Fruit Empire

[035]yao teng tree

At this moment, Xiao Yang finally believes that the isolated forest is a very dangerous place. During the week in Dongsen City, Xiao Yang also basically figured out the distribution of some monsters and plants in the isolated forest.

The demon vine tree is a variant of vine and man-eating flowers. It is a relatively low-level plant monster in the isolated forest. It inherits the ability of vines and attacks with its own vine. At the same time, it also inherits the ability of cannibal flowers and feeds on the blood of animals.

Xiao Yang looked down at the cane cut on his feet. His feet were thick and the fracture was neat. Obviously, it was cut by a sharp blade. Moreover, there was also green juice left at the fracture, emitting a disgusting smell. Xiao Yang hurriedly shook his foot, and the rattan was thrown there.

Judging from the thickness of the rattan, this demon vine tree should be more than 100 years old.

"Rhubarb, how did you do it?"

"Cut off by. Then there's no need to ask!" The rhubarb returned to Xiao Yang's shoulder and looked at him who hit the wound.

Xiaoyang took out the medicine from the space fruit given by Xu Xiner and simply treated the wound that had just been scrapered by the bush. He knew that if it was not dealt with in time, there were still many flying insects in the forest, and it would be easy to get infected, and it would be more troublesome to deal with it at that time.

Xiao Yang analyzed: "The demon vine generally lives in the middle of the isolated forest, where the safety level is C and D. We have just entered the delocal forest. The safety level of the place we are in should be E. Normally, it is impossible for the demon vine tree to appear here at all. What must be the special reason?

"Nonsense! I know if you don't tell me! Hurry up and find the demon vine tree, and you will know the reason. Da Huang said impatiently.

"It's better to be careful!" Before Xiao Yang finished saying the word "good", there was a "wish, swish" sound in the bushes, but two thick and thin vines came straight to Xiao Yang's feet at the same time.

Xiao Yang, who has been on guard for a long time, will certainly not make the same mistake again. What's more, it was just that he was unprepared. How could he suffer another loss if he was fully armed at this moment? The left * aimed at the rattan stretched on the ground.

"Bang! "Oh!" One of the stretched rattan was reached three times by Xiao Yang and retracted back, while the other rattan did not retreat, but accelerated its speed, which was about to be under Xiao Yang's feet.

Xiao Yang, who was ready to shoot again, was stopped by rhubarb.

"Idiot, don't shoot, let him catch you, so that you can quickly find the location of the demon vine tree." Da Huang said angrily.

"It also makes sense!" Xiao Yang put away the jade * solid, and the operation fruit can reach the armor that mimics the orange fruit. Since he is going to be arrested, of course, he must do a good job of defense, otherwise it will be as tragic as before.

Xiao Yang was still knocked to the ground by the huge pull of the rattan. Xiao Yang felt that he was pulled by the rattan at least 100 miles at this moment. Xiao Yang held his head in his hands and his whole body was wrapped in yellow armor, but he passed through the bush without being hurt again.

Reminded Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang landed on his back and looked up at a four-meter-high demon vine tree with teeth and claws in the distance, and opened his mouth as if he was waiting for Xiaoyang's delicious food.

At this moment, Xiao Yang is only more than 20 meters away from the demon vine tree.

* Aiming at the rattan wrapped around his feet, Xiao Yang still slipped two meters forward because of his inertia before standing up.

The demon vine tree of a vine was broken again, obviously a little annoyed, and it has been cut off one after another by three longest arms.

If Xiao Yang hadn't been too far away from it, the demon vine would have activated the whole body of the rattan to entangle Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang looked at the ugly thing in front of him and couldn't help but feel a chill. And there is a rotten smell in the surrounding air.

What makes him feel creepy is that at this moment, there is a dark red blood stain on the torso of the demon vine tree, indicating that the demon vine tree has eaten a lot of animals.

not far from the left side of the demon vine tree, there was a pile of white things, half a meter high. Xiao Yang took a closer look and made him creepy again. What was piled up there were all white heads.

"Uh" Xiao Yang almost didn't spit out all the food in his stomach.

"I will definitely remove this demon vine tree." Although Xiao Yang is not a person who exorcists and defends Taoism, he also knows that this thing has become a scourge. If he leaves it in the world, there will definitely be someone who will be poisoned by it.

"Hurry up! Don't linger!" The rhubarb was a little impatient. "Also, he will spray venom. Be careful."


When the demon vine saw the food in front of him, its mouth was very big, but it was a little impatient. The rattan all over the body was intertwined into a huge net, covering towards Xiao Yang.

Looking at this dense rattan, Xiao Yang sent out a "cross cut", and the long stick mimicted from the banana fruit sent out a yellow cross, cutting at the oncoming rattan. In an instant, 17 or 18 rattans were cut to the ground, and a dozen gaps appeared on the Internet.

However, Xiao Yang was very surprised that the gap was filled with rattan again in an instant, as if he had not attacked at all just now.

Looking at the closer and closer vines interlacing into a huge net, Xiao Yang stepped back more than ten meters and pulled away again.

The explosion of corn kernels finally blocked the speed of the rattan and made Xiao Yang gasp proudly. At this moment, Xiao Yang really knows that the gap between Sizhou and reality is really not a little bit. At least the opponents in it are people. Without the horrible thing in front of him, it has more or less caused some psychological impact on Xiao Yang.

"Don't always attack the rattan. Find a way to attack its mouth. That's its weakness." At this moment, the rhubarb flew high into the sky and avoided the battle below. He didn't mean to help at all, as if he were watching a play.

The left wheel was shot again. Xiao Yang ran to a big tree next to him and climbed up. He couldn't walk on the ground. He could only use the tree to pass through the air.

"Ape Mount Tai!" Rhubarb looked up at Xiao Yang swinging down the tree and couldn't help blurting out.

While Xiao Yang jumped up from the tree, he had to avoid the vines and branches coming from everywhere. He was in a hurry, but he was still accidentally wrapped around his waist by a rattan and was pulled down from the tree.

"Plop" Xiao Yang was severely thrown.

"Be careful, it has venom."

Xiao Yang was thrown down and heard the reminder of rhubarb. At another head, he saw a piece of green in front of him.

As long as Xiao Yang, who can't hide, agrees to his fate, he will definitely be hit by this venom. His hands will quickly hold his head and curl up.

When the demon vine saw that Xiao Yang no longer moved, he knew that it was his own venom that had an anesthetic effect, so he quickly withdrew the rattan and couldn't wait to drag Xiao Yang to his mouth and opened his mouth.

At this moment, Xiao Yang suddenly moved.

"Go to hell!"

"Cross chopping" and "corn grain explosion" Xiao Yang used two skills at the same time. The orange fruit on his body protected him, but Xiao Yang did not dare to use the "rainy orange petal needle".

All the venom just now was poured on Xiao Yang's armor outside, and not a drop stuck to his skin, so he was not anesthetized.

Returning to the ground, Xiao Yang looked at the demon vine tree that had become a dead tree on the ground, couldn't help laughing and finally wiped it out.

"You are so embarrassed!" The rhubarb flew to Xiao Yang and looked at Xiao Yang, who was green and smelled sour.