Fruit Empire


At this moment, the sky is already bright and starry, and the cold wind is blowing. From time to time, there can be a few strange calls of animals in the distance. With the rustling sound of leaves blowing by the wind, it is really a little creepy.

Xiao Yang got up, moved his limbs, and his whole body made a crisp sound of rattling bones.

With the experience just now, Xiao Yang felt that his spirit was very good, and the control fruit could be more arbitrary.

With a towel and a flashlight, Xiao Yang came out of the tent.

"What are you going to do?" When Da Huang saw Xiao Yang walking out of the tent, he also followed him.

"Don't call me to be rude. Call me Xiao Yang. If you call me master, I don't mind!"

"Okay, it's terrible."

Xiao Yang is now completely convinced of rhubarb, and he is now used to correcting the fruitless many times.

"What are you going to do?"

"Take a shower. It's not easy to take off your armor. Of course, I'm going to take a shower."

"I'll go too!"

Xiao Yang put the towel on his shoulder, turned on the flashlight and said, "You'd better watch here. Don't let anyone steal the tent or something."

"There are people in the wilderness. Besides, I can also rub your back!" Dahuang said ambiguously.

"Ring your back?" Xiao Yang couldn't help thinking of a picture: rhubarb rubbed back and forth on his back with his meatball-like body! I couldn't help shivering and getting goose bumps all over my body. I answered resolutely, "No, I can do it myself."


Da Huang said very seriously, "I flew around here and found that there are still many powerful creatures around. It will be very dangerous for you to go alone!"

Xiao Yang's nerves all over his body immediately tightened. He turned around and looked at the rhubarb behind him and asked, "Is it true?"

"Haha, it's really lame!" The rhubarb's mouth cracked, and he smiled back and forth.

"Wh! Let a pet play with it."

One pet came to the stream. Xiao Yang took off all his clothes and jumped into the stream. He couldn't help shivering, "The stream is so cold!"

"Pong" rhubarb plunged directly into the stream, and the splashed water was poured on Xiao Yang.

"You are not afraid of drowning!" Xiao Yang said contemptuously, this is really a big bird in the forest. He didn't expect that the rhubarb could swim.

"Puff" rhubarb floated from the water. With one mouth, a column of water shot at Xiao Yang's head.

"Haha!" Dahuang had a lot of fun.

Xiao Yang did not dodge the water column, just took it as a shower, and said at the same time, "Come again, come again."

The rhubarb sprayed more than a dozen columns of water one after another. Finally, he found that Xiao * did not pay attention to it. Instead, he enjoyed those columns very much and lost interest. He waved his ears and swam around in the stream.

"Your ears are still multifunctional. They can fly, swim, and most importantly, they can hear sound."

"Of course, there are other functions, you don't know!" Dahuang said proudly.

"Is there any other function?" Xiao Yang said in surprise, "What other functions are there?"

"You will know later."

"Whey, return * Division, not to mention pulling it, I still don't want to listen to that." Xiao Yang said disdainfully.

Da Huang swam at Xiao Yang's feet and said, "Haha, I'm angry. My ears can be used as weapons. I didn't see it."

"Really? Show me a demonstration?"

"You are so beautiful, that's my must-kill skill, and I can't easily show it to others." The rhubarb swam away again.

"Cut!" Xiao Yang continued to take a shower. Now he is a famous person, so he quickly adapted to the cold stream.

"It's terrible. Help me wash it!"

"You can't wash yourself!"

"Please!" Da Huang flew to Xiao Yang's shoulder and rubbed his face.

Xiao Yang couldn't stand it and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll wash it for you!"

"Thank you, it's lame."


"Bang" rhubarb suddenly flew out of the water and splashed Xiao Yang with water again.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yang saw the movement of rhubarb and knew that it was not playing, so he couldn't help looking around.

"Get dressed quickly! There is a fight in the north!"

Xiao Yang put on his clothes again with lightning and asked, "Why didn't I hear the sound of fighting?"

"That's a pig's ear. What can you hear?"

"..." Xiao Yang asked again, "Are we going to see the fun?"

"Whatever! Judging from the sound, it seems that someone provoked the python in the north!" Da Huang looked indifferent and didn't forget to add, "Anyway, I can fly. I'm not afraid. I'm worried about you. It's terrible."

"I'm not afraid either!" Xiao Yang continued, "Giant python? How big is it?"

"It's not big, it's only more than 20 meters long."

"more than 20 meters?" Xiao Yang was still shocked when he heard this number. Are all the things in the isolated forest extra large?

"Well, before you came to take a shower just now, you said that there were many powerful animals around, is it true?"


"Ah?" Xiao Yang's whole body was tense and looked around carefully.

