also knows the content. The other two books should be the use of corn and oranges! Summon the other two books in front of you, which read "Corn of Mimic Fruit Use Skills" and "Orange of Mimic Fruit Use Skills".

The content of the book is how to use your fruit. Xiao Yang is so happy that he is almost crazy. What he really lacks and what he thinks comes from.

Xiao Yang roughly read all the contents of the three books. As the saying goes, if you are greedy and can't chew well, you naturally need to practice one by one. He first chose the banana practice.

If you want to practice using skill fruits, you definitely can't be in the room. The best way is to spend money to go to the fruit training ground and practice it yourself. A more advanced one is the fruit training room, which has professional instruments to cooperate with practice. The advantages are more natural. If you go there, it is expensive and it is billed by the hour. According to Xiao Yang's current family, he can use the fruit training room for 100 hours.

And Xiao Yang intends to choose another way, which is to practice in the Sizhou simulation virtual training ground on the Internet. Only a Zhou suit is needed, and a few days ago, Chu Hanhuang happened to send him a Zhou suit.

Although Sizhou can record all the data in a person's reality, it is no different from reality. But after all, it is a virtual exercise, the physical fit, and the improvement of the level of fruit cooperation must be slow, which can't be compared with the physical practice in reality. The advantage is to save money, and the landing of Sizhou can be learned from people all over the world, so it is deeply loved by everyone, men and women, old and young. The most important thing is to compete. There is no danger when fighting, and there will be no harm to life and health.

Put on thezhou suit and connect to the energy network. As soon as the scene in front of Xiao Yang changed, he came to the sacrificial universe.

"SR0518114 is at your service!" There was a mechanical sound in Xiao Yang's ear. This is the sound of the Zhou suit, because each Zhou suit is equipped with a Zhou assistant to help people better swim happily in the Zhou.

"You are logging in to Sizhou for the first time, and the system needs to scan to complete your character data in Sizhou."

According to the assistant's prompt, Xiao* used his real name to enter Sizhou. Then after scanning, all the data such as height, weight, and ability level were loaded step by step into the Sizhou system, including bananas, corn, oranges and three fruits.

"After the data scanning, welcome to enter the Sizhou!" After completing all the scans, Xiao Yang in Sizhou is now exactly the same as him in reality, and he can also practice bananas.

Xiao Yang said, "Apply for a training room!"

"The application for the training room is complete! Please enter."

The scene changed again, and Xiao Yang came to the empty room.