Fruit Empire

[089] Rescue

At this moment, Kyle can only look at the anxious Jiang Chi, but there is nothing he can do. He had to disturb Jiang Chi. After all, Zhong Hanliang's transformation is important and said, "We still need to put the safety of Zhong Hanliang's life first."

Jiang Chi now completely ignores his usual elegant image and said angrily, "You don't have to worry. I know this better than you!"

"Just understand, just understand." Kyle doesn't dare to touch Jiang Chi's eyebrows now.

"Use manual operation instead." Jiang Chi issued a decisive order, and there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"The manual system is normal, and the control fruit is continuing to be implanted."

Jiang Chi wiped the cold sweat from his head. Finally, the situation has stabilized. If it really fails, the consequences are not only the safety of Zhong Hanliang's life, but also his experimental plan, which are closely linked and inseparable.

Kyle also took a long breath. Just now, it can be said that he is the most nervous person. Now he has put all his hopes on Zhong Hanliang's transformation, otherwise he would not have given the elder an idea of directly grabbing Zhong Hanliang. His confidence comes from Jiang Chi's assurance to him. .

"Wow!" Kyle took a deep breath and relaxed a little mentally.

"Deacon Kyle, smoking is prohibited here." One of the experimenters pointed to Kyle's anti-smoking sign on the wall.

Kyle looked at the young man in front of him, shook his head and said, "Dr. Jiang, I'll go to the monitoring room to have a look. I hope to eliminate those people."

"Ye" Jiang Chi nodded. He doesn't care what Kyle is going to do now. He only cares about whether the fruit can be successfully implanted into Zhong Hanliang's body. Due to the manual control now, the speed of implantation has been significantly slow for so long to reach 60% from 55 percent just now. It will take a lot of time to fully implantation!


Yuan Lingxuan and Katina looked around for Zhong Hanliang in the underground base with the help of Dahuang Illusion. But there has never been any clue.

When Kyle came out of the monitoring room and went to the operating room to see how Zhong Hanliang was doing, he happened to be touched by the two of them. Although he doesn't know where Kyle is going, he doesn't have a good idea about winning. So they quietly followed Kyle.

Katina also knows Kyle's strength, so she doesn't dare to get too close for fear of being discovered by Kyle. When Kyle opened the door of the operating room, Katina happened to see the scene in the room. Zhong Hanliang lay in the glass groove, full of pipes.

However, because they were too far away, Kyle went in and the door closed. Looking at the password lock on the door, she and Yuan Lingxuan had no choice, so they stayed at the door, waiting for the door to open again, and then quietly sneak in.

After that, Jiang Chi received a call from Kyle and had to come to the operating room to see Zhong Hanliang's situation. Katina and Yuan Lingxuan, who were lurking at the door, were already ready to follow Jiang Chi and entered the operating room directly. They found a corner where no one would pass by and quietly looked at Zhong Hanliang.

Moreover, Yuan Lingxuan found that the person in front of her who was called Dr. Jiang was the biological son of Dr. Jiang Huai, which can also explain why fish and beasts appeared.

After coming in, Katina was very distressed to see her husband lying in the glass trough, but as a well-trained soldier, she knew that she could not be anxious to save Zhong Hanliang. She had to wait for the opportunity and not make a little mistake, so that she could succeed and leave Zhong Hanliang.

Except for her and Yuan Lingxuan, there are only seven people in the whole house, and the biggest obstacle preventing them from saving people is Kyle, because he is the strongest among them. Katina couldn't guarantee that she could kill Kyle in one fell swoop, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

As the control fruit was implanted into Zhong Hanliang's body little by little, Katina was also heart-wounded. She couldn't wait to rush up to save her dear husband and prevent him from suffering, otherwise she really didn't know whether Zhong Hanliang would become a running dog in the dark day. But she still gritted her teeth and stopped Yuan Lingxuan. She just waited for the opportunity to kill Kyle.

When Kyle proposed to go out, Katina and Yuan Lingxuan almost shouted out with excitement.

After seeing Kyle walk out of the room, Katina also began to enter the ten-minute countdown. Prepare to do it in ten minutes. Kyle should have gone a long way in ten minutes. Even if he finds something wrong here, he won't have time to stop them when he comes back.


Xiao Yang came out of the dead end and found that he seemed to be lost. The underground base is designed like a maze, and it is even more difficult to find Yuan Lingxuan and Katina. He called Rhubarb many times, but he didn't reply.

Since entering this underground base, Xiao Yang has found a strange phenomenon and has not seen any living person except the three of them. Except for those disgusting fish and beasts, there seems to be nothing else. However, Xiaoyang figured it out. Since it is a secret base, the fewer people who know it, the better. What's more, it's enough to have so many fish and beasts. The most important thing is that they won't reveal the secrets here, and the fish and beasts that appear in Hailou must have run out of here.