"There is nothing around here! If animals come close to us, I will find out!"

Xiao Yang knew at this moment that rhubarb really followed him to protect him, not a joke, and whispered, "Thank you."

"Oh, don't prosperate. Are you going to see it?"

"Is that python more powerful than the demon vine?" Xiao Yang thought that if it was too powerful, it would be better not to go, and life was still important.

"Of course, the demon vine is awesome."

Hearing Da Huang's answer, Xiao Yang was a little relieved.

"However, the poison of the python is much more powerful than the demon vine tree. If it is bitten and there is no immediate first aid, it is estimated that it will not take long to die."

"Ah?" Xiao Yang was still a little scared when he heard it.

The rhubarb was really defeated by this owner and said impatiently, "You won't wear the armor of orange fruit!" What are you afraid of! Besides, isn't there still me?"

"Yes." Xiao Yang was afraid of losing it, so he brought out all the fruits when he took a shower just now, and left such a tent in place.

He took out the orange fruit and found that the green venom did not disappear significantly, but he could still feel much less than just now. This time, Orange's mimicry became armor much faster than before, and Xiao Yang took less than two minutes.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yang picked up the flashlight on the ground and lit up the road ahead.

"It's better to turn off the flashlight!"


Without the illumination of the flashlight, it was much darker. Fortunately, the moon in the sky was quite bright, and Xiao Yang quickly ran to the north.

After running for about a kilometer from the stream, Xiao Yang heard the sound of ping-pong fighting, not mixed with the voices of men and women talking.

"slow down!"

Xiao Yang saw the rhubarb flying in front of him slowing down, and he also slowed down.


"Tiago, attack the snake's head!" A woman's voice shouted, "Zhang Han, try to pester the python and give Thiago a chance to aim."



Xiao Yang and rhubarb climbed onto a big tree and watched the two men and women below fight with a python.

A man in white leaned against a tree not far away, with a blood stain on his chest, indicating that he had been injured. He looked anxiously at the four people not far away and said, "Tiago, Zhang Han, Tina, Wang Xinling, you must be careful..." The man's "heart" word was not finished, and he fainted.

The woman in red turned her head and saw that the man in white had fainted. She hurriedly said, "Come on, we are going to kill this python quickly. Jody seems to be unable to support it."


The man in black named Zhang Han, who was with the big snake, agreed, and the huge sword in his hand couldn't help speeding up and cutting at the snake.


Tiago in green clothes agreed, aiming at the snake's head and shooting out a crossbow arrow.

"Sister Ling, my tomato fruit is ready!" Tina's hands flashed with flames, and the light gradually became stronger and stronger, and the flame had devoured Tina.

"Good!" The woman in red waved her left hand and covered Zhang Han with white and yellow. She was defending Zhang Han with the fruit of auxiliary skills.

Although the four looked a little busy, all the attacks were in order under the command of a woman in red.

Xiao Yang looked at the rhubarb on his shoulder and said, "Do you need to go up to help? I think the man in white seems to hang up."

"Don't worry, you didn't see the girl's whole body flames. You must launch a must-kill skill, and maybe kill the python."

"Ye" Xiao Yang agreed with the rhubarb and turned his head to continue to observe the battle.

"Zhang Han, using your pet now can fix the python for a second." The woman in red looked back at the unconscious man in white and said, "Tiago, you seduce the python so that Zhang Han can only be a pet."

"Good!" Thiago put away the chain of crossbows in his hand, took out a long knife from somewhere and rushed to the python.

Zhang Han saw Thiago coming up and automatically took two steps back.

"Angel, go!" Zhang Han flew a huge butterfly with white wings in his hand and flew to the python.

The white butterfly spreads its wings for a meter.

The woman in red saw Zhang Han's pet come out and said, "Tina, listen to my instructions. I count to three, and you will attack."




"Angel, use confusing powder!" Zhang Han shouted loudly.

When the white butterfly heard the master's order, its wings couldn't help but move faster, and a ball of white objects flew to the python.

Wang Xinling, a woman in red, shouted excitedly.

Tina, who was already ready, waved her hands and saw a huge fireball flying to the python.

"Look, it's time to launch a unique trick." Da Huang shouted excitedly.

Xiao Yang couldn't take his eyes off the huge fireball sent by the girl, and the python must have hung up.

"Smile!" The python made a wailing sound and resounded throughout the forest.

"I wipe it, it's not hanging?" Xiao Yang admired the survival ability of the python very much. He didn't hang up under the attack of a fireball more than two meters high. This body is really strong.

"Don't be silly!" Da Huang said, "Don't you see that the pythons are crazy? Go down and help!"