Xiao Yang hurriedly found a crack in the rock and hid. He doesn't want to fight with those fish and beasts now. What's more, the killer whale tossed it to death, and now his whole body is bruised.

Although he now knows that the green crystals of the energy nutrient solution can restore fruit energy, he only has two left. This is a life-saving thing, which cannot be easily used at critical times.

"buzz" Xiao Yang once again took out the all-in-one that Zhang's mother gave him, and couldn't help but be ecstatic. The mysterious man actually sent him a map of the underground base. There is also a follow-off of his action plan.

Xiao Yang didn't know how the mysterious man knew his actions, and he didn't have time to carefully consider the context. It's urgent. The only thing he needs to do now is to find a safe exit according to the instructions in the text message to meet Yuan Lingxuan and Kaidina.

Xiao Yang looked at the map carefully, first found his location, and then began to look for the exit. There are two exits marked above. The first exit is the elevator they took. Now it is estimated that the Red Mansion has been surrounded by groups, and then retreating from here is obviously looking for death. This is definitely not possible. The second exit is also in the headquarters of the Dark Day Club. Judging from the mark of the text above, it should be at the rockery in front of the maple forest. It seems that this place should be more suitable for retreating, but the important thing is that this exit is still in the dark meeting, which is almost the same as the first one.

Compared with the map, Xiao Yang also found a long tunnel in the east of the base marked in red on the map. From the map, the tunnel runs through the entire underground base. Because it is too long, it does not indicate where it leads to.

He doesn't know if he wants to listen to this mysterious man. What if this mysterious man has bad intentions? But he thought left and right, and it seemed that there was really no other choice. The previous series of actions of mysterious people were all about helping them. Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and began to run to the marked tunnel.

Xiao Yang avoided the inspection of this fish and beast all the way. Fortunately, the intelligence of these patrolling fish and beasts was much lower than the intelligence of the seahorse beasts, great white sharks and killer whales he met before, otherwise he would not let Xiao Yang avoid it so easily.


Xiao Yang stayed at the entrance of the tunnel and waited anxiously. The finger has been on the button of the metal door at the entrance of the tunnel.

The mysterious plan says that as long as the metal door of the mountain is closed, the * buried outside will explode.

"It's lame, cover us."

In the distance, it can be faintly seen that two weak figures are running towards him quickly. It seems that one of them still carries a person on his back, which should be Zhong Hanliang.

And followed by many fish and beasts.

At the last second, the door of the tunnel just closed. The sound of violent explosions can be heard through thick walls. The narrow maintenance channel, a burst of trembling, and the thick dust covered Xiao Yang, Yuan Lingxuan, Katina and the injured Zhong Hanliang.

"Bah..." Xiao Yang spit out the dust in the mouth and listened attentively to the outside. The continuous sound of explosions has stopped.

Xiao Yang kicked open the slightly deformed metal door. The barrel of the energy assault rifle stretched out, and then poked out its head to observe the results of the explosion.

At this moment, Xiao Yang is sure that the mysterious man's plan is right.

The damage to the corridor outside is very severe. Large pieces of cement fell from the top, and the lighting of the passage was completely destroyed. The bodies of fish and beasts were burned and barely illuminated the passageway. The dark walls were covered with bright red blood and sticky internal organs, and half of the fish and animal carcasses walked casually throughout the passage. The explosion was very successful. Most of the fish and beasts chasing into the passage were blown into pieces, and only a small number of fish and beasts crawled towards him with half of their bodies.

"Sister-in-law, Xuan'er, you take Brother Zhong to go first, and I will be behind."

Suddenly, Xiao Yang stopped the speed of the fish and beast from moving forward. Xiao Yang, who has been in a state of tension, ignored one point. He, who usually uses an energy assault rifle, can only fire a few shots, and his energy will be consumed. At this moment, he has fired more than a dozen shots in a row but has not felt that the energy has dried up.

Xiao Yang walked behind the three people and shot the remaining fish and beasts from time to time. The four of them were thrilled.

Suddenly, the voltage of the lighting began to be unstable, and large areas of lights began to dim, dazzling. Electric sparks splashed on the tall ceiling, and the lamps burst due to unstable voltage. The lobby and elevator were completely out of power. The emergency lights slowly turned on one by one, and the hall became dark and blurred.

"I'll wipe it. It's going to be bad." Xiao Yang cursed. It is clearly written in the mysterious man's plan that a door must be opened at the exit at the end of the tunnel. If there is no power, how can this door be opened?

Xiao Yang was about to turn around and shout to make them run faster. However, a Tianneng car was found, and Yuan Lingxuan and Katina were carrying Zhong Hanliang into the car.

"Fight, why am I so stupid! The tunnel is unimpeded. If you can get on the sky and run, these fish and beasts can't catch up even if they are exhausted. Xiao Yang ran quickly to the Tianneng car.